Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 26
Grubstake to Grocery Store: Supplying the Klondike, 1897-1907
by Margaret Archibald
Introduction: The Entrepreneur
This particular version of the Klondike story is devoted to the
entrepreneur, the person who saw a gold strike not simply in terms of
dust or nuggets, but rather envisaged the activity that gold would
engender, imagined the placer boom town in its lively totality and
foresaw the mining community in terms of its most blatant needs and its
probable life-style.
The naive assumption that the Klondike gravel beds had nuggets enough
to go around, that all comers were guaranteed to leave as millionaires,
must have dominated many an overladen steamer working its way up the
Inside Passage in the summer of 1897 and 1898. In the surviving sources
which chronicle those voyages north, the question "Why?" is never asked,
nor are individuals' expectations documented. Yet to every passenger the
words "gold," "paystreak" and "lode" must have conjured up a personal
vision of success, wealth, utopia or high adventure.
Perhaps it is unrealistic to separate the entrepreneur from this mass
of goldseekers and to set him apart as a distinct specimen of the
gold-rush. But such people evinced a frame of mind, a way of approaching
the whole adventure, a response to the challenge which one can see as a
quality common to many of the men and women who answered Klondike's
call. What makes their story all the more worth telling is that the
stage on which they played out their parts was so bleak, so inhospitable
and unyielding, that what they built stands out sharply by comparison.
Its virtues and flaws, its beginning and its end are all clearly
visible. In less than a decade a legendary city was built and all but
abandoned. The story's briefness means that the blurred edges and the
subtleties of transition which exist in the history of other cities are,
in Dawson's case, brought sharply into focus.
For this same reason, the social and economic underpinnings of the
boom and bust legend are more obvious. Dawson must be one of the most
thoroughly chronicled and photographed cities of its size in Canada.
Much of this popularity, indeed, has served to perpetuate a Klondike
mythology. There is to every war, disaster or mass human event something
of a collective memory, a fund of stories and reminiscences which serve
its veterans well, even those who might not have participated
prominently in the event itself. Nevertheless, from the many-faceted
depths of the Klondike story emerges a cast of unexpected heroes and
villains. Who would have thought that disease took as great a toll of
human life as the formidable Chilkoot? Or that the nugget-scooping gold
miner would eventually become one of hundreds of thousands of
discontented wage-earners? Similarly unexpected is the identity of
Dawson's rich men, the ones who did find the paystreak. That paystreak
was far more likely to have shown itself in an office or over a counter
or at the wharves than on a placer creek bed.
This version of the story focuses not only on the entrepreneur in
Dawson during the rush, but on his predecessors the traders along
the Yukon River during the days of earlier and smaller rushes, and the
west coast outfitters as well. The mercantile experience of each
becomes a fundamental element of the structure of the post-gold-rush
trade. From the first came the concept of a grubstake and an
understanding of the rigorous demands of the Yukon valley on trader and
prospector alike. From the second came the vigorous spirit of enterprise
and profit, as well as the essential contact between the boom town and
the outside world for continued supplies and services.
The business methods and manipulation, the concepts of growth and
success and the hierarchical bonds within the Dawson merchant community
must also be examined. From these it becomes apparent how the
entrepreneurial frame of mind helped to shape the contours of the city
and to what extent the merchant community reflected Dawson's inevitable
In order to give colour and relief to what would otherwise be a
somewhat analytical approach to the Dawson mercantile community, it is
necessary to examine its individual members more closely. After 1898 the
community became exceedingly specialized. The grocery and provisions
merchant was the nearest heir among those specialists to the river
trader, and his range of stock was the closest approximation to the
traditional outfit. Of the speciality trades, the grocer's trade in the
basics of survival was (not surprisingly) covered most carefully by
local newspapers. Similarly, material from diaries, personal
reminiscences and interviews seems to indicate that the day-to-day
commodities from the grocer or general merchant's stock still retain a
place in the collective sourdough memory. In attempting to shift its
focus from the structure of the merchant community to more practical
matters of stocks, sales and appetites, this report hopefully reflects
the concerns of both merchants and consumers.