Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 26
Grubstake to Grocery Store: Supplying the Klondike, 1897-1907
by Margaret Archibald
During the period of research for this report (1970-72), the staffs
of National Historic Parks and Sites Branch and Public Archives of
Canada were consistently helpful, as were Garth Graham of the Yukon
Territorial Library in Whitehorse and Robert Monroe in Special
Collections at the University of Washington Libraries. In August and
September of 1970 a number of Yukoners patiently answered my questions
and in so doing shared their Yukon experiences with me: Bob and Jessie
Bloom of Seattle, Fred G. Caley, the late Chester Henderson, Margaretta
and the late Elmer Gandroue, all of Dawson and Victoria Faulkner, Jim
Robb and Charlie Taylor of Whitehorse. Joe and Marion Langevin of Dawson
generously made available to me the Dawson Hardware Company papers, a
most valuable source. Molly Wolf was responsible for a very thorough
editing. The assistance of each of these people was appreciated. I am
especially indebted to co-historian Margaret Carter for her careful
reading of the manuscript, her perceptive questioning and many valuable
suggestions. In my absence in 1973, hers was the thankless task of
preparing the manuscript for final typing.
I also wish to acknowledge copyright permissions received from the
following individuals and companies: Meredith S. Hayes; Hugh R. Innis;
Theo T. Mizony; the Archives, Eatons of Canada Limited; The
Guardian-the Evening Patriot (Charlottetown); Collins-Knowlton-Wing
Inc.; Maclean Hunter; McClelland and Stewart Limited; Special
Collections, University of Washington Libraries; the Borden Company,
Limited; Bovril (Canada) Limited; Lowney's Limited; H.J. Heinz Company
of Canada; Brooke Bond Foods Limited; Kraft Foods Limited; Libby,
McNeill and Libby; E.D. Smith and Sons, Limited.