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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 26

Grubstake to Grocery Store: Supplying the Klondike, 1897-1907

by Margaret Archibald

Appendix C. Origins of Dawson Companies and Merchants.

It should be pointed out that this appendix is by no means complete. It lists only the known sources of merchants and companies operating in Dawson from 1898 to 1905. Dawson sources do not delve into the past lives of the town's citizens with any regularity.

Alaska Commercial CompanySan Francisco
(Northern Commerical Company after 1901)

Alaska Exploration CompanyLondon (U.K.) and San Francisco

Ames Mercantile CompanyChicago and San Francisco

William Clark (North End Grocer)Tacoma, Washington

Eagle Clothing CompanyChicago, St. Paul, Minn.

J.R. Grey (Dawson Hardware Co.)Vancouver and Seattle

Marion A. Hammell (grocery)Mt. Gilead, Ohio, and Montana

Joseph Ladue Gold Mining and Development CompanyPlattsburg, N.Y.

McLennan, McFeely and CompanyVancouver

Ezra Meeker (scow merchant)Tacoma, Washington

North American Transportation and Trading CompanySeattle and Chicago

O'Donogue and Swift
(general merchants)
Kingston, Ont.

Pacific Cold Storage CompanyTacoma, Washington

Parson's Produce CompanyWinnipeg

Martin A. Pinska (of Sargent and Pinska Clothiers)St. Paul, Minn.

Ryan (of the North End Grocery)Tacoma, Washington

Charles S. Sargent (of Sargent and Pinska)Duluth, Minn.

N.P. Shaw and Company
(livestock, meats and provisions)

Seattle-Yukon Trading CompanySeattle

Trading and Exploration CompanyLondon, U.K.

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