Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 17
The Halifax Citadel, 1825-60: A Narrative and Structural History
by John Joseph Greenough
". . . I now think I made a little too free with the Climate . . ."
In the hierarchy of the Ordnance in London, the office most directly
concerned with the Halifax Citadel was that of the Inspector General of
Fortifications. Like so much else about the Ordnance, the title was
something of a misnomer. The Inspector General in fact supervised all
the activities of the three Ordnance corps the Corps of Royal
Engineers, the Royal Regiment of Artillery, and the Corps of Sappers and
Miners. Fortification was only one of the Inspector General's
responsibilities. He could not make major administrative decisions
(i.e., those involving policy or money or both). These were referred,
through the Secretary of the Ordnance, to the Master General and
Honourable Board of His Majesty's Ordnance. Theoretically the process
was simple enough; the secretary was to lay the matter, whatever it was,
before the Master General and board and the latter two were to render a
decision. But in reality the process was somewhat different. Despite
the impossing formulation, the Master General (invariably a soldier) and
the civilian board rarely had much to do with each other, and neither,
in most cases, actually made decisions. The important figure in most
transactions between the Inspector General and the board was an
intermediary, the secretary (properly, the Secretary to the Board of
Ordnance). This gentleman was the permanent departmental
under-secretary, roughly the equivalent of a modern deputy minister, and
his recommendations were usually accepted.
An example will serve to illustrate the workings of the department.
The Commanding Royal Engineer at a station would address himself
directly to the Inspector General. If a decision was necessary, the
Inspector General would write to the secretary, enclosing the engineer's
letter and any other documents he considered relevant, giving his
opinion and requesting a decision. The secretary would then go through
the motions of presenting the case to the Master General and board. In
some instances, if the matter was sufficiently important, the Master
General would either write a memorandum on the subject or would minute
the margin of the engineer's letter. The secretary would then compose a
short letter rendering the decision and return it, along with the
original correspondence and any marginal annotations acquired since, to
the Inspector General, who would then refer it to one of his deputies
for transmission back to the station. The whole process could
take only a few days. More commonly it took months and occasionally
In the summer of 1828, the key positions in the Ordnance were held as
Inspector General of Fortifications: General Gother Mann
Deputy Inspector General: Major General Sir Alexander Bryce
Secretary to the Board of Ordnance: Richard Byham
Brigade Major, Corps of Royal Engineers; Lieutenant General Charles Grene Ellicombe
The Master General, Lord Boresford, had held office for only a few
months, and Byham only since 1827. Mann, who had been an engineer for 65
years, Inspector General for 17, and a full general for 7, was, for the
moment, the most powerful man in the Ordnance.1
The Inspector General's office acknowledged receipt of Nicolls's
Citadel scheme on 21 March 1826.2 Nothing further was heard
on the subject for more than two years. Mann contented himself with
referring the plans to Sir James Carmichael Smyth for comment, and,
when the latter pronounced himself satisfied,3 allowed the
subject to drop. It was not until parliamentary approval of the
necessary funds was imminent that Mann formally submitted the scheme to
the Master General and board for approval.4 His accompanying
letter was terse. "I concur with the opinion of Sir James Carmichael
Smyth of its [the plan's] fitness for the situation and that the
estimated expense, £115,999 appears moderate and, if the measure
be adopted, one of great economy." Despite the fact that it was already
almost July, he proposed to ask for £15,000 for construction in
the current year.
The Master General was in complete agreement. His only contribution
was a comment on building methods appropriate to North America. "No more
length of work should be laid down than could be completed to the top
during the season as covering it for the winter frost occupies much time
and is very expensive."5 In fact, no one connected with the
higher reaches of the Ordnance seemed to be too concerned about the
project. The following day, 17 July 1828, Byham dispatched the letter of
approval of the project to the Inspector General.6
Before sending the letter on to Halifax, Bryce appended a couple of
suggestions as to how the scheme could be improved. The most important
one concerned the cavaliers.
[Colonel Nicolls] is requested to consider whether it might not be
advisable to construct the casemated cavaliers in four distinct
positions . . . placing one in each Bastion across the Capitals . .
. [this] would . . . have the advantage of furnishing a powerful
Blockhouse or retrenchment in each Bastion without lessening in any
degree the accommodation for Troops & Stores.7
This was London's only quibble with the proposals, and it was added,
almost as an afterthought, on the same day that Colonel Ellicombe drew
up the covering letter for transmission to Nicolls. Approval had taken
only 36 days. Never again would a major decision regarding the Citadel
be made so quickly.
For almost three years, the Citadel project had been in limbo. Now
that official approval had finally been granted, a whole host of
difficulties had to be dealt with. For the remainder of the 1828 working
season, Nicolls confined himself to doing some preliminary excavation
and addressed himself to the formidable task of finding the materials
and workmen necessary to begin building in the following year. In
October he sent a progress report to London.
I have made a commencement in excavating the ditch of the West
Ravelin which being the lowest part of the West front (the most
important) it is necessary should be first excavated in order to afford
free water course for what would otherwise be pent up in the
He detailed what he proposed to construct in the following year: the
west ravelin counterscarp and part of the west escarp. The first was to
be built by soldiers (Royal Sappers and Minoes and artificers from the
line regiments) and the second by civilian contract.
Nicolls anticipated trouble in procuring enough skilled workmen, so
much so that he recommended hiring 20 civilian masons in England and
shipping them to Halifax for the working season. He also noted that
there were only two brick-makers in Halifax and that local supplies
were, in consequence, both insufficient and excessively expensive. He
therefore recommended that 100,000 bricks be sent out from England. He
concluded his report by agreeing with the Master General's directive
about construction methods, but noted that an exception would have to be
made in the case of the cavaliers, since "it would not be advisable to
construct the whole in one season. . . [The] arch part, which must
thereby be done late in the season would never become thoroughly dry, or
might even yet be affected by the frost." He proposed erecting the
cavalier up to the springing of the arches in one season and turning the
arches in the following spring. He did not think that this would be
either dangerous or expensive, since the standing walls could be
protected for the winter by the scaffolding.
In a second letter, Nicolls dealt with Bryce's suggested alterations
to the cavalier. Those he rejected. He considered the northern and
western cavaliers to be necessary, the one to cover Camp Hill and the
other to enfilade Needham Hill; their function would be impaired by
placing them across the capitals of the bastions. He did, however, admit
that a third cavalier facing Fort Massey Hill to the south might be
desirable, and suggested splitting the north cavalier, leaving four of
its seven arches in the original location and removing the other three
to the south end of the fort. He concluded,
this division might keep the defence more in equilibrio, but will
cause some increase of expense, requiring 2 additional abutments 8
ft. thick instead of one centre pier of 4. . .
By allowing the [west] Cavalier B to remain on its present
site and dividing [the north cavalier] A into two [north]
A, & [south] K, each flanking [the west] B and
being flanked by it, it would only be necessary in time of war and
alarm, to build up and loop hole their lower doors and windows to form a
most powerful Retrenchment within Fort George; which Work is on too
small a scale to render a Retrenchment in each Bastion
The last paragraph of the letter was pure Nicolls;
In offering these explanations, it is with much deference I differ
in opinion with Sir Alexander Bryce, even though that difference is in
the local, in the principles recommended in his suggestions I entirely
In fact, Bryce's suggestion was ill-suited to the realities of the
site, and Nicolls had made a perfectly adequate rebuttal of it. Nicolls
conceived of the cavaliers as gun platforms directed at specific targets
and placed them accordingly. Bryce's conception of them as redoubts was
more than a little ridiculous, given the situation. Examples of a
garrison continuing to hold out when the enemy was busily engaged in
setting up gun positions in the interior of the nearly captured
fortress were rare, especially so in the case of a work as comparatively
tiny as the Citadel. Nevertheless, Nicolls felt obliged to whitewash his
difference of opinion, first by subscribing to the redoubt theory, and
second by denying that any such difference existed.
As it happened, Bryce and Mann never noticed the difference. What did
strike them forcibly was that Nicolls had used that ominous phrase,
"increase of expense." A terse reply was drafted within days of the
arrival of Nicolls's letter. General Mann agreed with Nicolls's proposal
and requested an estimate. "provided it should not exceed the expense
originally estimated."10 Nicolls was given no indication of
how this could be done. Once again, in an attempt to please his
superiors, he had talked himself into a corner.

7 Ground plan of the Citadel in October 1828, Colonel Nicoll's original
design. It was drawn at the end of the first working season and shows
the progress of the work.
(Public Archives of Canada.)

8 "Escarp to be taken down" and "Escarp proposed," 1834. The escarp to
be taken down was built to the specifications of the 1828 contracts. The
escarp proposed was the final variation on the standard escarp used to
replace earlier failures.
(Public Archives of Canada.)
Nicolls spent the remainder of the winter of 1828-29 attempting
to solve the problems outlined in his letter to Mann. His task was made
easier by the fact that his request for stores and civilian masons from
England was quickly granted (although the wording of the letter left in
doubt the number of masons to be hired),11 but by this time
another difficulty had arisen. Up to that point the Engineer department
in Halifax had apparently never owned a quarry. In November, Nicolls
wrote to Mann outlining the steps he had taken to get possession of a
suitable site in Purcell Cove. The property had been escheated to the
crown in the preceding year. Nicolls needed money to develop it
specifically £47 10s. 10-1 /4d. for a wharf and roads, and he now
requested that London approve the expenditure.12
While he waited for a reply, Nicolls turned to the business of
finding a civilian contractor for the escarp wall. Early in November
tenders had been called.13 It had been specified that no
builder could contract for less than 300 feet, that the work was subject
to the inspection of the Engineer department, and that the contractor
was to supply his own scaffolding and materials, except for the stone
itself, which was to be ironstone from the department's quarry. On 6
December, Mr. William Flinn contracted to build 400 feet of escarp on
the terms specified at 12s. 9d. per perch.14 (A perch of
masonry was 24.75 cubic feet.) A bond of £1,000 sterling was
posted by Messrs. Barron and Trider, guaranteeing performance of the
contract. A few days later, a second contract was let to Mr. Peter Hays.
The second contract was identical except that, for some reason, Hays got
a better deal 13s. 8-1/2d. per perch.15 The wording of the
contracts was vague enough to give rise to questions about their
legality some years later (see below), but for the moment
Nicolls's immediate problems were solved.
There remained the question of the labour force. A large proportion
of the force was drawn from the garrison regiments, and Nicolls depended
on the good will of the general officer commanding to ensure an adequate
supply of workmen from this source. Throughout the winter, Nicolls had
supposed that his major problem would be to find enough civilian
labourers. In early May he got a nasty jolt. His brother officers were
less than enthusiastic about cooperating. A routine request for an
increase in the Citadel working party from 100 to 150 regular soldiers
touched off a row when Lieutenant Colonel Harris, the deputy adjutant
general, revealed that Lieutenant General Maitland, commanding the
forces in Nova Scotia, was unhappy about the number of men engaged in
work parties.
It appears ... that from the number of Soldiers employed in the
Public Departments either as Workmen or on Fatigue, the daily Casualties
and Garrison guards, the united strength of the three Regiments would
amount to no more than 428 Privates, for all purposes of drill and other
Military instruction during the Summer.16
General Maitland disliked having an insufficient number of soldiers
to drill and, as a result, decided to cancel all working parties on
Wednesdays and Saturdays for the remainder of the summer.
This bombshell came on the very day when Nicolls had written a letter
to one of the regimental colonels complaining that his men habitually
arrived late and unattended by an officer, the officer "not arriving
until some time afterwards."17 Maitland's decision roused
Nicolls to one of his few recorded examples of tactlessness. He replied
to Harris, comparing the new attitude unfavourably with the cooperation
he had received from Sir James Kempt (Maitland's predecessor),
complaining that work would be slowed up under the new policy and
requesting that at least a token force of necessary artificers be
exempted from the ban.18 The next day Nicolls repented of his
rashness and wrote a more conciliatory epistle,19 but by then
it was too late. Maitland refused to rescind his order and it stood for
the rest of the summer, although the general did relent to the extent of
taking 10 men from the Georges Island work party and putting them to
work on the Citadel at the end of May.20
On 24 June a company of the Royal Sappers and Miners and members of
the Royal Staff Corps arrived.21 If Nicolls expected them to
alleviate the labour situation to any degree, he was mistaken. Less than
two months later he was complaining bitterly about their abilities.
I by no means receive the assistance I expected from the 18th
Company of Royal Sappers & Miners, lately sent to this Place.
it is generally deficient in good Workmen, and particularly so in
Masons and Bricklayers; the non-Commissioned officers are but of
comparatively little service on the works, the two Serjeants being
Collar Makers, and the rest not particularly skilful in their
He suggested that the vacant positions in the company be filled with
skilled masons and bricklayers; otherwise it would be necessary to hire
a civilian foreman "at additional expense." In the final paragraph of
the letter, Nicolls had comments to make on the quality of the garrison
soldiers as labourers.
The Staff Corps possesses some very good artificers, but I have
kept them as much by themselves as the Service would admit, as it seems
natural that Soldiers paid whether they work or not, and others paid
according to their diligence and attention [i.e., the Staff Corps]
are not likely to mingle well together.
The soldiers who were "paid whether they worked or not" caused at
least one incident with a civilian contractor in the course of the
summer. Mr. Patrick Kelly, a carter, complained that he was being
harassed by both the foreman and the working parties. The former was
forcing him to overload his cart in violation of his contract. He
claimed that one of the latter had threatened that
if they did not get rum from me they would break my trucks
in loading and this they expressed in the presence of the Overseer of
Labourers, whom I called upon to prevent such conduct, he made light of
my entreaties and said he could do nothing about
Unfortunately for Mr. Kelly, his complaint fell on deaf ears. By the
time it was written, Nicolls was convinced that the contractors were at
least as much trouble as the troops, and was not at all well-disposed
toward them.
In fact, by the end of the summer, Nicolls's relationship with his
civilian contractors was beginning to resemble a farce with paranoiac
overtones. The colonel had become convinced that most of the contractors
were cheating, and laboured mightily to prove it. He had the trucks
weighed, the hogsheads measured and the stones counted. Unfortunately
for his peace of mind, every time he thought he had proved his case, he
found himself thwarted by the deputy commissary general, George Damerum.
It was Damerum's business to negotiate contracts and oversee the
contractors, and it was his increasingly unpleasant task to demonstrate
to Nicolls's satisfaction that most of the illegalities were, in fact,
nothing more than misunderstandings.
As an example (admittedly an extreme one), take the case of William
Roach, the contractor for lime. Nicolls, on measuring one of Roach's
hogsheads, found it to contain less than he thought it
should.24 The difficulty lay in the fact that the definition
of a hogshead, as set forth in the statutes of Nova Scotia, had
inadvertently been carried over into the contract. According to the Nova
Scotian government, a hogshead contained "8 Winchester bushels or 96
gallons."25 Unfortunately the two measurements were not the
same; 96 gallons was somewhat larger than 8 Winchester bushels. Roach
insisted on the bushels,26 while Nicolls held out for the
gallons. No amount of persuasion from Damerum and ultimately
from the general officer commanding could convince Nicolls that Roach
in fact had a case. The correspondence on the subject dragged on into
November and was finally settled by compromise only after Nicolls
threatened to take the case all the way to the Treasury.
When the working season finally came to an end in
mid-November27 everyone was vastly relieved. While all
concerned recognized that it had been an exceptionally bad year, they
hoped that this only reflected the inevitable difficulties arising from
the commencement of a major work. The next season, 1830, would see
better results.
One reflection of the season's difficulties was the financial balance
sheet. Parliament had granted £15,000 in 1828 and a further
£15,000 in 1829,28 for a total of £30,000. Of
this only £10,595 had been spent.29 Despite this,
neither Nicolls nor London was unduly alarmed. In fact, Nicolls
requested and got £20,456 18s. 1d. on the Citadel account in the
annual estimate for 1830-31, the largest amount ever granted in a
single year for the project.30
One reason for optimism was that the two masonry contractors had
managed to build their allotted portions of escarp within the required
time. The system having worked so well, Nicolls saw no reason to change
it. On 15 October Nicolls issued a specification for 1,000 feet of
escarp; the wording of the specification was, in most respects,
identical to that of the previous year.31 The first contract
was let to Mr. John Metzler on 8 December. It was for 500 feet of escarp
at the rate of 12s. 7d. per perch.32 The contract for the
other 500 feet went to Peter Hays, who once again managed to get a
better rate 13s. 7-1 /2d. per perch.33
The working season opened early in May with the usual wrangle with
Harris about the number of men available for the working
party.34 Once work had begun, however, things went relatively
smoothly. There were the usual problems with the labour force, but not
to the same extent as in the previous summer. Similarly there were few
open disputes about contracting. Nicolls contented himself with a
protest to London over the wording of Damerum's contracts for truckage
and supply (the building contracts had been largely the colonel's own
doing). Damerum's contracts were, Nicolls contended, imperfectly worded
and were open to criticism on that score.35 Viewed in the
light of subsequent developments, this was an ironic complaint.
By the end of the working season, much had been accomplished. A good
index of the progress was the rate of expenditure. The work had cost
£18,375 in 1830,36 almost twice as much as had been
spent in the two previous years put together. While it was true that
neither of the two contractors quite completed the required 500 feet of
escarp. Nicolls and the Engineer department were in a forgiving mood. On
4 November Peter Hays signed his third consecutive contract with the
department, agreeing to complete the portion of the work left unfinished
in 1830 and to build another 320 feet of escarp the next year, all for
the price of 13s. 7-1 /2d. a perch.37 Four days later Mr.
Metzler signed a similar contract; he agreed to complete his portion of
the unfinished wall and to build an additional 186 feet. He was to
receive the same rate as Hays.38 Both contracts were awarded
on Nicolls's recommendation, without further tenders being
The respective officers (Nicolls and other Ordnance staff) defended
their actions on the grounds of continuity. There was no point in
calling for new tenders, they argued; work by an experienced builder
with knowledge of the project was safer and in the long run more
economical than work by a new contractor.40 Colonel Nicolls
pronounced himself completely satisfied with the work done by Hays and
Metzler.41 The reports of both the respective officers and of
Nicolls himself made special mention of the "well-shaped large stones"
which Mr. Hays used.
Then, on 9 December, 50 feet of escarp in the southwest bastion, which
had been built by Flinn in 1829, suddenly collapsed.42 This
was bad but not disastrous; Flinn was not, after all, one of the
favourite contractors. If it could be proved that the collapse was the
result of faulty workmanship, Nicholls had nothing to fear. He promptly
submitted the documents relevant to the case to S. G. W. Archibald, the
solicitor general of the province, to see whether legal action could be
taken, Archibald replied on Christmas Eve. He was not encouraging.
I have carefully examined enclosed to me . . . and I am of the
opinion under the Contract and the manner in which it was agreed that it
should be executed that there would be great difficulty in this case of
compelling the Contractor either to rebuild the wall . . . or to answer
in damages for such rebuilding.43
Even if Archibald had been more optimistic, it would have been little
comfort for Nicolls. Two days earlier 70 feet of Hays's wall in the
northwest bastion had also collapsed.44 It must have been a
very gloomy Christmas for the colonel.
It was not until 28 January that Nicolls addressed himself to the
odious task of conveying the bad news to London.45 The
failure of Flinn's work was the easiest to explain; it had bulged as
early as November 1829, and in consequence Nicolls had refused to give
Flinn another contract. The work had been clearly defective from the
start, although the legal situation was such that criminal prosecution
was impossible. Hays's work was another matter. Nicolls was at a loss to
suggest an explanation, though he did suggest that the stones used had
perhaps been too small. Then, too, the climate was so damp that the
mortar had never set properly. He noted the improvements
which had been made in 1830 in terms of the thickness of the wall and
the quality of the stone, and stated that he entertained no fears about
the durability of the work built in that year. To strengthen subsequent
building still further, he recommended thickening the escarp sections
and using cement to point the faces. He noted that he had used
contractors for reasons of economy and speed, since the reserves of
military manpower were insufficient to build at so fast a rate. He
It is with much regret I have to bring a Report of the foregoing
nature before you; and beg to assure you that I shall use my best
endeavours to profit by the experience gained in the last two Years, and
adopt circumstances as much as possible to this Climate, so very
unfavourable for building massive walls to retain moistened earth. . .
I entertain hopes that the Hill will still be completed for the
sum originally estimated.
Unfortunately the memoranda and letters sent in reply to this letter
are missing. One suspects that they made unpleasant reading. We do know
that the Board of Ordnance was at the point of approving a grant of
£14,931 on the Citadel account for the 1831-32 season when
Nicolls's letter arrived, and that the amount was cut to £4,989,
ostensibly because of the unexpended balances.46 We can infer
from Nicolls's reply to the missing letters that he was instructed to
stop using contract masons after the expiration of the current (1831)
contracts. We also know that Colonel Ellicombe addressed a personal
letter to Nicolls, and we have Nicolls's reply. It is resigned and
almost whimsical in tone.
Dear Ellicombe
I view your note of 2d March as kindly intended and
therefore thank you for it However, I entertain little
apprehension for any thing built at Fort George since 1829, in which
year I now think I made a little too free with the Climate but .
. . I have written officially and fully on the subject . . . and there
is little pleasure in repetition of this nature. . . .
We are hard at work at the Hill but we get no
Military artisans or Labourers, except Sappers and Staff Corps either
for it or the Barrack service, on Wednesdays & Saturdays This
helps to increase the expense considerably, perhaps you could inform me
whether this is according to the spirit of the times, and general custom
where there are considerable Works carrying on.47
Nicolls's official response took the form of a letter and two
estimates for the work which he had intended to have Messrs. Hays and
Metzler do in the 1831 working season. The first was for 372 foot of
north ravelin escarp; the second for 186 feet of curtain. The new
estimates, which took into account both increased dimensions and the use
of military labour, exceeded the old by a total of
£957.48 The plans were rejected. Fanshawe (the new
brigade major) wrote on 29 June,
Sir Alexander desires me to say that he by no means feels
confident with a climate such as that of Halifax that the revetments
erected in 1830 are sufficient, and further that he cannot sanction the
construction of revetments at Halifax of a less mean thickness than that
used by Vauban, whose dimensions have now the advantage of long
experience over any calculations that rests [sic] in some degree
on theoretical data.49
Despite the uncertainty about the future, the working season
progressed as efficiently in 1831 as it had the proceeding summer. In
fact the department managed to spend £1,000 more in the course of
1831 than it had in 1830.50 But it was clear by the end of
the summer that some sort of settled policy on escarp sections was
necessary before the work could progress much further. It was also clear
that London was no longer disposed to listen to Nicolls, and it came as
no surprise when he was transferred to Quebec.
Nicolls made one last gesture. On the plan accompanying the progress
report dispatched on 3 September, he proposed a drastic alteration to
the eastern front the abandonment of the ravelin and the
substitution of a redan. His explanation of the proposal was brief. It
would, he said, afford greater interior space and improve external fire.
It provided the ditch with flanking fire "as good or better than that
done away with." Finally the cost would be about the same as that of the
original proposal.51
London's reply was equally brief and requested plans and a detailed
estimate.52 It arrived on the same boat as Colonel Nicolls's

9 "Elevation of Gorge of West Ravelin," 1832. The failed ravelin as it
appeared to Colonel Boteler.
(Public Record Office, London.)

10 "Plan of Fort George," 1832. This is probably the best large-scale
plan of the Citadel in its original form, and was drawn to accompany
Colonel Boteler's letter of 14 January 1832. Appended to this version
is a list detailing the state of the work in January 1833.
(Public Record Office, London.)