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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 17

The Halifax Citadel, 1825-60: A Narrative and Structural History

by John Joseph Greenough

Appendix H: The Gate and Bridge

The gates, entrance tunnel and bridge were all provided in item 3 of the 1836 revised estimate.1 The entrance tunnel was constructed at the same time as the redan casemates in the late 1830s, but the bridge was not built until 1850. It is not known when the gates were constructed.

In addition to the description of the bridge as proposed, we also possess a set of plans for both the standing and drawn portions of the bridge as finally constructed.2 These are entirely reliable for information on the method of construction employed, and in any differences between the written description in the estimate and the plans, the former should be disregarded. The estimate does, however, give some idea of the type of timber used.

The plan and sections drawn to illustrate the proposal for installing a water tank under the casemate in the south side of the redan3 also give some information on the south wall of the gate tunnel and the doors leading to the guardroom.

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