Canadian Wildlife Service Report Series (All titles ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change)
1 Novakowski, N.S., 1966. Whooping crane population dynamics on the nesting grounds, Wood Buffalo National Park, Northwest Territories, Canada. 20 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1966) |
2 Stephen, W.J. Douglas, 1967. Bionomics of the sandhill crane. 48 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1967) |
3 Ryder, John Pemberton, 1967. The breeding biology of Ross' goose in the Perry River region, Northwest Territories. 56 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1967) |
4 Bendell, J.F. and P. W. Elliott, 1967. Behaviour and the regulation of numbers in blue grouse. 76 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1967) |
5 Harington, C. Richard, 1968. Denning habits of the polar bear (Ursus maritimus Phipps). 30 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1968) |
6 1969. Saskatoon wetlands seminar. 262 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1969) |
7 Bédard, Jean, 1969. Histoire naturelle du Gode, Alca torda, L., dans le golfe Saint-Laurent, province de Québec, Canada. 79 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1969) |
8 Macpherson, A.H., 1969. The dynamics of Canadian arctic fox populations. 52 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1969) |
9 Thomas, Donald C., 1969. Population estimates and distribution of barren-ground caribou in Mackenzie District, N.W.T., Saskatchewan, and Alberta March to May, 1967. 44 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1969) |
10 Soper, J. Dewey, 1970. The mammals of Jasper National Park, Alberta. 80 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1970) |
11 Flook, Donald R., 1970. Causes and implications of an observed sex differential in the survival of wapiti. 71 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1970) |
12 Vermeer, Kees, 1970. Breeding biology of California and ring-billed gulls: a study of ecological adaptations to the inland habitat. 52 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1970) |
13 Manning, T.H., 1971. Geographical variation in the polar bear (Ursus maritimus Phipps). 27 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1971) |
14 1971. Studies of bird hazards to aircraft. 105 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1971) |
15 Kelsall, John P. and William Prescott, 1971. Moose and deer behavior in snow in Fundy National Park, New Brunswick. 25 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1971) |
16 Fowle, C. David, 1972. Effects of phosphamidon on forest birds in New Brunswick. 25 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1972) |
17 Erskine, A.J., 1972. Populations, movements and seasonal distribution of mergansers in northern Cape Breton Island. 36 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change 2015, 1972) |
18 Kiel, William H., Jr., Arthur S. Hawkins and Nolan G. Perret, 1972. Waterfowl habitat trends in the aspen parkland of Manitoba. 63 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1972) |
19 Herlocker, Dennis J. and H. J. Dirschl, 1972. Vegetation of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. 39 p. |
20 Parker, G.R., 1972. Biology of the Kaminuriak Population of barren-ground caribou. Part 1: Total numbers, mortality, recruitment, and seasonal distribution. 95 p. |
21 Kuyt, E., 1972. Food habits and ecology of wolves on barren-ground caribou range in the Northwest Territories. 36 p. |
22 Mundy, K.R.D. and D.R. Flook, 1973. Background for managing grizzly bears in the national parks of Canada. 35 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1973) |
23 Soper, J. Dewey, 1973. The mammals of Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta. 55 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1973) |
24 Sugden, Lawson G., 1973. Feeding ecology of Pintail, Gadwall, American Widgeon and Lesser Scaup ducklings in southern Alberta. 43 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1973) |
25 Poston, H.J., 1974. Home range and breeding biology of the Shoveler. 49 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1974) |
26 Miller, F.L. and E. Broughton, 1974. Calf mortality during 1970 on the calving ground of the Kaminuriak caribou. 26 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1974) |
27 Brown, R.G.B., 1974. Bird damage to fruit crops in the Niagara Peninsula. 57 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1974) |
28 Blokpoel, H., 1974. Migration of Lesser Snow and Blue Geese in spring across southern Manitoba Part 1: Distribution, chronology, directions, numbers, heights and speeds. 30 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1974) |
29 Boyd, H., 1974. Canadian Wildlife Service waterfowl studies in eastern Canada, 1969-73 = Etudes du SCF sur les oiseaux aquatiques dans l'est du Canada, 1969-73. 106 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1974) |
30 Dirschl, H.J., D.L. Dabba and G.C. Gentle, 1974. Landscape classification and plant successional trends in the Peace-Athabasca Delta. 34 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1974) |
31 Miller, F.L., 1974. Biology of the Kaminuriak Population of barren-ground caribou. Part 2: Dentition as an indicator of age and sex composition and socialization of the population. 88 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1974) |
32 Blokpoel, H. and Maureen C. Gauthier, 1975. Migration of Lesser Snow and Blue Geese in spring across southern Manitoba. Part 2: Influence of the weather and prediction of major flights. 30 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1975) |
33 Parker, G.R., 1975. An investigation of caribou range on Southampton Island, Northwest Territories. 83 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1975) |
34 Pearson, Arthur M., 1975. The northern interior grizzly bear Ursus arctos L. 86 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1975) |
35 Kerbes, R.H., 1975. The nesting population of Lesser Snow Geese in the eastern Canadian Arctic: a photographic inventory of June 1973. 47 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1975) |
36 Miller, D.R., 1976. Biology of the Kaminuriak Population of barren-ground caribou. Part 3: Taiga winter range relationships and diet. 42 p. |
37 Miller, J.B., 1976. Wetland classification in western Canada: A guide to marshes and shallow open water wetlands in the grasslands and parklands of the Prairie Provinces. 38 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1976) |
38 Dauphiné, T.C., Jr., 1976. Biology of the Kaminuriak Population of barren-ground Caribou. Part 4: Growth, reproduction and energy reserves. 71 p. |
39 Stelfox, John G., 1976. Range ecology of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. 49 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1976) |
40 Miller, Frank L., Richard H. Russell and Anne Gunn, c1977. Distributions, movements and numbers of Peary caribou and muskoxen on western Queen Elizabeth Islands, Northwest Territories, 1972-74. 55 p. |
41 Erskine, Anthony J., 1977. Birds in Boreal Canada. 73 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1977) |
42 Erskine, Anthony J., 1978. The first ten years of the co-operative Breeding Bird Survey in Canada. 61 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1978) |
43 Boyd, H. and G. H. Finney, eds., 1978. Migratory game bird hunters and hunting in Canada. 127 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1978) |
44 McCracken, Jon D., Michael S.W. Bradstreet and Geoffrey L. Holroyd, 1981. Breeding birds of Long Point, Lake Erie: a study in community succession. 74 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1981) |
45 Carbyn, Ludwig N., ed., 1983. Wolves in Canada and Alaska: their status, biology and management: proceedings of the Wolf Symposium held in Edmonton, Alberta, 12-14 May 1981. 135 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change 2015, 1983) |
46 Gaston, A.J., et al., 1985. A Natural history of Digges Sound. 63 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1985) |
47 Reed, Austin, c1986. Eider ducks in Canada. 177 p. |
Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Series (All titles ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change)
1 1991. Birds protected in Canada under the Migratory Birds Convention Act / Les oiseaux protégés au Canada en vertu de la Loi sur la Convention concernant les oiseaux migrateurs Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 1. 32 p. |
2 1964. Canadian bird names: French, English and scientific / Noms des oiseaux du Canada: noms français, anglais et scientifiques 3rd edition. 32 p. |
3 Benson, Denis A. 1963. Use of aerial surveys by the Canadian Wildlife Service. 35 p. |
4 Tener, John S. 1963. Queen Elizabeth Islands game survey, 1961. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 4. 50 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1963) |
5 Manning, T.H. 1964. Age determination in the polar bear. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 5. 12 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1964) |
6 Benson, Denis A. 1964. Reprinted, 1966. A wildlife biologist looks at sampling, data processing, and computers. 16 p. |
7 Fowle, C. David. 1965. A preliminary report on the effects of phosphamidon on bird populations in central New Brunswick. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 7. 54 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1965) |
8 Boyer, George F., 1972. Birds of Nova Scotia-New Brunswick Border Region. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 8. 2nd ed. 47 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1972) |
9 Fimreite, N. 1971. Effects of dietary methylmercury on Ring-necked Pheasants, with special reference to reproduction. 39 p. |
10 Parker, G.R. 1971. Trends in populations of barren-ground caribou over the last two decades: a re-evaluation of the evidence. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 10. 11 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1971) |
11 Benson, D.A. 1971. The Canada migratory game bird hunting permit and related surveys. 15 p. |
12 Boyd, H.J. 1971. Observations on duck hunting in eastern Canada in 1968 and 1969. 24 p. |
13 Dirschl, H.J. 1972. Evaluation of ecological effects of recent low water levels in the Peace-Athabasca Delta. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 13. 28 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1972) |
14 Erskine, A.J. 1972. The Great Cormorants of eastern Canada. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 14. 23 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1972) |
15 Parker, G.R. 1972. Distribution of barren-ground caribou harvest in north-central Canada from ear-tag returns. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 15. 18 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1972) |
16 Blokpoel, H. 1973. Bird migration forecasts for military air operations. 18 p. |
17 Nieman, D.J. and H.J. Dirschl. 1973. Waterfowl populations on the Peace-Athabasca Delta, 1969 and 1970. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 17. 26 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1973) |
18 Anderson, R.S. and L.G. Raasveldt. 1974. Gammarus predation and the possible effects of Gammarus and Chaoborus feeding on the zooplankton composition in some small lakes and ponds in western Canada. 24 p. |
19 Gilberlson, M. and L. Reynolds. c1974. A summary of DDE and PCB determinations in Canadian birds, 1969 to 1972. 18 p. |
20 Walters, C.J., R. Hilborn, E. Oguss, R.M. Peterman and J.M. Stander. c1974. Development of a simulation model of Mallard Duck populations. 35 p. |
21 Rick, A.M. 1975. Use of museum specimens in toxic chemical research. 21 p. |
22 Whitman, W.R. 1976. Impoundments for waterfowl. 22 p. |
23 Fyfe, R.W. and R. R. Olendorff. 1976. Minimizing the dangers of nesting studies to raptors and other sensitive species. 17 p. |
24 Sugden, L.G. 1976. Waterfowl damage to Canadian grain: current problems and research needs. 25 p. |
25 Nettleship, D.N. 1976. Census techniques for seabirds of arctic and eastern Canada. 33 p. |
26 Jonkel, Charles, Pauline Smith, Ian Stirling and George B. Kolenosky. 1976. Notes on the present status of the polar bear in James Bay and Belcher Islands area. |
27 Anderson, R. Stewart and Roderick B. Green, 1976. Limnological and planktonic studies in the Waterton Lakes, Alberta. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 27. 41 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1976) |
28 Manning, T.H. c1976. Birds and mammals of the Belcher, Sleeper, Ottawa, and King George Islands, Northwest Territories. 42 p. |
29 Sen, A.R. 1976. Developments in PPS sampling Impact on current research. 22 p. |
30 Wood, Thomas J. and Stanley A. Munroe. 1977. Dynamics of snowshoe hare populations in the Maritime Provinces. 21 p. |
31 Donald, D.B. and A. H. Kooyman. 1977. Migration and population dynamics of the Peace-Athabasca Delta goldeye population. 21 p. |
32 Kelsall, John P., E. S. Telfer and Thomas D. Wright. 1977. The effects of fire on the ecology of the Boreal Forest, with particular reference to the Canadian north: a review and selected bibliography. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 32. 58 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1977) |
33 Ian Stirling; et al., 1977. The Ecology of the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) along the western coast of Hudson Bay. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 33. 64 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1977) |
34 Lawson G. 1978. Canvasback habitat use and production in Saskatchewan parklands. 32 p. |
35 Parker, Gerald R. 1978. The diets of muskoxen and Peary caribou on some islands of the Canadian High Arctic. 20 p. |
36 Sorensen, Michael F. 1978. Observations of Mallards in the parkland of Alberta. 22 p. |
37 Langford, William A. and Donald J. Cocheba. c1978. The wildlife valuation problem: A critical review of economic approaches. 37 p. |
38 Adams, G.D. and G.C. Gentle. c1978. Spatial changes in waterfowl habitat, 1964-74, on two land types in the Manitoba Newdale Plain. 29 p. |
39 Nettleship, D.N. and A.J. Gaston. 1978. Patterns of pelagic distribution of seabirds in western Lancaster Sound and Barrow Strait, Northwest Territories, in August and September 1976. 40 p. |
40 Miller, Frank L. and Anne Gunn. 1979. Responses of Peary caribou and muskoxen to helicopter harassment. 90 p. |
41 DesGranges, J.-L., 1980. Avian community structure of six forest stands in La Mauricie National Park, Quebec. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 41. 32 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1980) |
41 DesGranges, J.-L., 1980. Des communautés aviennes du Parc national de la Mauricie, Québec. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 41. 32 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1980) |
42 Stirling, Ian and H.P.L. Kiliaan. c1980. Population ecology studies of the polar bear in northern Labrador. 21 p. |
42 Stirling, Ian and H.P.L. Kiliaan. c1980. Études écologiques de la population d'ours blancs dans le nord du Labrador. 21 p. |
43 Birkhead, T.R. and D.N. Nettleship. c1980. Census methods for murres, Uria species: a unified approach. 25 p. |
43 Birkhead, T.R. and D.N. Nettleship. c1980. Méthodes de recensement des marmettes, espèce Uria: une approche unifiée. 25 p. |
44 Stirling, Ian, Wendy Calvert and Dennis Andriashek. c1980. Population ecology studies of the polar bear in the area of southeastern Baffin Island. 33 p. |
44 Stirling, Ian, Wendy Calvert and Dennis Andriashek. c1980. Études écologiques de la population d'ours blancs dans le sud-est de l'île Baffin. 33 p. |
45 Stirling, Ian and Holly Cleator, eds. c1981. Polynyas in the Canadian Arctic. 73 p. |
45 Stirling, Ian and Holly Cleator, eds. c1981. Les polynies dans l'Arctique canadien. 73 p. |
46 Boyd, H., G.E.J. Smith and F.G. Cooch. c1982. The lesser snow geese of the eastern Canadian arctic: their status during 1964-79 and their management from 1981 to 1990. 25 p. |
46 Boyd, H., G.E.J. Smith and F.G. Cooch. c1982. Les petites oies blanches de l'est de l'Arctique canadien: leurs populations de 1964 à 1979 et leur gestion de 1981 à 1990. 25 p. |
47 Stirling, Ian, Michael Kingsley and Wendy Calvert. c1982. The distribution and abundance of seals in the eastern Beaufort Sea, 1974-79. 25 p. |
47 Stirling, Ian, Michael Kingsley and Wendy Calvert. c1982. Répartition et abondance des phoques dans la partie orientale de la mer de Beaufort, 1974-1979. 25 p. |
48 Miller, F.L., E.J. Edmonds and A. Gunn. c1982. Foraging behaviour of Peary caribou in response to springtime snow and ice conditions. 41 p. |
48 Miller, F.L., E.J. Edmonds and A. Gunn. c1982. Le comportement alimentaire du caribou de Peary selon les conditions de la neige et de la glace au printemps. 41 p. |
49 Sen, A.R. c1982. A review of some important techniques in sampling wildlife. 17 p. |
49 Sen, A.R. c1982. Étude de quelques techniques importantes d'échantillonnage de la faune. 17 p. |
50 Boyd, Hugh. 1983. Intensive regulation of duck hunting in North America: its purpose and achievements. 24 p. |
50 Boyd, Hugh. 1983. Réglementation intensive de la chasse aux canards en Amérique du Nord: but et réalisations. 24 p. |
51 Filion, Fern L. and Shane A.D. Parker. c1984. Human dimensions of migratory game-bird hunting in Canada. 34 p. |
51 Filion, Fern L. and Shane A.D. Parker. c1984. Dimension humaine de la chasse aux oiseaux-gibier migrateurs au Canada. 34 p. |
52 Hochbaum, G.S. and C.J. Walters. c1984. Components of hunting mortality in ducks: a management analysis. 29 p. |
52 Hochbaum, G.S. and C.J. Walters. c1984. Éléments de la mortalité attribuable à la chasse chez le canard: une analyse de gestion. 29 p. |
53 Gaston, A.J. and G.E.J. Smith. c1984. The interpretation of aerial surveys for seabirds: some effects of behaviour. 20 p. |
53 Gaston, A.J. and G.E.J. Smith. c1984. Interprétation des relevés aériens d'oiseaux de mer : certains effets du comportement. 20 p. |
54 Curtis, S.G., D.G. Dennis and H. Boyd, eds. c1984. Waterfowl studies in Ontario, 1973-81. 71 p. |
54 Curtis, S.G., D.G. Dennis and H. Boyd, eds. c1984. Études sur les oiseaux aquatiques en Ontario, de 1973 à 1981. 71 p. |
55 Boyd, H. c1985. The reported kill of ducks and geese in Canada and the USA, 1974-82. 22 p. |
55 Boyd, H. c1985. Prises déclarées de canards, d'oies et de bernaches au Canada et aux États-Unis, de 1974 à 1982. 22 p. |
56 Barr, J.F. c1986. Population dynamics of the common loon (Gavia immer) associated with mercury-contaminated waters in northwestern Ontario. 25 p. |
56 Barr, J.F. c1986. La dynamique des populations de Huards à collier (Gavia immer) et les eaux contaminées au mercure dans le nord-ouest de l'Ontario. 25 p. |
57 Blokpoel, H. and G.D. Tessier. c1986. The ring-billed gull in Ontario: a review of a new problem species. 34 p. |
57 Blokpoel, H. and G.D. Tessier. c1986. Le goéland à bec cerclé en Ontario: une nouvelle espèce problème. 34 p. |
58 Butler, Robert W., Brian G. Stushnoff and Edward McMackin. c1986. The birds of the Creston Valley and southeastern British Columbia. 37 p. |
58 Butler, Robert W., Brian G. Stushnoff and Edward McMackin. c1986. Les oiseaux de la vallée de Creston et du sud-est de la Colombie Britannique. 37 p. |
59 Gaston, A.J., B.T. Collins and A.W. Diamond. c1987. Estimating densities of birds at sea and the proportion in flight from counts made on transects of indefinite width. 16 p. |
59 Gaston, A.J., B.T. Collins and A.W. Diamond. c1987. Estimation de la densité des oiseaux en mer et de la proportion des oiseaux en vol à partir des dénombrements effectués sur des transects de largeur indéterminée. 16 p. |
60 Erskine, Anthony J., ed. 1987. Waterfowl breeding population surveys, Atlantic Provinces. 82 p. |
60 Erskine, Anthony J., ed. 1987. Les dénombrements de populations reproductrices d'oiseaux aquatiques dans les provinces de l'Atlantique. 82 p. |
61 Reed, A., P. Dupuis and G.E.J. Smith. 1987. A survey of lesser snow geese on Southampton and Baffin Islands, N.W.T., 1979. 24 p. |
61 Reed, A., P. Dupuis and G.E.J. Smith. 1987. Dénombrement de petites oies blanches dans les îles Southampton et de Baffin, T.N.-O., en 1979. 24 p. |
62 McNicol, D.K., B.E. Bendell and R.K. Ross. 1987. Studies of the effects of acidification on aquatic wildlife in Canada: waterfowl and trophic relationships in small lakes in northern Ontario. 76 p. |
62 McNicol, D.K., B.E. Bendell and R.K. Ross. 1987. Étude des effets de l'acidification sur la faune aquatique au Canada: rapports entre la sauvagine et les niveaux trophiques de petits lacs du nord de l'Ontario. 76 p. |
63 Reynolds, H.W. and A.W.L. Hawley. 1987. Bison ecology in relation to agricultural development in the Slave River lowlands, NWT. 74 p. |
64 Gauvin, J. and A. Reed. c1987. A simulation model for the Greater Snow Goose population. 28 p. |
64 Gauvin, J. and A. Reed. c1987. Un modèle pour la simulation de la population des grandes oies blanches. 28 p. |
65 Butler, Robert W. and R. Wayne Campbell. 1987. The birds of the Fraser River delta: populations, ecology and international significance. 73 p. |
66 Miller, Frank L., Eric Broughton and Anne Gunn. 1988. Mortality of migratory barren-ground caribou on the calving grounds of the Beverly herd, Northwest Territories, 1981-83. 26 p. |
67 Desgranges, Jean-Luc, ed. c1989. Studies of the effects of acidification on aquatic wildlife in Canada: lacustrine birds and their habitats in Quebec. 70 p. |
68 Montevecchi, W.A. and A.J. Gaston, eds. 1991. Studies of high-latitude seabirds. 1, behavioural, energetic, and oceanographic aspects of seabird feeding ecology. |
69 Gaston, A.J. and R.D. Elliot, eds. 1991. Studies of high-latitude seabirds. 2, conservation biology of thick-billed murres in the Northwest Atlantic. |
70 Dignard, N., et al. c1991. Habitats of the northeast coast of James Bay. 27 p. |
70 Dignard, N., et al. c1991. Les habitats côtiers du nord-est de la baie James. 27 p. |
71 Alexander, Stuart A., Robert S. Ferguson and Kevin J. McCormick. c1991. Key migratory bird terrestrial habitat sites in the Northwest Territories. 184 p. |
72 Morgan, K.H., K. Vermeer and R.W. McKelvey. c1991. Atlas of pelagic birds of western Canada. 72 p. |
73 Dickson, D. Lynne. c1992. The red-throated loon as an indicator of environmental quality. 20 p. |
73 Dickson, D. Lynne. c1992. Le huart à gorge rousse comme indicateur de la qualité de l'environnement. 20 p. |
74 Kuyt, E. c1992. Aerial radio-tracking of whooping cranes migrating between Wood Buffalo National Park and Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, 1981-84. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 74. 53 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1992) |
75 Vermeer, Kees, Robert W. Butler and Ken H. Morgan, eds. c1992. The Ecology, status, and conservation of marine and shoreline birds on the west coast of Vancouver Island. 136 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change 2015, 1992) |
76 Bishop, Christine A. and Karen E. Pettit, eds. c1992. Declines in Canadian amphibian populations: designing a national monitoring strategy. 120 p. |
77 c1991-2002. Studies of high-latitude seabirds. 3, a model of the energy demands of the seabirds of eastern and Arctic Canada. |
78 Gebauer, Martin B., Robert Z. Dobos and D. Vaughn Weseloh. c1993. Historical review of water bird populations and annotated list of water birds associated with Burlington Bay, Lake Ontario, 1857-1990. 44 p. |
79 Woo, Ming-Ko, Robert D. Rowsell and Robert G. Clark. c1993. Hydrological classification of Canadian prairie wetlands and prediction of wetland inundation in response to climatic variability. 24 p. |
80 Gaston, Anthony J. c1993. Monitoring thick-billed murre populations at colonies in northern Hudson Bay, 1972-92. 16 p. |
81 Kerbes, Richard H. c1994. Colonies and numbers of Ross' geese and lesser snow geese in the Queen Maud Gulf Migratory Bird Sanctuary. 47 p. |
82 Flemming, Stephen P., ed. 1994. The 1991 international piping plover census in Canada. 59 p. |
83 Butler, Robert W. and Kees Vermeer, eds. c1994. The abundance and distribution of estuarine birds in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. 78 p. |
84 Turner, Bruce, et al. c1994. Wintering populations of lesser snow geese and Ross' geese in the northern highlands of Mexico, 1988-1990. 21 p. |
85 Ewins, Peter J., et al. c1994. Caspian terns on the Great Lakes: organochlorine contamination, reproduction, diet and population changes, 1972-91. 30 p. |
86 Butler, Robert W. c1995. The patient predator: foraging and population ecology of the Great blue heron Ardea herodias in British Columbia. 44 p. |
87 Bélanger, Luc and Denis Lehoux. c1995. Use of various habitat types by nesting ducks on islands in the St. Lawrence River between Montréal and Trois-Rivières. 26 p. |
87 Bélanger, Luc and Denis Lehoux. c1995. L'utilisation de divers habitats par les anatinés en période de nidification: les îles du fleuve Saint-Laurent situées entre Montréal et Trois-Rivières. 26 p. |
88 Scheuhammer, A.M. and S.L. Norris, c1995. A review of the environmental impacts of lead shotshell ammunition and lead fishing weights in Canada. 54 p. |
88 Scheuhammer, A.M. and S.L. Norris, c1995. Examen des impacts environnementaux de la grenaille et des plombs de pêche en plomb au Canada. 54 p. |
89 Sirois, J., M.A. Fournier and M.F. Kay. c1995. The colonial waterbirds of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories: an annotated atlas. 59 p. |
90 Reed, Austin, et al. c1995. Duck use of the coastal habitats of Northeastern James Bay. 47 p. |
90 Reed, Austin, et al. c1995. Utilisation des habitats côtiers du nord-est de la baie James par les canards. 47 p. |
91 Montevecchi, W.A., ed. c1991-c1996. Studies of high-latitude seabirds. 4, Trophic relationships and energetics of endotherms in cold ocean systems. 73 p. |
92 Reed, Austin, et al. c1996. Goose use of the coastal habitats of northeastern James Bay. 35 p. |
92 Reed, Austin, et al. c1996. Utilisation des habitats côtiers du nord-est de la baie James par les bernaches. 35 p. |
93 Vermeer, Kees, and Ken H. Morgan, eds. The ecology, status and conservation of marine and shoreline birds of the Queen Charlotte Islands. 150 p. |
94 Dickson, D. Lynne, ed. c1997. King and Common eiders of the western Canadian Arctic. 75 p. |
95 Dunn, Erica H., Michael D. Cadman and J. Bruce Falls, eds. c1995. Monitoring bird populations: the Canadian experience. 62 p. |
96 Donaldson, Garry M, et al. c1997. Winter distribution of thick-billed murres from the eastern Canadian Arctic and western Greenland in relation to age and time of year. 26 p. |
97 Alexander, Stuart A. and Cheri L. Gratto-Trevor. c1997. Shorebird migration and staging at a large prairie lake and wetland complex: the Quill Lakes, Saskatchewan. 47 p. |
98 Kerbes, Richard H., Katherine M. Meeres and James E. Hines, eds. c1999. Distribution, survival, and numbers of lesser snow geese of the western Canadian Arctic and Wrangel Island, Russia. 120 p. |
99 Fournier, Michael A. and James E. Hines. c1999. Breeding ecology of the Horned Grebe Podiceps auritus in subarctic wetlands. 32 p. |
100 Goudie, R. Ian, Margaret R. Petersen and Gregory J. Robertson, eds. c1999. Behaviour and ecology of sea ducks. 88 p. |
101 Johnston, Victoria H., Cheri L. Gratto-Trevor and Stephen T. Pepper. c2000. Assessment of bird populations in the Rasmussen Lowlands, Nunavut. 56 p. |
102 Boyd, Hugh, ed. c2000. Population modelling and management of snow geese. 36 p. |
102 Boyd, Hugh, ed. c2000. Modélisation et gestion de la population d'Oies des neiges. 36 p. |
103 Dickson, Katherine M., ed. c2000. Towards conservation of the biodiversity of Canada geese (Branta canadensis). 168 p. |
104 Morrison, R.I.G., et al. c2000. Estimates of shorebird populations in North America. 63 p. |
105 Chapdelaine, Gilles, et al. c2001. Status and population trends of the Razorbill in eastern North America. 21 p. |
106 Gaston, A.J. c2002. Studies of high-latitude seabirds. 5, Monitoring thick-billed murres in the eastern Canadian Arctic, 1976-2000. 52 p. |
107 Boyd, H., H. Lévesque and K.M. Dickson. c2002. Changes in reported waterfowl hunting activity and kill in Canada and the United States, 1985-1998. 24 p. |
107 Boyd, H., H. Lévesque and K.M. Dickson. c2002. Changements dans les activités de chasse et d'abattage de la sauvagine déclarées au Canada et aux États-Unis, de 1985 à 1998. 24 p. |
108 Scheuhammer, A.M., et al. c2003. Lead fishing sinkers and jigs in Canada: review of their use patterns and toxic impacts on wildlife. 48 p. |
108 Scheuhammer, A.M., et al. c2003. Les pesées et les turluttes de plomb au Canada : examen de leur utilisation et de leurs effets toxiques sur les espèces sauvages. 48 p. |
109 Mallory, Mark L. and Alain J. Fontaine. 2004. Key marine habitat sites for migratory birds in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. 92 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 2004) |
109 Mallory, Mark L. and Alain J. Fontaine. 2004. Habitats marins clés pour les oiseaux migrateurs au Nunavut et dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest. 97 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 2004) |
110 Banash, Ursula and Geoff Holroyd, eds. 2004. The 1995 Peregrine Falcon survey in Canada. 43 p. |
110 Banash, Ursula and Geoff Holroyd, eds. 2004. Relevé de 1995 du Faucon pèlerin au Canada. 43 p. |
111 Didiuk, Andrew B. and Robert S. Ferguson. 2005. Land cover mapping of Queen Maud Gulf Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Nunavut. 32 p. |
111 Didiuk, Andrew B. and Robert S. Ferguson. 2005. Carte de la couverture terrestre du Refuge d'oiseaux migrateurs du golfe Reine-Maud, Nunavut. 32 p. |
112 Hines, James E. and Myra O. Wiebe Robertson, eds. 2006. Surveys of geese and swans in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Western Canadian Arctic, 1989-2001. 73 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 2006) |
112 Hines, James E. and Myra O. Wiebe Robertson, eds. 2006. Relevés d'oies, de bernaches et de cygnes dans la région désignée des Inuvialuits, ouest de l'Arctique canadien, 1989-2001. 73 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 2006) |
113 DesGranges, Jean-Luc and Alain Desrosiers. 2006. Breeding distribution and population trends of the Great Blue Heron in Quebec, 1977-2001. 29 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change 2006) |
113 DesGranges, Jean-Luc and Alain Desrosiers. 2006. Répartition des Grands Hérons nicheurs et tendances démographiques au Québec, 1977-2001. 29 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change 2006) |
114 Latour, P.B., et al. 2008. Key migratory bird terrestrial habitat sites in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. 3rd ed. 120 p. |
114 Latour, P.B., et al. 2008. Habitats terrestres clés pour les oiseaux migrateurs dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest et au Nunavut. 3rd ed. 120 p. |
115 Samelius, Gustaf, Ray T. Alisauskas and James E. Hines. c2008. Productivity of Lesser Snow Geese on Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, in 1995-1998. 32 p. |
115 Samelius, Gustaf, Ray T. Alisauskas and James E. Hines. c2008. La productivité des petites oies des neiges sur l'île Banks (Territoires du Nord-Ouest), Canada, de 1995 à 1998. 32 p. |
116 DesGranges, Jean-Luc, Jean Rodrigue and Louise Champoux. 2009. Geographic distribution of selected contaminants in Great Blue Herons from the St. Lawrence River system, Québec (1989-1994). 18 p. |
116 DesGranges, Jean-Luc, Jean Rodrigue and Louise Champoux. 2009. Distribution géographique d'une sélection de contaminants chez les Grands Hérons du système du fleuve Saint-Laurent, au Québec (1989-1994). 18 p. |
117 Johnston Victoria H. and Stephen T. Pepper. 2009. The birds of Prince Charles Island and Air Force Island, Foxe Basin, Nunavut. 52 p. |
117 Johnston Victoria H. and Stephen T. Pepper. 2009. Les oiseaux des îles Prince-Charles et Air Force dans le bassin Foxe au Nunavut. 52 p. |
118 Hines, J.E., P.B. Latour and C.S. Machtans. 2010. The effects on lowland habitat, breeding shorebirds and songbirds in the Banks Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary Number 1 by the growing colony of lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens). 40 p. |
118 Hines, J.E., P.B. Latour and C.S. Machtans. 2010. Effets de la population grandissante des Petites Oies des neiges (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) sur l'habitat des basses terres, les oiseaux de rivage nicheurs et les oiseaux chanteurs dans le Refuge d'oiseaux migrateurs n° 1 de l'île Banks. 40 p. |
119 Fontaine, Alain J. and Mark L. Mallory. 2011. Detection and classification of land cover classes of Southampton Island, Nunavut, using landsat ETM+ data. 104 p. |
119 Fontaine, Alain J. and Mark L. Mallory. 2011. Détection et classification des catégories de couverture terrestre de l'île Southampton, au Nunavut, à l'aide des données du Landsat ETM+. 104 p. |
Canadian Wildlife Service Technical Report Series (All titles ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change)
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Thomas, Peter W., Laura A. McFarlane Tranquilla, Brad E. Toms, Andrew W. Boyne, Gregory J. Robertson, Paul M. Regular, and Sabina I. Wilhelm. Second census of terns, gulls, kittiwakes and cormorants along the coast of insular Newfoundland, 2005-2007 (February 2014)
Thomas, Peter W., Laura A. McFarlane Tranquilla, Brad E. Toms, Andrew W. Boyne, Gregory J. Robertson, Paul M. Regular, and Sabina I. Wilhelm. Deuxième recensement des sternes, goélands, mouettes et cormorans le long de la côte de l'île de Terre-Neuve, de 2005 à 2007 (February 2014)
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Davis, Nicolle, et al. Census of terns and other colonial waterbirds along the Gulf of St. Lawrence Coast of New Brunswick - 2010 (2011)
Davis, Nicolle, et al. Recensement des sternes et d'autres oiseaux aquatiques coloniaux le long de la côte du Nouveau-Brunswick donnant sur le golfe du Saint-Laurent - 2010 (2011)
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Benoît, Anne, Andrea Dykstra, Cheyenne Francis, John James Gould, Michelle Knockwood, Patricia Knockwood, Franklin Levi, Adele Levi, Catherine Paul and Brian Prosper. Mi'kmaq knowledge of species at risk in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island (2010)
Benoît, Anne, Andrea Dykstra, Cheyenne Francis, John James Gould, Michelle Knockwood, Patricia Knockwood, Franklin Levi, Adele Levi, Catherine Paul and Brian Prosper. Connaissances des Mi'kmaq sur les espèces en péril du Nouveau-Brunswick, de la Nouvelle-Écosse et de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard (2010)
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Busby, D., P.J. Austin-Smith Sr., R. Curley, A. Diamond, T. Duffy, M. Elderkin, S. Makepeace, D. Diamond, R. Melanson, C. Staicer and B. Whittam. Partners in Flight Canada : Maritime Canada Landbird Conservation Plan prepared by Partners in Flight, Maritime Canada Landbird Conservation Working Group. (February 2006)
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Harris, M.L., M.R. van den Heuvel, J. Rouse, P.A. Martin, J. Struger, C.A. Bishop and P. Takacs. Pesticides in Ontario: A critical assessment of potential toxicity of agricultural products to wildlife, with consideration for endocrine disruption. Volume 1 : Endosulfan, EBDC fungicides, Dinitroanaline herbicides, 1,3-Dichloropropene, Azinphos-methyl, and pesticide mixtures (2000)
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Braune, B.M., B.J. Malone, N.M. Burgess, J.E. Elliott, N. Garrity, J. Hawkings, J. Hines, H. Marshall, W.K. Marshall, J. Rodrigue, B. Wakeford, M. Wayland, D.V. Weseloh and P.E. Whitehead. Chemical residues in waterfowl and gamebirds harvested in Canada, 1987-95 (1999)
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Miller, Frank L. Peary caribou and muskoxen on Bathurst, Alexander, Marc, Massey, Vanier, Cameron, Helena, Lougheed, and Edmund Walker Islands, Northwest Territories, July 1985 (1987)
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Canadian Wildlife Service Wildlife Management Bulletins (All titles ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change)
Series 1 Mammals |
 | 1 Banfield, A.W.F., 1947. The mammals of Waterton Lakes National Park. 48 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1947) |
2 Fuller, W.A. 1951. Natural history and economic importance of the muskrat in the Athabasca-Peace Delta, Wood Buffalo Park. 82 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1951) |
 | 3 Soper, J. Dewey, 1951. The mammals of Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada. 24 p. |
4 Banfield, A.W.F. 1951. Populations and movements of the Saskatchewan timber wolf (Canis lupus knightii) in Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan, 1947 to 1951. 21 p. |
 | 5 Soper, J.D. 1952. The mammals of Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada. 48 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1952) |
6 Colls. D.G. 1952. Surveys of elk and other wildlife in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, 1950-51 and 1952. 25 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1952) |
 | 7 Soper, J.D. 1952. The mammals of Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada. 34 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1952) |
8 Stevens, W.E. 1953. The northwestern muskrat of the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, 1947-48. 40 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1953) |
 | 9 Tener. J.S. 1954. A preliminary study of the muskoxen of Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories. 34 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1954) |
10A Banfield, A.W.F. 1954. Preliminary investigation of the barren-ground caribou. Part 1. Former and present distribution, migrations, and status. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1954) |
 | 10B Banfield, A.W.F. 1954. Preliminary investigation of the barren-ground caribou. Part 2. Life history, ecology, and utilization. 35 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1954) |
11 Fuller, William. 1955. Wolf control operations, Wood Buffalo National Park, 1951-52. 20 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1955) |
 | 12 Kelsall, John P. 1957. Continued barren-ground caribou studies. 148 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1957) |
13 Webb, Robert. 1957. Range studies in Banff National Park, 1953. 24 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1957) |
 | 14 Loughrey, Alan G. 1959. Preliminary investigation of the Atlantic walrus (Oclobenus rosmarus rosmarus). 123 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1959) |
15 Kelsall, John P. 1960. Co-operative studies of barren-ground caribou, 1957-58. 145 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1960) |
 | 16 William A. Fuller, William A. 1962. Reprinted 1966. The biology and management of the bison of Wood Buffalo National Park. 52 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1966) |
17 Soper, J.D. 1961. The mammals of Manitoba. 51 p. |
 | 18 Scotter, George W. 1964. Effects of forest fires on the winter range of barren-ground caribou in northern Saskatchewan. 111 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1964) |
19 Blood, Donald A. 1966. Range relationships of elk and cattle in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba. 62 p. (2017, ©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Canada) |
Series 2 Birds |
 | 1 Kelsall, J.P. 1950. A study of the bird populations in the apple orchards of the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia. 69 p. |
2 Soper, J.D. 1951. Waterfowl and related investigations in the Peace-Athabasca Delta region of Alberta. 63 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1951) |
 | 3 Soper, J.D. 1952. The birds of Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada. 60 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1952) |
4 Soper, J.D. 1952. The birds of Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan. Canadian Wildlife Service Wildlife Management Bulletin Series 2, Number 4. 83 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1952) |
 | 5 Pimlott, D.H. 1952. The economic status of the herring gulls of the Grand Manan Archipelago, New Brunswick. 76 p. |
6 Soper, J.D. 1953. The birds of Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada. 54 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1953) |
 | 7 Soper, J.D. 1954. Waterfowl and other ornithological investigations in Yukon Territory, Canada, 1950. 55 p. |
8 Cowan, Ian McTaggart. 1955. Birds of Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada. 66 p. |
 | 9 Carter, Brian C. 1958. The American goldeneye in central New Brunswick. 47 p. |
10 Cooch, F.G. 1965. The breeding biology and management of the northern eider (Somateria mollissima borealis) in the Cape Dorset area, Northwest Territories. 68 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment) |
Series 3 Fish |
 | 1 Solman, V.E.F. 1950. Prince Albert National Park creel census analysis, season 1948. 29 p. |
2 Solman, V.E.F. 1950. Limnological investigation of Fundy (New Brunswick) National Park, 1948. 48 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment) |
 | 3 Solman, V.E.F. 1951. Reprinted 1954. Limnological investigations in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia, 1947. 49 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment) |
4 Schultz, F.H. 1955. Investigation of the spawning of northern pike in Prince Albert National Park, 1953. 21 p. |
 | 5 Cuerrier, J.-P. and F.H. Schutlz, 1957. Studies in lake trout and common whitefish in Waterton Lakes, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta. 41 p. (©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment) |
Canadian Wildlife Service Progress notes (All titles ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change)
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National Museum of Canada Bulletins
 | Banfield, A.W.F., 1958. Mammals of Banff National Park. National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 159, Biological Series No. 57 53 p. |
Banfield, A.W.F., 1961. Notes on the Mammals of the Kluane Game Sanctuary, Yukon Territory. Reprint from National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 172, Contributions to Zoology, 1959. 8 p. |
 | Cameron, Austin W., 1958. Canadian Mammals. National Museum of Canada 82 p. |
Federal-Provincial Wildlife Conferences
Wildlife Management Papers Delivered at the Twenty-First to Twenty-Fourth Federal-Provincial Wildlife Conferences Held in Ottawa 1957, St. John's 1958, Ottawa 1959, Regina 1960 (Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1961)
1961 Wildlife Management Papers Delivered in Ottawa at the Twenty-Fifth Federal-Provincial Wildlife Conference (Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1962)
Summary notes and papers of the Thirtieth Federal-Provincial Wildlife Conference held in Quebec, P.Q., July 12 to 14, 1966 (Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1966)
Transactions of the Thirty-first Federal-Provincial Wildlife Conference held in Ottawa, Ontario July 11 to 13, 1967 (Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1967)
Transactions of the Thirty-second Federal-Provincial Wildlife Conference held in Whitehorse, Y.T. July 9 to 11, 1968 (Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1968)
Transactions of the Thirty-third Federal-Provincial Wildlife Conference held in Edmonton, Alberta July 8-10, 1969 (Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1970)
Transactions of the Thirty-fourth Federal-Provincial Wildlife Conference held in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories July 14-16, 1970 (Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, c1971)
Transactions of the Thirty-fifth Federal-Provincial Wildlife Conference held in Toronto, Ontario July 6 to 8, 1971 (Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1972)
Transactions of the Thirty-sixth Federal-Provincial Wildlife Conference held in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia July 11 to 14, 1972 (Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1972)
Transactions of the Thirty-seventh Federal-Provincial Wildlife Conference held in Ottawa, Ontario July 9 to 12, 1973 (Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1974)
Additional Wildlife Reports
A Biophysical Inventory of the Reptiles and Amphibians of Elk Island National Park (Gordon R. Burns, September 1986)
A Comprehensive Review of the Ecological and Human Social Effects of Artificial Feeding and Baiting of Wildlife (L. Dunkley and M.R.L. Cattet, Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre for Parks Canada and Saskatchewan Environment, February 2003)
A description and analysis of wildlife mortality on transportation corridors in Jasper National Park, Canada (University of Alberta Libraries, 2002)
A survey of brucellosis and tuberculosis in bison in and around Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada (Stacy V. Tessaro, Lorry B. Forbes and Claude Turcotte, Canadian Veterinary Journal, v31, March 1990)
Alternatives for bison management in Banff National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 1989)
American Bison: Status Survey and Conservation Guidelines 2010 (C. Cormack Gates, Curtis H. Freese, Peter J.P. Gogan and Mandy Kotzman, eds., 2010, ©International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources)
An Investigation into the Foraging Ecology and Causes of Chick Mortality of the Nesting Whooping Crane (Grus americana) in Wood Buffalo National Park (Doug Bergeson, undated)
Analysis of pond food webs in the Whooping crane nesting area, Wood Buffalo National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 2002)
An analysis of memorable wildlife encounters in Elk Island National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 1999)
An Outbreak Of Tularaemia In Beaver And Muskrat In Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta (E.V. Langford, Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Science, v18(1), January 1954)
Anthrax in bison in Wood Buffalo National Park (Eric Broughton, Canadian Veterinary Journal, v33(2), February 1992)
Anthrax in free-ranging bison in the Prince Albert National Park area of Saskatchewan in 2008 (Todd K. Shury, Canadian Veterinary Journal, v50(2), February 2009)
Aspects of the epidemiology of anthrax in Wood Buffalo National Park and environs (Robert S. Gainer and J. Robert Saunders, Canadian Veterinary Journal, v30(12), December 1989)
Assessing Potential Habitat and Carrying Capacity for Reintroduction of Plains Bison (Bison bison bison) in Banff National Park (Robin Steenweg, Mark Hebblewhite, David Gummer, Brian Low and Bill Hunt, PLoS One, 2016)
Augmentation of American Marten on Northern Cape Breton Island, Progress Report 2006-2008 (James Bridgland and Peter Austin-Smith, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, January 2008)
Augmentation of American Marten on Northern Cape Breton Island, Progress Report 2009 (James Bridgland and Peter Austin-Smith, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, March 2009)
Augmentation of American Marten on Northern Cape Breton Island, Progress Report 2010 (James Bridgland and Peter Austin-Smith, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, February 2010)
Banff Bison Restoration: Summary of a Proposal by the Eleanor Luxton Historical Foundation (Eleanor Luxton Historical Foundation, September 8, 2010)
Banff Wildlife Crossings Project: Integrating Science and Education in Restoring Population Connectivity Across Transportation Corridors (Anthony P. Clevenger, Adam T. ford and Michael A. Sawaya, for Parks Canada, June 11, 2009)
Bear Management Plans in Canadian National Parks: Fifteen Essential Elements Thesis (©John Stuart Taylor, University of Calgary, May 1984)
Behavioral ecology of sympatric wolves (Canis lupus) and coyotes (C. latrans) in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba (University of Alberta Libraries, 1989)
Benthic Responses to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Deposition on Alpine Ponds in Banff National Park: A Replicated Whole-Ecosystem Experiment (University of Alberta Libraries, 2012)
Bird watchers of Point Pelee National Park, Ontario: their characteristics and activities, with special consideration to their social and resource impacts (University of Alberta Libraries, 1989)
Bovine tuberculosis in elk (Cervus elaphus manitobensis) near Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, from 1992 to 2002 (V. Wayne Lees, Shelagh Copeland and Pat Rousseau, Candian Veterinary Journal, v44(1), Octoer 2003)
Brucellosis in Bison, Elk, and Moose in Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada (A.H. Corner and Robert Connell, Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine, v22(1), January 1958)
Canada's Wild Buffalo (Maxwell Graham and F.V. Seibert, Department of the Interior/North West Territories and Yukon Branch, 1923)
Canadian Rockies Carnivore Monitoring Project: Examining Trends in Carnivore Populations and their Prey Using Remote Cameras. Year 1 Progress Report, 2011-2012 (Robin Steenweg, Jesse Whittington and Mark Hebblewhite, August 2012)
Canadian Rockies Remote Camera Multi-Species Occupancy Project: Examining trends in carnivore populations and their prey using remote cameras in Banff, Jasper, Kootenay, Yoho and Waterton Lakes National Park. Final Report (Robin Steenweg, Jesse Whittington and Mark Hebblewhite, March 31, 2015)
Consequences of a Refuge for the Predator-Prey Dynamics of a Wolf-Elk System in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada (Joshua F. Goldberg, Mark Hebblewhite and John Bardsley, PLos One, v9(3), 2014)
Conserving Borderline Species: A Partnership between the United States and Canada / La conservation de espèces transfrontalières: Un partenariat entre le Canada et les États-Unis (©Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2001)
COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Half-moon Hairstreak Satyrium semiluna in Canada / Évaluation et Rapport de situation du COSEPAC sur le Porte-queue demi-linue Satyrium semiluna au Canada (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, 2006)
Distribution and diversity of diatom assemblages in surficial sediments of shallow lakes in Wapusk National Park (Manitoba, Canada) region of the Hudson Bay Lowlands (Olivier Jacques, Frédéric Bouchard, Lauren A. MacDonald, Roland I. Hall, Brent B. Wolfe and Reinhard Pienitz, Ecology and Evolution, v6(13), July 2016)
Dynamics of ungulate populations in Elk Island National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 1995)
Ecology of the muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus spatulatus) on the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Wood Buffalo National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 1974)
Effects of habitat promotion on small mammal movement in Banff National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 2002)
Estimating Grizzly and Black Bear Population Abundance and Trend in Banff National Park Using Noninvasive Genetic Sampling (errata) (Michael A. Sawaya, Jeffrey B. Stetz, Anthony P. Clevenger, Michael L. Gibeau and Steven T. Kalinowski, PLos One, v7(5), 2012)
Evaluating terrestrial-aquatic linkages in the Canadian Rocky Mountains: Eiffel Lake and Sentinel Lake, Banff National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 2011)
Fact Sheets:
The boreal caribou recovery strategy / Programme de rétablissement du caribou boréal (Environment Canada, 2012)
The Piping Plover in Eastern Canada / Le Pluvier siffleur dans l'est du Canada (Environment Canada, 2009)
The Greater Sage-Grouse / Le tétras des armoises (Environment Canada, 2013)
Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Wildlife Underpasses in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada (Anthony P. Clevenger and Nigel Waltho, extract from Conservation Biology, Vol. 14 No. 1, February 2000)
Field Check List of Birds, Prince Edward Island (Prince Edward Island Department of Tourism, Parks and Conservation, undated)
Food Items and Feeding Rates for Wild Whooping Crane Colts in Wood Buffalo National Park Proceedings North American Crane Workshop 8:36-39 (Douglas G. Bergeson, Mark Bradley and Geoffrey L. Holroyd, ©North American Crane Working Group, 2001)
Game Preservation in the Rocky Mountains Forest Reserve Forestry Branch Bulletin No. 51 (W.N. Millar, Forestry Branch, 1915)
Genetic connectivity for two bear species at wildlife crossing structures in Banff National Park (Michael A. Sawaya, Steven T. Kalinowski and Anthony P. Clevenger, extract from Processings of the Royal Society B, Vol. 281, 2014, ©The Authors)
Herbivory interactions between beaver (Castor canadensis) and elk (Cervus elaphus) on willow (Salix spp.) in Banff National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 2001)
Highway 16 Jasper National Park: Mitigation and Opportunities Assessment Final Report (Anthony Clevenger and Mirjam Barrueto, for Parks Canada, December 2016)
Highway Wildlife Mitigation Opportunities for The Trans-Canada Highway in the Bow River Valley Final Report (Tracy Lee, Anthony Clevenger and Robert Ament, for Alberta Ecotrust Foundation, August 2012)
Human Activity Differentially Redistributes Large Mammals in the Canadian Rockies National Parks (James Kimo Rogala, Mark Hebblewhite, Jesse Whittington, Cliff A. White, Jenny Coleshill and Marco Musiani, extract from Ecology and Society, Vol. 16 No. 3, 2011)
Increasing Mercury in Yellow Perch at a Hotspot in Atlantic Canada, Kejimkujik National Park (errata) (Brianna Wyn, Karen A. Kidd, Neil M. Burgess, R. Allen Curry and Kelly R. Munkittrick, Environmental Science & Technology, v44(23), December 2010)
Infection of cattle with Brucella abortus biovar 1 isolated from a bison in Wood Buffalo National Park (L.B. Forbes and S.V. Tessaro, Canadian Veterinary Journal, v37(7), July 1996)
Integrating human trail use in montane landscapes reveals larger zones of human influence for wary carnivores (Peter R. Thompson, John Paczkowski, Jesse Whittington and Colleen Cassady St. Clair, extract from Journal of Applied Ecology, 2025)
Is the Migratory Behavior of Montane Elk Herds in Peril? The Case of Alberta's Ya Ha Tinda Elk Herd (Mark Hebblewhite, Evelyn H. Merrill, Luigi E. Morgantini, Clifford A. White, James R. Allen, Eldon Bruns, Linda Thurston and Tomas E. Hurd, extract from Wildlife Society Bulletin, 34(5), December 2010)
Learning from outbreaks of bovine tuberculosis near Riding Mountain National Park: Applications to a foreign animal disease outbreak (V. Wayne Lees, Canadian Veterinary Journal, v45(1), January 2004)
Management Plan for the Mormon Metalmark (Apodemia mormo) Prairie Population in Canada / Plan de gestion de la population des Prairies du mormon (Apodemia mormo) au Canada Species at Risk Act Management Plan Series (Parks Canada, 2021)
Managing fire for woodland caribou in Jasper and Banff National Parks (University of Alberta Libraries, 2007)
Mitigation multi-species mortality and fragmentation on the Trans-Canada Highway, Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks, British Columbia Final Report (Anthony P. Clevenger, Michael A. Sawaya, Erin L. Landguth and Ben Dorsey, for Parks Canada, November 2014)
Moose Management Plan: 2015-2020, Newfoundland and Labrador (Newfoundland and Labrador Wildlife Division, 2015)
Mortality of Whooping Crane Colts in Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada, 1997-99 Proceedings North American Crane Workshop 8:6-10 (Douglas G. Bergeson, Brian W. Johns and Geoffrey L. Holroyd, ©North American Crane Working Group, 2001)
Movement ecology of endangered caribou during COVID-19 mediated pause in winter recreation (R. Gill, R. Serrouya, A.M. Calvert, A. Ford, R. Steenweg and M.J. Noonan, extract from Animal Conservation, September 2023)
Movement of wolves (Canis lupus) in response to human development in Jasper National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 2004)
North American Bat Monitoring Program, Alberta 2020 Final Report (Joanna M. Burgar, Alberta Environment and Parks, 2021)
National Plan (strategic policy), Interpretation Program, Canadian Wildlife Service / Plan national (stratégie), Programme d'interprétation, Service canadien de la faune (J.P. Foley and W.D. Barkley, ©Canadian Wildlife Service, March 1981)
Notes on the Fauna of the Former Nemiskam National Park and Vicinity, Alberta excerpt from The Canadian Field-Naturalist Vol. 63. No. 6 (September-October 1949)
Plains Bison Restoration in the Canadian Rocky Mountains: Ecological and Management Considerations (Clifford A. White, E. Gwyn Langemann, C. Cormack Gates, Charles E. Kay, Todd Shury and Thomas E. Hurd, extract from Crossing Boundaries in Park Management: Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Research and Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands, ©The George Wright Society, 2001)
Planktonic and Epipelic Algal Communities and their Relationship to Physical and Chemical Variables in Alpine Ponds in Banff National Park, Canada (University of Alberta Libraries, 2005)
Prince Edward Island National Park Bat Inventory and Monitoring 2015 Technical Report (Jordi Segers, Scott McBurney, Lauren Grant and Hugh Broders, Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative for Parks Canada, January 2016)
Projected Effects of Climate Change on Birds in Parks Canada Protected Areas / Effets prévus des changements climatiques sur les oiseaux dans les aires protégées de Parcs Canada (Parks Canada, 2022)
Projected changes in bird assemblages due to climate change in a Canadian system of protected areas (Marcel A. Gahbauer, Scott R. Parker, Joanna X. Wu, Cavan Harpur, Brooke L. Bateman, Darroch M. Whitaker, Douglas P. Tate, Lotem Taylor and Denis Lepage, extract from PLoS ONE, Vol. 17 No. 1, 2022)
Railway mortality for several mammal species increases with train speed, proximity to water, and track curvature (Colleen Cassady St. Clair, Jesse Whittington, Anne Forshner, Aditya Gangadharan and David N. Laskin, extract from Scientific Reports, 10, November 24, 2020)
Recovery Strategy for the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Inner Bay of Fundy Populations (Final) / Programme de rétablissement du saumon atlantique (Salmo salar), populations de l'intérieur de la baie de Fundy (version finale) (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, April 2010)
Recovery Strategy and Action Plan for the Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) in Canada / Programme de rétablissement et plan d'action visant le chien de prairie (Cynomys ludovicianus) au Canada Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series (Park Canada, 2021)
Recovery Strategy and Action Plan for the Sable Island Sweat Bee (Lasioglossum sablense) in Canada / Programme de rétablissement et plan d'action visant l'halicte de l'Île de Sable Lasioglossum sablense) au Canada Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series (Park Canada, 2020)
Recovery Strategy for the Half-moon Hairstreak (Satyrium semiluna) in Canada / Programme de rétablissement du porte-queue demi-lune (Satyrium semiluna) au Canada Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series (Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2016)
Recovery Strategy for the Northern Saw-whet Owl brooksi subspecies (Aegolius acadicus brooksi) in Canada / Programme de rétablissement de la Petite Nyctale de la sous-espèce brooksi (Aegolius acadicus brooksi) au Canada Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series (Parks Canada, 2014, ©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of the Environment)
Recovery Strategy for the Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi), Alberta Populations in Canada Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series (Parks Canada, 2013, ©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of the Environment)
Recovery Strategy for the Woodland Caribou, Southern Mountain population (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Canada / Programme de rétablissement du caribou des bois (Rangifer tarandus caribou) population des montagnes du Sud au Canada Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series (2014, ©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of the Environment)
Recovery Strategy for the Wood Bison (Bison bison athabascae) in Canada / Programme de rétablissement du bison des bois (Bison bison athabascae) au Canada Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series (2016, ©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Canada)
Report on the Progress of Recovery Strategy Implementation for the Black-footed Ferret (Mustela nigripes) in Canada (2018-2022) / Rapport su les progrès de la mise en œuvre du programme de rétablissement pour le putois d'Amérique (Mustela nigripes) au Canada (2018-2022) Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Report Series/Série de rapports sur les programmes de rétablissement de la Lois sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, March 2023)
Relative effects of recreational activities on a temperate terrestrial wildlife assemblage (Robin Naidoo and A. Cole Burton, extract from Conservation Science and Practice, 2020)
Review of the diseases, parasites and miscellaneous pathological conditions of North American bison (Stacy V. Tessaro, Canadian Veterinary Journal, v30, May 1989)
Saving the Buffalo (extract from The Beaver, Outfit 279, June 1948)
Sea-birds of Bonaventure Island (Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1973)
Seasonal and individual variation in the use of rail-associated food attractants by grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in a national park (Maureen H. Murray, Sarah Fassina, John B. Hopkins III, Jesse Whittington and Colleen C. St. Clair, extract from PLoS ONE, 12(5), May 24, 2017)
Selection of winter food by beavers at Elk Island National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 1986)
Strategic highway improvements to minimize environmental impacts within the Canadian Rocky Mountain National Parks (T.M. McGuire and J.F. Morrall, extract from Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 27, 2000, ©NRC Press)
Susceptibility of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep and domestic sheep to pneumonia induced by bighorn and domestic livestock strains of Pasteurella haemolytica (D.K. Onderka, S.A. Rawluk and W.D. Wishart, Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, v24(4), October 1988)
The Disappearance of Caribou Reintroduced to Cape Breton Highlands National Park (T. Charles Dauphiné, Jr., for Parks Canada, 1974)
The economic values of bird watching at Point Pelee National Park, Ontario (University of Alberta Libraries, 1989)
The Existing and Potential Importance of Brucellosis and Tuberculosis in Canadian Wildlife: A Review (Stacy V. Tessaro, Canadian Veterinary Journal, v27, March 1986)
The History of Elk, (Cervus canadensis) Restoration in Ontario (Josef Hamr, Frank F Mallory and Ivan Filion, extract from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 130 No. 2, 2016, ©The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club)
The Political Economy of Bison Management in Wood Buffalo National Park (Patricia A. McCormack, extract from Arctic, Vol. 45 No. 4, December 1992)
The smell of success: Reproductive success related to rub behavior in brown bears (Andrea T. Morehouse, Anne E. Loosen, Tabitha A. Graves and Mark S. Boyce, extract from PLoS ONE, 16(3), March 3, 2021)
Towns and Trails Drive Carnivore Connectivity using a Step Selection Approach (Jesse Whittington, Robin Barton, Mark Hebblewhite, Adam T. Ford and John Paczkowski, bioRxiv, February 25, 2021)
Trans-Canada Highway Wildlife Monitoring and Research, Final Report. Part B: Research Conservation Science for the Management of Transportation Systems and Fragmentation-sensitive species in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (A.P. Clevenger and M. Barrueto, eds., for Parks Canada, July 2014)
Trans-Canada Highway Yoho, National Park: Mitigation and Opportunities Assessment for Wildlife Final Report (Anthony P. Clevenger, Michael A. Sawaya and Erin L. Landguth, for McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd., January 2017)
Trends in the Distribution and Abundance of Bison in Wood Buffalo National Park (Ludwig N. Carbyn, Nicholas J. Lunn and Keven Timoney, extract from Wildlife Society Bulletin, Vol. 26 No. 3, Fall 1998)
Une question de survivance: le Caribou (Renne Arctique) (Canadian Wildlife Service, c1950, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change)
Ungulate Management in National Parks of the the United States and Canada The Wildlife Society Technical Review 12-05 (S. Demarais, L. Cornicelli, R. Kahn, E. Merrill, C. Miller, J.M. Peek, W.F. Porter and G.A. Sargeant, December 2012)
Using under-road tunnels to protect a declining population of long-toed salamanders (Ambystoma macrodactylum) in Waterton Lakes National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 2011)
Visitor attitudes, perceptions, and knowledge concerning bears and bear management practices, Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada (University of Alberta Libraries, 1990)
Welfare and Handling Recommendations for Bat Census in Canada / Recommandations en matière de bien-être et de manipulation pour dénombrer les chauves-souris au Canada (Parks Canada, April 2023)
Western Hudson Bay and Its Beluga Estuaries: Protecting Abundance for a Sustainable Future (Paul Labun and Christopher Debicki, ©Oceans North, April 2018)
Wildlife Management in National Parks, Past and Future (J. Masyk, PNAMCW 11:264-274, 1975)
Winter tick (dermacentor albipictus) ecology and transmission in Elk Island National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 1996)
Wood Bison Disease Management (Alberta Environment and Parks)
Wood Bison Management Strategy for the Northwest Territories: 2010-2020 (Northwest Territories Environment and Natural Resources, undated)
Yield, use and chemical composition of forage in Elk Island National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 1981)
Multi-species Action Plans and Implementation Reports
Multi-species Action Plan for Banff National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Banff Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Banff National Park of Canada (2017-2022) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Banff (2017-2022) (Parks Canada, 2022)
Multi-species Action Plan for Bruce Peninsula National Park and Fathom Five National Marine Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada del la Péninsule-Bruce et dans le parc marin national du Canada Fathom Five Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2016)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Bruce Peninsula National Park and Fathom Five National Marine Park of Canada (2016-2021) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada de la Péninsule-Bruce et dans le parc marin national du Canada Fathom Five (2016-2021) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2022)
Multi-species Action Plan for Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site of Canada [Proposed] Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series (Parks Canada, 2016)
Multi-species Action Plan for Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le lieu historique national du Canada de Fort Rodd Hill Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site of Canada (2017-2022) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le lieu historique national du Canada Fort Rodd Hill (2017-2022) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2022)
Multi-species Action Plan for Georgian Bay Islands National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada des Îles-de-la-Baie-Georgienne Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2016)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Georgian Bay Islands National Park of Canada (2016-2021) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada des Îles-de-la-Baie-Georgienne (2016-2021) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2021)
Multi-species Action Plan for Grasslands National Park of Canada [Proposed] Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series (Parks Canada, 2016)
Multi-species Action Plan for Grasslands National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada des Prairies Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2016)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Grasslands National Park of Canada (2016-2021) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada des Prairies (2016-2021) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2021)
Multi-species Action Plan for Gros Morne National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada du Gros-Morne Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2016)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Gros Morne National Park of Canada (2016-2021) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada du Gros-Morne (2016-2021) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2021)
Multi-species Action Plan for Gulf Islands National Park Reserve of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans la réserve de parc national du Canada des Îles-Gulf Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2018)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Gulf Islands National Park Reserve of Canada (2018-2023) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada des Îles-Gulf (2018-2023) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2023)
Multi-species Action Plan for Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans la réserve de parc national, réserve d'aire marine nationale de consevation et site du patrimoine haïda Gwaii Haanas Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2016)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area and Haida Heritage Site (2016-2021) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans la réserve de parc national, réserve d'aire marine nationale de conservation et site du patrimoine haïda Gwaii Haanas (2016-2021) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2022)
Multi-species Action Plan for Jasper National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national Jasper Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Jasper National Park of Canada (2017-2022) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Jasper (2017-2022) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2022)
Multi-species Action Plan for Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national et lieu historique national du Canada Kejimkujik Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada (2017-2022) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national et lieu historique national du Canada Kejimkujik (2017-2022) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2022)
Multi-species Action Plan for Kootenay National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Kootenay Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Kootenay National Park of Canada (2017-2022) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Kootenay (2017-2022) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2022)
Multi-species Action Plan for La Mauricie National Park and National Historic Sites of the Mauricie and western Quebec regions / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national de la Mauricie et les lieux historiques nationaux de la Mauricie et de l'ouest du Québec Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2022)
Multi-species Action Plan for Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada and associated National Historic Sites of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Kouchibouguac et les lieux historiques nationaux du Canada associés Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2016)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada (2016-2021) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Kouchibouguac (2016-2021) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2022)
Multi-species Action Plan for Mount Revelstoke National Park of Canada and Glacier National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans les parcs nationaux du Mont-Revelstoke et des Glaciers Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Mount Revelstoke National Park of Canada and Glacier National Park of Canada (2017-2022) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada du Mont-Revelstoke et des Glaciers (2017-2022) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2022)
Multi-species Action Plan for Pacific Rim National Park Reserve of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans la réserve de parc national du Canada Pacific Rim Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Pacific Rim National Park Reserve of Canada (2017-2022) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le réserve de parc national du Canada Pacific Rim (2017-2022) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2023)
Multi-species Action Plan for Point Pelee National Park of Canada and Niagara National Historic Sites of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada de la Pointe-Pelée et les lieux historiques nationaux du Canada du Niagara Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2016)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Point Pelee National Park of Canada and Niagara National Historic Sites of Canada (2016-2021) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada de la Point-Pelée et les lieux historiques nationaux du Canada du Niagara (2016-2021) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2022)
Multi-species Action Plan for Prince Edward Island National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2016)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Prince Edward Island National Park of Canada (2016-2021) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard (2016-2021) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2021)
Multi-species Action Plan for Pukaskwa National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Pukaskwa Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Pukaskwa National Park of Canada (2017-2022) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Pukaskwa (2017-2022) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2022)
Multi-species Action Plan for Rouge National Urban Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc urbain national de la Rouge Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2021)
Multi-species Action Plan for Terra Nova National Park of Canada and the National Historic Sites of Canada in Eastern Newfoundland / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Terra-Nova et les lieux historiques nationaux du Canaa de l'Est de Terre-Neuve Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Terra Nova National Park of Canada (2017-2022) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Terra-Nova (2017-2022) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2022)
Multi-species Action Plan for Thousand Islands National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada des Mille-Îles Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2016)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Thousand Islands National Park of Canada (2016-2021) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada des Mille-Îles (2016-2021) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2021)
Multi-species Action Plan for Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada and Bar U Ranch National Historic Site of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada des Lacs-Waterton et le lieu historique national du Canada du Ranch-Bar U Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada and Bar U Ranch National Historic Site of Canada (2017-2022) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada des Lacs-Waterton et le lieu historique national du Canada du Ranch-Bar U (2017-2022) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2023)
Multi-species Action Plan for Yoho National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Yoho Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)
Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Yoho National Park of Canada (2017-2022) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Yoho (2017-2022) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2022)
Parks Canada (All titles ©Parks Canada)
 | Munro, J.A., 1950. Birds of Canada's Mountain Parks. Parks Canada, 78 p. |
Stirrett, George M., 1960. The Spring Birds of Point Pelee National Park, Ontario. Parks Canada, 50 p. |
 | Stirrett, George M., rev. ed., 1973. The Spring Birds of Point Pelee National Park, Ontario. Parks Canada, 32 p. |
Stirrett, George M., 1973. The Summer Birds of Point Pelee National Park, Ontario. Parks Canada, 28 p. |
 | Stirrett, George M., 1973. The Autumn Birds of Point Pelee National Park, Ontario. Parks Canada, 36 p. |
Stirrett, George M., 1973. The Winter Birds of Point Pelee National Park, Ontario. Parks Canada, 28 p. |
 | Stirrett, George M., 1973. Les oiseaux d'hiver au Parc national de la Pointe Pelée. Parks Canada, 36 p. |
L.G.L. Limited, 1979. Birds of the Thousand Islands. Island Insights No. 4. Parks Canada, 17 p. |
 | -----, 1979. Birds of Kejimkujik. Parks Canada, 12 p. |
-----, 1979. Oiseaux de Kejimkujik. Parks Canada, 12 p. |
 | Rockwell, Robert F., Kenneth F. Abraham, Christopher R. Witte, Paul Matulonis, Michael Usai, Drake Larsen, Fred Cooke, Diana Pollak and Robert L. Jefferies, 2009. The Birds of Wapusk National Park. Wapusk National Park of Canada Occasional Paper 1. 48 p. |
Rockwell, Robert F., Kenneth F. Abraham, Christopher R. Witte, Paul Matulonis, Michael Usai, Drake Larsen, Fred Cooke, Diana Pollak and Robert L. Jefferies, 2009. Les oiseaux du parc national Wapusk. Parc national du Canada Wapusk Document hors-série no 1. 48 p. |
 | Shury, T. K., Woodley, S. J., and Reynolds, H. W., 2006. Proceedings of the Bison Diseases Technical Workshop. October 28th & 29th, 2005, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. 84 p. |
Parks Canada Agency, 2008. Proceedings of the Parks Canada Workshop on the Management of CWD: a first step to develop approaches to manage Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in the national parks of the prairie region. March 18 & 19, 2008, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. 52 p. |
 | Vick, S. C., 1913. Classified guide to fish and their habitat in the Rocky Mountains Park. 24 p. |
Fleck, Susan and Steve Herrero, February 1988. Polar Bear: Conflicts with Humans. Contract Report No. 3. Parks Canada/NWT Department of Renewable Resources. 155 p. |
 | Smith, Rosie, Matthew Smith, Clifford Paul and Chris Bellemore, 1 November 2015. Hyperabundant Moose Management Plan For North Mountain, Cape Breton Highlands National Park. Parks Canada. 39 p. |
Smith, Rosie, Matthew Smith, Clifford Paul et Chris Bellemore, 1er novembre 2015. Plan de gestion de la surpopulation d'originaux pour le mont North, parc national des Hautes-Terres-du-Cap-Breton. Parcs Canada. 43 p. |
 | Green, Hubert U., 1949. The Bighorn Sheep of Banff National Park. National Parks and Historic Sites Service. 68 p. |
Stelfox, John G., 1978. Seasonal Distribution of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in Canadian National Parks, 1966-1972. Canadian Wildlife Service for Parks Canada. 149 p. |
 | Markewicz, Lauren. 2017. Like Distant Thunder: Canada's Bison Conservation Story. Parks Canada. 70 p. |
Markewicz, Lauren. 2017. Comme le tonnerre au loin: Historie de la conservation du bison du Canada. Parcs Canada. 70 p. |
Other Parks Canada Wildlife Reports
Banff National Park Pika Monitoring 2013 Summary Report (Julie Timmins, Anne Forshner and Jesse Whittington, Parks Canada, December 2013)
Black-tailed prairie dog & Black-footed Ferret Recovery in Canada (Stefano Liccioli and Tara Stephens, Parks Canada and Calgary Zoological Society, June 2021)
Butterflies of Southern Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands (Parks Canada, undated)
Canadian National Parks Malaise Program (Centre for Biodiversity Genomics, 2012-2015)
Conservation Strategy for Southern Mountain Caribou in Canada's National Parks / Stratégie de conservation du caribou des montagnes du Sud dans les parcs nationaux du Canada
Conservation Strategy for Southern Mountain Caribou in Canada's National Parks / Stratégie de conservation du caribou des montagnes du Sud dans les parcs nationaux du Canada (Parks Canada, November 2011)
Mountain National Parks Caribou Conservation Program: Winter Update 2015 / Programme de conservation du caribou dans le parc nationaux des montagnes: Hiver mise à jour 2015 (Parks Canada, March 2015)
Mountain National Parks Caribou Conservation Program: Winter Update 2016 / Programme de conservation du caribou dans le parc nationaux des montagnes: Hiver mise à jour 2016 (Parks Canada, March 2016)
What We Heard: A Summery of Comments / Commentaires reçus: Un résumé des commentaires (Parks Canada, February 2012)
Winter Recreational Users' Workshops, February 26 & 28, 2013 / Ateliers à l'intention des amateurs de loisirs d'hiver: Les 26 et 28 février 2013 (Parks Canada, 2013)
Ecological Database of Wildlife and Plants Species in Canada's National Parks (Rob Alvo, Parks Canada, September 1998)
Engaging Canadians: Ensuring badgers remain a vital part of the East Kootenays is the aim of an international, public-private sector partnership (Parks Canada, 2009)
Helping Fish Cross Roads (Parks Canada, 2011)
Mountain Pine Beetle Management Plan, Jasper National Park (Parks Canada, 2016)
Multi-Species Occupancy Monitoring using Snow Surveys in Banff National Park (Jesse Whittington and Karsten Heuer, Parks Canada, June 2012)
Multispecies Snowtracking Surveys (Jesse Whittington, 2012)
Parks Canada sets its radar on helping Bats / Les chauves-souris sous le radar de Parcs Canada (Parks Canada, undated)
Parks Canada Species Database Description of the year 2000 Iteration (Rob Alvo, Parks Canada, December 12, 2000)
Pika Populations, Banff and Kootenay National Parks (Julie Timmins, 2014)
Plan for Reintroduction of Plains Bison in Banff National Park / Plan de réintroduction : Le bison des plaines dans le parc national Banff (Parks Canada, August 2013)
Recovery Strategy for the Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) in Canada / Programme de rétablissement du massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) au Canada Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series/Série de programmes de rétablissement de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada 2015)
Resource Conservation, Banff Field Unit: Report from the Field 2011 / Conservation des ressouces, Unité de gestion de Banff: Rapport des activités sur le terrain 2011 (Parks Canada, 2012)
Rubber Boa Monitoring in Kootenay National Park (Larry Halverson, Parks Canada, 2005)
Species At Risk and Canada's Mountain National Parks (Parks Canada, 2008)
Status of Bats (Chiroptera) in 2013, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada (Greg Horne, Parks Canada, March 31, 2013)
Summer Assessment of Aspects of the Ecology of White-Tailed Deer in Point Pelee National Park (John B. Theberge, for Parks Canada, January 1975)
Summary of Songbird Trends in Banff National Park: 2007 to 2011 (Jesse Whittington and Anne Forshner, Parks Canada, January 2014)
Survey of the Fish Assemblages of St. Lawrence Islands National Park in 2005 (Parks Canada, 2006)
Wood Buffalo National Park Bison Survey, March 2014 (Lana Cortese and John McKinnon, Parks Canada, 2015)
Species at Risk Success Stories
A Little Beauty on the Barrens / La belle des landes (Parks Canada, undated)
A Needle in a Haystack / Une aiguille dans une botte de foin (Parks Canada, undated)
Back from the Brink / Elle revient de loin (Parks Canada, undated)
Banding Together to Protect Shoreline Habitat / Tous ensemble pour la protection des habitats riverains (Parks Canada, undated)
Bridging the divide in Nunavut / Un fossé à combler au Nunavut (Parks Canada, undated)
Building cultural bridges on the East Coast / Bâtir des ponts culturels sur la côte Est (Parks Canada, undated)
Collaboration in Action / La collaboration en action (Parks Canada, undated)
Doing the Groundwork / Préparer le terrain (Parks Canada, undated)
Doing the Groundwork Together / Préparer le terrain ensemble (Parks Canada, undated)
Evaluating the Elusive Eel / Enquête sur une anguille mystérieuse (Parks Canada, undated)
Eyes and Hands for Species at Risk / Des mains et des yeux service des espèces en péril (Parks Canada, undated)
Finding a Natural Refuge / Un refuge naturel protégé (Parks Canada, undated)
Getting to Know the 'Big Bad Wolf' / Loup où es-tu? Loup que fais-tu? (Parks Canada, undated)
Grazing the Grasslands / Paître dans la prairie (Parks Canada, undated)
Heading up the River / La remontée de la rivière (Parks Canada, undated)
It takes a village / Tous ensemble (Parks Canada, undated)
Land of the Lizard / L'iguane dans sa demeure (Parks Canada, undated)
Learning together / Apprendre ensemble (Parks Canada, undated)
Long distance travellers / La grande voyageuse (Parks Canada, undated)
Parks Canada Gives Snakes a Break / Parcs Canada donne un répit au massasauga (Parks Canada, undated)
Peregrine Falcons make Pukaskwa their home again / Les faucons pèlerins sont de retour à Pukaskwa (Parks Canada, undated)
Piping Plovers rediscover Gros Morne National Park / Un pour tous. tous pour un! (Parks Canada, undated)
Piping Up for the Piping Plover / Un pour tous, tous pour un! (Parks Canada, undated)
Protecting Prairie Landscapes / La protection des plaines herbacées des Prairies (Parks Canada, undated)
Return of the King? / Le retour du roi? (Parks Canada, undated)
Saving the Ice Age Grass / Le sauvetage d'une graminée de l'ère glaciaire (Parks Canada, undated)
Sharing the Plains Bison's Home on the Range / Cohabiter avec le bison des plaines (Parks Canada, undated)
Sowing the seeds of a savannah / Semer les graines d'une savane (Parks Canada, undated)
Stopping to Refuel on a Global Migration / Faire le plein en route vers l'autre bout du monde (Parks Canada, undated)
Teaming up for Species at Risk / Collaborer pour sauver les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, undated)
Tiny prey, Giant predators / Étudier les plus petits, pour comprendre les géants (Parks Canada, undated)
When is an Island Not an Island? / Qui a dit qu'une île est un monde en soi? (Parks Canada, undated)
Woodland Caribou / Le caribou des bois (Parks Canada, undated)
Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project (Website)
- 1997 Annual Report
- 1998 Annual Report
- 1999 Annual Report
- 2000 Annual Report
- 2001 Annual Report
- A Brief Summary of the Status of the Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project (ESGBP) (2001)
- Biology, demography, ecology and management of grizzly bears in and around Banff National Park and Kananaskis Country: The final report of the Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project (2005)
- Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project (ESGBP): Brief Update, April 2003
- Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project Habitat Studies (1998)
- Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project: Progress Report Summaries for 1994 – 1998.
- Grizzly Bear Monitoring in the Bow River Watershed: A Progress Report for 2002
- Grizzly Bear Population and Habitat Status in Banff National Park (1996)
- Grizzly Bear Population and Habitat Status in Kananaskis Country, Alberta (1998)
- Grizzly Bears, Habitat, and Humans in the Skoki, Baker, South Pipestone, and Lake Louise Bear Management Units, Banff National Park (1999)
- Population and Habitat Viability Assessment for the Grizzly Bear of the Central Rockies Ecosystem (2000)
- Status of the Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project (ESGBP): May 1999
Trans-border Grizzly Bear Project (Website)
Kasworm, W. F., H. Carriles, and T. G. Radandt. 2007. Cabinet-Yaak grizzly bear recovery area 2006 research and monitoring progress report. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Grizzly Bear Recovery Coordinator's Office. Missoula, MT, USA.
Kasworm, W.F., M. Proctor, C. Servheen, and D. Paetkau. 2007. Success of brown/grizzly bear augmentation in Northwest Montana. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1261-1266.
Kasworm, W.F., H. Carriles, T.G. Radandt, M. Proctor, and C. Servheen. 2009. Cabinet-Yaak grizzly bear recovery area 2008 research and monitoring progress report. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Missoula, MT, USA. 76pp.
Proctor, M.F., 2003. Genetic analysis of movement, dispersal and population fragmentation of grizzly bears in southwestern Canada. PhD Thesis. University of Calgary. 147 pp.
Proctor, M.F., C. Servheen, S. Miller, W. Kasworm, and W. Wakkinen. 2004. A comparative analysis of management options for grizzly bear conservation in the U.S.-Canada trans-border area. Ursus 15:145-160.
Proctor, M., C. Servheen, W. Kasworm, and W. Wakkinen. 2005a. South Purcell-Yaak and south Selkirk ecosystem grizzly bear mortality summary. The Trans-border Grizzly Bear Project. Kaslo, BC.
Proctor, M., B.N. McLellan, C. Strobeck, and R. Barclay. 2005b. Genetic analysis reveals demographic fragmentation of grizzly bears yielding vulnerably small populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London. 272:2409-2416.
Proctor, M., J. Boulanger, S. Nielson, W. Kasworm, C. Servheen and T. Radandt. 2007a. Abundance and density of Central Purcell, South Purcell and Yahk Grizzly Bear Population Units in southeast British Columbia. The Trans-border Grizzly Bear Project. Kaslo, BC.
Proctor, M.F., C. Servheen, W.F. Kasworm, and T. Radandt. 2007b. Transborder Purcell and Selkirk Mt.Grizzly Bear Project, Annual Report 2007. The Canadian Edition. Unpublished report. The Trans-border Grizzly Bear Project. Kaslo, BC.
Proctor, M, C. Servheen, W. Kasworm, and T. Radandt. 2008a. Grizzly bear linkage enhancement plan for the Highway 3 corridor in the south Purcell Mountains of British Columbia. The Trans-border Grizzly Bear Project. Kaslo, BC.
Proctor, M., C, Servheen, W. Kasworm, and T. Radandt. 2008b. Habitat security for grizzly bears in the Yahk Grizzly Bear Population Unit of the south Purcell Mts. of southeast BC. The Trans-border Grizzly Bear Project. Kaslo, BC.
Wakkinen, W.L., and W.F. Kasworm. 1997. Grizzly bear and road density relationships in the Selkirk and Cabinet-Yaak recovery zones. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Missoula, Montana, USA.
Alberta Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan
Alberta Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan 2008-2013 Alberta Species at Risk Recovery Plan No. 15 (Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, March 2008)
Grizzly Bear Conservation in Alberta 2013 (Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, April 2014)
Grizzly Bear Conservation in Alberta 2012 (Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, June 2013)
Grizzly Bear Conservation in Alberta 2011 (Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, June 2012)
Grizzly Bear Conservation in Alberta 2010 (Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, May 2011)
Grizzly Bear Conservation in Alberta 2009 (Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, June 2010)
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