Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 20
The History of Fort Langley, 1827-96
by Mary K. Cullen
This list of documents is restricted to those used in the foregoing
report with some exceptions in the sub-listings of the Hudson's Bay
Company Archives, The Company has organized its material according to
section (A), class (12), and pieces (19-34) hence, A.12/19-34. To
simplify the bibliography, the author has listed all the pieces
consulted under any one section and class although each specific piece
may not appear in the report. Pre-1870 Company documentation was
consulted on microfilm in the Public Archives of Canada, post-1870
sources at Beaver House, London.
Allard, Jason Ovid
Reminiscences, Daily Province (Vancouver), 2S Oct.
Barbeau, Marius
"The House that Mac Built." The Beaver, Outfit 276 (Dec.
1945), pp. 10-3. Winnipeg.
British Columbia. Provincial Archives.
AB20, L3A, Correspondence relating to Fort Langley, 1830-59
AB20, V2a, Fort Vancouver, Correspondence Out, 1830-40, Letters
signed by James Douglas
AB20, V20d, Fort Vancouver, Correspondence Out, 1845-49, Letters
signed by P.S. Ogden and James Douglas
AB20, V3A, Fur Trade Returns, Fort Langley, 1827-57
AB40, M142A, Archibald McDonald, Correspondence Out
AB40, Ya2, Yale Correspondence Book
AC15, V66D, Hudson's Bay Company, Victoria
AC20, L20, Fort Langley Servants, June 10, 1856
AC20, Vi5, Fort Victoria, Correspondence Out on Fur Trade Affairs,
AC40, Ya2, James Yale, Correspondence Out
B401, James Douglas, Correspondence Out, 1854-57
CB30.71, H86, B.C. Surveyor General, Grants of Land in B.C. to the
Hudson's Bay Company, 1863-64
Fort Langley Journal, 27 June 1827-30 July 1830
J.A. Grant, "An Unsung Pioneer" (compilation of inward letters to
James Murray Yale)
John McLeod, Letters Received
Aurella Manson, "Reminiscences of Old Langley, 1854-57"
Canada. Public Archives.
MG19, A23, McLeod Papers, 1811-1837
MG24, A35, Journal of James Douglas Trading Expedition, 1840-41 MG24,
F71, Henry J. Warre, "Private Journal and Notes on the Oregon Territory
during a Winter's Residence to the end of 1845." No, 4. MG29, B35,
Bancroft Collection, Vol. 4, Alexander Caulfield Anderson, "History of
the Northwest Coast," Victoria, 1878; James Cooper, "Maritime Matters of
the Northwest Coast and Affairs of the Hudson Bay Company in Early
Times," Victoria, 1878
RG3, Post Office Department, Vol. 7, Inspector's Letters, B.C.
Chism, James V.
"A Preliminary Report on the August, 1970 Excavations at Fort
Langley, B.C." Manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites
Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1970.
Elliot, T.C., ed.
"Journal of John Work, November and December 1824." Washington
Historical Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 3 (July 1912), pp. 198-228.
Fort Langley National Historic Site
Fort Langley Sale Shop Cash Account, November 1858
Fraser, Simon
Letters and journals, 1806-1808. Ed. and intro. W. Kaye Lamb.
Macmillan, Toronto, 1960.
Galbraith, John Semple
The Hudson's Bay Company as an Imperial Factor, 1821-1869.
Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1957.
Gibson, James R.
"Food for the Fur Traders: The First Farmers in the Pacific
Northwest, 1805-1846." Journal of the West, Vol. 7 (1968), pp.
18-30. Los Angeles.
Gough, Barry M.
The Royal Navy and the Northwest Coast of America, 1810-1914: A
Study of British Maritime Ascendency. Univ. of British Columbia
Press, Vancouver, 1971.
Great Britain. Parliament.
Copies or Extracts of Correspondence Relative to the Discovery of
Gold in the Fraser's River District of British North America.
Queen's Printer, Lon don, 1858.
Papers Relative to the Affairs of British Columbia. Presented to
Both Houses of Parliament by Command otHer Majesty, 18 February,
1859. Queen's Printer, London, 1859-62. 4 parts.
Gunn, Angus MacLeod
"Gold and the Early Settlement of British Columbia, 1858-1885." MA
thesis, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, 1965.
Harmon, Daniel Williams
A Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interior ot North America
... including an Account of the Principal Occurrences during a Residence
of Nineteen Years in Different Parts of the Country. A.S. Barnes,
New York, 1903.
Harper's Weekly (New York)
"The Forts on Frazer's River," 9 Oct. 1858.
Howay, Frederick William
"The Brig Owhyhee in the Columbia, 1829-1830." Oregon Historical
Quarterly, Vol. 35, No. 1 (March 1934), pp. 10-21. Salem, Ore.
"A List of Trading Vessels in Maritime Fur Trade 1785-1825."
Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 3rd
ser., Vols. 24-8, Sect. 2(1930-34). Ottawa.
"The Raison d'Etre of Forts Yale and Hope." Proceedings and
Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 3rd ser., Vol. 16,
Sect. 2 (1922), pp. 49-64. Ottawa.
Hudson's Bay Company
Charters, Statutes, Orders in Council &c. Relating to the
Hudson's Bay Company. London, 1931.
Minutes of Council, Northern Department of Rupert Land,
1821-1831. Eds. R. Harvey Fleming and E.E. Rich. Hudson's Bay Record
Society, London, 1940.
Hudson's Bay Company Archives
Section A: Headquarters Records
A.6/19-34, London Correspondence Book H.B.C. Official, 1816-60
A.11/61-63, London Inward Correspondence from H.B.C. Posts
Sandwich Islands, 1835-61
A.11/72-94a, London Inward Correspondence from H.B.C. Posts
Victoria, 1845-1910
A.12/1-12, London Inward Correspondence from Governors of H.B.C.
Territories Sir George Simpson, 1823-60
A.12/13, London Inward Correspondence from Governors of H B.C.
Territories Eden Colvile, 1849-52
A.12/14-37, London Inward Correspondence from Commissioners,
A.12/z Misc./451, London Inward Correspondence from Commissioners,
Langley Store Closing and Transfer of Property, 1896-1901
A.74/1, Departmental and District Officer's Reports and
RepliesOutfit 1891
A.75/1-4, Saleshop Reports, 1893-96
A.79/2-3, Saleshop Inventories, 1893-94
Section B: Post Records
B.97/a/2, Kamloops, Post Journal
B.113/a/1-3, Fort Langley, Post Journals, 1827-30
B.113/b/1-4, Fort Langley, Correspondence Books, 1830-71
B.113/c/1, Fort Langley, Correspondence Inward, 1844-70
B.113/d/1, Fort Langley, Account Book, 1835-36
B.113/z/ 1-2, Fort Langley, Miscellaneous Items, 1830-78
B.188/a/1, Fort St. James, Post Journals, 1820-21
B.223/b/3-42, Fort Vancouver, Correspondence Books, 1826-50
B.223/d/1-213, Fort Vancouver, Account Books, 1825-52
B.226/b/1-108, Fort Victoria, Correspondence Books, 1844-98
B.226/c/1-17, Fort Victoria, Correspondence Inward, 1848-96
B.226/d/1-5, Fort Victoria, Account Books, 1845-64
B.226/e/2-15, Report on District, 1886-92
8.226/1/1, Fort Victoria, District Statements, 1852-53
B.226/z/1-3, Fort Victoria, Miscellaneous Items, 1845-74
B.226/z/5, Fort Victoria, Miscellaneous Items, Langley farm file
Section D: Governor's Papers
D.4/5-81, Governor George Simpson Correspondence Mainly Outward,
Correspondence Books, General 1824-60
D.4/85/112, Governor George Simpson, Official Reports to the Governor
and Committee in London, 1822-43
D.4/116-127, Governor George Simpson, Correspondence Books Inward
D.5/1-52, Governor George Simpson, Correspondence Inward, 1821-60
D. 14/1-14, Commissioners Outward to H.B.C. Officials, 1874-92
Section H: Western Department Land Records
H./1-2, Land Deeds, 1851-58
H./3-5, 11, Land Registers, 1853-89
H./6-10, Miscellaneous Accounts, 1853-1912
H1/7, Miscellaneous Accounts, 1899-1907
Laing, F.W.
"Hudson's Bay Company Lands on the Main-Land of British Columbia,
1858-61," British Columbia Historical Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 2
(April 1939), pp. 75-101. Victoria.
Lamb, W. Kaye
"The Founding of Fort Victoria," British Columbia Historical
Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 2 (April 1943), pp. 71-92. Victoria.
Lugrin, N. de Bertrand
The Pioneer Women of Vancouver Island, 1843-1866. The Women's
Canadian Club of Victoria, Vancouver, 1928.
Mainland Guardian (New Westminster)
5 April 1861, 1 June 1878.
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander
The Journals and Letters of Sir Alexander Mackenzie, Ed. W.
Kaye Lamb. Macmillan, Toronto, 1970.
McDonald, Archibald
Peace River, A Canoe Voyage from Hudson's Bay to Pacific, by the
late Sir George Simpson (Governor, Hon. Hudson's Bay Company), in 1828.
Journal of the late Chief Factor, Archibald McDonald (Hon. Hudson's Bay
Company) who accompanied him. Ed. Malcolm McLeod, J. Durie &
Son, Ottawa, 1872.
McLoughlin, John
The Letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the Governor
and Committee ... Ed. E.E. Rich, intro. W. Kaye Lamb. Champlain
Society, Toronto, 1941-44. 3 vols. Vol. 1, First Series, 1825-38; Vol.
2, Second Series, 1839-44; Vol. 3, Third Series, 1844-46.
Morton, Arthur S.
Sir George Simpson, Overseas Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company,
A Pen Picture of a Man of Action. J.M. Dent, Toronto, 1944.
Peeps, J. Calder
"Fort Langley, B.C., A Preliminary Survey of the Physical Structure."
Manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks
Canada, Ottawa, 1963.
Reid, David J.
"Some Economic Thoughts on Early Merger Activity in the Fraser River
Salmon Canning Industry." Paper presented at the Canadian Historical
Association Annual Meeting, Kingston, 9 June 1973.
Reid, J. Robie, ed.
"To the Fraser River Mines in 1858." British Columbia Historical
Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Oct. 1937), pp. 243-53. Victoria.
Rich, Edwin Ernest
The History of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1670-1870. Hudson's
Bay Record Society, London, 1958-59. 2 vols. Vol. 1:1670-1763; Vol.
2:1763-1870. Vol. 2.
Sage, Walter N.
"The Gold Colony of British Columbia." Canadian Historical
Review, Vol. 2, No. 4 (Dec. 1921), pp. 340-59. Toronto.
"The Oregon Treaty of 1846." Canadian Historical Review, Vol.
27, No. 4 (Dec. 1946), pp. 349-67. Toronto.
San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin
"Letter from Fort Langley, Frazer River," 5 June 1858.
Scholefield, E.O.S. and F.W. Howay
British Columbia from the Earliest Times to the Present, S.J.
Clark, Vancouver, 1914. 4 vols. Vol. 2.
Simpson, Sir George
Fur Trade and Empire; George Simpson's Journal; Remarks Connected
with the Fur Trade in the Course of a Voyage from York Factory to Fort
George and back to York Factory, 1824-25; together with accompanying
Documents. Ed. and intro. Frederick Merk. Harvard Univ. Press,
Cambridge, Mass., 1931.
Journal of Occurrences in the Athabaska Department by George
Simpson, 1820 and 1821, and Report. Ed. E.E. Rich. Champlain
Society, Toronto, 1938.
Part of a Dispatch from George Simpson, Esqr., Governor of Ruperts
Land to the Governor & Committee of the Hudson's Bay Company,
London, March 1, 1829; continued and completed March 24 and June 5,
1829. Ed. E.E. Rich, intro. W. Stewart Wallace, Champlain Society,
Toronto, 1947.
Smith, Dorothy Blakey
"The First Capital of British Columbia: Langley or New Westminster?"
British Columbia Historical Quarterly, Vol. 21, Nos. 1-4 (Jan.
1957 Oct. 1958), pp. 15-50. Victoria.
United States. Treaties, etc.
Treaties and Other International Acts of the United States of
America. Ed. David Hunter Miller, USGPO, Washington, D.C., 1931-48.
8 vols. Vol. 5.
Victoria Colonist
7 Dec. 1877.
Victoria Gazette
"Letter from New Fort Langley: Installation of the Government of
British Columbia," 25 Nov. 1858.
Wallace, William Stewart, ed.
Documents Relating to the North West Company. Champlain
Society, Toronto, 1934.
Wilkes, Charles
Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition during the
Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Lea and Blanchard, Philadelphia,
1845. 5 vols. Vol. 4.
Wilson, Sir Charles William
Mapping the Frontier; Charles Wilson's Diary of the Survey of the
49th Parallel, 1858-1862, while Secretary of the British Boundary
Commission. Ed. and intro. George F. Stanley. Macmillan, Toronto,
Work, John
The Journal of John Work, January to October 1835. Intro. and
notes Henry Drummond Dee. C.F. Banfield, Victoria, 1945. British
Columbia Provincial Archives Memoir No. 10.