Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 26
Grubstake to Grocery Store: Supplying the Klondike, 1897-1907
by Margaret Archibald
The Hinterland Market
The summer of 1898 ended on a note of general confidence for the
Dawson business community. While the future of the trade seemed active
and profitable, effecting a reliable permanent supply system for such a
remote settlement posed staggering problems. This chapter delves into
the various risks and obstacles which limited and threatened a
prosperous and stable supply trade during the years 1899 to 1904.
The context in which this particular period of merchandising is
discussed is that of the unique hinterland relationship between the
Yukon and its southern supply bases. The salient features of the
hinterland may be reduced to a combination of severe climatic conditions
and immense distance from the major supply bases. Together they limited
extensive trade to a short season and called for an expensive system of
transportation that could reliably provide the community with its yearly
supplies during a four-month period. The resulting market was
unquestionably high-priced, speculative and increasingly limited to
those merchants who had enough capital to cope with the inalterable prob
lems of such a system.
These problems can be reduced to four main categories: (1) the
constant risk of loss and miscalculation in shipping; (2) the necessity
of year-round storage for heavy stocks; (3) dependence on distant
financial obligations which contradicted the unlimited credit prevalent
in a placer gold-mining town, and finally (4) the persistently high cost
of transportation. Above all, the market in general commodities was
totally dependent on outside sources for its entire stock.
Joseph Ladue had chosen Dawson's location on the banks of the Yukon
waterway for the obvious reason that the river had always provided for
the inflow of goods and the outflow of gold. In 1899 the traffic between
Saint Michael and Dawson included 32 steamers which, by September of
that year, made for daily arrivals at the Dawson wharves.1
The gold-rush had opened the Chilkoot and White Pass routes as equally
popular approaches to the goldfields. As long as time was of the
essence, the latter routes remained important, since they were shorter
and could be travelled earlier in the season than could the lower Yukon
River. While statistics for 1899 show that 20 steamers linked Dawson to
the upper lakes and to those passes,2 the pass routes
themselves were essentially unimproved mountain tracks which could
hardly bear traffic more extensive than the freighting of individual
consignments. Although the upriver steamship companies (i.e., those
running between Dawson and Bennett Lake) were worked to
capacity,3 the lower river transportation companies
maintained their favoured position among merchants and importers of
large consignments.
A major achievement in Yukon transportation was the successful
completion of the White Pass and Yukon Route railroad. By modernizing a
hazardous transit system over the passes and by offering a reliable link
in the commercial chain joining supplier and merchant, the railroad
served to temper the acutely seasonal Dawson market and further the
self-confidence of local businessmen. The 110-mile line linked the
Pacific coast at Skagway to the Yukon River at Whitehorse, the official
railhead after 30 July 1900.4 With the addition of a
telegraph system between Dawson and Skagway in September
18995 and a similarly improved postal system, the north was
greatly opened that year to commercial enterprise.
Despite these improvements, the constant factors of distance and
climate continued to make the business of freighting of goods to Dawson
a seasonal and risky endeavour. Ice left the Yukon River at Dawson on
varying dates in May, and the first steamers from Whitehorse arrived in
early June. Saint Michael steamers could not start upriver much before
the end of that month.6 The last steamer dockings in Dawson
usually occurred late in October or during the first few days of
November;7 however, river navigation in autumn was
notoriously difficult, for ice on the headwaters lowered the water level
and exposed dangerous shoals. A boat stranded late in the season would
have to spend the winter encased in Yukon River ice. Success in avoiding
the hazards of transportation and in ordering the proper quantity of
goods to suit the trade required a calculating and knowledgeable
entrepreneur. Such a businessman had to understand the tight yearly
schedule of stock-taking, ordering and shipping which became a selective
and highly speculative procedure, demanding the most sensitive
By January the astute merchant could give his attention to the first
catalogues and price lists to arrive at his store.8 Orders
which were intended for the first spring shipments had to be sent out by
March, even though winter was far from over and business at that time
was traditionally poor.9 Until a through telegraph connection
to the outside world was completed in 1901, the order itself took one to
two weeks to reach Vancouver.10 The spring ordering procedure
also included travel by company representatives. Drummers or salesmen
from Vancouver, Seattle and the east came north to scan the Dawson
situation, and Dawson buyers went south to check the available stock in
those centres. The first outbound boat of the season usually carried
local merchants and agents going outside to solidify contacts for the
rest of the year.11
Another spring phenomenon of the Dawson supply business was stocking
up scows at the north end of Lake Laberge during the month before
breakup. Since the ice on Lake Laberge broke almost a month before that
on the rivers, the enterprising early-birds who capitalized on this
route were the first to offer the winter-weary Dawsonites those
perishable luxuries (cream, oranges, lemons, hams, honey, apples, eggs,
etc.) that they craved.12 After the initial rush had subsided
in early July, a second very important round of orders was sent out,
taking into account the long-term needs for heavy goods and staples for
the winter market.
The theme of the summer shipping season was undoubtedly "ship it now
while you can." It was possible that an order sent out as late as
mid-July could arrive too late in the season to continue down the Yukon
River. Goods so delayed were left in the warehouses in Whitehorse, and
when these were full, the consignments came no farther than
Skagway.13 Goods rushed through to Dawson at the last minute
risked being caught part-way along the river at freeze-up. In 1899, for
instance, local merchants lost an estimated $700,000 on 1,400 tons of
unprotected meats, groceries, general merchandise and machinery
abandoned between Selkirk and Dawson.14 Again in 1903 a
particularly high number of shipments was caught along the river in this
way. While a winter recovery service by sleigh (such as the one operated
by the White Pass Company) did restore some goods to the consignee, high
rates made the service worthwhile only on the most saleable articles
such as perishable fruit and dairy products, which would otherwise
succumb immediately to the effects of frost. Hardware and dry goods were
often left where they stood until later in the winter when the market
for them would be more lucrative.15 The fact that these
articles were expected to survive such a rigorous winter, if stranded,
gives weight to the reputed insistence of Dawson merchants on goods of
the highest quality and the best pack.16 A potential
wholesale supplier might well have been asked to describe his packing
procedure before any commitment was made on the part of an interested
Dawson purchaser.17
The danger of winter storage through non-arrival of goods was
gradually overshadowed in this period by the upsetting possibility of
overstocking the market. For this reason, the winter of 1901-02 was a
particularly unprofitable one. The brisk commercial activity of the
previous summer had deceived even the most astute merchants into
overestimating the needs of the winter to follow. The result was a
glutted and sagging market, at its worst in the weeks before the renewal
of the shipping season.
The plight of the general merchant with volumes of slow-moving stock
to clear is forcibly brought home by such plaintive advertisements as
Special inducements on large lots.18
and "Groceries free! We mean it!" An interesting case of one man's
miscalculation turning to another's profit is related in the Canadian
Grocer. Prices declined so far on an overstocked market of
well-known brand tobacco that one speculator was able to buy up a huge
quantity of the stuff in Dawson, reship it to Vancouver and Seattle and
there undercut local prices to his own profit.19
Every summer the Dawson buyer faced the same dilemma: whether to ship
in immediately by relying on a long-term estimate of the winter market
situation, or to risk the perils of fall shipping in order to predict
the winter needs more closely. For the produce dealer, there was the
added temptation to ship late and obtain the freshest possible goods for
advertisement as leaders in winter stock.20 Dealers in
perishable products also had the option of buying goods throughout the
winter and freighting them in over the ice. Overland rates were high;
consequently the only shipments consistently worth the risk were
perishables which would find a ready market on arrival. On these trips,
oil-heated sleighs covered with heavy tarpaulins were used to protect
loads of butter, eggs and meat packed with unusual care. The merchant
who could sell off his cold storage stock just in time to meet one of
these convoys from Whitehorse could realize profits of up to 600 per
cent.21 By 1903, this winter trade in fresh products
warranted fortnightly steamer trips from Vancouver, connection by rail
to Whitehorse, and then travel along the overland road from that point
to Dawson.22
Defined and perpetuated by the many factors of geography, Dawson's
supply system was an expensive one to run, smoothly or otherwise. These
costs were borne first by the shipping companies, then by the
wholesaler, then by the retailer and finally by the consumer himself.
Such a capital-intensive industry best served those trading concerns
which could afford to participate in all phases of the commercial
process and could, therefore, presumably offset losses in one field with
gains in another. For the purposes of this chapter, the financial
obligations of the merchant alone have been broken down to show the
extent of his overhead in terms of buying and transporting the
commodities required. Very basically, the costs included the following:
the expenses of communicating with outside wholesalers; compliance with
their methods of payment in order to maintain this contact; high
overhead in terms of storage costs; rent and insurance, and lastly, the
consistently high freight rates on both major routes into the
In the case of the first two areas mentioned, the advantages of the
large companies are clear. These firms could afford to maintain
permanent purchasing offices in the major cities as well as to buy in
sufficient bulk to earn discounts and special terms from their wholesale
suppliers. These firms in turn became the prosperous "wholesale-retail"
merchants who could profit from supplying smaller traders. At the turn
of the century, the AC Company, the NAT&T Company, the Alaska
Exploration (AE) Company, McLennan and McFeely, the Ames Mercantile
Company, the Seattle-Yukon Trading Company and the Dawson Hardware
Company were some of the Dawson businesses which maintained head
offices, permanent buyers or yearly agents outside. In some cases (such
as the Dawson Hardware Company and Lilly's Gun Store) two smaller firms
might co-operate by sending a common agent outside.23
The standard methods of payment for the early 20th century were
hardly conducive to the success of any merchant in a placer gold-mining
camp. The small retailer, whose income was entirely based upon the
peculiar institution of open credit extended to miners and mining
companies, was expecially hard hit. Whether his customers' spring
cleanup was good or not seemed of little consequence. Summer invoices
from Seattle and Vancouver (or at least from Dawson wholesale firms)
arrived with unfailing regularity, since the supply houses themselves
were hounded by creditors. The nearly universal practice of allowing 30
days for the invoice and 90 days to pay was incompatible with northern
commercial practices. Given the normal shipping delays, it was possible,
under this standardized system, for the invoice to demand payment before
the goods had materialized on Dawson's wharves.24
The only recourse available was acceptance of the most extended terms
of payment available at the sacrifice of discounts on the price. Spot
cash, a common way of getting reduced prices, was out of the question
for buyers whose own income came from a credit system. Drafts on local
banks could be made while the bank held as collateral the bill of
lading,25 equivalent to the consignee's receipt and claim of
ownership in case of loss or damage. But with bank interest rates
reaching as much as 10 per cent per month in 1900, the cost of loans put
them virtually beyond the reach of borrowers.26 Another
problem was that terms of payment in the comparatively fast-paced
grocery trade (as opposed to the dry goods or hardware business) were
more pressing and discounts less inviting.27 This must have
been an especially depressing consideration for the Dawson food
merchant; his goods did not necessarily move quickly, and payment for
what amounted to nearly a year's stock was demanded in a few large cash
outlays in late spring and early summer. Some Dawson merchants felt that
the only equitable method of payment would be one which was arranged on
a two-year credit basis. As long as the prevailing system held, Dawson
merchants were subject to the demands of larger moneyed corporations,
whether these were banks or trading companies.
A natural consequence of the short purchasing season in the Yukon was
the need for year-round storage. Indeed, a most prominent feature of the
Dawson skyline after 1898 was the sprawl of long, low corrugated iron
warehouses which held the larger part of eight months' supplies for the
city. By the summer of 1899 the prerogative of providing public storage,
warm and cold, for the many individuals and merchants who could not
afford the costs of their own warehouses was shared by nine large
firms.28 For most of them, warehousing represented only one
segment of a multi-faceted trading operation. The season of 1900 left
the White Pass and Yukon Route railway, probably the largest of the
storage concerns, being owed $225,000 for its public storage
facilities.29 This fact certainly suggests that the need for
storage on a continuous basis was a yearly financial embarrassment for
many Dawson merchants. Rates charged by the Yukon Dock Company in 1900
were $7.50 a ton per month for warm storage and $15 a ton per month for
artificial cold storage.30 While storekeepers might have
found the rent high, the dock company felt justified; land rents along
the river where warehouses were located were especially high, and
insurance rates on cargo as precious as the city's yearly supplies were
exorbitant. After the city's incorporation in 1902, steep storage rates
were further justified in the light of higher land taxes.
The destructive fires that raged yearly in Dawson's business section
during its early history explain both the high insurance rates (they ran
between 5 and 7 per cent in 1902)31 and the location of many
of the city's warehouses five or six blocks from the core area, which
was bounded by Front Street and Third Avenue. While warehoused goods
were insured, goods on display in shops as merchandise were in virtual
tinder-boxes. Insurance for places of business (stores and hotels) on
Front Street and Second and Third avenues was
The trend in real estate values in Dawson from 1900 onward was an
unequivocal downward plunge, with rents for both land and storage
reluctantly following suit. Nevertheless, the rents charged by boom-town
landlords did not reflect the economic slump very closely; the reduction
in rents was neither large nor frequent enough to keep up with the
gradually declining profits experienced by most
The largest single item of capital outlay for any Dawson merchant,
beyond the initial purchase of goods, was transportation. With the
completion of the White Pass and Yukon Route railway (the WPYR) in 1900,
the shipping monopoly was shared out between that company on the upper
river and the competing AC and NAT&T companies on the lower river
route. While improvements in both river and rail transportation
gradually lowered rates from 1900 to 1902,34 the fact
remained that
the companies employed in freighting goods to Dawson went to large
capital expenditure firmly convinced that they were taking great risks
and under the impression that the life of their business would be very
short and that the only chance of getting any profit from their
investments was by charging rates that would bring back such capital and
profit within a very short period.35
As far as clients were concerned, there seemed to be no end in sight
to this period of high transportation costs.
S. Morley Wickett, in his 1902 article "Yukon Trade,"36
claimed that the Saint Michael to Dawson (lower river) route rates were
to tally out of line. His objection was that, while these companies were
capable of landing goods at Dawson for only $30 per ton, their rates
were on the average much greater over three times greater,
according to an agent of the AC Company in 1900.37
Exceedingly high as these rates were, the WPYR was unable to compete
with them at first. Clients found it profitable to ship by rail only
those perishables and goods that required faster delivery than the
cheaper river steamers could provide. After a summer of verbal dissent,
led by the Nugget and an actual boycott of the railway by many
merchants, the government finally intervened on the issue in November
1901.38 The rail monopoly was threatened by this action, and
the WPYR lowered its rates.
Dealing with either rail or steamer transportation companies demanded
a certain knack on the part of the shipper or merchant. He was required
to interpret the rates in terms of their relative advantages to his own
particular circumstances. As Wickett pointed out, a railway contract
worked out by an astute merchant might cost him $30 less per ton than
the rate obtained by a less calculating negotiator.39 More
serious accusations of out-and-out favouritism toward large shippers on
the part of the WPYR were never actually substantiated,40 but
merchants felt themselves at a disadvantage in dealing with the
railroad. The small dealer in food products was a most unhappy client.
While rail was the obvious way to import perishables, such heavy items
as fresh butter were among the most expensive to ship in lots of less
than one carload. Other goods on which freight charges were almost
prohibitive were hay, lumber and furniture.41 Adding to the
ill will which many Dawson traders felt toward the freighting companies
was the notorious reluctance of both river and rail companies to reveal
their new rate schedules each spring. Their April announcements came
weeks after the first orders had been sent out.42
While increased competition between rail and steamer services did
precipitate a so-called "rate war" in 1902,43 price-cutting
hostilities were of neither a degree nor a duration to encourage
customers to any great extent. At least one client shipping shelf
hardware (the most expensive category in the WPYR schedule)44
felt that the rail tariff was still too high, and turned his business
over to the river trading companies.45
On the issue of freight rates, the editor of the Dawson Daily
News spoke up in defence of the business firms and consumers who
ultimately bore the brunt of transportation policy:
There is an unfortunate opinion prevailing on the outside to the
effect that in Dawson people will pay any price for anything and
everything sent in there, and that, therefore, there would be no need
for transportation companies reducing their high freight
The editorial reveals a certain unfortunate truth. High prices were
inevitable to some degree, yet they were foisted on consumers by large
companies as an unfair reflection of a commercial boom which had come
and gone. To a certain extent the cost of living in Dawson was eternally
doomed to be an inaccurate reflection of an earlier prosperity.
The working relationship between Dawson trader, transportation
company and outside supplier has been discussed largely in terms of the
problems encountered by the northern merchant. A shift in emphasis from
the inside to the outside centres which served its needs brings forth a
certain aspect of Pacific coast-Klondike trade, one that attracted the
concern of both local and national press after the turn of the century.
The issue is one of nationality; more precisely, of American versus
Canadian control of the Yukon market.
To many North Americans in 1898, the golden words of "Klondike" and
"Alaska" were synonymous. Some west-coast Canadian advertisers at the
time of the rush had obviously encountered such ignorance on the subject
that they felt compelled to advertise bluntly that the Klondike was
indeed in Canadian territory.47 Despite the town's location,
the population was solidly American in 1900, 62 per cent of
Dawson's inhabitants came from the United States.48 A
discussion of the Americanization of Dawson is far beyond the scope of
this report. One aspect of American influence in the Yukon, however, is
definitely relevant to the matter at hand: the influx into the territory
of American goods and their eventual displacement by Canadian products.
(See also "Satisfying the Sourdough Appetite" and Appendix B.)
The struggle between American and Canadian Pacific ports for hegemony
in the northern market has already been discussed. As the issue
developed, Vancouver and Seattle assumed roles representative of two
opposing national thrusts. Seattle's position had been particularly
strong in the days before Canadian customs regulations were actively
enforced49 (i.e., prior to the sending of the first
detachment of customs officers from Victoria to the passes at the end of
July 1897). Even the application of these tariffs, which averaged
between 25 and 30 per cent on general merchandise, was not enough to
knock the American port cities out of competition.50 Cheaper
goods and a legitimate headstart had won the battle for Seattle,
Portland and San Francisco. Nevertheless, their lead on the British
Columbian ports was widened by less honourable means, namely by
capitalizing on the general ignorance of customs procedure at the
Long after it became clear that Canadian customs duties would be
exacted on all American outfits entering the Yukon, the United States
port cities could depend on one overriding advantage. Their agricultural
outskirts, including luxuriant California, were more productive, more
varied and closer to hand than anything the British Columbian ports
could draw from. Even the British Columbian home market itself was
within the sphere of rival distribution centres to the south. In the
case of such products as lard, ham and bacon the Canadian alternative
had to be brought all the way from Ontario. Once this general condition
of the western Canadian market is recognised, the preponderance of
American goods in the Yukon comes as no startling discovery. British
Columbia market reports in the Canadian Grocer as late as 1904
reveal that the local sources were in heavy competition with suppliers
both from the east and from the American west coast.
The process of "entering" American imports at Vancouver or Victoria
was customary among many Dawson shippers. When the tariff was paid in
British Columbia rather than in the Yukon, the goods were shipped north
on Canadian vessels, passed through Alaska in bond, and were brought
into the Yukon as duty-paid goods. The rationale for this process was as
since Canadian customs were based on a percentage of the original
cost, freight and middleman's profit, customs could be as much as 50 per
cent higher at a Yukon border point than at Victoria.52 Any
means of avoiding this added tariff burden was understandably popular.
One significant implication of this manner of importation was that,
while Canadian customer reports showed a relative increase in duty-paid
or "free" goods entering the territory, the figures could easily be
misinterpreted to indicate that this was an increase in Canadian goods
reaching the Yukon.53 (The same cautionary remark must be
made about any table showing an increased number of Canadian vessels
plying the route between British Columbia and northern
ports.)54 Word came from the Skagway docks in 1900 that most
shipments accepted as "B.C. goods" were in fact prepaid American
products canned meats and hams from the east, fruits from Oregon
and California and milk from Illinois were cited as typical
Another consideration, reasonable in the light of the outfitting rush
among west-coast dealers and the ensuing struggle to gain a permanent
hold on the Dawson market, was the lasting popularity which could be
earned by a brand which had won a foothold in the Yukon. According to S.
Morley Wickett, "a name of a brand counts for much. A few Canadian
houses in their Yukon trade appear not to have been sufficiently jealous
of their name.56 The collective security of such American
brands as Carnation or Borden's Eagle Brand condensed milk, Agen's
butter, Rex meats or Germea breakfast cereal must have presented tough
competition to any Canadian supplier.
The perpetuation of this monopoly was not simply the result of
Seattle's commercial ambitions. The facts that the Fourth of July was as
much a holiday in Dawson as Dominion Day, that a large number of stores
shut up shop on Washington's birthday,57 and that in 1899
Parson's Produce Company was known as the only Canadian firm doing
business in its field in the Yukon,58 lead to one inescapable
conclusion: what really determined the nature of the Dawson market was
the national makeup of its population. A thorough search of the
backgrounds of merchants in the city has yet to be done (see Appendix
C), but a list of "foreign companies licensed by the Commissioner of the
Yukon Territory to carry on business other than mining"59
shows a preponderance of American firms among the larger trading
companies. The list includes the Northern Commercial (NC) Company, the
Joseph Ladue Mining and Development Company, the Ames Mercantile
Company, the Pacific Cold Storage Company, the NAT&T Company, the
Yukon Storage Company and the Dawson Hardware Company.60
Investment in the NAT&T Company by the large Chicago meat firm of
Cudahy is a prime example of connection between shareholders in Dawson
enterprise and American big business. Governor General Lord Minto, in
his tour of the Klondike in 1900, was well aware of this, and was asked
to request some of the largest mercantile firms to furnish an estimate
of their Canadian purchases for that season. In a protestation of good
will and of an acquired interest in Canadian industry, the NAT&T
Company replied that the company preferred to buy Canadian goods, and
endeavoured to seek out those Canadian commodities not readily available
to their American headquarters.61 "For many reasons" only
one-third of their stock was actually found to be of Canadian packaging
or manufacture.
According to a Canadian Manufacturing Association representative, the
prominent foreign imports to Dawson in 1901 were as follows:
coffee, baking powder, canned fruits and vegetables, honey,
condensed milk, potatoes, tobacco and cigars, fine confectionery, boots
and shoes, leather belting, rubber hose, gloves and mitts, cotton duck,
copper wire, wire nails, cordage, wire rope, spades and
Admitting that Canadian houses had made considerable sales on their
own that year, he offered valuable advice to those Canadian businessmen
who wanted to increase their share of the trade. In all lines of general
trade hardware, dry goods and food quality was an
essential factor. Canadian clothing, especially flannel shirts and
woollen underwear, was apparently unpopular because of poor tailoring.
Likewise, Canadian rubber boots were thought to be far too cumbersome.
In this case, Goodyear Rubber Company's "Gold Seal" boots (made in San
Francisco) maintained the unquestionable popularity they had earned in
the first year of the outfitting rush.63
American successes in this matter were popularly thought to be due to
their advanced techniques in packaging, which made their products both
more durable and more attractive. Canadian fruit tins, for example, were
considered heavy and unappealing at a glance. Similarly, Canadian
methods in packaging butter, cheese and bacon were held to be inferior
to those used in American products.64
Lest the situation for Canadian commodities seem too bleak, it should
be noted that the Canadian part of the trade in 1902 was conservatively
estimated at 60 per cent and was growing. This was indeed an effective,
if not a startling, reversal of the American monopoly of approximately
90 per cent of the trade in 1898.65 The ambitious efforts of
Vancouver wholesale and shipping concerns had finally paid off, so they
thought, in 1901, with the establishment of a long-awaited government
assay office in that city. Seattle had previously monopolized the
process of exchanging Yukon gold for American dollars. Now Vancouver
believed that it could channel both the gold and its consequent credit
away from those American businessmen who for too long had been "waxing
fat and insolent ... when the golden millions of the Yukon were poured
into their waiting laps."66
Ironically, the market that British Columbian merchants and shippers
finally won was a sagging one; it was no longer the limitless prize
which the ambitious Seattle and San Francisco outfitters had jumped at
in 1897. It was "a Pyrrhic victory," according to one historian,
reviewing the scene of the battle some 60 years later.67 But
whatever the factors governing their choice, Dawson buyers in 1902
exhibited what seemed to be an admirable preference for domestic
products. By May of that year, the purchasing agent for the NC Company
(which had succeeded the AC Company) admitted that most canned fruit,
all canned vegetables, 90 per cent of the flour and much of the hardware
in his warehouses came from Canadian sources.68
After the enforcement of Canadian customs on the upper river route in
1897, the AC Company, like all others with wholesale liquor permits, was
forced to buy its wares in Canada. (Beer, however, continued to be
imported until 1905, when the O'Brien Brewing and Malting Company of
Klondike City entered the field.)69 By 1904, a reporter of
the British Columbia market in groceries could finally crow triumphantly
that of 900 tons of merchandise going north on board the Olympia,
95 per cent was of Canadian origin. "The whole of the groceries, flour,
feed and similar goods were from Canadian factories."70
Both population and gold production figures reveal that, not
surprisingly, the 20th century marked a widespread and inalterable
turning point.71 Exact landmarks of Dawson's "rise and fall"
or "life and death" lie in the disputed territory between memory and
myth; there are as many histories of the Yukon as there are chroniclers.
"Commercial development" is an arbitrary category of analysis in itself,
for in keeping with the boom town's tradition of putting up false
fronts, Dawson's business community was slow to admit the wrinkles of
old age. The discovery of fresh gold in the Tanana district of Alaska in
1903 and the inevitable rush of "never-say-die" miners which followed it
were in some ways the death knell of Dawson as a boom town. In
established business circles, on the other hand, a plateau of economic
stability followed as the transient fringe of customers and traders
moved on. During this period of belt-tightening, the morale of the
surviving merchants was maintained by a special brand of frontier
booster spirit, characteristic of the age. Large doses of civic pride in
brick warehouses, paved streets, telephone networks and loyal clubs and
brotherhoods were registered in annual "Golden Clean Up" newspaper
editions and glossy company catalogues. There the dream of northern
prosperity, now realized, was broadcast.
The commissioner's introductory remarks to his 1902 report for the
Department of the Interior are a fair indication of the prevalence of
the spirit of renewed northern confidence. "Not only does a general air
of prosperity and confidence pervade the whole business community," he
wrote, "but the surest steps are being taken to insure a continuance of
good times."72 A remarkable contrast exists here between the
overextended confidence which buoyed up the merchant community in 1903
and the realistic symptoms of chronic reduction that came in its
In the context of Dawson's development as a commercial hinterland,
these symptoms could no longer be concealed after 1904. In the first
place, the peak volume of trade between Vancouver and the Yukon,
belatedly achieved in 1903, was never to be repeated.73 A
second feature was the effect of financial stringency on the Yukon
credit system. That enduring symbol of the extension of commercial
methods to meet community needs was snapped in 1904 by the largest
trading companies.74 Spot cash was now demanded on purchase
so that short credit terms from outside might be honoured a
reflection of both the decreased margin of profit and the skepticism of
outside investors and creditors of risks in a tottering gold town. A
third, very significant result of the general commercial slump was felt
in the transportation field. In 1904, the WPYR railway was finally
forced to reduce its rates in the form of a general summer discount
because of acute dissatisfaction during the previous summer. The
mercantile community could no longer manage the high overhead for rail
transport. 75
The next seven years were marked by incessant hostilities between
merchants and the WPYR, as the former launched a hard-fought attack to
compel the latter to adjust its rates in keeping with the economic
decline. Strong protests by the Dawson Board of Trade in 1905 and 1906
did not force an appreciable cut in rates until 1909 and 1911. Tables of
rates given by H.A. Innis for the year 1910 show that the WPYR's rates
were (perhaps understandably) five times higher than those of the
CPR76 (see Appendix D). It is not difficult to imagine the
attitudes of merchants dealing in any one of the commodities quoted
(beef, pork, cheese and potatoes). On these items the rail rates from
Skagway to Whitehorse ranged from 121 to 139 per cent of the price of
the article itself as it landed on the Skagway docks.
The most blatant effect of decline on the commercial community was
the steady consolidation of capital over the years 1901-06 (see Appendix
G). Evidently the "continuance of good times" which Commissioner Ross
hoped for in 1902 only applied to a decreasing number of Dawson
businessmen. One can readily understand the depressing effects of a
reduced economic base on such a proportionately large occupation group.
While the table shows a seemingly healthy and gradual contraction in all
fields of merchandising, a comment by the manager of the NAT&T
Company in 1909 indicates that there were still some who had not
adjusted to the trend:
The commercial conditions of the territory at the present time do
not warrant the encouragement of a single individual; every line of
business is represented and in fact many are overdone. This condition
however will doubtless improve with the increase of investment capital
in placer mining and the development of quartz and the renewed activity
of the prospector.77
This mixture of realistic adaptation to declining economic
circumstances, combined with a continued belief in some variety of
immediate upswing, characterized the business elite in Dawson over these
years. In spite of this optimism, the chronic problems of serving an
aging gold town remained a source of depression.