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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 17

The Halifax Citadel, 1825-60: A Narrative and Structural History

by John Joseph Greenough

Appendix A: Ordnance Staff and Officers Commanding at Halifax

The question of rank in the Ordnance is confused by the fact that senior Ordnance officers also held regular army rank, and by the fact that Ordnance ranks stop at Colonel Commandant. Very senior Ordnance officers (like Gother Mann or John Fox Burgoyne) are given their army ranks in this appendix; relatively junior officers (like Colonels Jones, Savage, Boteler and so forth) are given their Ordnance ranks. Carmichael Smyth, for example, was a lieutenant colonel in the Corps of Royal Engineers and a colonel in the army simultaneously. It should also be pointed out that each officer is given his rank at the date of his appointment; Nelson was a lieutenant colonel when he was appointed CRE at Halifax and became a full colonel somewhat later. Army officers are, of course, given army ranks.

Masters General of the Ordnance, London, 1819-55
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington1819-27
Henry Paget, 1st Marquis of Anglesea1827-28
William, 1st Viscount Beresford1828-30
Sir James Kempt1830-34
Sir George Murray1834-35
Richard, 1st Baron Vivian1835-41
Sir George Murray (2d term)1841-46
Lord Anglesea (2d term)1846-52
Henry, 1st Viscount Hardinge of Lahore1852
Fitzroy Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan1852-55

Secretary to the Board of Ordnance
Richard Byham1827-50

Inspectors General of Fortifications, 1811-68

Lieutenant General Gother Mann23 July 1811
Major General Sir Alexander Bryce10 April 1830
Major General Robert Pilkington24 October 1830
Major General Sir Frederick W. Mulcaster16 July 1834
Major General John Fox Burgoyne17 July 1845

In 1862, the office was changed to:
Inspectors General of Engineers and Directors of Works
General Sir John Fox Burgoyne27 September 1862
Major General Edward Frome20 January 1868

Deputy Inspectors General of Fortifications

Major General Sir Alexander Bryce2 December 1814
(This office was abolished when Bryce became Inspector General on 10 April 1830.)

Assistant Inspectors General of Fortifications, 1814-62

Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius Mann1 November 1814
(After 1830 there were two Assistant Inspectors General.)
Lieutenant Colonel Edward Fanshawe30 April 1830
Captain John Wells30 April 1830
Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Brown4 August 1842
Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Anderson1 July 1844
Captain Henry Sandham11 March 1848
Colonel George Harding1 October 1850
Lieutenant Colonel John Walpole5 February 1850
Captain Robert Laffan30 May 1855
Major William F. D. Jervois8 April 1856
Captain Edward BalfieldNovember 1856
Captain Douglas Galton31 December 1859

In 1862, the office was superseded by that of:
Deputy Director of Works (Fortifications)
Lieutenant Colonel William F. D. Jervois5 September 1862

Brigade Majors of the Corps of Royal Engineers, 1821-46

Captain Charles Ellicombe9 January 1821
Captain Edward Matson25 July 1842

In 1846, the office was superseded by that of:
Assistant Adjutants General
Lieutenant Colonel Edward Matson15 June 1846
Lieutenant Colonel Frederick A. Yorke17 December 1855
Captain Edward Stanton1 August 1858
Lieutenant Colonel Hussey F. Keane1 July 1861
Colonel James F. M. Browne1 January 1866

Deputy Adjutants General of the Corps of Royal Engineers, 1855-66

Colonel Edward Matson1 July 1855
Lieutenant Colonel John W. Gordon18 October 1856
Lieutenant Colonel Frederick E. Chapman1 September 1860
Lieutenant Colonel Hussey F. Keane1 January 1866

General Officers Commanding in Nova Scotia, 1855-73
Major General Sir John Gaspard Le Marchant1855-57
Major General Charles Trollope1857-61
Major General Sir Charles Hastings Doyle1861-73

Commanding Royal Engineers in Nova Scotia, 1818-71
Lieutenant Colonel James Robertson Arnold1818-25
Colonel Gustavus Nicolls (2d term)1825-31
Lieutenant Colonel Richard Boteler1831-33
Captain Loyalty Peake (acting)1833
Lieutenant Colonel Rice Jones1833-42
Lieutenant Colonel Patrick D. Calder1842-48
Lieutenant Colonel Henry John Savage1848-54
Lieutenant Colonel Richard John Stotherd1854-58
Lieutenant Colonel Richard John Nelson1858-61
Lieutenant Colonel Spencer Westmacott1861-66
Lieutenant Colonel Richard Burnaby1866-71

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