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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 26

Grubstake to Grocery Store: Supplying the Klondike, 1897-1907

by Margaret Archibald

Appendix L. McDougall and Secord Outfit List.1

400 lbs.Flour$10.00
150 lbs.Bacon16.50
100 lbs.Navy Beans4.50
40 lbs.Rolled Oats1.40
20 lbs.Corn Meal.75
10 lbs.Rice.75
25 lbs.G. Sugar1.63
10 lbs.Tea4.00
20 lbs.Coffee8.00
2 doz.Condensed Milk4.50
10 lbs.Baking Powder5.00
2 lbs.Baking Soda.20
20 lbs.Salt.40
20 lbs.Evaporated Potatoes5.00
5 lbs.Evaporated Onions2.50
8 lbs.Compressed Vegetables3.25
1 lb.Pepper.25
1/2 lb.Mustard.25
1/4 lb.Evaporated Vinegar.75
75 lbs.Evaporated Fruits10.00
20 lbs.Candles3.20
6 tins4 oz. Extract Beef3.00
4 Pkg.Yeast Cakes.40
1 Pkg.Tin Matches.75
1/2 lb.Ground Ginger.20
6 lbs.Laundry Soap.37
6 CakesBorax or Tar Soap.50
2 BottleJamaica Ginger.50
25 lbs.Hard Tack2.00
1 lb.Citric Acid.90


1Camp Cook Stove$7.00
1Fry Pan.25
1Coffee Pot.75
2Granite Cups.30
1Bake Pan.75
1Set Nested Kettles2.40
1Galvanized Water Bucket.40
2Granite Plates.30
1Knife, Fork & Spoons.25
1Butcher Knife.25
1Axe and Handle1.00
1Small Hand Axe.60
1Whet Stone.10
1Brace and Bits1.25
1Pair Gold Scales2.00
138-55 Winchester Carbine16.00
17 x 7 Heavy Duck Tent4.50
1Jack Plane.90
1Inch Framing Chisel.25
1Whip Saw, 6 feet7.50
1Hand Saw1.00
1Draw Knife.75
15 lbs.Assorted Nails.75
1Drifting Pick and Handle1.25
1Long Handle Shovel1.00
1Gold Pan.75
200 ft.3/8 inch Rope1.20
5 lbs.Oakum.60
10 lbs.Pitch1.00
2Caulking Irons.60
1 pairGoggles.15
1Quartz Glass.60
1 lb.Quick Silver.90


This Hardware List includes nearly all that would be required if the party consisted of five or more.

2Suits Heavy Knit Underwear$8.00
6Pair Wool Sox1.75
1Pair Heavy Moccasins3.00
2Pair German Stockings1.00
2Heavy Flannel Overshirts3.50
1Heavy Woolen Sweater1.50
1Pair Overalls1.25
2Pair 12 lb. Blankets14.00
1Waterproof Blanket2.75
1doz. Bandana Handkerchiefs1.25
1Stiff Brim Cowboy Hat1.50
1Pair Hip Rubber Boots5.00
1Pair Prospector's High Land Boots4.50
1Mackinaw, Coat, Pants, Shirt$11.50
1Pair Heavy Buck Mitts, Lined1.75
1Pair Unlined Leather Gloves.75
1Heavy Duck Coat, Pants and Vest11.50
1Pocket Match Box.15

Buttons, Needles and Thread.25

Comb, Mirror, Tooth Brush etc..50

Mosquito Netting.50
1Dunnage Bag1.00
1Sleeping Bag12.50


Medicine Chest$4.00


Packs, Saddles, complete6.00

Flat Sleighs8.00

Flour put up in 50 pound double sacks. Everything is sacked that can be, and no packages more than 50 lbs. All goods put up and packed in the very best manner. No charge for packing except extra sacks, which are 10¢ each. In these lists nothing but necessaries are included. There are many other things that are usually taken, but are not absolutely necessary. Lumber suitable for boat building is from $15 to $20 per 1,000 feet here.

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