Jasper National Park
Parc national Jasper

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Visit the world's second largest dark sky preserve in the largest national park in the Canadian Rockies! Known for its abundant wildlife and extensive trail network; visitors from all over the world travel here to experience this very special place.

Part of UNESCO's Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site, find your connection to this very special place. Discover one or all of our five spectacular regions, explore our extensive trail network, or visit our famous red chair locations. (Hint: the winter months are pretty spectacular!)

Séjournez dans la deuxième plus grande réserve de ciel étoilé au monde et le plus grand parc national des Rocheuses canadiennes! Le parc est reconnu pour sa faune abondante et son vaste réseau de sentiers! Des visiteurs des quatre coins du monde y affluent pour faire l’expérience de ce lieu exceptionnel.

Le parc national Jasper fait partie du site du patrimoine mondial des Rocheuses canadiennes de l’UNESCO. Rapprochez-vous de ce joyau de notre patrimoine en découvrant un ou l’ensemble de nos cinq incontournables, en explorant notre vaste réseau de sentiers, ou en vous rendant aux endroits où se trouvent nos célèbres chaises rouges. (Suggestion : le parc est spectaculaire en hiver aussi!)

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 1907

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Management Documents

2021 Draft Jasper Management Plan — Objectives at a Glance / 2021 Parc national du Canada Jasper — Ébauche — Aperçu des objectifs (Parks Canada, 2021)

A Primer on the Park Management Planning Process / L'abc du processus d'élaboration des plans directeurs (Parks Canada, c2021)

Annual Reports: 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 / Rapport annuel: 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2022 (Parks Canada)

Draft Management Plan, Jasper National Park / Plan directeur, Parc national Jasper (Parks Canada, 2021)

Jasper Community Land Use Plan 2001, Jasper National Park of Canada (Parks Canada, 2000)

Jasper Field Unit 2023 Review: A Year of Moments & Milestones / Revue de 2023 de la Unité de gestion de Jasper : une année de moments & d'événements marquants (Parks Canada)

Jasper National Park Management Plan Concept (Parks Canada, January 29, 1999)

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2022)

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2010)

Management Plan (Parks Canada, May 2000)

Mountain Pine Beetle Management Plan / Plan de gestion du dendroctone du pin ponderosa (Parks Canada, 2016)

Multi-species Action Plan for Jasper National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Jasper (Parks Canada, 2017)

Multi-species Action Plan for Jasper National Park of Canada [Proposed] / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Jasper [Proposition] (Parks Canada, 2017)

Multi-species Action Plan for Jasper National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national Jasper Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)

State of the Community Report: Town of Jasper, Jasper National Park of Canada / Rapport sur l'état de la collectivité: Ville de Jasper, Parc national du Canada Jasper (Parks Canada, November 2006)

State of the Park Report / Rapport sur l'état du parc (Parks Canada, August 2008)

State of the Park Assessment (2018)

What We Heard (Jasper National Park) / Ce que nous avons entendu (Parc national Jasper) (Parks Canada, August 2019)

What We Heard — Mountain National Parks (Executive Summary) / Ce que nous avons entendu — Parcs nationaux des montagnes (Résumé) (Parks Canada, August 2019)

What We Heard — Jasper Zoning Regulations and Housing (Public Consultations Spring 2019) / Ce que nous avons entendu — Logement et Règlement sur le zonage du périmètre urbain de Jasper (Consultations publiques Printemps 2019)> (Parks Canada, 2019)

Historical Documents

1996 Interpretation Survey, Mountain District (Parks Canada, 1996)

2003 Survey of Visitors to Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks of Canada (Parks Canada, 2004)

A description and analysis of wildlife mortality on transportation corridors in Jasper National Park, Canada (University of Alberta Libraries, 2002)

A list of pathogens on Pinus, Populus, and Quercus in Alberta, the Rocky Mountains National Parks, and the Northwest Territories (R.J. Bouchier, Canadian Forest Service, January 1961)

A Preliminary Assessment of the Native Fish Stocks of Jasper National Park Part 3 of a Fish Management Plan for Jasper National Park (David W. Mayhood, Freshwater Research Limited for Parks Canada, July 1992)

A Review of Weather Station Networks in the Mountain Parks Draft (William Thompson for Parks Canada, November 23, 2005)

"A Report on Observations on the Biology of Certain Amphipods (Class Crustacea) in Banff, Jasper, Yoho & Kootenay National Parks and Environs in Alberta-British Columbia, Canada" to the Director, National Parks Branch, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources (Persis C. Coleman and Richard W. Coleman, 1964)

A test of two mesoscale meteorological models in Jasper National Park (Kerry Anderson, Richard Carr, Robert Benoit, Michel Desgangé and Rick Kubian, extract from 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 1998)

A study of spatial pattern and its determinants amongst the species of a saxicolous lichen community at Jonas Rockslide, Jasper National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 1989)

Alpine tundra communities and Dryas octopetala ssp. hookeriana in the Bald Hills, Jasper National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 1975)

An Overview of Butterflies and Skippers in the Mountain, Parkland and Boreal National Parks of Alberta and British Columbia (Norbert G. Kondia for Parks Canada, March 2004)

Approaches to Managing Freshwater Fishes in North American Parks and Reserves Part 2 of a Fish Management Plan for Jasper National Park (David M. Mayhood, Freshwater Research Ltd. for Parks Canada, October 1992)

Architectural Motif Guidelines for the Town of Jasper / Directives en matière de motif architectural pour la ville de Jasper (Latimer Hiscock Architects, March 1933)

Aspen, elk and fire in the Rocky Mountain National Parks of North America (Clifford A. White, Charles Ee. Olmsted and Charles E. Kay, extract from Wildlife Society Bulletin, Vol. 26 No. 3, Fall 1998)

Avalanche Terrain Ratings for Backcountry Touring in the Mountain National Parks / Côtes des terrains avalancheux pour les randonnées hivernales dans l'arrière-pays des parcs nationaux des montagnes (Parks Canada, 2005)

Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks: Outlying Historic Buildings Data Base Microfiche Report Series No. 235 (Richard Friesen and Associates, Parks Canada, 1985)

Bat Suitable Wintering Habitat Study - Desktop Review, Jasper National Park Highway 93N (Golder Associates for Parks Canada, January 2017)

Bear Management Plans in Canadian National Parks: Fifteen Essential Elements Thesis (©John Stuart Taylor, University of Calgary, May 1984)

Best Kept Secrets / Les secrets les mieux gardés du parc (Parks Canada, June 2010)

Biology and control of Russian thistle (Salsola tragus L.) in bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis Shaw) winter ranges in montane grasslands of Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (University of Alberta Libraries, 2010)

Biology, demography, ecology and management of grizzly bears in and around Banff National Park and Kananaskis Country: The final report of the Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project (Stephen Herrero, ed., ©Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project, 2005)

Biophysical land classification of Banff and Jasper National Parks (W.D. Holland, extract from Proceedings of the first meeting of the Canadian Committee on Ecological (Bio-physical) Land Classification, 1976)

Birds of Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (Ian McTaggart Cowan, Canadian Wildlife Service, 1955)

Botanical Excursion to Jasper and Banff National Parks, Alberta: alpine and subalpine flora (National Museum of Canada, 1959)

Breeding Bird and Ground Squirrel Surveys, Icefields Trail Jasper National Park (Golder Associates for Parks Canada, October 2016)

Camping in the Mountain National Parks, 2009/10 Online Panel Members Final Report (Ipsos Reid for Parks Canada, April 2010)

Canadian Rockies Carnivore Monitoring Project: Examining Trends in Carnivore Populations and their Prey Using Remote Cameras. Year 1 Progress Report, 2011-2012 (Robin Steenweg, Jesse Whittington and Mark Hebblewhite, August 2012)

Canadian Rockies Remote Camera Multi-Species Occupancy Project: Examining trends in carnivore populations and their prey using remote cameras in Banff, Jasper, Kootenay, Yoho and Waterton Lakes National Park. Final Report (Robin Steenweg, Jesse Whittington and Mark Hebblewhite, March 31, 2015)

Caribou Conservation Program

2007-2008 Jasper National Park Caribou Progress Report (Lalenia Neufeld and Mark Bradley, Parks Canada, 2009)

2009-2013 Jasper National Park Caribou Progress Report (Lalenia Neufeld, Mark Bradley and Saakje Hazenberg, Parks Canada, 2014)

Caribou Comeback: Recovering an iconic species at risk in Jasper National Park / Le retour du caribou : Rétablir une espèce en péril emblématique dans le parc national Jasper (Parks Canada, 2022)

Caribou Conservation Breeding and Augmentation Project in Jasper National Park: Detailed Impact Assessment (Draft) / Projet d'élevage et d'accroissement de l'effectif de la harde de caribous dans le parc national Jasper: Évaluation d'impact détaillée (Ébauche) (Parks Canada, August 8, 2022)

Caribou Conservation Program: Monitoring Report 2017-2018 / Programme de conservation du caribou: Rapport de surveillance 2017-2018 (Parks Canada, 2018)

Proposal for Consultation: Conservation breeding strategy to rebuild small caribou herds in Jasper National Park / Proposition de consultation : Stratégie de reproduction pour reconstituer de petites hardes de caribous dans le parc national Jasper (Parks Canada, May 2022)

Checklist of the Birds of Jasper National Park of Canada (Jason Rogers, October 31, 2011)

Climate in Relation to Winter Mortality of the Lodgepole Needle Miner, Recurvaria Starki Free., in Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (R.W. Stark, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 37, 1959)

Columbia Icefield: Ice Apex of the Canadian Rockies (Eric Bailey and Kevin Van Tighem, Parks Canada, 1987)

Comprehensive Study Report for the Decommissioning of the Airstrip in Jasper National Park Final Draft (Highwood Environmental Management Ltd. for Parks Canada, March 2002)

Conservation Strategy for Southern Mountain Caribou in Canada's National Parks / Stratégie de conservation du caribou des montagnes du Sud dans les parcs nationaux du Canada (Parks Canada, 2011)

Culture, Ecology and Restoration in Jasper National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 1999)

Data analysis and study design review: Haller's Apple Moss (Bartramia halleriana Hedw.), Jasper National Park, Alberta (Richard T. Caners, Final report to Parks Canada, March 30, 2010)

Decadal-centenary glacier mass changes and their variability, Jasper National Park of Canada, Alberta, including the Columbia Icefield region Geological Survey of Canada Open File 8229 (M.N. Demuth and G. Horne, Natural Resources Canada, 2017)

Declines of Bighorn Sheep, Ovis canadensis, on Deteriorating Winter Range in Jasper National Park, Alberta, 1981-2010 (Dick Dekker, extract from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 123 No. 2, 2009, ©The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club)

Dendrochronological Investigations of Historic Cabins in Jasper and Banff National Parks: A Report Based on Field Surveys in August, 1999 (Dan Smith, for Parks Canada, c2000)

Dirty-water events at Rocky Mountain Hot Springs and their correlation with other short-lived phenomena (Robert O. van Everdingen, extract from Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 21, 1984)

Dirty-Water Events at Rocky Mountain Hot Springs III. Events Triggered by the Borah Peak, Idaho, Earthquake of 28 October 1983 (Robert O. van Everdingen, Environment and Climate Change Canada, April 1984)

Early Stages Of Calcareous Soil Reclamation Along The TMX-Anchor Loop Pipeline In Jasper National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 2010)

Ecological (Biophysical) Land Classification Of Banff and Jasper National Parks, Vol. I: Summary (W. D. Holland and G. M. Coen, eds., Environment Canada-Alberta Institute of Pedology, 1983)

Ecological (Biophysical) Land Classification Of Banff and Jasper National Parks, Vol. II: Soil and Vegetation Resources (W. D. Holland and G. M. Coen, eds., Environment Canada-Alberta Institute of Pedology, 1982)

Ecological land classification in Banff and Jasper National Parks (W.D. Holland, Canadian Forest Service, 1984)

Economic Impact Analysis of Visitors to Jasper National Park in 1991 (Alberta Economic Development and Tourism, March 1994)

Eighty years of change: the montane vegetation of Jasper National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 1999)

Environmental impact study, Mount Kerkeslin Campground, Jasper National Park (Garry Trottier, Keith W. Kivett, W.D. Holland, R.E. Wells and Ian Corns, Canadian Forest Service, January 1976)

Estimates of population size and density of black bears from the 2014 South Jasper National Park DNA mark-recapture inventory (John Boulanger, Mark Bradley and Gord Stenhouse, Parks Canada, 2016)

Evaluation of a Trial Program for Paragliding in Jasper National Park (Parks Canada, June 2018)

Feasibility of Volunteer Scat Collection as the Basis for Population Estimates of Black Bears and Grizzly Bears in Jasper National Park (Mark Bradley, Parks Canada, 2017)

Field Guide: Jasper Third Annual Field Trip (Edmonton Geological Society, August 1961)

Field Guide: Medicine and Maligne Lakes Sixth Annual Field Trip (Edmonton Geological Society, August 1964)

Field Guide: Sunwapta Pass Area 5th Annual Field Trip (Edmonton Geological Society, August 1963)

Field investigations in the Canadian Rockies, 2006-7 (B.H. Luckman, M. Kenigsberg, K. Moser and E. Watson, Environment Canada for Parks Canada, June 2007)

Forest fire history around Jasper townsite, Jasper National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 1977)

Forest fungi collected in Jasper National Park, Alberta Information Report NOR-X-21 (J.J. Lawrence and Y. Hiratsuka, Canadian Forest Service, March 1972)

Forest Health Update for the National Mountain Parks 2009 (Natural Resources Canada, 2009)

Forest insect and disease conditions in the Rocky Mountain National Parks Pest Report (Jack S. Monts, Canadian Forest Service, March 2, 1973)

Forest insect and disease conditions in the Rocky Mountain National Parks, 1973 Pest Report (Jack Monts, Canadian Forest Service, February 28, 1974)

Forest insect ranger report for Rocky Mountain National Parks (A.E. Anderson and E.F. Thornton, Canadian Forest Service, 1949)

Forest insects and diseases in eight of the western Canadian national parks, 1971 Information Report NOR-X-12 (W.G.H. Ives, Canadian Forest Service, January 1972)

Forest insects and diseases in nine of the western Canadian national parks, 1972 Information Report NOR-X-62 (V.B. Patterson, E.J. Gautreau, G.J. Smith, R.M. Caltrell and J.P. Susut, Canadian Forest Service, April 1973)

Forest insects collected in Jasper National Park, 1948-1971 Information Report NOR-X-107 (J.P. Susut and J.C.E. Melvin, Canadian Forest Service, June 1974)

Forestry Note: Biomass regression equations for common tree seedlings and shrubs in Jasper National Park, Alberta (P.M. Woodard and G.P. Delisle, Canadian Forest Service, 1987)

General notes on the occurrence and damage of cone and seed insects in Alberta and the Rocky Mountain National Parks: interim report 1958-9 (R.W. Reid, Canadian Forest Service, January 1958)

GeoVistas (©Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences, 2011)

Disaster Point / La pointe Disaster

Jasper Lake / Le lac Jasper

Cold Sulphur Spring / La source sulfureuse froide

Old Fort Point Distant View / Vue éloignée de la colline Old Fort Point

Old Fort Point Up Close / Vue rapprochée de la colline Old Fort Point

Maligne Canyon / Le canyon Maligne

Maligne Lake / Le lac Maligne

Athabasca Glacier and the Columbia Icefield / Le glacier Athabasca et le champ de glace Columbia

Glacier change of the Columbia Icefield, Canadian Rocky Mountains, 1919-2009 (Christina Tennant and Brian Menounos, extract from Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 59 No. 216, 2013)

Glaciers in the Canadian Columbia Basin: Technical Report (Brian Menonos and Ben Pelto, Canadian Columbia Basin Glacier and Snow Research Network, February 2020)

Glaciers of the Rockies and Selkirks (A.P. Coleman, Parks Canada, 1921)

Gradient analysis, habitats and species diversity of bryophytes in Jasper National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 1976)

Grizzly Bear Habitat Use Collaborative Study with fRI Research — 2016 Progress Report (Mark Bradley, Parks Canada, 2017)

Guidelines for New Recreational Activities in Jasper National Park / Lignes directrices sur les nouvelles activités récréatives dans le parc national Jasper (Parks Canada, 2015)

Heritage Character Statements / Énoncés de valeur patrimoniale, Jasper National Park

Adolphus Warden Patrol Cabin, North Boundary Trail / Chalet des gardes de patrouille d'Adolphus, Sentier North Boundary (FHBRO No. 97-85, December 29, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Brazeau Warden Cabin, South Boundary Trail / Chalet des gardes du parc Brazeau, Sentier limite sud (FHBRO No. 05-102, September 2007, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Byng Warden Patrol Cabin, North Boundary Trail / Chalet des gardes de patrouille de Byng, Sentier North Boundary (FHBRO No. 97-85, December 29, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Camp Parker Warden Cabin, South Boundary Trail / Chalet des gardes du Camp Parker, Sentier South Boundary (FHBRO No. 96-99, May 6, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Fire Hall / Poste de pompiers (FHBRO No. 87-135, May 31, 1990, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Former Canadian National Railways Station / Ancienne gare des Chemins de fer nationaux du Canada (FHBRO No. 94-10, January 8, 1996, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Four Point Warden Cabin, South Boundary Trail / Chalet des gardes de Four Point, Sentie South Boundary (FHBRO No. 96-99, May 6, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Hoodoo Warden Cabin, North Boundary Trail / Chalet des gardes de Hoodoo, Sentier North Boundary (FHBRO No. 97-85, December 29, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Information Centre / Centre d'information (FHBRO No. 87-134, undated, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Isaac Creek Warden Cabin, South Boundary Trail / Chalet des gardes d'Isaac Creek, Sentier South Boundary (FHBRO No. 96-99, May 6, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Jackman Residence and Garage / Maison Jackman et garage attenant (FHBRO No. 87-136, January 15, 1991, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Jacques Lake Warden Cabin, South Boundary Trail / Chalet des gardes de Jacques Lake, Sentier South Boundary (FHBRO No. 96-99, May 6, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Jacques Lake Warden Cabin Tack Shed, South Boundary Trail / Remise du chalet des gardes de Jacques Lake, Sentier South Boundary (FHBRO No. 96-99, May 6, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Little Heaven Warden Patrol Cabin, North Boundary Trail / Chalet de patrouille des gardes de Little Heaven (FHBRO No. 97-85, December 29, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Medicine Tent Warden Cabin, South Boundary Trail / Chalet des gardes de Medicine Tent, Sentier South Boundary (FHBRO No. 96-99, May 6, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Middle Forks Warden Patrol Cabin, North Boundary Trail / Chalet des gardes Middle Forks, Sentier de la limite nord (FHBRO No. 97-85, December 29, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Municipal Library Building / Édifice de la bibliothèque municipale (FHBRO No. 89-19, undated, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

National Training Center (formerly The Pallisades Ranch) / Centre national de formation (autrefois le ranch Palisades) (FHBRO No. 87-10, May 13, 1988, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Pyramid Lake Island Picnic Shelter / Abri à pique-nique de Pyramid Lake Island (FHBRO No. 98-82, July 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Rescue Building / Pavillon de sauvetage (FHBRO No. 90-306, September 12, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Rocky Forks Warden Cabin, South Boundary Trail / Chalet des gardes de Rocky Forks, Sentier South Boundary (FHBRO No. 96-99, May 6, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Superintendent's Residence and Garage / Maison et garage du directeur du parc (FHBRO No. 87-137, March 29, 1990, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Topaz Warden Patrol Cabin, North Boundary Trail / Chalet des gardes Topaz, Sentier de la limite nord (FHBRO No. 97-85, December 29, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Warden's Residence No. 1, Sunwapta (Poboktan Creek) Warden Station / Résidence de garde no 1, Poste des gardes de parc de Sunwapta (Poboktan Creek) (FHBRO No. 93-89, June 30, 1997, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Highway 16 Jasper National Park: Mitigation and Opportunities Assessment Final Report (Anthony Clevenger and Mirjam Barrueto, for Parks Canada, December 2016; Note: Large file)

Holocene glacial and periglacial environments in the Whistlers Creek Valley, Jasper National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 1979)

Ian McTaggart-Cowan Field Notes: British Columbia and Alberta (1930), Rocky Mountains (1934), Sheep and Elk (1934-1944) (University of Victoria)

Ian McTaggart-Cowan in Banff & Jasper: Bringing Wildlife Science to the National Parks (Alan MacEachern, NICHE, 29 April 2016)

Impacts of Fire and Elk Herbivory in the Montaine Ecoregion of Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (Brian D. Amiro, Willian J. de Groot, Peter Bothwell, Alan L. Westhaver and Peter L. Achuff, from Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference Proceeding, Vol. 22, 2004)

Incidence and abundance of certain parasites in wapiti in the national parks of the Canadian Rockies (D.R. Flook and J.E. Stenton, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 47, 1969)

Interpretation and Communications in the Maligne Valley / Interprétation et communications dans le vallée de la Maligne (Parks Canada, 2017)

Interpretive Guiding as Balancing Act: The Perceptions of Interpretive Guides in Promoting Protection, Learning and Enjoyment in Jasper National Park (Theresa Jean Mercier, Master's Thesis University of Iceland, June 2021)

Jasper: A Backward Glance at People, Places and Progress (Nora Findlay, Jasper, Alberta: Parks and People, 1992)

Jasper Community Sustainability Plan / Plan de développement durable de la collectivité de Jasper (Parks Canada and Municipality of Jasper, September 2011)

Jasper National Park (M.B. Williams, Department of the Interior, 1928)

Jasper National Park (Canadian National Railways, 1927)

Jasper National Park, Alberta: Behind the mountains and glaciers Miscellaneous Report 6 (David M. Baird, Geological Survey of Canada, 1963)

Jasper National Park, Alberta: Behind the mountains and glaciers Miscellaneous Report 6 (David M. Baird, Geological Survey of Canada, 1966)

Jasper National Park, Alberta: Behind the Mountains and Glaciers (David M. Baird, Geological Survey of Canada, 1977)

Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada: The playground of the Rockies (Ottawa: Photogelatine Engraving Company, c1920s)

Jasper National Park : a social and economic history Microfiche Report Series 198 (Great Plains Research Consultants, 1985)

Jasper National Park Aerial Elk Survey, January 2013 (Mark Bradley and Layla Neufeld, Parks Canada, 2014)

Jasper National Park Archaeological Inventory Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 158 (Ross Anderson and B.O.K. Reeves, Parks Canada, 1975)

Jasper National Park in the Canadian Rockies (order form) (Canadian National Railways, 1938)

Jasper National Park in the Canadian Rockies (Canadian National Railways, 1939)

Jasper National Park in the Canadian Rockies (Canadian National Railways, 1940)

Jasper National Park • Canadian Rockies (Canadian National Railways, 1951)

Jasper National Park, Canadian Rockies (Canadian National Railways, 1953)

Jasper National Park in the Canadian Rockies (Canadian National Railways, 1956)

Jasper National Park in the Canadian Rockies (Canadian National Railways, 1958)

Jasper Park Lodge: Built Heritage Resource Description and Analysis (G.E. Mills and C.J. Taylor, Parks Canada, 1992)

Jasper Park Lodge in the Canadian Rockies (Canadian National Railways, 1936)

Jasper Park Lodge: In the heart of Jasper National Park, Canadian Rockies (Canadian National Railways, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932)

Jasper Park Lodge on Lac Beauvert (Canadian National Railways, 1923, 1924, 1925)

Jasper Park Lodge: Rates & Information 1959 (Canadian National Railways, 1959)

Jasper Trails (M.B. Williams, Dominion Parks Branch, 1930?)

Jungling in Jasper (Lawrence J. Burpee, Ottawa: Graphic Publishers, 1929)

Karst investigations of Maligne Basin, Jasper National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 1980)

Landsat imagery for Banff and Jasper National Parks: inventory and management (C.L. Kirby, D. Goodenough, D. Day and P. Van Eck, Canadian Forest Service, September 1975)

Leptothorax faberi n. sp., an apparently parasitic ant from Jasper National Park, Canada (Parks Canada, 1982)

Maligne: Valley of the Wicked River (Merna M. Forster, Parks Canada, 1979)

Managing fire for woodland caribou in Jasper and Banff National Parks (University of Alberta Libraries, 2007)

Marmot Basin Ski Area Site Guide Guidelines for Development and Use (Parks Canada, February 2008)

Marmot Basin Ski Area Site Guide Guidelines for Development and Use: Strategic Environmental Assessment (Parks Canada, February 2008)

Mass balance of the Athabasca and Saskatchewan sectors of the Columbia Icefield, Alberta for 2015 and 2016 Geological Survey of Canada Open File 8228 (M. Ednie, M.N. Demuth and B. Shepard, Natural Resources Canada, 2017)

Model Class Screening Report for Aquatic-based Commercial Guiding Activities in the Mountain National Parks of Canada (Parks Canada, January 2005, renewed April 2008)

Model Class Screening Report for Land-based Commercial Guiding Activities in the Mountain National Parks of Canada (N. Gilson, September 2004)

Modeling Relationships Between Fire, Caribou, Wolves, Elk and Moose to Aid Prescribed Fire and Caribou Recovery in the Canadian Rocky Mountain National Parks: Winter 2009 Primary Prey Aerial Survey (Hugh Robinson, Mark Hebblewhite, Layla Neufeld and Mark Bradley, Parks Canada, March 2009)

Moose: A Year in the Life of a Twig Eater (The Nature of Things, CBC, video portion only available to Canadian viewers, 2015)

Mortality of Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) on a Railroad and Highway in Jasper National Park, Canada (Kevin Van Tighem, Canadian Wildlife Service, April 10, 1981, ©Environment and Climate Change Canada)

Mount Edith Cavell: in the heart of the subalpine (John Pitcher, Parks Canada, 1982)

Mount Robson (Southeast) Map-Area, Rocky Mountains of Alberta and British Columbia (83 E SE) Geological Survey of Canada Paper 61-31 (E.W. Mountjoy, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1962)

Mountain Parks Visitor Reception Centre Study: Data Analysis Report, October 2005 (Guidelines Ltd., 2005)

Movement of wolves (Canis lupus) in response to human development in Jasper National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 2004)

Nature Notes: Athabasca Glacier-Columbia Icefield (Parks Canada, c1960s?)

Nature Notes: Maligne Canyon Trail (Parks Canada, undated)

Notes on the Parasite Complex of Evagora (Recurvaria) Starki Freeman in Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (R.W. Stark, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 39, 1961)

Non-Native Plant Survey, Jasper National Park Icefields Pathway (Golder Associates for Parks Canada, October 2016)

Parasite Prevalence in Dark-eyed Juncos, Junco hyemalis, Breeding at Different Elevations (Heather Bears, extract from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 118 No. 2, 2004, ©The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club)

Perceptions of Ecological Risk Associated with Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) Infestations in Banff and Kootenay National Parks of Canada (Bonita L. McFarlane and David O.T. Witson, extract from Risk Analysis, Vol. 28 No. 1, 2008)

Physical components and biomass regression equations required for fuel quantification of forest stands in Jasper National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 1986)

Plant and soil biophysical properties for evaluating land reclamation in Jasper National Park, Canada (University of Alberta Libraries, 2011)

Points of Interest: 1999, c2013, 2016 / Points d'intérêt: c2013, 2016 (Parks Canada)

Population Dynamics of the Lodgepole Needle Miner, Recurvaría starki Freeman, in Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (R.W. Stark, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 37, 1959)

Predation on Two Mule Deer, Odocoileus hemionus, by a Canada Lynx, Lynx canadensis, in the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains (Dörte Poszig, Clayton D. Apps and Alan Dibb, extract from Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 118 No. 2, 2004)

Profiles (Parks Canada, National Parks Centennial 1985, 1989, Summer 1990)

Quaternary sedimentation and stratigraphy of montane glacial deposits in parts of Jasper National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 1986)

Recent and fossil spring deposits at Miette Hot Springs, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (University of Alberta Libraries, 2002)

Repeat Photography of Montane Trembling Aspen in the Canadian Rocky Mountains (Clifford A. White and Michael C. Feller, from Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference Proceeding, Vol. 22, 2004)

Review of the Guidelines for River Use Management in Jasper National Park of Canada: 2010 Report (Parks Canada, March 2010)

Quaternary sedimentation and stratigraphy of montane glacial deposits in parts of Jasper National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 1986)

Scenes Along the Cavell Drive, Jasper National Park, Canada (Canadian National Railways?, c1930s)

Scenes of Jasper National Park and Jasper Banff Highway (Duncan W. Johnson, Canada Railway News Company, c1950s)

Seasonal Distribution of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in Canadian National Parks, 1966-1972 (John G. Stelfox, Canadian Wildlife Service for Parks Canada, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1978)

Sedimentation in Sunwapta Lake, Jasper National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 1979)

Skiing! Jasper National Park in the Canadian Rockies (Canadian National Railways, c1938)

Songbird Communities in Burned and Logged Stands with Variable Tree Retention in the Canadian Rocky Mountains (©A. Kari Stuart-Smith, December 4, 2001)

South Jasper Woodland Caribou Research Project Progress Report for 2004-2005 (Jesse Whittington, Mark Bradley and Geoff Skinner, Parks Canada, June 2005)

Stand stability in selected high-use campgrounds in Rocky Mountain national parks File Report NOR-Y-41 (W.G.H. Ives, V.B. Patterson and J. Petty, Canadian Forest Service, 1972)

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Fire and Fuel Management Program in the Contiguous Mountain National Parks: Final Report (Rhonda DeLong, Julie Budgen, Carla Stevens and Bruce Gleig, for Brian Low (Parks Canada), March 2008)

Supplemental Climate Information for Jasper National Park (Scott Parker, Parks Canada, July 3, 2019)

The Alpine Architectural Heritage of the Four Mountain Parks: An Historical Review and Assessment Microfiche Report Series No. 523 (Graham A. Macdonald, Parks Canada, 1994)

The alpine vegetation of Marmot Basin, Jasper National Park, Alberta, and the impact of ski activities upon it (©Evelyn Hope Hamilton, University of Alberta Libraries, 1981)

The Backcountry as Home: Park Wardens, Families, and Jasper National Park's District Cabin System, 1952-1972 (©Nicole Eckert-Lyngstad, University of Alberta Libraries, Spring 2013)

The Banff-Jasper Highway (M.B. Williams, Saskatoon: H.R. Larson Pub., 1948)

The Banff-Jasper Highway (M.B. Williams, Saskatoon: H.R. Larson Pub., 1948, rev. 1963)

The Call of Untrodden Ways (Parks Canada, 1925)

The Climate of the Contiguous Mountain Parks: Banff, Jasper, Kootenay, Yoho Project Report No. 30 (B. Janz and D. Storr, ©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of the Environment Canada, 1977)

The Columbia Glacier, Canada: A New View (P.R. Baumann, extract from Middle States Geographer, Vol. 50, 2017)

The distribution of four Chaoborus species (Diptera: Chaoboridae) along an elevation gradient in Canadian Rocky Mountain lakes (S. Lamontagne, D.B. Donald and D.W. Schindler, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 72, 1994)

The effects of river connectivity on floodplain wetland ecology in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (University of Alberta Libraries, 2001)

The Fishes and Their Distribution in the Mountain National Parks of Canada (J.C. Ward, Canadian Wildlife Service for Parks Canada, January 1974)

The Fishes of the Central Canadian Rockies Ecosystem Report No. 950408 (David M. Mayhood, Freshwater Research Limited, April 1995)

The Geological Story of Jasper Park, Alberta, Canada (E.M. Kindle, Parks Canada, 1929)

The Holocene palaeoecology of Lorraine Lake, Jasper National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 1990)

The Human History of Jasper National Park, Alberta Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 441 (Brenda Gainer, Parks Canada, 1981)

The Icefields Trail
English: Consultation and Engagement, Project Proposal, Maps, Environmental Impact Analysis Process (Parks Canada, 2016-2017)
Français: Consultation et mobilisation, Proposition de projet, Carte, Processus d'analyse d'impact environnemental (Parks Canada, 2016-2017)

The Jasper Way through the Majestic Canadian Rockies (Canadian National Railways, 1950)

The Jasper Way through the Majestic Canadian Rockies (Canadian National Railways, 1951)

Maligne Valley Action Plan / Plan d'action pour la vallée de la Maligne (Parks Canada, September 2016)

Maligne Valley Implementation Strategy Discussion Paper / Vallée de la Maligne Stratégie de mise en œuvre document de travail (Parks Canada, September 2014)

The mammals of Jasper National Park, Alberta Canadian Wildlife Service Report Series Number 10. (Environment Canada, 1970)

The Prince of Playgrounds (Parks Canada, 1909)

The Struggle for Indigenous Representation in Canadian National Parks: The Case of the Haida Totem Poles in Jasper (Jason W. Johnston and Courtney Mason, extract from Journal of Indigenous Research, Vol. 8, Issue 2020, March 2020)

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Trees and Forests of Jasper National Park / Arbres et forêts du parc national Jasper (R.E. Stevens, R.M. Waldron, P.A. Logan and D. Dubé, Canadian Forestry Service, 1976)

Using ecological resource inventory: applications of landform, soils, vegetation, and wildlife data in Banff and Jasper National Parks (W.D. Holland, Canadian Forest Service, 1984)

Vascular plants of Banff, Jasper, Kootenay, Mount Revelstoke - Glacier, and Yoho National Parks of Canada (Peter L. Achuff, Parks Canada, 2006)

Vegetation of the Vine Creek drainage basin, Jasper National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 1975)

Visitor Experience in the Maligne Valley / Expérience du visiteur dans le vallée de la Maligne (Parks Canada, 2017)

Waterfall Ice Climbing and Avalanches in Canada's Mountain National Parks / Escalade de cascades de glace et avalanches dans les parcs nationaux des montagnes du Canada (Parks Canada, 2005)

Weights, Measurements and Tooth Replacement of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in Canadian National Parks, 1967-1971 (John G. Stelfox and David M. Poll, Canadian Wildlife Service for Parks Canada, 1978)

Western National Parks' Fish Planting - 1969 Season (Parks Canada, 1969)

Western National Parks' Fish Planting - 1971 Season (Parks Canada, 1971)

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Whitebark Pine Conservation for the Canadian Rocky Mountain National Parks (Brendan C. Wilson and G. Jon Stuart-Smith for Parks Canada, December 1, 2002)

Wild Flowers: Banff—Jasper—Kootenay—Yoho National Parks (R.G.H. Cormack, Parks Canada, 1972)

Wildlife Flight Guidelines / Lignes directrices pour les survols (Parks Canada, 2014)

Winter Recreation in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks: Pilot Study (Jovan Simic, Parks Canada, 2007)

Wolf, Canis lupus, Avoidance Behaviour of American Elk, Cervus elaphus, in Jasper National Park, Alberta (Dick Dekker and Greg Slatter, extract from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 123 No. 3, 2009, ©The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club)

Woodland Caribou - Mountain National Parks / Caribou des bois - Parcs nationaux des montagnes (Parks Canada, November 2011)

Woodland Caribou - Mountain National Parks / Caribou des bois - Parcs nationaux des montagnes (Parks Canada, Spring 2012)

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Last Updated: 04-Sep-2024