Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 20
The History of Fort Langley, 1827-96
by Mary K. Cullen
Appendix H. Descriptions of Langley Farm.
A general description of Langley Farm and particular instructions
regarding each of its 20 lots were furnished by the Hudson's Bay Company
to Messrs. Davies and Company, Auctioneers, for the public sale of
Langley Farm which was held on 17 June 1878. Both documents are quoted
below. In the "Particulars," U.P. means Upset Price and R.P., Reserve
General description of the land, furnished to Messrs. Davies &
Co., 5 April 1878.1
The whole tract is well watered. Two rivers the "Nicomekel"
and "Salmon". The whole is divided into 20 lots 14 of which are
little more or less than 100 acres each; 2 about 50 acres each; 2 about
30 acres each; 1 about 190 acres; and 1 over 150 acres. Nearly two
thirds of the whole is fine open prairie land the remainder being
timbered (not heavily) with Alders, Cottonwood, Firs, Cedars, etc.
Most of which is easy to clear. The soil of the open land is
chiefly a black loam, in some parts over 2 ft. deep, & of the
timbered land a lighter, & in part sandy, loam on clay
subsoil. Several of the subdivision lots consist entirely of open or
prairie land, having in parts scattering copses of small cottonwood,
birch, brush &c. A large extent is cultivated Hay, Timothy,
Grass land enclosed with 7 or 8 miles of rail Fencing
chiefly Cedar. On several of the lots, in different parts of the Estate,
there are substantial Buildings some of them in good & others
in fair condition comprehending the following:
3 large Barns & 1 large Shed of split cedar & logs
with Leanto feeding sheds for Stock & ample storeage room for Hay. 1
large Building of sawn lumber being a Barn, Cow & Calf House
combined with commodious Hay Loft above, affording convenience for
feeding, milking &c. 1 Dairy (stream running under it), 2 large well
constructed Piggeries, 1 Boiling House, 1 work shop, 4 Houses
for men 1 frame Dwelling House 5 rooms lathed &
plastered, with Leanto Kitchen in rear. Other particulars that may be
desirable you have in
(1) the present advertisements in the newspapers.
(2) the terms of sale, & Agreement papers handed you
today. (3) the Government lithographed & other Maps showing
the position of the tract of land as regards Fraser River, New
Westminster, & other points.
(4) Mr. Patterson's Map of the Estate.
You are aware that the whole Langley region (New Westminster
District) is a favorite place of settlement; & you are well
acquainted with distances &c. on the Fraser River & elsewhere,
and with such general facts or information as will be interesting to
intending purchasers or others into whose hands the Advertisements may
5th April 1878 A.M.
Particulars of Subdivision Lots, Fences, Building etc. on Langley
Farm provided to the Auctioneer for the sale on 17 June,
Lot No. | Acres | U.P. |
R.P. |
1 | 103.14 |
$20.00 | $27.50 |
Probably bring $30 or more. |
| 7-1/2 |
Get utmost. Take time. Open prairie soil deep
black loam on clay subsoil. Some cottonwood copses& brush.
Fencing split cedar rails, 16-3/4 chains |
| 35-1/2 |
Timbered soil, clay loam. Very easily prepared
for plough. Good wheat land. Well watered by the Nicomekel
River. |
2 | 101.38 | $25.00 | $27.50 |
Try for $30 or more. Aim as high as Lot 1. |
| 58-1/2 |
Get utmost. Open prairie soil deep black loam on
clay subsoil. Some brush, easily cleared. |
| 42-1/2 |
Timbered soil, good as above. Very easily
prepared for plow. Well watered by Nicomekel River. |
3 | 99.64 | $20.00 | $27.50 |
Try for $30 & upwards. Aim as high as preceding Lots. |
| 52 |
Open prairie soil deep black loam, as above,
clay subsoil. South part formerly worked, North part scattering of
cottonwoods & brush. |
| 47 |
Timbered soil, west of river excellent
bottom-land, East of river lighter loam. Well watered by Nicomekel
River. |
4 | 97.90 | $25.00 | $27.50 |
Go as high as preceding Lots if possible. |
| 67 |
Open prairie black loam on clay subsoil. Mostly
cultivated. Scattering cottonwoods & brush. Fencing
split cedar rails 73 87/100 chains |
| 31 |
Timbered soil, loam East of river scattering
large alders & cottonwoods. Well watered by Nicomekel River. |
5 | 96.15 | $25.00 | $30.00 |
Get as much more as possible. Take time. |
| 76 |
Open prairie-soil "first-class". Large extent
cultivated Hay land. Field shewn enclosed on Map lately broken up. Land
on North side covered with grass & clover. Fencing
split cedar rails 70 62/100 chains Buildings in good order
generally, vizt. 1 Barn & Cow and Calf House with Hay Loft combined.
Of sawn Lumber 100 x 50 ft. 1 Dwelling of sawn lumber 28 x 18 ft.
1 Dairy of sawn lumber 20 x 16 ft. 1 Pig Pen of Logs & split
cedar, 94 x 16 ft. well constructed |
| 20 |
Timbered soil, black loam. Well watered by Nicomekel River.
Get utmost. |
6 | 94.41 | $25.00 | $30.00 |
Get utmost. |
| 82-3/4 |
Open prairie good black loam on clay subsoil.
Some brush & fern. Easily brought into cultivation. Fencing
cedar rails 5-1/2 chains |
| 11-1/2 |
Timbered soil, clay loam. Well Watered by
Nicomekel River. |
7 | 92.66 | $25.00 | $27.50 |
Get utmost. Take time. |
| all |
Open prairie black loam on clay subsoil. Some
brush & scattering small cottonwood copses. Easy to cultivate.
Nicomekel River at S.E. corner. |
8 | 45.62 | $25.00 | $27.50 |
Sell for as much more as possible. Take time. |
| all |
Open prairie good black loam on clay subsoil.
Some brush & Scattering small cottonwood. Easy to work.
Fencing Cedar rails 8-1/4 chains |
9 | 81.11 | $25.00 | $30.00 |
Get utmost. |
| all |
Open prairie good black loam on clay subsoil.
Mostly Hay land. Some brush & copses of cottonwood & birch. Easy
to clear. Fencing cedar rails 36-1/4
chains |
10 | 191.51 | $25.00 | $30.00 |
Get utmost. Take time large lot. |
| 80-3/4 |
Open prairie excellent black loam. Partly
cultivated Hay land. Fencing cedar rails 93
chains. |
| 110-1/2 |
Timbered good bottom land on river. Splendidly
watered by the Salmon River. |
11 | 94.86 | $20.00 |
Try for $25. or more. Get utmost. See Lot 1 opposite on
Map. Open prairie good black loam on clay subsoil. Timbered
soil, good black loam, easily cleared. |
12 | 96.62 | $20.00 |
Try for $25. & upward. Get utmost. See Lot 2
opposite. Open prairie good black loam on clay subsoil. Timbered
soil good black loam. |
13 | 98.36 | $25.00 | $30.00 |
Try for $30.00. Get utmost. Better lot than No. 3. opposite. |
| 47 |
Open prairie good black loam on clay subsoil.
Some fern and rose &c. bushes. Fine open spaces. |
| 51 |
Timbered soil, black loam. Has a beautiful
perennial spring of water. |
14 | 100.10 | $20.00 | $25.00 |
Try for $25 & upwards. Get utmost. See Lot 4 opposite. |
| 53 |
Open prairie good black loam on clay subsoil.
Some brush. Easy to clear. |
| 47 |
Timbered soil, black loam. Well watered. |
15 | 101.85 | $25.00 |
Get utmost. See Lot 5 opposite. |
| 49-1/2 |
Open prairie good black loam on clay subsoil.
Some fern & brush. Some crab fringes the creek. |
| 52-1/4 |
Timbered rich loam, lighter towards West
boundary. Well located. |
16 | 103.59 | $20.00 | $25.00 |
Try for $25 or more. Get utmost. See Lot 6 opposite. |
| 54-1/2 |
Open good black loam. Mostly cultivated Hay
land. Fencing Cedar rails 53-75/100
chains. |
| 49 |
Timbered soil, black loam. Well watered. |
17 | 105.34 | $25.00 | $27.50 |
Get utmost. See Lot 7 opposite. |
| 64 |
Open soil "first class" cultivated Hay land
(Timothy) Fencing cedar rails 40 chains |
| 41-1/4 |
Timbered soil, deep loam. Well watered. |
18 | 53.38 | $25.00 | $27.50 |
Sell at as much as possible. See Lot 8 opposite. |
| 32-1/4 |
Open Soil "first class" cultivated Hay land
(Timothy) Fencing Cedar rails 51-1/2
chains |
| 21 |
Timbered soil, deep loam. Well watered. |
19 | 73.69 | $25.00 | $30.00 |
Sell at utmost obtainable over this. See Lot 9 opposite. |
| 50-3/4 |
Open Soil "first class" cultivated Hay land.
Fencing Cedar rails 27 chains. |
| 22-3/4 |
Timbered good bottom land (crab). Well watered. |
20 | 153.81 | $25.00 | $30.00 |
Get utmost. Take time large lot. See No. 10
opposite. Open soil, rich loam, cultivated Hay land.
Fencing cedar rails 112 87 chains Buildings in fair
order generally, vizt. South side of Ravine: 1 good Barn,
110 x 30 ft., split cedar. North side of Ravine: 1 Barn,
62 x 26 ft., split cedar & logs. 1 shed 148 x 24 ft. split
cedar & logs 1 Dwelling House 27 x 19ff. 5 rooms lathed &
plastered with leanto Kitchen in rear lumber 3 Houses for Men, 20
x 17 ft., sawn lumber 1 Work Shop 27 x 18 ft., sawn lumber 1 Piggery 50
x 20 ft., squared logs 1 Boiling House split cedar |
| 94-3/4 |
Timbered soil, deep black loam. Well watered |