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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 17

The Halifax Citadel, 1825-60: A Narrative and Structural History

by John Joseph Greenough


The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance given him in his research by the staffs of the Public Archives of Canada and the Public Archives of Nova Scotia, and thanks those institutions, as well as the Metropolitan Toronto Public Library and the Public Record Office, London, for permission to reproduce various maps, plans, photographs and pictures as illustrations in this report.

The author also thanks Carol Whitfield and George Ingram of the Research Division, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada for reading parts of the manuscript and offering valuable suggestions. Finally, the author wishes to thank his copy editor, Molly Wolf, and the publication staff of National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, without whose dogged hard work this report would never have reached its final form.

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