Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 26
Grubstake to Grocery Store: Supplying the Klondike, 1897-1907
by Margaret Archibald
Mercantile Mosaic: The Men and their Methods
The swampy streets of Dawson had been turbulent, in the summer of
1898, with the activities of Everyman the entrepreneur, with his
swapping, bargaining, peddling, profiting or losing, and ultimately with
his selling out. In such a trade there was little to distinguish the
buyer from the seller. A certain common spirit of adventure and
enterprise did, however, exist; one which in most cases understood quick
profits better than patience and planning. Nevertheless, an attempt to
single out and identify The Dawson Merchant from the maze of active and
peripheral participants results in a dilemma. The problem applies only
to the period during and after the gold-rush, for the identity of the
river trader of the pre-rush Yukon River commercial empire is very well
defined indeed. Jack McQuesten represents a legitimate stereotype; he
was the enterprising, trusting but astute frontiersman who differed
little in character from the prospector with whom he did business.
After 1898 the stereotype blurs. While the mercantile procedure was
definitely more structured and more rational in these years than it had
been before the gold-rush, these factors do not make it more conducive
to generalization. Instead, the group in question becomes more complex.
Dawson merchants have, in the previous chapter, been introduced as a
cohesive group with a known hierarchy and sphere of influence.
Nevertheless the whole was far from uniform; great variety and
individuality prevailed among its membership and within the community
Consolidation, the unifying force which was considered necessary to
ensure Dawson's commercial survival in the 20th century, was at work
during the period in conjunction with another influential trend, one
which was more a part of 19th-century mercantile behaviour. This trend
was specialization. In the early years of the new century Dawson
merchants were engaged in surprisingly narrow fields of endeavour. This
in itself bespoke a maturing urban population. The general trader in
provisions, dry goods, hardware, feed and livery had indeed been the
predominant figure of both the rural and mining frontiers, but after the
initial scramble for and distribution of provisions in 1897-98, this
kind of small-scale general trade was no longer the rule in Dawson.
After all, once the railway had been completed in 1900, the city no
longer considered itself a remote outpost. In 1899 advertisements
exhorted residents to "avoid the old style or back-woods trading" by
shopping in one of Dawson's better-appointed department
The general merchant was still visible in the Klondike, but the
typical role (as defined by the rural country storekeeper or frontier
river trader) had altered considerably. After 1898 the trader and
general outfitter on the creeks probably conformed most closely to the
19th-century image. In many creek camps a single man looked after the
general store, roadhouse, stable and post office. While his tasks were
varied, he and his store were not necessarily the focal point of the
community. In the context of the Klondike's cosmopolitan and, indeed,
sophisticated population, neither was he necessarily the most travelled,
the most experienced in the ways of barter, nor the most versatile man
in the community, as the country storekeeper was reputed to have
In Dawson itself, the term "general merchant" no longer evoked the
trader or country storekeeper. City directories often applied the term
to individuals who did most of their trade in a diversity of dry goods.
The large multi-purpose or commercial companies, whose lines actually
did cover the range of products traditionally carried by the general
merchant, had from their infancy more resembled the modern department
store. Business was conducted on several floors in such varied areas as
hardware, men's and women's furnishings (clothing), groceries, drugs,
tinware and stoves, china and glass. All these were overseen by managers
and superintendents who directed a number of clerks, salesmen and
saleswomen, warehousemen, weighers, cashiers, book keepers and
stenographers. In 1902 the NC Company had 65 employees and the NAT&T
Company had 31.3 Hardly a classic example of the general
store! Among Dawson's floating merchant population there were, however,
dealers who were general merchants of the traditional sort. These
traders usually operated for a summer season only, and none of them
remained in the mainstream of Dawson's commerce for long.
The merchants who ran well-stocked shops carrying one specific type
of goods were far more noticeable in terms of advertising, promotional
photographs and newspaper articles, and far more representative of the
variety to be found in the business community. In 1902, for instance,
the Dawson consumer could obtain fresh poultry or "fresh eastern
oysters" from any of 16 local meat markets. A total of 27 retail grocers
were in town that year, but many of them were fairly specialized. W.A.
Hammell and Avery's Grocery had acquired reputations for stocking more
goods than the common everyday commodities. "Fancy goods" was the term
they used to describe them. T.W. Grennan was known for his large supply
of household goods and William Germer for his competitive tobacco
counter. If the customer wanted "Armour" meats, John H. Hughes was the
agent; if he was looking for "Swift's", N.P. Shaw and Company's store
was the place to go. Grocers Darby and Schink specialized in baked goods
from their German bakery next door, while M. Des Brisay and Company
concentrated in complete grocery outfits. The North End Grocery prided
itself on its coffee (roasted fresh daily) and the South End Mercantile
Company had a variety of Norwegian delicacies including herring,
sardines, fishballs and anchovies.4
While several grocers dealt in butter, eggs and cheese, there were by
1899 five independent dairies. For those of Dawson's citizens who craved
such luxuries as sweets, fruits and ice cream, there were from the
earliest days stores to satisfy such particular appetites. The number of
confectioneries in the city grew to 13 in 1902. These, along with the
many similar establishments which sold tobaccos, cigars and cigarettes
in addition to candies, comprised a total of 25 shops dealing in
delicacies, treats and specialty items which had once been the
prerogative of the general storekeeper. One of them, Zacarelli's, became
Dawson's most luxurious palace of self-indulgence, dealing in
stationery, ice cream and a full complement of current magazines as well
as in bonbons.
Sargent and Pinska, Hershberg and Company, J.P. McLennan and (later)
Oak Hall Clothing seem to have been the most popular men's clothing
dealers and had full stocks of up-to-date "nobby" fashions for the
northern gentleman. By 1902 there were 15 businessmen and women catering
solely to the women of the city (who had, by this time, increased in
number and respectability). They offered ladies' clothing, millinery,
dressmaking and hair dressing services.
Hardware, like groceries, was a singularly successful field of
endeavour in the Klondike. At first most miners and new residents had
been supplied from basic stocks of shelf hardware largely an
extension of the types of tools which had been contained in the average
outfit (see Appendix L, below). It was not long before more
domestic tools were required, as were those items of heavy hardware and
machinery needed in the evolving mining industry. By 1903 Bob Bloom and
Charles Kaiser were among the few who still restricted themselves to
general shelf hardware. By contrast, George Apple's Pioneer Tinship, the
Tacoma Hardware Company, the Dawson Hardware Company and "Mc & Mc"
were focusing their efforts on producing their own stoves, tinware and
pipe-fittings. F.G. Whitehead specialized in lamps, D.A. Shindlar in
bicycles (commonly called "wheels"), and Brimstone and Stewart in
furniture and undertaking.
While Dawson was soon rid of the diseases which had plagued the
pioneers of 1897 and 1898, the average resident still had to consider
his own well-being. A versified play on the equation of "health" and
"wealth" exploited his concern in a popular form of advertising for
patent medicine, both inside the territory and out.
With this all-important and universal goal in mind, drugstores were
abundant and prosperous in Dawson. There were eight such firms in 1901,
of which Cribbs and Rogers was the largest. As well as filling
prescriptions, these drugstores provided an other source of such "staple
and fancy sundries" as cigars and sweets.5
With the possible exception of fresh meat and dairy products, all the
foregoing types of goods were available from the complete stocks of the
NC Company, the NAT&T Company, the Ames Mercantile Company and Ladue
and Company, whose claims to excellence were based on their ability to
fill the needs of the family table, the prospector's cabin and the
mining camp in both essential and luxury items at reasonable prices. Yet
these alternatives did not fulfill all the demands of Dawson's consuming
population. By 1899 only one-fifth of the city's population was
women,6 and despite the influx of wives in the new century,
Dawson's customers remained predominantly male and single.
Understandably, their need for entertainment was treated as a highly
promising market.
In this field, entertainment merchants held their own as successful
and respected members of the commercial fraternity. The restaurant and
saloon business was booming. According to Major H.J. Woodside, 50 per
cent of Dawson's residents, even as late as 1901, kept house only as a
place to sleep; daily they filled the city's 33 restaurants for the
standard $1 meal of pork and beans, bread, pie and coffee.7
As consumers of large quantities of food, these restaurants were
undoubtedly valuable clients of the large wholesale grocers.
A similar bond of interdependence existed between "respectable"
businesses and dance halls. While the moral attitudes of the first group
toward the commerce in pleasure associated with the second went
unrecorded, their single-minded opposition to the closing of dance halls
in 1902 was another matter. A petition bearing the names of many of the
pillars of the business community clearly illustrates the close
relationship between these merchants and the pleasure palaces. Not only
were these dance halls, concert halls, theatres and their employees good
customers, but a certain amount of their brisk trade tended to be
deflected into nearby shops.8
Liquor was another product essential to the Klondike way of life,
and, to some minds, one of the most profitable. At first the procedure
of licensing premises for the wholesale distribution of liquor had been
corrupted by the availability of black market permits. The fines levied
on non-permit-holders were regarded by many establishments only as
predictable working expenses.9 By 1902 the schedule of
license fees for the territory was as follows:
A. Per Annum |
For wholesale licence | $1,000 |
For hotel in Dawson | 700 |
For hotel in Klondike City, Whitehorse or Bonanza | 500 |
For hotel at any other point in the Yukon Territory | 250 |
For saloon in Dawson | 1,000 |
B. For Season |
For steamboats | 150 | 10 |
Lord Minto, on his trip through the city in 1900, hazarded a guess
that every third house was a saloon.11 A year later there
were still 23 of these establishments. Despite Dawson's growing
respectability as wives and family men asserted moderation, the number
barely dwindled over the years. There were 16 saloons operating in 1905.
These saloons, along with some restaurants and the city's many
confectioneries, shared the cigar and tobacco trade, a lucrative one
indeed. Tobacco had been regarded as a staple from the days when even
the most spartan of prospector's outfits contained enough plug to make
the long winter bearable. The Canadian Grocer's exhortations to
grocers to keep a well-stocked tobacco counter were of no avail in
Dawson, where that line of business had fallen into more specialized
The consumption of liquor was aided by a number of merchants who
dealt in wholesale wines and spirits. The AC Company, the NAT&T
Company and the Ames Mercantile Company probably carried the largest
stocks. In 1898 the AC Company was authorized to bring in 10,000 tons of
liquor in exchange for a $25,000 license fee and another $60,000 in
customs and revenue duties.12 By 1901 only the two largest
among the mercantile companies retained their licenses in wholesale
liquor. The remaining trade was divided between Gandolfo (one of the
enterprising fruit dealers of 1898) and Binet Brothers at the Madden
House Hotel.
Dawson establishments were as varied in size and status as they were
in the kinds of business they carried on. Again, loose categories may be
drawn up, based on the amount of control exerted on the whole process of
purchasing, shipping, storing and distributing. In determining
comparative status, the distinctions made in the previous chapter
between wholesale-retail companies and the smaller retail establishments
which depended upon them are still useful as well. By compiling
information from city directories for the years in question, a
comparative list of the number of people employed by various businesses
can be formed. Where more precise information as to capital and assets
is not available, this list is a rough indication of business size.
However crude the method, the results obtained reveal that the ten
largest employers and Woodside's list of the eight controlling firms
correspond remarkably closely (see "Metropolitan Airs: Dawson
from 1899 to 1903" and Appendix E). It also gives a fair indication of
those merchants who were clearing enough profit to hire help, separating
them from the third, more transient group of traders.
The large or controlling firms were lively promoters of Dawson's
trade, both wholesale and retail. Their concern with the future of the
community stimulated an interest in local elections to positions of
prestige and authority, an interest which encouraged them as a group to
play a significant part in local politics. Both as employers and as
major investors they were able to exert an influence over the scope of
candidates' policies. In some cases they entered the political fray
themselves. H.C. Macaulay of Macaulay Brothers, wholesale importers, was
one such; he was elected the first mayor of the newly incorporated
city.13 In the following year the mayoralty race was won by
P.H. McLennan, the popular "Dawson-Vancouver Hardware King" and resident
proprietor of McLennan and McFeely. His closest contestant was Thomas
Adair, better known as one of the owners of J. and T. Adair, general
merchandising, hardware and pianos.14
Local journals sometimes made mention of the various activities of
leading merchants. While the names of smaller establishments rarely
reached the columns except in advertisements, social notes frequently
contained items about the more important proprietor when, for example,
he left the north for the outside on a business tour of distributing
houses across the continent and abroad. The Dawson Hardware Company,
McLennan and McFeely, Sargent and Pinska, the AC Company, the
Seattle-Yukon Trading Company, the Ames Mercantile Company and the NC
Company could evidently afford the time and expense to set up their
orders in this way.15
Occasional bits of information exist which record the careers of
members of this group as they participated in related commercial
ventures. R.P. McLennan (dry goods) and H.T. Roller (resident manager of
the SYT Company) both held seats on various boards of directors in trust
companies, stage transfer lines and power and telephone
companies.16 J.R. Gandolfo, who was originally known for
being the first on the Dawson market with his citrus fruit in 1898, was
in later years equally well known in real estate as one of Dawson's more
cunning investors.17
In addition to this group, a second category of merchants existed, a
smaller group which played a constant but less visible role in the
community. This category roughly encompasses the city's variety of
retail firms which, although they competed with the larger firms for the
retail trade, were usually staffed only by the proprietor and one or two
assistants. The second part of Appendix E, showing those firms employing
fewer than three assistants (1901-03), covers the majority of this
group. There is little information about their personnel and
Although they were exceptional in the fact that theirs was not a
predominantly retail trade, Dawson's wholesale and commission merchants
should also be noted. The details of these businesses remain vague, but
newspaper advertisements reveal that they stocked their warehouses with
complete lines of goods over a wide range. Hay, feed, flour, eggs,
stored vegetables and canned milk might all come into their purview at
one time or another. They purchased surplus consignments and goods
brought in over the ice and stored them for resale and speculation.
Barrett and Hull, Peter Steil (later Steil and Mullen), Stanley Scearce,
and Cheney Kniffen and London were Dawson's largest commission merchants
in the period 1901-03. Stanley Scearce's advertisements in the Dawson
Daily News in 1902 reveal the business on its grandest scale (Fig.
36). Although they were neither as completely nor as consistently
stocked, nor as responsible for the quality of the goods sold as were
the commercial companies, these commission merchants were nonetheless
their rivals.

36 The advertised stock of the versatile commision merchant.
(Dawson Daily News, 17 May 1902, p. 8.)
The third group (if it can be so-called) of Dawson merchants in this
period included its most colourful and certainly its most controversial
members. For the purposes of this work, these merchants may be loosely
described as unspecialized self-employed traders who operated without
permanent mercantile establishments. This includes men who were either
engaged in Dawson trade on a transient basis or who, if they took up
residence, spent (as a rule) no more than one season in the town. It
encompasses the transient trader the mistrusted river or scow
pedlar, treated by the majority of contemporary permanent merchants as a
thorn in their sides and a universal scapegoat. While they were not
similarly mistrusted, the local small traders who were to disappear
during Dawson's belt-tightening after 1902-03 may also be placed in this
third category. The identity of such a trader is marked by his absence
from newspaper advertisements, photographs and business directories.
In retrospect, it would seem that these transient and local traders
shared a particular function: they filled the gaps and shortages which
were a perpetual feature of Dawson's market. These gaps were especially
visible in the grocery trade, more specifically in fresh fruits and
vegetables. In season and out, Dawsonites could never get enough of
these commodities.
The Dawson Daily News, a faithful voice of the stable element
of local business and a vehement advocate of commercial progress, spared
no adjectives in its condemnation of the transient trader:
Unscrupulous . . . unprincipalled curbstone dealers . . . with
office in their hats and the half of whose capital consists of an
immaculate nerve and an unequalled audacity. . . . The same chap one
meets on the street today with a lot of moccassins for sale, "go
sheep", tomorrow peddling out stale eggs and the next day probably
selling socks or cheechako spirits. . . . They are a pest to the
community and a parasite to the legitimate storekeepers, who have
hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in buildings and stock, and
yet who are brought into competition with these people, many of whom
have not even a six by eight shack wherein to do
These traders were notorious for their evasion of fees and taxes and
for their practice of passing one small rented building from hand to
hand as they took turns going outside for more cargo.19 As
early as 1899 license fees were imposed on transient traders, but in
1902 the government of the newly incorporated city raised that fee from
$150 to $500.20 The imposition and strict enforcement of such
fees must certainly have discouraged the transient element in Dawson's
business community.
The yearly advent of the scowmen, as these transients were generally
called, came in late May and early June. They arrived in Dawson along
with the ice floes. Their winters were spent in Vancouver or Seattle
where they gathered goods which were then shipped to be stored at
Bennett Lake, where the anxious goldseekers had waited out the late
winter weeks of 1897. At Bennett they too waited until the ice broke,
and then they set out in small boats for Dawson. Their small craft
navigated the ice-filled Yukon more easily than the larger sternwheelers
which most Dawson merchants employed to transport goods, and theirs were
understandably the first fresh perishables to reach the winter-weary
Dawsonites. Turnover was rapid, and before a trader's presence had been
really established, he was off to bring in a second lot. The speed of
these trips was the secret of their success, for such traders were best
at serving areas where known shortages existed. Such holes had to be
plugged immediately, before the larger companies had a chance to order
such products through regular channels. The trade was, in fact, an
exhausting one, and after a few years of two round-trips each shipping
season, the scowman had probably had enough.
Not every transient trader was denounced by reputable businessmen.
Ezra Meeker was a yearly comer whose arrival was hailed and whose goods
were announced in the newspapers.
Meeker was one of the traders who set up semi-permanent quarters on
which he paid taxes and his trader's fee. (The building is still
standing, or so a sign on a small one-storey cabin on Third Avenue
across from Caley's Store indicates.) Meeker's first and most memorable
trip was over the Chilkoot Pass in 1898. His flat-boat arrived in Dawson
with 9,000 of his original 15,000 pounds of vegetables. Two weeks later,
he pulled out with "two hundred ounces of Klondike gold in my
belt."21 Urged on by his hopes of a lifetime's wealth from
Klondike gold, Meeker continued his yearly pilgrimage until April 1901
when his mining properties finally failed. In leaving Dawson for the
last time, he vowed never to set foot in mining territory
One fascinating feature of the Dawson merchant's history is his
origin: what brought him to the Klondike? And what drew him into the
business of buying and selling in the city? Many who were to become
Yukon merchants had initially entered the territory as goldseekers,
unsure of what form the paystreak would take. Some of these never made
it to a placer creek, realizing along the way that there was a less
heroic but more reliable way of get ting rich. As long as thousands of
others were determined or naive enough to continue the placer quest,
there was money to be made in providing for their survival.
Many a Dawson merchant had his first taste of barter as a
goldseeker-turned-entrepreneur along the famous trail of 1898. The
commercial career of J.O. Drury, an Australian goldseeker, had an
enterprising start when he bought a bolt of ticking, filled it with Dyea
hay and easily sold the product to new arrivals. In 1899 he pooled his
commercial know-how with Isaac Taylor, an Englishman he had met on the
Ashcroft Trail to the goldfields the previous year.23 Since
their original meeting, Taylor had set up a store in Bennett which he
had stocked with collected outfits and an initial consignment from R.P.
Rithet in Victoria, representing an investment of $200.24
Before long, Taylor and Drury had moved to the new railhead at
Whitehorse where the firm has remained ever since. It amalgamated with
Whitney and Pedlar in 1912 and bought them out seven years later.
Like Taylor and Drury, Bob Bloom came to the Klondike in 1898 by the
Chilkoot Pass. Like them, he perceived the possible profit in handling
the redistribution of the tons of outfits on the passes. "Swopping," as
he called the transaction which occurred when the disillusioned sold out
to those who needed more goods to stay on, could lead to a fortune for
the permanent middleman.25 Bloom's first years of business in
Dawson were based on continual "swopping." He supplemented his stocks by
consignments from Victoria and Vancouver, primarily from McLennan and
McFeely. During these early winters when business was slack, he drove
cattle from the coast to Dawson by overland trails.
Charles Sargent and Martin Pinska formed a partnership in February
1899 which marked the beginning of a firm which soon became one of
Dawson's in 1898 (from Duluth and St. Paul, Minnesota, respectively)
their initial interests in the Klondike had been somewhat dissimilar.
Sargent hoped to acquire his wealth through mining, while Pinska came to
Dawson with enterprise in mind. He brought with him a large stock of
furs and opened a waterfront store in September 1898.26
Business was good, and Sargent was persuaded to leave the drudgery of
mining for a more reliable sort of profit-making operation. No sooner
had the partnership been formed than its store was destroyed by the
April 1899 conflagration. The firm relocated on a prominent lot at First
Avenue and Second Street. By that fall Sargent and Pinska had enough
capital to send one partner outside to buy stocks from New York and
Boston manufacturers.
Like Pinska, other commercially minded men regarded the Klondike
market as a worthwhile risk from the beginning. In many cases these men
already possessed a quantity of capital which they determined to invest
in mercantile ventures in Dawson. Some of them directed companies which
dispatched representatives to open branches and extend operations into
the north. (The extension of branch outlets by established west-coast
firms has already been discussed as a factor in Yukon River
development.) Others had no connections with existing companies, but
possessed a large amount of capital which they invested in mercantile
ventures. Both of these types were knowledgeable investors, men whose
experience had led them to anticipate a large profit on money invested
in gold-rush commerce.
One example of an extension of a large company was Parson's Produce
Company, with headquarters in Winnipeg. This firm was, according to the
Nugget, one of Canada's largest businesses. In addition to the
Dawson investment, Parson's had branches in Vancouver, Nelson, Victoria,
Rossland, Atlin and Bennett, British Columbia, as well as in Exeter,
Ontario. The Dawson local manager, H.P. Hanson, had had two years of
experience with the company and had at one point been mayor of Morden,
Manitoba. By the end of 1899 Hanson had supervised the construction of
three new warm and cold warehouses (to replace those lost in the April
fire) as well as a second Dawson branch store.27
A good example of the second type of capitalist was S.D. Wood who,
until he heard the call in 1897, was the mayor of Seattle.28
Wood soon became something of a legend (certainly an example) in
Seattle, for he relinquished his secure post and invested $150,000 in a
Yukon fleet and in stocks of goods and a warehouse in Dawson and five
other Alaskan points.29 He continued to live in Seattle,
leaving the management of his multi-purpose company (carriers and
traders, staple and factory provisions, wholesale and retail, warm and
cold storage and vessel leasing) to H. Te Roller.30 Te
Roller, as previously mentioned, invested in several Dawson concerns
himself. When the SYT Company was sold out in 1900 Te Roller became the
resident manager of the rival NAT&T Company.
Rather than embark immediately on a partnership or invest heavily in
a large consignment of outside goods, many businessmen preferred to
acquire capital and experience in northern mercantile activities by
working as employees of one of the already established firms. In some
cases, the prospective merchant probably sought temporary employment
when he was unable to locate on the goldfields. Before long, he
recognized the potential profit to be gained and resolved to embark on a
commercial venture himself. Appendix E indicates the ample opportunities
offered by Dawson businesses for such apprenticeships. The regularity
with which such apprenticeships occurred is illustrated by several
documented examples among the city's merchant population.
William Clark and W.A. Ryan were both experienced in northern trade
when they opened the North End Grocery in 1900. Both had come north from
Tacoma, Washington, where Ryan had been county clerk and correspondent
for the San Francisco Chronicle, and Clark had been an
attorney.31 Ryan had gained his experience as a clerk in the
AE Company, while Clark's commercial training had begun when he was a
waterfront trader.
Another Dawson merchant, W.H. Hammell, already had acquired some
commercial experience in Montana when he arrived in the city in 1897.
This experience undoubtedly helped him to find employment in the
NAT&T Company shortly after he reached Dawson, and he remained with
the company for the next two years. In August of 1899 he opened a store
of his own, providing staples and fancy groceries for the family home or
miner's cabin.32 The understanding of commercial operations
in the north and his capital, both acquired at the NAT&T Company,
were without doubt the foundation of his operation.
In 1903 a partnership known as Cheney, Kniffen and London appeared in
the city directory as commission merchants, auctioneers and general
merchants with outlets on First Avenue and in Bonanza. Directory
listings for previous years show that these three had been independently
engaged in auctioneering before coming together in a partnership.
One especially notable case of a proprietor who worked up through the
ranks of an established firm was that of R.S. Hildebrand. In 1901
Hildebrand was a mere shipping clerk for McLennan and
McFeeley.33 By 1905 he had bought out the firm's Dawson
While Dawson merchants' routes to commercial success varied, there is
one feature of their collective origin which stands out clearly. Very
few of them were Canadians. This fact was exposed in 1899 when the
Dawson Daily News billed Parson's Produce as the only Canadian
firm trading in the Yukon.34 Why the News chose to
overlook McLennan and McFeely as Canadian operators must remain a
mystery, but the data given in Appendix C is a fair indication that
Canadian businessmen were not in the majority. This information has been
compiled from all available references to the place of origin of any
Dawson merchant or business firm. Such references do not abound, and the
final product is, unfortunately, rather meagre. The results, however,
are far from surprising. They merely reflect the fact that Dawson's
population was predominantly American.35
Contemporary newspaper advertising conveys both the quality and
versatility of Dawson's many stores. Weighted as they were in favour of
each merchant's virtues, these advertisements leave one to wonder what
reputation these men did indeed have with their customers.
The newspapers raised their voices in disapproval of business
oversights or malpractices only on major matters which involved the
entire business community. Consistently excessive prices and the
cornering of a particular line of goods were usually the issues in
The NAT&T Company was censured by the Nugget in 1898 for
its supposed irresponsibility and unfair distribution of goods during
the preceding winter's shortages, but when Healey, the manager, was
recalled that September, the fuss died down. Such an outright
condemnation of a single firm was rare. One ardent critic of the
Klondike trade in general was Mary E. Hitchcock, a wealthy American
tourist who had chosen to spend her summer holidays in the Klondike. She
was a connoisseur of fine goods and a more demanding customer than the
average Dawson citizen during the summer of 1898. Few of the firms she
dealt with escaped her caustic commentary: "Between the cheating of the
people from whom we bought The goods, The spoiling and detention
of our boxes by The steamship companies and the Non-responsibility of
the warehouse owner, it is enough to drive one crazy."36 It
should be pointed out that the disorder of gold-rush times was hardly
likely to produce the sort of mercantile habits which Mrs. Hitchcock and
her companion had come to expect in the more genteel commercial centres
of the continent.
In keeping with the many other facets of northern progress, merchants
prided themselves on their maturing business methods. The AE Company
claimed in 1899 to have advanced beyond the crudities of backwoods
trading "where you get what they want to give you in exchange for all
you've got."37 A rather long and highly laudatory newspaper
article on the workings of the AC Company in 1898 praised that firm and
its managers for their attention to order and detail, their execution of
broad-minded plans, their fair prices and their absolute refusal to
exploit the consumer. As the most seasoned of Dawson's firms, the AC
Company was already capable of combining efficiency with elegance in
their operations. Undeniably (the Nugget thought) this marked
"progress towards civilization and its influences."38 As long
as business achieved that most important goal, the Nugget's
reporter could find no reason to criticize.
H.P. Hanson, the courteous local manager of the Parson's Produce
Company, was in turn singled out by the Nugget for public praise
as being one of the most popular men in Dawson because of "certain
straightforward qualities inherent in himself."39 Honesty
continued to be regarded as a virtue in the Yukon trader; the total
dependence of the community on his goods required it to be so. At one
time the trader had reciprocated by allowing almost unlimited credit to
his mining customers. Much has been made of the swamping of the miner's
code by the onslaught of the Klondike rush. Indeed, the kind of trust
which had existed between Jack Mcuesten and his customers would have
been sheer naiveté in the grasping days of 1898 and after. But a
certain amount of faith was still necessary, and Bob Bloom's wife spoke
in retrospect of her husband's "uncanny knowledge of who he can trust
and who he should avoid."40
Part of the price of 20th-century efficiency was the generally
enforced restriction of the once promiscuous credit system.41
The Dawson Hardware Company letterbook of 1903-04 shows that substantial
security had to be presented before opening an account with that firm.
The standard 60- to 90-day period of payment was all that was allowed,
although this does not appear to have been rigorously enforced. Late in
June a company collector was sent up to the creeks to clear up all
unpaid bills.42 His timing was good, since it followed
closely on most cleanup operations and ensured the sudden income needed
by the company to make its own large July payments. However severe the
Dawson Hardware Company's methods seem to be in theory, in practice this
rigorous system was essential to keep a balance. The company was
constantly beseeched by miners for clemency on payments. The company
letterbook is filled with scraps of paper with pencil-scrawled apologies
for late payment: cleanup had been impeded, the paystreak was close at
hand, unforeseen expenses for repairs had delayed other payments
in short, cash was not available. One letter from a medical doctor-miner
in Dominion Creek starts with the common story of woe; his diggings had
taken him unknowingly away from paydirt and into bedrock
therefore, no gold. His plea for time is made more complete by his
statement that his own patients were not paying their bills either, and
that he understood perfectly the position of the hardware company. One
roadhouse proprietor explained that August was the month for the renewal
of the expensive liquor licenses, and that as a result he had no cash
remaining to pay his bills.43
As long as gold dust was used as a means of payment, extended credit
was readily available and grubstaking remained a prevalent custom,
Dawson trading ethics were a common subject of discussion. There was a
legendary ritual of completing a transaction; one tossed one's poke on
the counter and pointedly turned away while the merchant weighed out the
amount owing on the purchase. It he so wished, the miner could request
that a respectable store or saloon keeper look after or "bank" his poke
for him.44 An unlocked drawer was allegedly used for this
purpose. (Presumably one avoided the premises of those less scrupulous
dealers who exploited such ceremonies.) In 1899, before the arrival of
official weights and measures from Ottawa, it was reported that no two
sets of scales in town were the same, and that the only reliable ones
were those used by the large companies.45 In most cases, a
certain percentage as a "tip" to the weigher was acceptable to both
sides. It was possible, however, for some swindlers to gain as much as
50 cents on the dollar.
While gold dust was never officially legal tender, its widespread
use as such was unavoidable. The miner paid for his provisions with the
products of his labour in much the same way that the rural consumer paid
for his supplies with crops, livestock or firewood. The custom was
entrenched in Dawson commerce by 1898. In that year, hard currency was
grievously scarce while dust was plentiful enough to be baked (one miner
quipped) into Christmas puddings.46
The AC Company partly solved the currency problem by issuing vouchers
and tokens.47 These were paid out at a specified rate for
contracted work; men selling cordwood to the store, stevedores on the
company docks and store employees were all paid in this way with
vouchers redeemable at the company counters. The policy did not last
beyond 1898 and it does not appear that any other company followed
The whole issue of the fluctuating exchange rate on gold dust was a
vital one to both merchant and miner. The slightest variation brought
cries of outrage from one camp or the other. The matter was complicated
by two factors. First, each creek's dust assayed at a different value,
varying from $12.50 per ounce on one section of Hunker Creek to $17.50
on another.48 Second, the nearest official assay offices were
thousands of miles away in Seattle. That necessitated initial payments
by the store or bank to the miner, with the promise of refunds if the
gold assayed more than the base value.49
The immediate solution adopted to cope with such an involved
procedure was a streamlined operation whereby a recognizable and
inferior gold dust, called "commercial" or "trade" dust, was circulated
exclusively for local business transactions. This adulterated form was,
of course, worthless, and could be bought from the bank at an
established rate in exchange for the real stuff. The process resulted in
uncontrolled inflation as the value of an ounce of trade dust dropped
progressively in relation to the value of a pure ounce. In 1900 the
ratio stood at $14.50 to $16.00.50 If a case of goods was
worth $16.00 (one ounce of pure gold) it could be bought (theoretically)
for an ounce of trade dust, but, given this ratio, the merchant would be
reimbursed only $14.50. As a result, rather than to assay all incoming
gold to determine whether it was pure or trade assay, merchants simply
went on the assumption that all dust in circulation was impure and
accordingly raised their prices.51
Eventually the market was so inundated with trade dust that the Board
of Trade reacted, announcing that the local exchange rate on all dust
brought to the counter would be $15 to the ounce.52
The placer labourers, an understandably discontented group at best,
were infuriated by this announcement. They feared that the next step
would be the total abolition of dust as a medium of currency. Throughout
this controversy the Dawson Daily News stood squarely behind the
merchants. The guilty parties, the editor claimed, were the mine owners
and bosses who were buying up the cheaper dust and using it to pay their
workers.53 The crux of the matter was the fact that wages
were computed on the basis of one ounce equalling $16, which of course
it did not. A worker paid in this way was bound to feel cheated at any
store where his "$16" ounce was accepted at less than that value.
By 1902, despite the threat among miners to form syndicates and buy
their goods outside,54 the exchange rate for commercial dust
dropped again to $13.50. A list of 36 firms which endorsed this policy
was published. Since virtually every major company in each field was
included, the buyer could do little to stem the tide against
At the same time as the exchange rate was lowered, the practice of
unlimited credit came under severe strain. More and more merchants
demanded immediate payment. Call it the prospector's code or a backwoods
style of trading, but the old order was being forced to change. The
unwillingness of outside suppliers and manufacturers to make allowances
for what they undoubtedly considered to be an outdated frontier system
is fully understandable. By 1904 most controlling firms in Dawson were
responding to this pressure by insisting on cash payments, even from
their most trusted customers.56 Up until that time, some 70
per cent of Klondike miners had been given credit for eight months,
paying up with the results of spring cleanup.
The cash-on-the-spot demand was more than a bluff on the part of the
large companies, but at the same time they could not deny that the
credit tradition was still, for many miners, a way of survival. Both the
use of gold dust and the extension of credit continued to a certain
extent. Generally speaking, long credit and gold dust payments remained
as regular practice only with the general merchants on the creeks whose
clientele was still almost entirely composed of mine workers and whose
methods continued to vary little from the acknowledged frontier
Lowering the exchange rate had the immediate effect of stirring up
the long-simmering complaints against unduly high prices. On this issue
the Dawson Daily News jumped to the defence of the
consumer.57 Like landowners and their own arch-enemy, the
WPYR, merchants were (according to the editor) guilty of failing to
scale down their prices in keeping with the post-boom pattern of
economic belt-tightening. Little wonder, he exclaimed, that clubs were
being formed to send outside for supplies.
During this period the T. Eaton Company began to make in-roads in
the Yukon Territory. Although the exact date on which Eaton's catalogue
first crossed the Chilkoot is neither known nor celebrated, its arrival
in the north marked the beginning of a long-lived association between
the Dawsonite and the Dream Book. Since that time, loyalty to local
merchants has been carefully weighed against the advantage of sending
outside for goods.
Much of the general ill-will felt toward the Dawson merchants and
their position on the monetary question should more accurately have been
directed toward the Board of Trade, the official voice of the business
community, including transport, mercantile, banking and real estate
interests. Organized in September 1899,58 the board played an
especially active role before the incorporation of Dawson. During that
time it was an important lobby to the Yukon Council on such matters as
city improvements. Memorials from the board and reports from its various
members form a substantial portion of Lord Minto's Yukon
correspondence.59 The successive slates of the board's
executive position over the years 1899-1903 were filled by a
well-balanced sample of company directors, real estate brokers and bank
managers.60 The actual impulse needed to deal effectively
with the trade dust problem had come from this body.
Those adversely affected by the policy regarded the Board of Trade as
a dangerous combination designed to keep land and commodity prices
high.61 Merchants were thought to be doubly guilty as each
year they faced additional accusations of cornering the market in
certain commodities. This disreputable practice stirred "the collective
sourdough memory" to recall the grim winter of 1897. Calling it the
"starvation winter" was definitely hyperbolic. The root of the scare had
in fact been indiscriminate cornering, resulting in scarcities of
certain articles and black market dealings in many staples. Ever
afterward, once the rumour of a natural shortage in a certain area
reached public ears, fearful gossip about another such winter
In 1899 the Yukon had frozen early, leaving many tons of freight
stranded between Dawson and Skagway. During that fall and winter,
massive manipulation was reported in the markets for rolled oats,
hominy, sugar, Ogilvie flour, butter and potatoes.62 No one
was quite sure where truth ended and rumour began. Some firms were
besieged with orders for 10,000 of a single item. The finger of blame
was pointed squarely at those greedy and speculative "unprincipled
curbstone dealers" who allegedly would not hesitate to deprive Dawson's
poorer citizens. After individual interviews with representatives of the
Ladue Trading and Exploring Company, the AE Company, the Ames Mercantile
Company, the NAT&T Company and the NC Company, the Dawson Daily
News discovered that all leading firms either pleaded total
innocence of the scare or issued public assurances of their full stocks
in all areas and their absolute refusal to sell staples in lots larger
than an outfit. No staple line disappeared entirely and no one starved.
Whether anyone actually made his fortune by the scare remains a matter
of speculation.63 Dawson would never be entirely free of
price fixing of a certain kind. No one would deny the existence of open
competition on one hand, but neither could one ignore the fact that,
when the NC Company published its yearly price list, few merchants in
Dawson were not affected.64
In 1902, again, the Dawson Daily News declared in December
that the Pacific Cold Storage Company, the Standard Commercial Company
and one other firm had the city locked in a three-way meat monopoly. The
main point of the newspaper's criticism was that these firms, not
content with their indisputable wholesale control of the market, had
cornered retail sales as well.65 Dawson residents were not
adjusting to mercantile monopolies without complaints.
Merchants were also criticized for their failure to live up to the
general public's expectations of high-quality goods. Dealers in
groceries and provisions were especially vulnerable to these attacks,
partly because of the shipping risks they had to take and partly because
of the age of adulteration in which they lived. (This particular aspect
of merchandising will be discussed more fully in the next chapter.) The
North-West Mounted Police's health inspection provided a certain
protection. The general efficiency of this unit is not known, but the
Dawson Daily News described in lurid detail at least one
successful raid in 1899. The trader in question had apparently been
doing business up until the moment of his arrest at which time
the odor of his rotten eggs and tainted meat and fish was likened to
that emitted by a sewer, Examination by one health official showed the
meat to be "ready to walk." When the trader claimed that he was selling
his merchandise as dog food, he was admonished, fined $5 and court
costs, and sent on his way.66
By all indications, the established Dawson merchant enjoyed a
comfortable reputation in the city. Presidents and managers of leading
companies, however they were considered by customers and employees, were
generally respected as men of means and social prominence in the
community. These leading merchants were part of a clearly visible
post-boom elite, identified rather succinctly by Laura Berton in her
witty and perceptive analysis of Dawson's social fabric in 1907. The
event in question is the Grand Opening of the gala St. Andrew's
It was led, of course, by Commissioner Henderson and his wife,
followed by the church, represented by the Stringers, the law (the three
head judges and police superintendent) and Mammon (the heads of
companies). The rest of us followed behind.67
As the northern store evolved from the cabin of the self-reliant
river trader of the 1890s to the equally versatile but more elegant
quarters of the department store, its role as a centre of social
activity changed considerably. The importance of a warm, well-lit
gathering place in the life of a prospector needs no further emphasis.
Even in Dawson's heyday, when the cheechako hoards jostled along
muddy Front Street, there was still a need for a central point of
reference where friends could be found, news bartered and (above all)
where word of any new strikes could be picked up, weighed as to
authenticity and acted upon it necessary. The AC Company and the
NAT&T Company, centrally located on Front Street and constructed
side by side in the early summer of 1897, had from the start served as
the agora of Dawson, Both stores opened onto large wide platforms
which overlooked the traffic wending its way up Front Street, steamers
rounding the bend from Whitehorse or Saint Michael, and, just across the
way, the heaving and hauling of merchandise onto company wharves. The NC
Company's verandah was indeed a fine place to spend long summer days
waiting for a steamer, waiting for a strike, waiting for a stage bound
for the creeks. In the early days of Dawson-Bonanza freighting, these
companies were the arrival and departure points for various stage lines.
There, without doubt, the pulse of the boom town could be felt daily.
The AC Company's platform and the post office were the places to locate
a long-lost friend, partner or husband. Stories of day-long lineups at
the post office would seem to indicate that the crowd on the AC
Company's platform probably had a better system for dealing with
personal inquiries.
The end of summer in Dawson meant an end to steamers, freights,
newcomers and Front Street activities. It meant the gnawing cold of
winter, digging, thawing and the endless confinement in smoky cabins.
There were, of course, diversions; unlike rural communities Dawson had
scores of saloons, dance-halls, theatres, restaurants and (ultimately)
ladies in Paradise Alley to compete for the gold of the lonely miner
during his first long winter inside. The store, however, continued to
hold its position as public assembly, reading room and social
Despite the general reputation of boom town populations, not every
Dawson citizen felt comfortable in the noise and smoky glitter of the
dancehall. With a few exceptions, Dawson's restaurants seem to have been
relatively cheerless eateries. The store, on the other hand, provided
some element of companionship. While the cracker barrel tradition was no
longer an element of its culture, the huge stove was undoubtedly the
centre of any store gathering. The daughter of one trader recalled a
vivid childhood memory of the tones of adult conversation punctuated by
the occasional sharp hiss of spit hitting the hot metal.69
This rag-chewing ran the usual gamut of Yukon topics from local
injustices to prospecting adventure (every sourdough had his own
"face-to-face-with-a-bear" story). References to the more distant past,
to one's outside ties, were scrupulously avoided.
When electricity came to Dawson, it came first to the stores. A
brightly lit room must have attracted many who found the hours of winter
darkness increasingly unbearable. One sourdough gives us an idea of just
how desperate the creek miner was for winter entertainment.
Dn the creek where I spent the first several years the only form
of recreation was playing cards by the light of a candle. There were
neither books nor magazines, and at times we were so wistful for a break
in the monotony that we would visit the store in the evenings and read
the labels on the cans.70
Lord Minto's Klondike diary records that in 1900 the stores and shops
seemed to be open night and day,71 a practice that was
probably directly related to long hours of summer daylight.
In time, some of the larger stores took to organizing activities to
help fill the winter months. Editions of the Dawson Daily News
during the winter of 1899-1900 made weekly references to hockey and
bowling tournaments set up between the employees of some of the larger
establishments. New Year's Day that year was celebrated around the punch
bowl in the AC Company's store.
There were still vestiges, indeed, of the kind of trust and
interdependence which had existed in the distant days along the Yukon
River. But it was obvious, in the next decade, that the simplicity of
this relationship would have to give way to the pressures of "progress
towards civilization and its influences." The closely knit "family" of
river traders working together more or less under the AC Company's
banner had been forced to take on a new and multifarious membership.
Streaming to the gold-bearing centres from all parts of the world, the
merchant group of 1898 and later brought a vast range of experiences and
backgrounds to bear on the traditional Yukon business methods. This new
group was no homogeneous whole in terms of specialities, ways of
operation or status in the community.
The next chapter focuses on one particular type of business and the
demands which helped to mould it. The grocery and provisions trade was
germane to all phases of Klondike outfitting and supply. As the Dawson
business community matured, the small-scale general store became a
peripheral rather than a central institution in the community. Only the
provision merchants remained to carry on the trade most reminiscent of
the gold-rush era in stores which were the most colourful emporia of
them all.