Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 20
The History of Fort Langley, 1827-96
by Mary K. Cullen
The Hudson's Bay Company Goes to the Pacific
1 "The Northwest Company will know that if we once get established in
the New Caledonia the ruin of their Athabaska trade is consumated."
George Simpson, Journal of Occurrences in the Athabaska Department by
George Simpson, 1820 and 1821, and Report, ed. E.E. Rich
(Toronto: Champlain Society, 1938) (hereafter cited as Journal of
Occurrences), "Report on Athabaska District," pp. 353-61.
2 For a succinct discussion of the factors producing coalition, see
John Semple Galbraith, The Hudson's Bay Company as an Imperial
Factor, 1821-1869 (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1957), pp.
3 George Simpson, Journal of Occurrences, p. 349, 18 June
4 An index to the indenture ot 26 March 1821 between the Hudson's Bay
Company and William McGillivray, Simon McGillivray and Edward Ellice is
found in W. Stewart Wallace, ed., Documents Relating to the North
West Company (Toronto: Champlain Society, 1934), pp. 321-6.
5 Hudson's Bay Company, Charters, Statutes, Orders in Council etc.
Relating to the Hudson's Bay Company (London: 1931) (hereafter cited
as Charters), p. 217
6 John Semple Galbraith, op. cit., p. 3.
7 By the agreement of March 1821, the remainder of the trade in
Canada was assigned to the agency of McGillivrays, Thain and Company. In
1826 the Canada trade was organized under the Montreal Department. The
boundaries of the departments changed with time, reflecting the
requirements of the trade.
8 John Semple Galbraith, op. cit., p. 114.
9 Ibid., pp. 115-6.
10 F.W. Howay, "A List of Trading Vessels in Maritime Fur Trade
1785-1825," Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of
Canada, 3rd ser., Vols. 24-8, Sect. 2 (1930-34), Vol. 25, p.
11 The number of British and American vessels engaged in the maritime
trade, discounting the number of years occupied by a voyage and the
number of voyages made by any one vessel, Howay estimates as
| British | American |
1785-1794 | 35 | 15 |
1795-1804 | 9 | 68 |
1805-1814 | 3 | 43 |
1815-1819 | 4 | 54 |
1820-1825 | no totals compiled |
Ibid., Vol. 25, p. 118, Vol. 26, pp. 43-4, Vol. 27, p. 119.
12 Ibid., Vol. 27, pp. 119-23.
13 John Semple Galbraith, op. cit., p. 118.
14 Ibid., p. 117.
15 Ibid., p. 120.
16 Ibid., pp. 119-20.
17 Simon Fraser, Letters and Journals, 1806-1808, ed. and intro. W.
Kaye Lamb (Toronto: Macmillan, 1960), p. 16.
18 For an excellent discussion of the role of the Royal Navy in the
purchase of Astoria, see Barry M. Gough, The Royal Navy and the
Northwest Coast of America, 1810-1914: A Study of British Maritime
Ascendency (Vancouver: Univ. of British Columbia Press, 1971), pp.
19 Ibid., pp. 27-8.
20 The text of the convention is to be found in the United States.
Treaties, etc., Treaties and Other International Acts of the United
States of America, ed. David Hunter Miller (Washington: USGPO,
1931-48), Vol. 5, pp. 10-1.
21 Hudson's Bay Company, Charters, p. 96, "An Act for
Regulating the Fur Trade, 2 July 1821."
22 George Simpson, Journal of Occurrences, p. 388.
23 George Simpson, Fur Trade and Empire; George Simpson's Journal;
Remarks Connected with the Fur Trade in the Course of a Voyage from York
Factory to Fort George and back to York Factory, 1824-25; together with
accompanying Documents, ed. and intro. Frederick Merk (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1931) (hereafter cited as Fur Trade and
Empire), App. A, p. 175, governor and committee to Simpson, 27 Feb.
24 Hudson's Bay Company. Archives (hereafter cited as HBCA), D.4/116,
p. 92, Cameron to Simpson, 5 April 1822. Chief Factor John Dugald
Cameron noted the many "useless" articles at Fort George which "must
remain a dead loss on the Company's hands." 25 John Semple Galbraith,
op. cit., pp. 81-2.
26 Alexander Mackenzie, The Journals and Letters of Sir Alexander
Mackenzie, ed. W. Kaye Lamb (Toronto: Macmillan, 1970), p. 24
27 Following the Fraser 500 miles from Fort George to the Strait of
Georgia, Fraser was compelled to travel considerable distances by land.
His journal indicates that long stretches of the river were useless as a
supply and travel route. Simon Fraser, op. cit., pp. 96-7.
28 Ibid., p. 29 (introduction).
29 Entries in the journal kept by Daniel Harmon (who was stationed at
Fraser Lake, 1814-16, and at Stuart Lake, 1816-19) indicate that from
1814-19 New Caledonia continued to send its returns and receive its
supplies by the costly eastern route. Daniel Williams Harmon, A
Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interior of North America ....
(New York: AS. Barnes, 1903), pp. 202-29.
30 HBCA, B.188/a/1, 8 Jan. 1821.
31 HBCA, D.4/119, p. 53, Stuart to governor and council, 27 April
32 HBCA, D.4/117, pp. 14-6, William Brown to Simpson, 3 Dec.
33 George Simpson, Fur Trade and Empire, App. A, p. 175,
governor and committee to Simpson, 27 Feb. 1822.
34 Hudson's Bay Company, Minutes of Council, Northern Department
of Rupert Land, 1821-1831, eds. R. Harvey Fleming and E.E. Rich
(London: Hudson's Bay Record Society, 1940) (hereafter cited as
Minutes), p. 17, 8 July 1822.
35 Ibid., p. 341, Simpson to governor and committee, 16 July
36 John Semple Galbraith, op. cit., p. 82.
37 George Simpson, Fur Trade and Empire, pp. 241-2, governor
and committee to J.D. Cameron, 22 July 1824.
38 Ibid.
39 Ibid., p. 175, governor and committee to Simpson, 27 Feb.
40 John Semple Galbraith, op. cit., p. 134
41 George Simpson, Fur Trade and Empire, p. 241, governor and
committee to J.D. Cameron, 22 July 1824.
42 Simpson's birthdate is uncertain, but is generally stated as being
circa 1786.
43 A broad sketch of Simpson's evolving character in this period is
presented by Edwin Ernest Rich, The History of the Hudson's Bay
Company, 1670-1870 (London: Hudson's Bay Record Society, 1959), Vol.
2, pp. 432-68.
44 Hudson's Bay Company, Minutes, p. 84, 10 July 1824.
45 George Simpson, Fur Trade and Empire, p. 23.
46 Simpson recorded a gain of "Twenty Days on any Craft that ever
preceded us." Ibid., p. 64.
47 The report is printed in full, ibid., pp. 3-174.
48 Ibid., p. 66.
49 Ibid., p. 50.
50 Ibid., p. 66.
51 Ibid., p. 75.
52 The persistence of this attitude is seen in Simpson's
preoccupation with an improved eastern supply route for New Caledonia
during his journey to the Columbia. Ibid., pp. 37-8.
53 Ibid., p. 72.
54 Ibid., pp. 72-3.
55 Ibid., p. 73.
56 Ibid., p. 75, "from the Natives of Thompson's River we know that
when the Water subsides it is a fine large deep navigable River."
57 Ibid., p. 75.
58 Ibid., pp. 113-8, Simpson's report on the expedition.
59 For further details on McMillan's work on the Pacific Slope, see
"The Establishment of Fort Langley." A brief biography ot McMillan
appears in Hudson's Bay Company, Minutes, App. B, p. 450.
60 The route of this expedition may be worked out in detail from T.C.
Elliot, ed., "Journal of John Work, November and December 1824,"
Washington Historical Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 3 (July 1912), pp.
198-228. McMillan's report has not been traced in the Hudson's Bay
Company Archives, but extracts appear in George Simpson, Fur Trade
and Empire, App. A, pp. 248-50, "Extracts from Mr. Chief Trader
MacMillan's Report ot His Voyage and Survey trom the Columbia to
Frazer's River" (hereafter cited as " McMillan's Report"), 31 Dec.
61 George Simpson, Fur Trade and Empire, p. 115.
62 McMillan reported that the Indians in this region of the Fraser
valley spoke a language similar to that of the Piscahouse or Okanagan
Indians. Ibid., p. 249, McMillan's Report," 31 Dec. 1824.
63 Ibid.
64 Ibid., p. 115, Simpson's 1824 report.
65 Ibid., p. 117
66 Ibid., pp. 84-6.
67 Ibid., p. 87.
68 Simpson's report strongly recommends the agricultural merits of
the Fort Vancouver site. This emphasis is further indicated by the
governor and committee's remark that "much benefit will be derived from
raising here all the provisions that can be required for the whole of
our trade West of the Mountains." Ibid., App. A, p. 266, governor and
committee to Simpson, 23 Feb. 1826.
69 HBCA, D.4/5, pp. 17-9, Simpson to William Brown, 4 April 1825.
70 Hudson's Bay Company, Minutes, pp. 115-6, 2 July 1825.
71 George Simpson, Fur Trade and Empire, p. 92, Simpson's 1824
72 Ibid., App. A, p. 265, Simpson to H.U. Addington, 5 Jan. 1826.
73 Ibid., p. 266.
74 Ibid., App. A, p. 266, governor and committee to Simpson, 26 Feb.
75 Ibid., p. 267.
76 Ibid., pp. 266, 271-2.
77 Ibid., p. 267.
78 HBCA, D.4/6, p. 5, Simpson to McLoughlin, 10 July 1826.
79 Ibid., p. 4.
80 McDonald's later years at Fort Langley are discussed in "The
Coastal Trade." For a detailed account of his early career, see
George Simpson, Part of a Dispatch from George Simpson, Esqr.,
Governor of Ruperts Land to the Governor & Committee of the Hudson's
Bay Company, London, March 1, 1829; continued and completed March 24 and
June 5, 1829, ed. E.E. Rich, intro. W. Stewart Wallace (Toronto:
Champlain Society, 1947) (hereafter cited as Part of a Dispatch,
1829), App. B, pp. 253-8.
81 HBCA, B.97/a/2, pp. 27-9, Archibald McDonald to McLoughlin, 30
Sept. 1826.
82 HBCA, D.4/120, pp. 42-4, William Connolly to governor in chief and
council, Northern Department, 15 March 1827.
83 Ibid., D.4/90, p. 105, Simpson to Connolly, 9 July 1827.
84 Ibid., p. 94, Simpson to McLoughlin, 9 July 1827.
85 Ibid., p. 98.
The Establishment of Fort Langley
1 HBCA, B.113/a/i, p. 1, "Journal of the Voyage of the Party destined
to form an Establishment at the entrance of Frasers River, and of their
Proceedings and other Occurrences at Fort Langley, the whole commencing
with the 27th June 1827 and carried up to the 16th February 1828, kept
by George Barnston" (hereafter cited as "Journal of the Voyage").
2 The schooner Cadboro of about 70 tons burden was built on
the Rye in 1826 and purchased by the Hudson's Bay Company for
£800. It arrived on the Pacific coast in the spring ot
1827 and in company with the Vancouver, built at Fort Vancouver,
was to play an active role in the coastal trade.
3 HBCA, B.113/a/1, pp. 2-3, "Journal of the Voyage," 4-11 July
4 Ibid., pp. 4-5, 11-2 July 1827.
5 Ibid., p. 5, 23 July 1827.
6 Ibid., 24 July 1827.
7 Ibid., 26 July 1827.
8 Ibid., 27 July 1827.
9 Ibid., 28 July 1827.
10 Ibid., p. 6,2 9 July 1827.
11 HBCA, D.4/121, pp. 14-5, McMillan to McLoughlin, 14 Sept.
12 Ibid.
13 Canada. Public Archives (hereafter cited as PAC), MG19, A23, p.
215, McMillan to John McLeod, 21 Jan. 1828, "on the first of August
began to cut the first stick for Fort Langley."
14 HBCA, D.4/121, pp. 14-5, McMillan to McLoughlin, 14 Sept.
15 HBCA, B.113/a/1, p. 6, "Journal of the Voyage," 31 July 1827.
16 Ibid., p. 7, 14 Aug. 1827.
17 Ibid., p. 6, 28 July 1827; ibid., p. 11, 1 Sept. 1827.
18 Ibid., p. 6, 29 July 1827.
19 Ibid., p. 7, 8 Aug. 1827.
20 HBCA, D.4/121, pp. 16-7, McMillan to McLoughlin, 15 Sept.
21 Ibid.
22 HBCA, B.113/a/1, p. 8, "Journal of the Voyage," 11 Aug. 1827.
23 Ibid., p. 9, 18, 19, 23 Aug. 1827.
24 Ibid., p. 8, 20 Aug. 1827.
25 Ibid., p. 12, 8 Sept. 1827.
26 Ibid.; HBCA, D.4/121, pp. 14-5, McMillan to McLoughlin, 14 Sept.
27 HBCA, B.113/a/1, p. 8, "Journal of the Voyage," 11 Aug. 1827.
28 Ibid., p. 12, 8 Sept. 1827.
29 Ibid., p. 13, 14-5 Sept. 1827.
30 Ibid., 18 Sept. 1827.
31 Ibid., 9 Sept. 1827.
32 Ibid., p. 14, 22, 26 Sept. 1827.
33 Ibid., p. 17, 19 Oct. 1827.
34 Ibid., pp. 21-2, 26 Nov. 1827.
35 Ibid., p. 6, 30 July 1827.
36 British Columbia. Provincial Archives (hereafter cited as PABC),
Fort Langley Journal, 27 June 1827-30 July 1830 (hereafter cited as Fort
Langley Journal), p. 92, 28 Nov. 1828. This journal consists of 175
pages and is transcribed from the original also in the possession of the
PABC. Portions of this journal are also found in HBCA, B.113/a/1,
"Journal of the Voyage," already cited, HBCA, B.113/a/2, "Journal of
Occurrences at Fort Langley, February 18, 1828 to February 17, 1829,"
and HBCA, 8.113/a/3, "Journal of Occurrences at Fort Langley, February
18, 1829 to February 17, 1830." The first part of the journal is written
by George Barnston and James McMillan, the second by Archibald
37 PAC, MG19, A23, p. 216, McMillan to McLeod, 21 Jan. 1828.
38 PABC, Fort Langley Journal, p. 90, 15 Nov. 1828.
39 PAC, MG19, A23, p. 216, McMillan to McLeod, 21 Jan. 1828.
40 HBCA, D.4/121, p. 14-5, McMillan to McLoughlin, 14 Sept. 1827.
41 PAC, MG19, A23, p. 216, McMillan to McLeod, 21 Jan. 1828.
42 HBCA, D.4/121, p. 23, McMillan to governor, chief factors and
chief traders, Northern Department, 18 Feb. 1828.
43 Standard set by Fort Vancouver for the trade of the Pacific
44 HBCA, D.4/121, pp. 14-5, McMillan to McLoughlin, 14 Sept.
45 Ibid., p. 16, McMillan to McLoughlin, 15 Sept. 1827.
46 HBCA, B.223/b/3, p. 30, McLoughlin to McMillan, 27 Nov. 1827.
47 The Anglo-American negotiations on the Oregon boundary had been
reopened in November 1826 and terminated in August 1827 by an agreement
to prolong the convention of 1818 indefinitely, subject to abrogation by
either party on a year's notice. For a detailed discussion of the
British viewpoint, see John Semple Galbraith, op. cit., pp.
48 HBCA, A.6/21, pp. 148d-149, governor and committee to Simpson, 16
Jan. 1828.
49 HBCA, D.4/121, p. 24, McMillan to governor, chief factors and
chief traders, Northern Department, 18 Feb. 1828.
50 PABC, Fort Langley Journal, p. 51, 15 March 1828.
51 HBCA, B.223/b/4, pp. 2-3, McLoughlin to McMillan, 31 March
52 John McLoughlin, The Letters of John McLoughlin from Fort
Vancouver to the Governor and Committee..., ed. E.E. Rich, intro.
W. Kaye Lamb (Toronto: Champlain Society, 1941-44), Vol. 1, pp. 63-7, 7
Aug. 1828.
53 PABC, Fort Langley Journal, p. 52, 19 March 1828.
54 Ibid.
55 George Simpson, Part of a Dispatch, 1829, p. 4.
56 Ibid.
57 Ibid., pp. xxvii, 16.
58 Ibid., p. 25.
59 Ibid., p. 28.
60 Ibid., p. 29.
61 Ibid.
62 Ibid., p. 35.
63 Natural slides.
64 Archibald McDonald, Peace River. A Canoe Voyage from Hudson's
Bay to Pacific, by the late Sir George Simpson (Governor, Hon. Hudson's
Bay Company), in 1828. Journal of the late Chief Factor, Archibald
McDonald (Hon. Hudson's Bay Company) who accompanied him, ed.
Malcolm McLeod (Ottawa: J. Durie & Son, 1872), p. 35.
65 George Simpson, Part of a Dispatch, 1829, p. 34.
66 Ibid., p. 35.
67 Ibid., pp. 35-6.
68 Ibid., p. 36.
69 Ibid., pp. 36-7.
70 Ibid., p. 37.
71 Ibid., p. 38.
72 Ibid., pp. 38-9.
73 PABC, Fort Langley Journal, p. 82, 11 Oct. 1828.
74 Archibald McDonald, op. cit., pp. 38-9.
75 Ibid.
76 George Simpson, Part of a Dispatch, 1829, pp. 41-3.
77 Ibid., pp. 43-4.
78 Ibid., p. 41.
79 George Simpson, Part of a Dispatch, 1829, p. 42.
The Coastal Trade
1 John Semple Galbraith, op. cit., pp. 127-34.
2 George Simpson, Part of a Dispatch, 1829, pp. 78-81.
3 George Simpson, Fur Trade and Empire, pp. 72-8; John Semple
Galbraith, op. cit., p. 138.
4 George Simpson, Part of a Dispatch, 1829, pp. 81-92,
5 See "The Establishment of Fort Langley."
6 George Simpson, Part of a Dispatch, 1829, p. 85.
7 For further details of McDonald's career, see George
Simpson, Part of a Dispatch, 1829, App. B, pp. 253-8.
8 Archibald McDonald, op. cit.
9 PABC, Fort Langley Journal, p. 109.
10 HBCA, D.4/122, pp. 38-9, Archibald McDonald to governor, chief
factors and chief traders, 22 March 1829.
11 Ibid.
12 F.W. Howay, "The Brig Owhyhee in the Columbia, 1829-30" Oregon
Historical Quarterly, Vol. 35, No. 1 (March 1934), pp. 10-21. See
also John McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 1, pp. lxxxix-lxxxx.
13 HBCA, 0.4/123, pp. 118-29, Archibald McDonald to governor and
council, 25 Feb. 1830.
14 PABC, Fort Langley Journal, pp. 114-5.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid., p. 123.
17 Ibid., p. 127.
18 Ibid., p. 131.
19 John McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 1, pp. lxiii-lxxx: HBCA,
B.223/b/5, pp. 8-13, McLoughlin to governor and committee, 5 Aug.
20 Both Simpson and McLoughlin had stressed the importance of having
one year's stock constantly in advance, but this measure was not adopted
until after Simpson's visit to London in October 1829. John McLoughlin,
op. cit., Vol. 1, pp. lxxii, lxxxiv.
21 HBCA, D.4/123, pp. 118-20, McDonald to governor and council, 25
Feb. 1830; PABC, AB40, M142A, McDonald to Edward Ermatinger, 5 March
22 HBCA, B.113/b/1, pp. 1-2, McDonald to governor and council,
Northern Department, 24 Feb. 1830.
23 HBCA, D.4/123, p. 28, McDonald to McLoughlin, 14 Nov. 1829; PABC,
Fort Langley Journal, p. 150, 29 Nov. 1829; PABC, AB40, M142A, McDonald
to Ermatinger, 20 Feb. 1831.
24 HBCA, B.223/b/5, pp. 8-13, McLoughlin to governor and council, 5
Aug. 1829; PABC, AB40, M142A, McDonald to Ermatinger, 20 Feb. 1831
25 HBCA, B.223/b/6, pp. 5-6, McLoughlin to McDonald, 7 July 1830;
HBCA, B.113/b/1, p. 4, McDonald to McLoughlin, 18 Aug. 1830; HBCA,
B.113/b/1, pp. 9-10, McDonald to McLoughlin, 20 Sept. 1830; HBCA,
B.223/c/1, pp. 19-24, Aemelius Simpson to McLoughlin, 23 Sept. 1830.
26 John McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 1, p. lxxvii; PABC, John McLeod,
Letters Received, Douglas to McLeod, 12 March 1832.
27 HBCA, B.223/b/7, pp. 1-2, McLoughlin to McDonald, 4 June 1831.
28 PABC, AB40, M142A, McDonald to McLeod, 15 Jan. 1832; PABC, John
McLeod, Letters Received, Douglas to McLeod, 12 March 1832.
29 PAC, MG19, A23, pp. 262-5, McDonald to McLeod, 20 Feb. 1831; HBCA,
B.223/b/7, pp. 1-2, McLoughlin to McDonald, 4 June 1831.
30 PAC, MG19, A23, pp. 290-3, McDonald to McLeod, 15 Jan. 1832; HBCA,
B.223/b/8, pp. 40-3, Duncan Finlayson to McLoughlin, 2 Aug. 1832.
31 HBCA, B.223/b/8, pp. 40-3, Finlayson to McLoughlin, 2 Aug. 1832;
ibid., pp. 38-9, Finlayson to McDonald, 2 Aug. 1832.
32 HBCA, A.12/1, pp. 435-6, Simpson to governor and committee, 10
Aug. 1832.
33 HBCA, B.223/b/8, p. 43, McLoughlin to McDonald, 30 Nov. 1832.
34 McDonald's report is missing in HBCA, but is referred to in HBCA,
D.5/4, pp. 35-40, McLoughlin to Simpson, 20 March 1833.
35 PAC, MG19, A23, McDonald to McLeod, 20 Feb. 1833.
36 HBCA, D.5/4, pp. 35-40, McLoughlin to Simpson, 20 March 1833;
HBCA, B.223/b/9, p. 12, McLoughlin to Francis Heron, 18 June 1833.
37 Ibid., p. 15, McLoughlin to Heron, 2 July 1833.
38 HBCA, D.4/119, p. 45, McLoughlin to Simpson, 20 March 1836; HBCA,
D.4/120, p. 53, McLoughlin to Simpson, 20 March 1827.
39 HBCA, B.223/b/8, pp. 18-20, McLoughlin to Ogden, 5 Oct. 1832;
HBCA, B.223/b/7, p. 10d, McLoughlin to Ogden, 15 Dec. 1831.
40 HBCA, B.223/b/10, pp. 13-5, McLoughlin to governor and committee,
28 May 1834.
41 Ibid.
42 John McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 1, p. cxiii.
43 HBCA, A.6/23, pp. 61-4, governor and committee to McLoughlin, 1
Feb. 1834; ibid., pp. 48-50, governor and committee to McLoughlin, 4
Dec. 1833.
44 In 1832 McLoughlin issued a prospectus for a joint stock company
to be carried on as a private venture by Company officers in the
Columbia District. Simpson and the governor and committee refused
permission and decided to make it a Company project. See John
Semple Galbraith, op. cit., pp. 193-5.
45 HBCA, B.239/k/2, p. 73, minutes of council, York Factory, July
46 HBCA, A.6/23, pp. 99-101, governor and committee to McLoughlin, 10
Dec. 1834.
47 John McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 1, p. cxlii.
48 PABC, AB20, L3A, McLoughlin to Simpson, 3 March 1835.
49 HBCA, B.223/c/1, pp. 39-43, governor and committee to McLoughlin,
28 Aug. 1835.
50 HBCA, A.6/23, p. 154, governor and committee to McLoughlin, 8 Dec.
51 HBCA, B.223/b/12, pp. 2-11, McLoughlin to governor and committee,
15 Nov. 1836, and postscript, 18 Nov. 1836.
52 Finlayson's report has not been found, but is referred to in HBCA,
D.6/24, pp. 112-21, governor and committee to Douglas, 15 Nov. 1837.
53 HBCA, B.223/d/17, pp. 38-46, McLoughlin to governor and committee,
31 Oct. 1837; see also W. Kaye Lamb, "The Founding of Fort
Victoria," British Columbia Historical Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 2
(April 1943), pp. 71-92.
54 The seven vessels were the Columbia, Ganymede, Dryad, Lama,
Nereide, Cadboro and the steamer Beaver. John McLoughlin, op.
cit., Vol. 1, p. cxv. The four posts were Fort Langley (1827), Fort
McLoughlin (1833), Fort Simpson (1831) and Fort Nisqually (1833).
The attempt to establish a post at Stikine was thwarted by the
55 HBCA, B.223/b/12, pp. 16-24, Finlayson to McLoughlin, 29 Sept.
56 HBCA, A.34/a, p. 51; Yale's career is briefly sketched in George
Simpson, Journal of Occurrences, pp. 473-4.
57 HBCA, B.223/b/10, McLoughlin to Yale, 23 March 1834.
58 John Work, The Journal of John Work, January to October
1835, intro, and notes Henry Drummond Dee (Victoria: C.F. Banfield,
1945), pp. 84-5, 25 and 26 Sept. 1835.
59 HBCA, B.223/b/10, p. 24, McLoughlin to Yale, 14 Sept. 1834; ibid.,
p. 27, McLoughlin to Yale, 2 Oct. 1834; HBCA, B.223/b/11, p. 26,
McLoughlin to Yale, 7 Sept. 1835.
60 HBCA, B.223/b/10, p. 25, McLoughlin to Yale, 14 Sept. 1834; ibid.,
p. 27, McLoughlin to Yale, 2 Oct. 1834; HBCA, B.223/b/11, p. 26,
McLoughlin to Yale, 7 Sept. 1835.
61 HBCA, B.223/b/10, p. 13, McLoughlin to Yale, 16 May 1834; HBCA,
B.223/b/15, p. 63, McLoughlin to Yale, 12 Dec. 1836; HBCA, B.223/b/15,
pp. 74-8, McLoughlin to Simpson, 20 March 1837.
62 HBCA, B.223/b/15, pp. 74-8, McLoughlin to Simpson, 20 March
63 HBCA, B.223/b/18, p. 7, McLoughlin to Yale, 16 Nov. 1837.
64 Ibid., p. 22, McLoughlin to Yale, 6 March 1838; HBCA, B.223/b/20,
p. 78, Douglas to Simpson, 18 March 1838.
65 John McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 1, pp. 245-6, Douglas to governor
and committee, 18 Oct. 1838.
66 HBCA, B.223/b/18, p. 22, McLoughlin to Yale, 6 March 1838; HBCA,
B.223/b/20, p. 78, Douglas to Simpson, 18 March 1838; HBCA, B.223/b/22,
pp. 23-4, Douglas to Yale, 16 Aug. 1838.
67 HBCA, B.223/b/22, pp. 23-4, Douglas to Yale, 16 Aug. 1838.
68 HBCA, D.5/4, pp. 67-72, governor and committee to Simpson, 5 March
69 John Semple Galbraith, op. cit., pp. 141-2, 150.
70 Ibid., p. 151; John McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 1, pp.
71 HBCA, B.223/b/18, p. 22, McLoughlin to Yale, 6 March 1838.
72 HBCA, B.223/b/22, pp. 37-8, Douglas to Yale, 21 Nov. 1838.
73 This date is recorded by Yale in HBCA, D.5/5, pp. 239a-239b, Yale
to Simpson, 15 Jan. 1840.
74 John McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 2, App. A, p. 216, Douglas to
governor and committee, 14 Oct. 1839.
Development of Farm and Fishery
1 John Semple Galbraith, op. cit., pp. 154-5, 196-202. For a good
discussion of Company farming in the Pacific Slope, see James R.
Gibson, "Food for the Fur Farmers in the Pacific Northwest, 1805-1846,"
Journal of the West, Vol. 7(1968), pp. 18-30.
2 PABC, AB40, Ya2, Simpson to Yale, 20 June 1839.
3 John McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 2, App. A, pp. 230-1, McLoughlin to
Simpson, 20 March 1840.
4 HBCA, B.223/b/24, pp. 59-60, memorandum, McLoughlin to Yale, 12
Dec. 1839.
5 HBCA, D.5/5, pp. 239a-239b, Yale to Simpson, 15 Jan. 1840.
6 HBCA, B.223/b/28, p. 28, Yale to McLoughlin, 15 April 1840; HBCA,
B.223/b/27, pp. 16d-17, McLoughlin to governor and committee, 23 May
1840; HBCA, D.5/6, pp. 31-2, Yale to Simpson, 10 Feb. 1841; PAC, MG24,
A35, p. 7, 27 April 1840.
7 John McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 2, p. xii. "Taku" is variously
spelled "Taco," "Tacow," etc.
8 PAC, MG24, A35, pp. 1-2, 27 April 1840.
9 HBCA, B.223/b/27, pp. 16d-17, McLoughlin to governor and committee,
23 May 1840.
10 HBCA, D.5/6, pp. 31-40, Yale to Simpson, 10 Feb. 1841.
11 Yale's letter to McLoughlin has not been found. It is referred to
in HBCA, B.223/b/27, pp. 37-8, McLoughlin to governor, factors and
traders, 4 Sept. 1840.
12 Stikine and Taku are not debited to Fort Langley in the Columbia
accounts, outfit 1840, but the list of sundries received by the
Beaver probably includes provisions used for the establishment of
these northern posts. See HBCA, B.223/d/134, p. 43, Country
Transfers, 1840.
13 PAC, MG24, A35, p. 52, 22 Sept. 1840; the livestock enumerated in
the inventory for 1840 differ only slightly.
14 HBCA, B.223/b/27, pp. 10-1, McLoughlin to Douglas, 11 May
15 PAC, MG24, A35, p. 52, 22 Sept. 1840.
16 Ibid., HBCA, B.223/b/27, p. 59, McLoughlin to Yale, 8 Dec.
17 John McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 27; ibid., App. A, p. 236,
McLoughlin to Simpson, 20 March 1840.
18 HBCA, B.223/b/150, pp. 35-6; HBCA, B.223/b/158, p. 77, Columbia
Department credited by Russian American Company, 1843, 1844.
19 HBCA, B.223/b/179, pp. 8-9, Columbia Department credited by
Russian American Company, 1847.
20 Beef cattle are not distinguished from milk cattle in the Langley
livestock inventories. References to beet curing appear in HBCA,
B.223/b/27, p. 59, McLoughlin to Yale, 8 Dec. 1840; HBCA, B.226/b/1, p.
32, Finlayson to Yale, 14 July 1845.
21 PAC, MG24, F71.
22 HBCA, B.223/d/137, pp. 8-9, Country Transfers, Outfit 1841.
23 HBCA, 8.226/b/1, pp. 9-10, McLoughlin to Finlayson, 9 Nov.
24 HBCA, B.223/b/24, pp. 59-60, memorandum, McLoughlin to Yale by 12
Dec. 1839.
25 Ibid., pp. 66-8, McLoughlin to Yale, 22 Feb. 1840; HBCA,
B.223/b/27, pp. 15-7, McLoughlin to Yale, 19 May 1840.
26 "The annual flood of the river, inundated nearly all our rich
alluvial soil here at the Fort about sixty acres." HBCA, D.5/15, pp.
570-2, Yale to Simpson, 17 Dec. 1845.
27 HBCA, D.5/10, pp. 61-2, Yale to Simpson, 10 Jan. 1844.
28 PAC, MG24, F71.
29 HBCA, D.5/6, p. 33, Yale to Simpson, 10 Feb. 1841.
30 PAC, MG24, A35, p. 52, 22 Sept. 1840.
31 HBCA, D.5/10, pp. 61-2, Yale to Simpson, 10 Jan. 1844; ibid.,
D.5/12, pp. 592-3, Yale to Simpson, 28 Dec. 1844.
32 HBCA, D.5/12, pp. 592-3, Yale to Simpson, 28 Dec. 1844.
33 Ibid., HBCA, B.223/b/34, p. 22, Douglas and Ogden to Simpson, 19
March 1846; HBCA, B.223/b/35, p. 71, Ogden and Douglas to Simpson, 15
March 1847.
34 HBCA, B.223/d/158, p. 77, Columbia District Transfers (credit
Langley by Russian American Company); HBCA, B.223/b/34, p. 22, Douglas
and Ogden to Simpson, 19 March 1846; HBCA, B.223/b/35, p. 71, Ogden and
Douglas to Simpson, 15 March 1847.
35 John McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 125.
36 HBCA, B.223/b/27, p. 59, McLoughlin to Yale, 8 Dec. 1840;. HBCA,
D.5/12, pp. 592-3, Yale to Simpson, 28 Dec. 1844. See also HBCA,
B.113/z/1, p. 27, Miscellaneous Invoices, 17 July 1844.
37 HBCA, D.5/7, pp. 25-6, Yale to Simpson, 15 Feb. 1842.
38 HBCA, D.5/10, pp. 61-2, Yale to Simpson, 10 Jan. 1844.
39 HBCA, D.5/15, pp. 570-2, Yale to Simpson, 17 Dec. 1845.
40 HBCA, B.223/b/35, p. 71, Ogden and Douglas to Simpson, 15 March
41 Ibid.
42 HBCA, D.5/20, p. 522, Yale to Simpson, 25 Nov. 1847.
43 John Semple Galbraith, op. cit., pp. 161-2, 217.
44 HBCA, D.4/10, p. 21, Simpson to governor and council, 25 Nov.
45 HBCA, D.4/27, pp. 3-9d, Simpson to McLoughlin, 1 March 1842.
46 HBCA, D.4/110, pp. 65-6, Simpson to governor and council, 1 March
47 HBCA, D.5/6, p. 198, Douglas to Simpson, 24 Aug. 1841.
48 HBCA, D.4/110, p. 51, Simpson to governor and committee, 1 March
49 Ibid.
50 HBCA, B.223/b/29, pp. 75-91, McLoughlin to governor, deputy
governor and committee, 31 Oct. 1842; HBCA, B.223/b/39, pp. 18-9, George
Pelly and G.T. Allan to McLoughlin, 12 Jan. 1843.
51 HBCA, B.223/b/30, pp. 28-30, McLoughlin to Pelly and Allan, 3 Aug.
1843; HBCA, A.11/62, pp. 22-3, Pelly and Allan to governor and
committee, 24 Sept. 1844; HBCA, A.11/62, p. 40, Pelly and Allan to
governor and committee, 5 March 1845.
52 HBCA, B.223/b/31, p. 113, McLoughlin to Pelly and Allan, 1 July
53 Ibid., D.5/12, pp. 592-3, Yale to Simpson, 28 Dec. 1844.
54 HBCA, B.113/z/1, p. 29, "Invoice of Sundry Furs, Salted Salmon,
etc. Shipped from Fort Langley on board the schooner Cadboro, 26
Sept., 1844"; HBCA, B.223/b/31, p. 119, McLoughlin to Pelly and Allan,
19 Nov. 1844. For further information on shipping patterns, see
HBCA, B.223/b/31, pp. 192-3, "Statement of Voyages performed by the
Shipping, attached to the Columbia Department, since 1842."
55 HBCA, B.113/z/1, p. 31, "Invoice of Sundry Furs, Salted Salmon,
etc., shipped on board of the schooner Cadboro, 12 June 1845";
HBCA, B.223/b/35, p. 16, Douglas and Ogden to Simpson, 17 Dec. 1845.
56 HBCA, D.5/15, pp. 570-2, Yale to Simpson, 17 Dec. 1845.
57 HBCA, B.223/b/35, p. 16, Douglas and Ogden to governor and
committee, 16 Dec. 1845.
58 Ibid.
59 Ibid., D.5/15, pp. 570-2, Yale to Simpson, 17 Dec. 1845.
60 HBCA, B.223/b/34, p. 42, Ogden, Douglas and Work to governor and
council, 7 Dec. 1846.
61 HBCA, A.11/62, p. 180, Pelly and Allan to governor and council, 26
Dec. 1846.
62 HBCA, B.223/b/35, p. 71, Ogden and Douglas to Simpson, 15 March
63 Ibid.
64 PABC, AB40, Ya2, Simpson to Yale, 29 June 1847.
65 Ibid., Douglas to Yale, 26 June 1847.
66 HBCA, B.223/b/36, p. 89, Work and Douglas to governor and council,
6 Nov. 1847.
67 HBCA, A.11/62, p. 298, Pelly and McTavish to governor and council,
10 March 1848; ibid., p. 304, Pelly and McTavish to governor and
council, 20 April 1848; PABC, AB40, Ya2, Ogden and Douglas to Yale, 21
May 1848.
68 HBCA, B.223/b/38, p. 61, Douglas and Work to governor and council,
5 Dec. 1848.
69 HBCA, A.11/72, p. 94, Douglas to Archibald Barclay, 3 Sept. 1849;
HBCA, A.11/62, p. 514, Pelly and McTavish to governor and council, 27
Aug. 1850.
70 See "Langley in Its Most Active Phase."
Establishing Inland Communication
1 HBCA, D.4/110, p. 50, Simpson to governor and committee, 1 March
2 W. Kaye Lamb, "The Founding of Fort Victoria," British Columbia
Historical Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 2 (April 1943), p. 84.
3 Ibid., pp. 84-90.
4 The issue is discussed in detail by W. Kaye Lamb in John
McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 3, pp. lvlxi.
5 HBCA, B.226/c/1, pp. 211-7, Simpson to board of management, 31
March 1852.
6 John McLoughlin, op. cit., Vol. 3, pp. xxxvxxxix, lilv;
Walter N. Sage, "The Oregon Treaty of 1846," Canadian Historical
Review, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Dec. 1946), pp. 349-67; John Semple
Galbraith, op. cit., Chapters 10, 11 and 12.
7 John Semple Galbraith, op. cit., pp. 253-4; F.W. Howay, "The Raison
d'Etre of Forts Yale and Hope," Proceedings and Transactions of the
Royal Society of Canada, 3rd ser., Vol. 16, Sect. 2(1922), p.
8 PABC, AB40, Ya2, Simpson to Yale, 19 June 1845.
9 HBCA, D.5/15, pp. 570-2, Yale to Simpson, 17 Dec. 1845.
10 PAC, MG29, B35, Vol. 4, Alexander Caulfield Anderson, "History of
the Northwest Coast" (Victoria, 1878).
11 Ibid., pp. 73-83, "Journal of an Expedition under command of Alex.
C. Anderson of H.B. Co. undertaken with the view of ascertaining the
practicability of a communication with the interior for the import of
the annual supplies, 15 May to 9 June, 1846" (hereafter cited as
Anderson Journal, 1846), Outward Trip.
12 HBCA, B.223/b/34, pp. 1-13, Ogden, Work and Douglas to governor
and council, 2 Nov. 1846.
13 PAC, MG29, B35, Vol. 4, Alexander Caulfield Anderson, op. cit.,
pp. 83-98; ibid., Anderson Journal, 1846, Return Trip; ibid., pp. 120-3,
Anderson to board of management, 23 June 1846; HBCA, B.223/b/34, pp.
1-13, Ogden, Work and Douglas to governor and council, 2 Nov. 1846.
14 HBCA, B.223/b/34, pp. 66-7, Ogden and Douglas to Simpson, 15 March
15 PABC, AB20, V20d, Ogden and Douglas to Anderson, 12 Jan.
16 Ibid., Ogden and Douglas to Yale, 28 April 1847.
17 PAC, MG29, B35, Vol. 4, Alexander Caulfield Anderson, op. cit.,
pp. 99-108; ibid., "Journal of an Expedition to Fort Langley via
Thompson's to Fraser's River Summer of 1847, Outward
18 HBCA, D.5/20, pp. 697-700, Yale to Simpson, 28 Dec. 1847.
19 PAC MG29, B35, Vol. 4, Alexander Caulfield Anderson, op. cit., pp.
117-20, Anderson to board of management, 21 June 1847.
20 HBCA, D.5/20, pp. 697-700, Yale to Simpson, 28 Dec. 1847.
21 Ibid., pp. 188-91, Ogden and Douglas to chief factors and chief
traders, 1 Sept. 1847.
22 Ibid., pp. 697-700, Yale to Simpson, 28 Dec. 1847.
23 HBCA, B.223/b/36, p. 85, Work and Douglas to governor and council,
6 Nov. 1847.
24 Ibid.
25 HBCA, D.5/20, pp. 697-700, Yale to Simpson, 28 Dec. 1847.
26 Ibid.
27 HBCA, B.223/b/37, pp. 3-9, Ogden and Douglas to Simpson, 16 March
28 HBCA, B.5/20, pp. 697-700, Yale to Simpson, 28 Dec. 1847.
29 PABC, AB20, V20d, Douglas and Ogden to Yale, 23 March 1848.
30 Ibid.
31 Ibid., Douglas and Ogden to Yale, 28 April 1847.
32 Ibid., Douglas and Ogden to Yale, 23 March 1848.
33 PABC, AB20, L3A, Douglas and Work to governor and committee, 5
Dec. 1848.
34 F.W. Howay, "The Raison d'Etre of Forts Hope and Yale,"
Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 3rd
ser., Vol. 16, Sect. 2(1922), pp. 56-7; HBCA, A.12/4, p. 533, Simpson to
governor and council, 30 June 1849.
35 HBCA, B.223/b/37, p. 46, Anderson to Manson, 24 Aug. 1848; PAC,
MG29, B35, Vol. 4, Alexander Caulfield Anderson, op. cit., pp. 128-30,
Anderson to board of management, August 1848.
36 HBCA, A.12/4, pp. 547-50, Manson to Simpson, 26 Feb. 1849; HBCA,
B.223/b/37, p. 45, Manson to board of management, 24 Aug. 1848.
37 Ibid., D.5/24, pp. 415-8, Yale to Simpson, 18 Nov. 1849.
38 HBCA, D.5/20, pp. 697-700, Yale to Simpson, 28 Dec. 1847.
39 HBCA, B.223/b/37, p. 45, Manson to board of management, 24 Aug.
40 PABC, AB20, V2Da, Douglas to Yale, 30 Oct. 1848.
41 Ibid., Douglas to John Tod, 30 Oct. 1848.
42 Ibid., Douglas to Yale, 30 Oct. 1848.
43 Ibid., 1 Nov. 1848.
44 Ibid., Douglas to Manson, 1 Nov. 1848.
45 HBCA, D.5/29, pp. 413-4, Yale to Simpson, 28 Dec. 1850.
46 HBCA, D.5/26, p. 148, Douglas to Simpson, 22 Sept. 1849.
47 Ibid., p. 140, Anderson to Simpson, 21 Sept. 1849; HBCA, D.5/27,
pp. 358-9, Manson to Simpson, 25 Feb. 1850.
48 HBCA, D.5/27, pp. 358-9, Manson to Simpson, 25 Feb. 1850.
49 HBCA, B.226/c/1, p. 30, Simpson to Ogden, Douglas and Work, 25
June 1850.
50 HBCA, D.5/27, pp. 358-9, Manson to Simpson, 25 Feb. 1850.
51 HBCA, D.5/29, p. 413, Yale to Simpson, 28 Dec. 1850.
52 HBCA, B.226/c/1, p. 34, Simpson to Ogden, Douglas and Work, 25
June 1850.
53 HBCA, D.5/27, p. 342, Douglas to Simpson, 23 Feb. 1850.
54 HBCA, A.11/72, pp. 290-3, Douglas to Barclay, 17 Aug. 1850.
55 Ibid.
56 HBCA, D.5/29, pp. 413-4, Yale to Simpson, 28 Dec. 1850.
Langley in Its Most Active Phase
1 HBCA, B.226/b/3, pp. 61-2, Douglas to Yale, 22 Feb. 1851; HBCA,
B.226/b/4, pp. 42-4, Douglas to Yale, 13 Feb. 1852.
2 HBCA, B.226/b/3, pp. 8-9, Douglas to Yale, 22 Aug. 1850.
3 HBCA, B.113/c/1, p. 77, Douglas to Yale, 26 May 1855; HBCA,
8.226/b/i 2, Douglas to Yale, 27 May 1856.
4 HBCA, B.226/b/6, Douglas to Barclay, 12 July 1852; HBCA, A.11/74,
pp. 228-9, Douglas to Barclay, 4 July 1853, and subsequent annual
5 PABC, AB20, V20d, Douglas and Ogden to Yale, 23 March 1848.
6 HBCA, B.226/c/1, p. 34, Simpson to Ogden, Douglas and Work, 25 June
7 HBCA, B.226/b/3, p. 83, Douglas to Yale, 21 April 1851.
8 PABC, AC40, Ya2, Yale to Simpson, 22 Oct. 1852.
9 See annual reports; for example, HBCA, B.226/b/6, pp. 93-8,
Douglas to Barclay, 12 July 1852; HBCA, A.11/74, pp. 228-9, Douglas to
Barclay, 4 July 1853; HBCA, B.226/b/13, p. 66, Douglas to Smith, 8 July
10 This date, not verified by certificate, appears in PABC, J.A.
Grant, "An Unsung Pioneer," a compilation of inward letters to Yale.
11 Ibid.
12 N. de Bertrand Lugrin, The Pioneer Women of Vancouver Island,
1843-1866 (Vancouver: Women's Canadian Club of Victoria, 1928), p.
13 HBCA, B.226/b/10, pp. 162-3, Douglas to Yale, 2 Oct. 1864.
See also HBCA, B.113/c/1, p. 88, Douglas to Yale, 2 Oct.
14 HBCA, B.226/b/28, pp. 548-50, Tolmie to Prince Maksutov, assistant
governor of the Russian colonies in America, 25 Nov. 1865.
15 HBCA, B.226/z/2, p. 321, "Invoice of Sundries property of the
Hudson's Bay Company shipped on board the Steamer 'Otter', Captain
Mowat, consigned to James Douglas, Esquire, December, 1855."
16 HBCA, D.4/5, pp. 49-56, Simpson to McLoughlin, 11 July 1825.
17 HBCA, B.223/d/l55, p. 168, Fort Vancouver Inventory, Spring
18 Charles Wilkes, Narrative of the United States Exploring
Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842
(Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1845), Vol. 4, p. 329.
19 PAC, MG29, B35, Vol. 4, Alexander Caulfield Anderson, op. cit., p.
123, "Notes and Suggestions in regard to the route via Kequeloose; from
Kamloops to Fort Langley, 21 June 1847."
20 PABC, AB20, V20d, Ogden and Douglas to Yale, 28 April, 1847.
21 HBCA, B.223/b/38, p. 62, Douglas and Work to governor and council,
5 Dec. 1848.
22 Charles Wilkes, op. cit., Vol. 4, pp. 371, 378.
23 HBCA, B.226/b/7, pp. 30-1, Douglas to Yale, 27 Oct. 1852.
24 HBCA, D.5/6, p. 140, Anderson to Simpson, 21 Sept. 1849; HBCA,
B.113/c/1, p. 44, Paul Fraser to Yale, July 1853.
25 Charles Wilkes, op. cit., Vol. 4, p. 379.
26 See explanation of tracking on the Columbia, ibid., Vol. 4,
pp. 380-1. A quantity of manilla rope was sent to Langley "to make two lines for
the Batteau," HBCA, B.226/b/16, pp. 55-6, Douglas to Yale, 9 June
27 See "Establishing Inland Communication."
28 PABC, AB20, V20d, Ogden and Douglas to Yale, 28 April 1847.
29 HBCA, B.226/b/3, p. 107, Douglas to Yale, 7 June 1851.
30 HBCA, B.226/b/4, pp. 74-5, Douglas to Yale, 7 April 1852.
31 HBCA, B.226/b/13, pp. 15-7, Douglas to Smith, 10 July 1855.
32 Ibid., pp. 17-8, Douglas to Smith, 1 Aug. 1855.
33 Ibid., pp. 52-4, Douglas to Smith, 1 April 1856; ibid., pp. 66-8,
Douglas to Smith, 8 July 1856.
34 HBCA, B.226/b/3, p. 10, Douglas to Yale, 30 Aug. 1850.
35 HBCA, B.113/z/1, p. 125, "List of Sundry Axes and other Iron work
to be made at Fort Langley for the undermentioned Districts, Outfit
36 Ibid., p. 123, "List of Iron Work Required for New Caledonia,
Outfit 1850, to be made at Fort Langley."
37 For some of these chores, see HBCA, B.226/b/3, p. 54,
Douglas to Yale, 11 Feb. 1851; ibid., p. 107, Douglas to Yale, 7 June
1851; HBCA, B.226/b/12, pp. 116-7, Douglas to Yale, 23 Sept. 1856.
38 HBCA, B.223/b/3, p. 54, Douglas to Yale, 11 Feb. 1851.
39 HBCA, B.226/c/1, p. 161, Colvile to board of management, 10 July
40 HBCA, B.226/b/3, pp. 94-5, Douglas to Yale, 29 May 1851.
41 Ibid.
42 HBCA, B.226/b/4, pp. 42-3, Douglas to Yale, 13 Feb. 1852.
43 HBCA, A.12/6, pp. 130-45, Colvile to governor and council, 21 July
44 HBCA, B.226/b/4, p. 114, Douglas to Yale, 24 July 1852; HBCA,
B.113/z/1, p. 37, "Invoice of Grass Seeds forwarded by Canoe to Fort
Langley, July, 1850."
45 HBCA, A.11/73, p. 108, Douglas to Barclay, 17 April 1851.
46 HBCA, B.226/b/4, pp. 74-5, Douglas to Yale, 7 April 1852; PABC,
8401, notes: "Mr. Yale has for exportation 450 Bushels of wheat, 150
Bushels of Pease, wants 90 barrels Flour," 27 Feb. 1854.
47 HBCA, D.5/24, pp. 415-8, Yale to Simpson, 18 Nov. 1849; HBCA,
A.11/72, pp. 87-96, Douglas to Barclay, 3 Sept. 1849.
48 HBCA, D.5/24, p. 387, Douglas and Ogden to Simpson, 14 March
49 HBCA, B.226/b/12, pp. 15-6, Douglas to Yale, 2 Feb. 1856.
50 HBCA, A.11/63, p. 155, Clouston to Smith, 28 Aug. 1855; ibid., p.
104, Clouston to Barclay, 25 Dec. 1854; ibid., p. 137, Clouston to
Barclay, 31 March 1855.
51 HBCA, D.4/123, pp. 118-29, McDonald to governor and council,
Northern Department, 25 Feb. 1830.
52 Ibid.
53 HBCA, B.223/b/35, p. 71, Ogden and Douglas to Simpson, 15 March
54 HBCA, D.4/123, pp. 118-29, McDonald to governor and council,
Northern Department, 25 Feb. 1830.
55 HBCA, B.226/b/3, p. 110, Douglas to Yale, 23 June 1851.
56 PABC, Aurella Manson, "Reminisences of Old Langley."
57 HBCA, B.223/b/36, p. 89, Work and Douglas to governor and council,
6 Nov. 1847. This fishery was established in 1846. PAC, MG29, B35, Vol.
4, Alexander Caulfield Anderson, op. cit., p. 83.
58 HBCA, B.223/b/38, p. 61, Douglas and Work to governor and council,
5 Dec. 1848.
59 PABC, AC40, Ya2, Yale to Simpson, 22 Oct. 1852.
60 HBCA, D.5/26, pp. 418-20, Yale to Simpson, 5 Nov. 1849.
61 PABC, AC40, Ya2, Yale to Simpson, 22 Oct. 1852.
62 PABC, Aurella Manson, op. cit.
63 "You will salt thirty Barrels or Casks salmon with the heads and
backbones in the fish by way of experiment and besides cure as much
as possible in the usual way," HBCA, B.223/b/18, p. 22, McLoughlin to
Yale, 6 March 1837; "Fish cured with the head and backbones are not
found to answer to Sandwich Island Market; you will therefore continue
to cure in our old way," HBCA, B.223/b/24, pp. 13-5, Douglas to Yale, 10
May 1839.
64 HBCA, B.226/b/10, p. 68, Douglas to Yale, 3 Jan. 1854.
65 PABC, B401, memorandum from Clouston, 6 Dec. 1853; HBCA, A.11/62,
p. 56, Clouston to Barclay, 19 April 1854.
66 HBCA, B.113/b/11, pp. 95-6, Douglas to Yale, 14 Dec. 1854.
67 HBCA, B.226/b/ 11, pp. 95-6, Douglas to Barclay, 11 Jan. 1855.
68 HBCA, A.6/31, pp. 163-4, Smith to board of management, 16 July
1855; HBCA, B.113/c/1, p. 86, Douglas to Yale, 24 Sept. 1855.
Although enclosed in both documents cited above, Ricknell and Rotten's
report does not appear in either series.
69 HBCA, B.113/c/1, p. 5, Clouston to Douglas, 13 Aug. 1855.
70 PABC, AB40, Ya2, Yale to Douglas, 13 Nov. 1855.
71 HBCA, B.226/b/12, pp. 27-8, Douglas to Yale, 4 Feb. 1856.
72 Ibid., pp. 15-6, Douglas to Yale, 2 Feb. 1856.
73 HBCA, B.226/z/2, p. 259, extracts from a letter from William Smith
to board of management, 19 Aug. 1856.
74 HBCA, B.113/c/1, p. 107, Douglas to Yale, 11 Feb. 1857.
75 HBCA, A.11/63, p. 248, Clouston to Smith, 14 Feb. 1857.
76 HBCA, B.226/b/7, p. 5, Douglas to Yale, 13 Sept. 1852; HBCA,
A.11/62, p. 36, Clouston to Barclay, 19 Dec. 1853.
77 HBCA, B.223/b/24, pp. 66-8, McLoughlin to Yale, 22 Feb. 1840.
78 HBCA, D.4/110, p. 51, Simpson to governor and council, 1 March
79 HBCA, B.226/b/7, p. 43, Douglas to Clouston, 22 Nov. 1852.
80 HBCA, B.226/b/10, p. 108, Yale to Douglas, 6 April 1854.
81 The list of servants for outfit 1850 names four coopers: John
Bell, William Cromarty, Ohio and Peeohpeeoh, HBCA, B.223/d/195, p.
Reference to wages appears in HBCA, B.226/b/7, p. 5, Douglas to Yale,
13 Sept. 1852; HBCA, B.226/b/7, p. 43, Douglas to Yale, 25 Nov.
82 HBCA, B.223/d/181, pp. 81-7, "Inventory of New Stores, Articles in
Use, and Livestock remaining on hand at Fort Vancouver, Spring 1848."
The same tools as in Fort Vancouver cooper's shop appear in the Fort
Langley inventories in scattered form as articles in use.
83 HBCA, B.226/b/6, pp. 79-81, Douglas to Barclay, 25 May 1852; HBCA,
B.113/b/4, unnumbered, Allard to Roderick Finlayson, 30 Jan. 1872,
"Cromarty is fixing the Cooper shop for a Sale Shop and a Root has
already been put on."
84 HBCA, B.226/b/4, p. 91, Douglas to Yale, 6 May 1852.
85 PAC, MG28, B35, Vol. 4, James Cooper, "Maritime matters of the
Northwest Coast and Affairs of the Hudson Bay Company in Early Times"
(Victoria, 1878), pp. 4-5; HBCA, A.11/73, p. 288, Douglas to Barclay, 12
July 1852.
86 HBCA, B.226/b/4, p. 91, Douglas to Yale, 6 May 1852.
87 HBCA, B.226/b/7, p. 50, Douglas to Yale, 25 Nov. 1852.
88 PABC, B401, extract from Lowe's letter of 6 Oct. 1854; HBCA,
B.226/b/10, p. 178, Douglas to Yale, 7 Nov. 1854.
89 PABC, AB40, Ya2, Yale to Douglas, 13 Nov. 1855.
90 Ibid.; HBCA, B.113/z/1, p. 10, bill of lading per Otter, 14
Nov. 1855.
91 HBCA, B.226/b/13, pp. 46-52, Douglas to Simpson, 24 March
92 HBCA, B.226/b/12, pp. 15-6, Douglas to Yale, 2 Feb. 1856.
93 HBCA, B.226/b/13, p. 79, Douglas to Smith, 30 Sept. 1856.
94 HBCA, B.226/b/12, p. 120, Douglas to Yale, 23 Oct. 1856.
95 PABC, AB40, Ya2, Yale to Douglas, Oct. 1856.
96 PABC, AC20, Vi5, Yale to Douglas, Oct. 1856.
97 HBCA, B.226/b/l5, pp. 15-6, Douglas to Smith, 3 Nov. 1857; HBCA,
B.113/z/1, p. 21, bill of lading per Otter, 1857.
Gold Rush: Climax and Turning Point of Fort Langley's Career
1 HBCA, B.226/b/13, pp. 17-8, Douglas to W.G. Smith, 1 Aug. 1855.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid., pp. 51-2, Douglas to Simpson, 24 March 1856.
4 Ibid., pp. 66-8, Douglas to Smith, 8 July-1856; ibid., pp. 70-1,
Douglas to Smith, 29 July 1856.
5 Ibid., pp. 96-8, Douglas to Smith, 19 Feb. 1857.
6 HBCA, B.113/c/1, p. 110, Donald McLean to Yale, 20 Aug. 1857.
7 HBCA, B.226/b/15, pp. 2-3, Douglas to Smith, 20 July 1857; Great
Britain. Parliament, Copies or Extracts of Correspondence Relative to
the Discovery of Gold in the Fraser's River District of British North
America (London: Queen's Printer, 1858) (hereafter cited as
Discovery of Gold), p. 7, Douglas to Labouchere, 15 July
8 HBCA, B.226/b/15, p. 18, Douglas to Smith, 27 Nov. 1857.
9 Great Britain. Parliament, Discovery of Gold, p. 9; HBCA,
B.226/b/15, p. 27, Douglas to Smith, 4 Jan. 1858.
10 HBCA, B.113/c/1, p. 113, Douglas to Yale, 26 Dec. 1857.
11 Ibid.
12 HBCA, B.223/b/15, p. 27, Douglas to Smith, 4 Jan. 1858.
13 HBCA, B.113/c/1, p. 113, Douglas to Yale, 26 Dec. 1857.
14 HBCA, B.226/b/16, pp. 1-3, Douglas to McLean, 9 Feb. 1858; ibid.
pp. 4-5, Douglas to Simpson, 9 Feb. 1858.
15 Ibid., p. 16, Douglas to Simpson, 14 March 1858; ibid., p. 30,
Douglas to Yale, 30 March 1858.
16 Ibid., p. 42, Douglas to Yale, 19 April 1858; PABC, AC40, Ya2,
Yale to Douglas, 14 April 1858.
17 HBCA, B.226/b/l5, pp. 37-9. Douglas to Smith 18 Feb. 1858.
18 E.O.S. Scholefield and F.W. Howay, British Columbia from the
Earliest Times to the Present (Vancouver: S.J. Clark, 1914)
(hereafter cited as British Columbia), Vol. 2, p. 14.
19 Ibid., pp. 16-8; Walter N. Sage, "The Gold Colony of British
Columbia," Canadian Historical Review, Vol. 2, No. 4 (Dec. 1921),
p. 340.
20 Great Britain. Parliament, Papers Relative to the Affairs of
British Columbia ... (London: Queen's Printer, 1859) (hereafter
cited as Papers, British Columbia), Pt. 1, p. 12.
21 Ibid., p. 13, Douglas to Lord Stanley, 10 June 1858; HBCA,
B.226/b/15, p. 56, Douglas to Smith, 7 June 1858.
22 Ibid., pp. 49-50, Douglas to D. McTavish 10 May 1858.
23 Ibid., pp. 45-7, Douglas to Yale, 27 April 1858; ibid., pp. 55-6,
Douglas to Yale, 9 June 1858; ibid., pp. 68-70, Douglas to Smith, 23
July 1858.
24 The editor of the Alta California writing on "The Forts on
Frazer's River" in Harper's Weekly (New York), 9 Oct. 1858.
25 HBCA, B.226/b/16, pp. 45-7, Douglas to Yale, 27 April 1858.
26 HBCA, B.226/b/20, p. 295, Roderick Finlayson to Thomas Fraser, 16
July 1860.
27 HBCA, B.226/b/15, pp. 49-50, Douglas to Smith, 19 April 1858.
28 Great Britain. Parliament, Papers, British Columbia, Pt. 1,
pp. 18-9.
29 E.O.S. Scholefield and F.W. Howay, British Columbia, Vol.
2, p. 32.
30 Ibid., p. 30.
31 HBCA, B.226/b/15, pp. 68-70, Douglas to Smith, 23 July 1858.
32 "Letter from Fort Langley, Frazer River, 25 May 1858," San
Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, 5 June 1858; the "Miner's Home" is
shown in A.G. Dallas's sketch of Fort Langley, 24 May 1858.
33 Letter to the editor of the Islander (Charlottetown,
P.E.I.) by C.C. Gardiner, 17 Nov. 1858, reprinted in Robie L. Reid, ed.,
"To the Fraser River Mines in 1858," British Columbia Historical
Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Oct. 1937), pp. 243-53.
34 HBCA, B.226/b/15, pp. 68-70, Douglas to Smith, 23 July 1858.
35 HBCA, B.226/b/17, p. 173, Work to Thomas Fraser, 25 May 1859.
36 The question of whether Douglas as chief factor or Douglas as
governor dominated events in 1858 seems irrelevant. For 37 years the
Hudson's Bay Company was the only British presence on the mainland.
Assertion of Company rights was an assertion of British supremacy,
before and during 1858. Douglas expresses this belief in several
communications with Lytton. See Great Britain.Parliament,
Papers, British Columbia, Pt. 1, pp. 33-5, 36-7, Douglas to Lytton,
9 Sept. 1858 and Douglas to Lytton, 30 Sept. 1858.
37 Ibid., p. 14, Douglas to Lytton, 10 June 1858.
38 Ibid., p. 42, Lytton to Douglas, 16 July 1858.
39 Ibid.
40 Ibid., p. 43, Lytton to Douglas, confidential, 16 July 1858.
41 Ibid., pp. 1-2, "An Act to Provide for the Government of British
Columbia," 21 & 22 Vict. cap. 99, 2 Aug. 1858.
42 Ibid., pp. 3-5, "Letters Patent Under the Great Seal appointing
James Douglas, Esquire, to be Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and
over the Colony of British Columbia and its Dependencies," 2 Sept.
43 Ibid., p. 9, "Copy of an Instrument, under the Royal Sign Manual,
revoking so much of the Crown Grant of 30 May 1838, to the Hudson's Bay
Company, for exclusive Trading with the Indians, as relates to the
Territories comprised within the Colony of British Columbia," 2 Sept.
44 Ibid., p. 53, Lytton to Douglas, 2 Sept. 1858.
45 Ibid., Pt. 2, p. 25, Douglas to Lytton, 8 Nov. 1858; ibid., p. 26,
Douglas to Lytton, 9 Nov. 1858.
46 Ibid., p. 34, Douglas to Lytton, 27 Nov. 1858.
47 Victoria Gazette, 25 Nov. 1858.
48 For detailed information on the development of transportation in
the colony, see Angus McLeod Gunn, "Gold and the Early Settlement
of British Columbia, 1858-1885" (MA thesis, Univ. of British Columbia,
1965), pp. 43-63.
49 HBCA, B.226/b/19, pp. 9-11, Dallas to Yale, 7 March 1859.
50 ibid., p. 1, Dallas to Yale, 16 Feb. 1859; HBCA, B.226/b/17, p.
173, Work to Thomas Fraser, 25 May 1859.
51 Dorothy Blakey Smith, "The First Capital of British Columbia:
Langley or New Westminster?," British Columbia Historical
Quarterly, Vol. 21, Nos. 1-4 (Jan. 1957-Oct. 1958), p. 21.
52 Ibid., pp. 33-7.
53 Ibid., p. 38.
54 The capital, initially called Queensborough, was officially given
the name New Westminster on 20 July 1859. Ibid., p. 40.
The Twilight Years
1 HBCA, B.226/b/18, p. 29, Tolmie to W.H. Newton, 30 Jan. 1860;
ibid., p. 90, Dugald McTavish to G. Blenkinsop, 31 July 1860; ibid., pp.
94-5, Tolmie to Newton, 7 Aug. 1860.
2 Ibid.
3 HBCA, A.11/78, p. 272, McTavish to Dallas, 20 Dec. 1861.
4 HBCA, B.226/b/20, pp. 128-9, Work to Thomas Fraser, 7 April
5 HBCA, B.226/b/18, p. 41, board of management to C.J.R. Bedford, 28
March 1860; ibid., p. 78, Tolmie to Blenkinsop, 6 July 1860.
6 Ibid., p. 69, Tolmie to Blenkinsop, 8 June 1860; ibid., pp. 95-6,
Tolmie to Newton, 10 Aug. 1860; HBCA, B.226/b/22, p. 86, McTavish to
Newton, 13 Feb. 1861; HBCA, B.226/b/22, p. 107, McTavish to Newton, 19
March 1861.
7 HBCA, B.226/b/22, pp. 42-3, McTavish to Newton, 11 Dec. 1860.
8 HBCA, B.226/b/18, p. 58, Tolmie to Blenkinsop, 26 May 1860.
9 HBCA, B.226/b/22, p. 107, McTavish to Newton, 19 March 1861 HBCA,
A.11/78, p. 270, McTavish to Dallas, 20 Dec. 1861.
10 HBCA, B.226/b/22, p. 204, Tolmie to Newton, 1 Oct. 1861.
11 HBCA, B.226/b/25, p. 884, Tolmie to Newton, 18 May 1863; HBCA,
A.11/124, p. 149, Tolmie to Fraser, 12 Nov. 1863; HBCA, B.226/b/23, p.
107, Finlayson to Newton, 25 March 1864.
12 PABC, AC15, V66D, extract of a letter from Lytton to Douglas, 16
Nov. 1858, quoted in Dallas to Douglas, 8 Nov. 1860.
13 HBCA, B.226/z/1, pp. 63-5, Memorandum on the British Columbia Land
Claims, Emigration Commission, 11 Oct. 1861.
14 HBCA, B.226/b/21, p. 932, Tolmie to Capt. H.R. Luard, RE, 5 March
1863. These tracings were not found in the HBCA, The survey of fort lot
19, made by Capt. Leech and Sgt. William McColl on 17 Sept. 1862 was
discovered by the Provincial Archives of British Columbia in 1956.
15 HBCA, B.226/b/21, p. 932, Tolmie to Luard, 5 March 1863; PABC,
CB30.71, H86, C. Brew to Charles Good (acting colonial secretary), 10
Feb. 1864.
16 HBCA, B.226/b/23, p. 472, Tolmie to Newton, 15 Feb. 1864.
17 HBCA, H./6, p. 3, "Statement of Lands belonging to the Hudson's
Bay Company in the Western Department on 31 Jan. 1868." The recorded
distinction between crown grants of 702 acres and the crown conveyance
011,500 acres refutes F.W. Laing's contention that the Hudson's Bay
Company may have been granted all the land at Langley. See his
article, "Hudson's Bay Company Lands on the Main Land of British
Columbia, 1858-1861," British Columbia Historical Quarterly, Vol.
3, No. 2 (April 1939), p. 93.
18 Allard was appointed in May but did not arrive at Langley until
October, HBCA, B.226/b/23, p. 130, Finlayson to Newton, 2 May 1864.
19 HBCA, B.226/b/26, pp. 121-2, Finlayson to Allard, 9 June 1865;
HBCA, B.226/b/28, p. 598, Finlayson to Allard, 9 Jan. 1866.
20 HBCA, B.226/b/28, p. 957, Finlayson to Allard, 18 July 1866; HBCA,
B.226/b/34, p. 80, Finlayson to Smith, 2 Feb. 1867.
21 HBCA, B.113/b/3, p. 38, Allard to board of management, iS Nov.
1869; ibid., p. 46, Allard to board of management, 8 March 1870.
22 HBCA, B.226/b/26, p. 139, Finlayson to Allard, 3 July 1865; HBCA,
B.226/b/28, p. 919, Tolmie to Allard, 2 July 1866.
23 HBCA, A.11/124, p. 149, Tolmie to Fraser, 12 Nov. 1863.
24 HBCA, B.226/b/39, pp. 110-2, Tolmie to Fraser, 10 March 1865;
HBCA, A.11/80, pp. 309-10, Tolmie to Fraser, 27 Nov. 1865; HBCA,
B.226/b/39, pp. 236-42, Tolmie to Fraser, 16 Dec. 1865.
25 HBCA, B.226/b/28, p. 919, Tolmie to Allard, 2 July 1866.
26 HBCA, A.11/80, pp. 336-7, Tolmie to Fraser, 20 Dec. 1865; ibid.,
p. 388, Tolmie to Fraser, 12 Feb. 1866.
27 Ibid., pp. 607-9, Tolmie to Fraser, 23 Oct. 1866.
28 HBCA, B.226/b/39, p. 424, Tolmie to Fraser, 29 April 1867.
29 HBCA, B.226/b/34, p. 199, Tolmie to Smith, 6 Dec. 1867.
30 Ibid.
31 HBCA, B.113/b/2, pp. 21-2, Allard to board of management, 3 March
1868; ibid., p. 24, Allard to board of management, 31 March 1868.
32 HBCA, B.226/b/36, p. 118, Tolmie to Allard, 16 June 1868.
33 HBCA, B.113/b/3, p. 39, Allard to board of management, 23 Nov.
34 HBCA, B.113/b/2, pp. 44-5, Allard to board of management, 8 Sept.
35 HBCA, B.113/b/4, Allard to Finlayson, 11 Oct. 1871.
36 Ibid., Allard to Finlayson, 30 Jan. 1872.
37 Ibid., Allard to Finlayson, 22 Feb. 1872; ibid., Allard to James
A. Grahame, 24 June 1872; ibid., Allard to Grahame, 2 Sept. 1872; ibid.,
Allard to Grahame, 28 Sept. 1872.
38 HBCA, B.226/c/3, p. 12, sketch by Mrs. W.H. Newton enclosed in
James MacKie to John Jessop, 21 April 1873.
39 HBCA, B.113/b/2, pp. 16-7, Allard to board of management, 18 Dec.
1867; see also HBCA, B.113/b/2, pp. 44-5, Allard to board of
management, 8 Sept. 1868.
40 HBCA, B.226/b/34, p. 148, Tolmie to Smith, 14 Aug. 1867; HBCA,
B.226/b/38, p. 73, Tolmie to Allard, 19 April 1869; HBCA, B.113/b/3, p.
26, Allard to board of management, 13 July 1869.
41 HBCA, B.226/b/34, p. 148, Tolmie to Smith, 14 Aug. 1867.
42 Ibid.; HBCA, B.113/b/3, p. 34, Allard to board of management, S
Oct. 1869; HBCA, B.226/b/41, p. 58, Tolmie to Allard, 11 Nov. 1869.
43 HBCA, B.226/b/43, p. 58, Finlayson to Smith, 2 Sept. 1870.
44 HBCA, B.113/b/3, p. 71, Allard to Finlayson, 4 Oct. 1870.
45 Mainland Guardian (New Westminster), 5 April 1871.
46 HBCA, B.113/b/3, p. 86, Allard to Grahame, 21 April 1871.
47 "I have at the Fort about 9 acres wheat; 7 acres Oats, 2 acres
Pease, 2-1 /2 acres potatoes and turnips and 14 acres timothy hay under
cultivation this year besides the usual quantity of garden stuffs."
HBCA, B.113/b/3, p. 84, Allard to Finlayson, 27 March 1871.
48 HBCA, B.226/b/43, p. 96, Finlayson to William Armit, 4 Oct.
49 Ibid., pp. 60-1, Finlayson to Smith, 21 Oct. 1870.
50 Ibid., p. 81, Finlayson to Armit, 30 June 1871; HBCA, B.226/b/45,
p. 316, Grahame to Armit, 9 Sept. 1872.
51 HBCA, B.226/b/43, p. 81, Finlayson to Armit, 30 June 1871.
52 Ibid., p. 453, Grahame to Armit, 9 Sept. 1873.
53 HBCA, B.113/b/3, pp. 79-80, Allard to Finlayson, 19 Jan. 1871.
54 HBCA, B.226/b/46, p. 913, Munro to F.J. Lenehan & Company,
Merchants, Honolulu, 28 Aug. 1874. For further information on the growth
of salmon canning, see David J. Reid, "Some Economic Thoughts on Early
Merger Activity in the Fraser River Salmon Canning Industry," paper
presented at the Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting,
Kingston, 9 June 1973.
55 HBCA, A.11/88, p. 418, Charles to Armit, 18 Sept. 1875.
56 HBCA, A.11/89, p. 30, Charles to Armit, 30 Sept. 1876.
57 Ibid., p. 133, Munro to Armit, 30 Sept. 1876; ibid., p. 125,
Charles to Armit, 30 Sept. 1876.
58 HBCA, B.226/z/4, p. 149, H. Wark to Munro, 25 Oct. 1877.
59 HBCA, B.226/c/3, p. 308, Armit to Charles, 3 Nov. 1876.
60 HBCA, A.11/89, pp. 243-4, Munro to Armit, 30 May 1877.
61 HBCA, D.14/3, p. 453, Grahame to Munro, 26 Aug. 1877.
62 Ibid.; HBCA, A.11/89, pp. 275-6, Munro to Armit, 20 Aug. 1877.
63 HBCA, A.11/89, pp. 275-6, Munro to Armit, 20 Aug. 1877; HBCA,
B.226/z/5, p. 154, Wark to Munro, 23 Dec. 1877
64 HBCA, A.11/89, pp. 324-5, Munro to Armit, 20 Dec. 1877.
65 Victoria Colonist, 7 Dec. 1877.
66 HBCA, A.11/89, pp. 346-7, Munro to Armit, 19 Jan. 1878; HBCA,
D.14/4, p. 119, Grahame to Munro, 14 Feb. 1878.
67 Mainland Guardian (New Westminster), 1 June 1878.
68 HBCA, A.11/89, pp. 466-7, Munro to Armit, 19 June 1878.
69 Ibid.
70 Ibid., p. 539, Charles to Armit, 10 Oct. 1878; HBCA, B.226/b/52,
p. 87, Charles to Armit, 30 Sept. 1879; HBCA, B.226/b/52, p. 184,
Charles to Armit, 9 Oct. 1880.
71 HBCA, A.11/91, p. 114, Charles to Armit, 9 Nov. 1882.
72 Ibid., p. 410, Charles to Armit, 31 Oct. 1884.
73 Ibid.
74 HBCA, A.11 /92, p. 400, Munro to Armit, 19 Feb. 1886; PAC, RG3,
Vol. 7, E.H. Fletcher (post office inspector) to postmaster general, 23
Jan. 1886.
75 HBCA, A.11/92, pp. 304-5, Smith to Armit, 18 Dec. 1885.
76 Ibid.
77 HBCA, B.226/b/55, pp. 139-40, Smith to Joseph Wrigley, 24 Feb.
1886. The location of the buildings is specified in HBCA, A.79/2, pp.
110-1, Sales Shop Inventory, Outfit 1893.
78 HBCA, B.226/b/55, p. 157, Smith to Wrigley, 29 March 1886.
79 HBCA, B.226/b/S8, p. 214, Munro to Wark, 1S April 1886.
80 HBCA, B.226/b/65b, p. 214, Smith to Wrigley, 2 Dec. 1887.
81 HBCA, A.11/92, p. 393, Munro to Armit, iS Feb. 1886.
82 HBCA, H1/7, folios unnumbered; HBCA, A.11/92, p. 234, Munro to
Armit, 23 Oct. 1885; HBCA, B.226/b/107, p. 22, Munro to Mrs. Elizabeth
Towle, 8 Dec. 1885; HBCA, A.11/92, pp. 48-9, Munro to Armit, 11 March
83 HBCA, A.11/92, p. 400, Munro to Armit, 19 Feb. 1886.
84 Ibid.
85 Ibid.
86 HBCA, B.226/b/107, p. 123, Munro to Sinclair, 4 Feb. 1887; ibid.,
p. 182, Munro to Drummond, 27 Oct. 1887.
87 Ibid., p. 199, Munro to Drummond, 11 Jan. 1888; HBCA, A.11/93, p.
172, Munro to Armit, 12 Jan. 1888.
88 HBCA, B.226/b/55, p. 157, Smith to Wrigley, 29 March 1886; HBCA,
B.226/b/65b, pp. 213-6, Smith to Wrigley, 2 Dec. 1887.
89 HBCA, B.226/b/65b, pp. 213-6, Smith to Wrigley, 2 Dec. 1887.
90 HBCA, B.226/b/S8, p. 615, Smith to Sinclair, 12 April 1887; HBCA,
B.226/b/61, p. 50, Smith to Armit, 18 June 1887.
91 HBCA, B.226/b/65b, p. 215, Smith to Wrigley, 2 Dec. 1887.
92 Ibid.
93 HBCA, B.226/b/62, p. 308, Smith to Drummond, 5 Jan. 1888; ibid.,
p. 598, Smith to Drummond, 11 April 1888.
94 HBCA, B.226/b/62, pp. 362-3, Smith to Drummond, 26 Jan. 1888.
95 Ibid., p. 598, Smith to Drummond, 11 April 1888; HBCA, B.226/b/66,
p. 3, Smith to Drummond, 30 June 1888.
96 HBCA, B.226/c/4, pp. 180-3, Wrigley to Livock, 4 June 1889.
97 HBCA, B.226/b/75, pp. 266-7, "Report on the Trade of the Western
Department for Outfit 1889," Smith to Wrigley, 6 Jan. 1891.
98 HBCA, B.226/b/75, pp. 39-41, Smith to Wrigley, 20 Jan. 1890; HBCA,
B.226/b/72, Smith to Drummond, 8 Feb. 1890.
99 HBCA, B.226/b/73, pp. 107-9, Smith to Armit, 14 May 1890.
100 HBCA, A.74/1, pp. 248-9, Sales Shop Annual Report, Outfit 1891,
R.H. Hall to C.C. Chipman, 26 Dec. 1892.
101 Ibid.
102 HBCA, B.226/b/79, p. 399, Hall to Drummond, 3 March 1892; HBCA,
B.226/b/108, p. 22, Hall to Chipman, 5 March 1892.
103 HBCA, B.226/b/81, p. 620, Hall to Chipman, 19 Dec. 1892; HBCA,
B.226/c/7, p. 653, Chipman to Hall, 24 Dec. 1892.
104 HBCA, B.226/b/83, p. 120, Hall to Frank Powell, 18 Jan. 1893.
105 Ibid., p. 181, Hall to Powell, 3 Feb. 1893; HBCA, A.75/2, p. 25a,
Report of Sales Shops for the year ending 31 May 1894.
106 HBCA, A.75/3, A4, Report of Sales Shops for the year ending 31
May 1895.
107 HBCA, A.75/4, p. 18, Report on Sales Shops for the year ending 31
May 1896.
108 HBCA, H1/7, folios unnumbered, Table of Sales of Hudson's Bay
Company Land at Langley.
109 HBCA, A.12/5, Misc. /451, Chipman to Ware, 5 July 1901.
110 HBCA, A.12/5, Misc. /451, Chipman to Ware, 18 May 1896.
Appendix A. Report on Fort Langley, 1830, by Archibald McDonald.
1 HBCA, D.4/123, pp. 66-72, McDonald to the governor and council,
Northern Department, 25 Feb. 1830.
Appendix B. Reminiscences of Fort Langley by Aurella Manson (Daughter
of James Murray Yale).
1 PABC, Aurella Manson, op. cit.
Appendix C. Memories of Fort Langley by Jason O. Allard.
1 Jason O. Allard, Reminiscences, Daily Province (Vancouver),
25 Oct. 1924, p. 24.
Appendix D. Table of Fur Returns, Fort Langley, 1827-65.
1 PABC, AB20, V3A; HBCA, B.226/b/38, p. 314.
Appendix E. Salmon Cured at Fort Langley, 1830-73.
1 The table of salmon cured at Fort Langley is compiled from figures
from the following sources:
1830 PABC, AB40, M142A, McDonald to Ermatinger, 20 Feb. 1831.
1831 Ibid., McDonald to McLeod, 15 Jan. 1832.
1833 HBCA, B.223/d/51, p. 14
1834 HBCA, B.223/d/69, pp. 5, 18.
1835 HBCA, B.223/d/79, pp. 3, 5, 6.
1836 HBCA, B.223/d/90, pp. 9, 23.
1837 HBCA, B.223/b/20, p. 78; HBCA, B.223/d/97, pp. 15, 22.
1838 HBCA, B.223/d/114, p. 18.
1839 HBCA, D.5/5, pp. 239a-239b; HBCA, B.223/d/124, pp. 4, 22,
1840 PAC, MG24, A35, p. 52; HBCA, B.223/b/27, p. S9; HBCA,
B.223/d/134, pp. 42, 43.
1841 HBCA, D.5/6, p. 198.
1842 HBCA, A.12/2, p. 190; HBCA, B.223/b/30, p. 18.
1843 HBCA, B.223/b/30, p. 28; HBCA, B.223/b/31, pp. 113, 114.
1844 HBCA, D.5/12, pp. 592-3; HBCA, B.223/b/31, p. 119.
1845 HBCA, D.5/15, pp. 570-2; HBCA, B.223/b/35, p. 16.
1846 HBCA, A.12/3, pp. 464-5; HBCA, D.5/20, p. 522; HBCA, B.223/b/34,
p. 39.
1847 HBCA, B.223/b/36, p. 89; HBCA, B.223/b/34, p. 39.
1848 HBCA, B.223/b/38, p. 61; HBCA, D.5/24, p. 382.
1849 HBCA, A.11/72, p. 94; HBCA, A.11/62, p. 422.
1850 HBCA, D.5/29, p. 413; HBCA, A.11/73, p. 84; HBCA, A.11/73, p.
1851 HBCA, B.226/b/6, p. 16; HBCA, B.226/b/3, p. 67; HBCA, A.11/62,
p. 648.
1852 HBCA, B.226/b/6, p. 181; ibid., pp. 166-70; HBCA, B.226/b/7, p.
50; HBCA, A.11/73, p. 50; HBCA, A.11/73, p. 552; HBCA, B.113/c/1, p.
1853 HBCA, A.11/74, pp. 337-8; HBCA, B.226/b/10, p. 108; HBCA,
A.11/63, pp. 32, 33.
1854 HBCA, B.113/c/1, p. 61; HBCA, B.226/b/11, pp. 95-6; HBCA,
B.113/c/1, p. 86.
1855 HBCA, A.11/63, pp. 182, 185, 214.
1856 HBCA, B.113/z/1, p. 16; ibid., p. 17; HBCA, HBCA, A.11/63, p.
1857 Ibid., p. 567.
1860 HBCA, B.226/b/28, p. 598.
1865 HBCA, B.226/b/32, p. 1.
1866 HBCA, B.113/b/2, p. 3; HBCA, B.226/b/32, p. 92; HBCA,
B.226/b/34, pp. 167-8.
1867 HBCA, B.226/b/38, pp. 21-2.
1868 HBCA, B.113/b/3, pp. 26-7.
1869 Ibid., pp. 66-70.
1870 Ibid., p. 92.
1871 HBCA, B.226/b/47, p. 321.
1873 A.11/63, p. 234.
Appendix F. Cranberry Returns of Fort Langley, 1852-58.
1 The summary of Fort Langley cranberry returns is extracted from the
following documents:
1853 HBCA, B.226/b/13, p. 49.
1854 HBCA, B.226/b/10, p. 178; PABC, B401, extract from Lowe's letter
of 6 Oct. 1854.
1855 HBCA, B.113/z/1, p. 10; HBCA, B.226/b/13, pp. 33-4, 36-7; HBCA,
A.11/63, p. 182.
1856 HBCA, B.113/z/1, p. 19; HBCA, B.226/b/13, p. 79.
1857 HBCA, B.113/z/1, p. 21.
Appendix G. The Physical Appearance of Fort Langley A Brief
1 HBCA, D.4/121, p. 18, Aemilius Simpson to McLoughlin, Nov.
2 PABC, Fort Langley Journal, p. 8, 29 July 1827.
3 HBCA, D.4/121, pp. 14-5, McMillan to McLoughlin, 14 Sept. 1827.
4 PABC, Fort Langley Journal, pp. 10-21, 1 Aug-8 Sept. 1827.
5 Ibid., p. 16, 22 Aug. 1827; HBCA, D.4/121, pp. 14-5, McMillan to
McLoughlin, 14 Sept. 1827.
6 PABC, Fort Langley Journal, p. 21, 8 Sept. 1827.
7 For further details on this form of construction, see Marius
Barbeau, "The House that Mac Built," The Beaver, Outfit 276 (Dec.
1945), pp. 10-3.
8 PABC, Fort Langley Journal, p. 21, 9 Sept. 1827.
9 Ibid., pp. 21-3, 10-5, Sept. 1827.
10 Ibid., pp. 23-4, 27-9, 19, 22, 23, 27 Sept., 3, 4, 6, 13 Oct.
11 Ibid., p. 26, 3 Oct. 1827.
12 Ibid., p. 27, 6 Oct. 1827.
13 Ibid., p. 40, 19 Dec. 1827; ibid., p. 50, 4 March 1828.
14 Ibid., pp. 31-2, 34-5, 22, 24 Oct., 7, 14 Nov. 1827; ibid., p. 47,
15 Feb. 1828.
15 Ibid., p. 49, 27 Feb. 1828.
16 Ibid., pp. 63, 67, 23, 30 May 1828; ibid., p. 67, 24, 27 June
1828; ibid., p. 78, 9 Sept. 1828.
17 Ibid., pp. 61-3, 66, 77-8, 15, 20, 24 May, 28 June, 5, 9 Sept.
18 Archibald McDonald, op. cit., pp. 38-9.
19 PABC, Fort Langley Journal, pp. 89, 91-2, 12, 20, 28 Nov., 1 Dec.
20 Ibid., pp. 95, 98, 100, 127, 132, 16, 29 Dec. 1828, 7 Jan., 30
May, 13 June 1829.
21 Ibid., pp. 87, 88, 132, 3, 5, 8 Nov. 1828, 27 June 1829.
22 Ibid., pp. 93, 124, 132, 3 Dec. 1828, 28 April, 27 June 1829.
23 Ibid., p. 130, 153, 155, 172, 15 June, 5, 15, 30 Dec. 1829, 16
June 1830.
24 HBCA, D.4/121, pp. 67-72, McDonald to governor and council, 2S
Feb. 1830.
25 HBCA, A.11/69, p. 79, Douglas to governor and committee, 14 Oct.
26 Ibid.
27 Ibid.
28 Ibid.; HBCA, D.5/5, p. 239, Yale to Simpson, 15 Jan. 1840.
29 HBCA, B.223/b/38, p. 28, Yale to McLoughlin, 15 April 1840.
30 PAC, MG24, A35, p. 8, 1 May 1840.
31 Ibid.
32 A study of the structure of this fort was undertaken prior to the
1958 restoration, It was based on contemporary Fort Langley information
and knowledge of fur-trade architecture. See J. Calder Peeps,
"Fort Langley, B.C., A Preliminary Survey of the Physical Structure,"
manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks
Canada, Ottawa, 1953.
33 See Appendix A.
34 HBCA, D.4/110, p. 21, Simpson to governor and council, 25 Nov.
35 Although the diameter of the pickets was assumed to be about 18
inches by the architect responsible for the 1958 restoration,
archaeological excavations at the site in August 1970 gave evidence of
posts approximately one foot in diameter. See James V. Chism, "A
Preliminary Report on the August, 1970 Excavations at Fort Langley,
B.C.," manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch,
Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1970.
36 See Appendix B.
37 Charles William Wilson, Mapping the Frontier; Charles Wilson's
Diary of the Survey of the 49th Parallel, 1858-1862, while Secretary of
the British Boundary Commission, ed. and intro. George F. Stanley
(Toronto: Macmillan, 1970), p. 53.
38 See Allard's reminiscences in Appendix C; Robie L. Reid,
ed., op. cit., pp. 243-53, Victoria Gazette.. 25 Nov. 1858.
39 "The Forts of Frazer's River," Harper's Weekly (New York),
9 Oct. 1858.
40 HBCA, B.223/b/16, p. 46, Douglas to Yale, 27 April 1858; HBCA,
B.226/b/20, pp. 293-6, Finlayson to Fraser, 16 July 1860.
41 HBCA, B.113/z/1, p. 130, "Specifications of Work to be done at
Fort Langley Sale Shop by Daniel Fowler Adams, 20 April 1858."
42 HBCA, A.11/73, pp. 462-3, Douglas to Barclay, 25 May 1852.
43 HBCA, B.113/b/4, page unnumbered, Allard to Finlayson, 30 Jan.
44 HBCA, B.226/b/16, p. 46, Douglas to Yale, 27 April 1858.
45 N. de Bertrand Lugrin, op. cit., p. 109.
46 HBCA, B.226/b/16, p. 46, Douglas to Yale, 27 April 1858.
47 Charles Wilson, op. cit., p. 37
48 PABC, AB20, V20d, Douglas and Ogden to Yale, 23 March 1848.
49 The special arrangement the Company made to have a resident
boat-builder at Fort Langley would also suggest a workshop for that
50 HBCA, B.226/b/16, p. 46, Douglas to Yale, 27 April 1858. Referring
to the residence northwest of the Big House, Douglas states, "the Shop
door will have to be cut, about the centre of the building in that end
next the kitchen." This would locate the kitchen somewhere in the
southwest corner of the fort.
51 HBCA, B.113/b/4, page unnumbered, Allard to Finlayson, 11 Oct.
52 HBCA, D.5/24, p. 415, Yale to Simpson, 10 Jan. 1844.
53 HBCA, B.223/b/18, p. 16, Tolmie to Newton, 14 Dec. 1859.
54 HBCA, D.5/24, p. 415, Yale to Simpson, 10 Jan. 1844; ibid., p. 415d,
Yale to Simpson, 18 Nov. 1849.
55 HBCA, A.11/78, pp. 265-72, McTavish to Dallas, 20 Dec. 1861.
56 HBCA, B.226/b/26, p. 139, Finlayson to Allard, 3 July 1865; HBCA,
B.226/b/28, p. 919, Tolmie to Allard, 2 July 1866.
57 HBCA, B.113/b/4, page unnumbered, Allard to Finlayson, 11 Oct.
1871; ibid., Allard to Finlayson, 30 Jan. 1872.
58 Ibid., Allard to Grahame 24 June 1872.
59 HBCA, A.11/92, page unnumbered, T.R. Smith to Armit, 18 Dec. 1885;
HBCA, B.226/b/S8, p. 214, Munro to Wark, 15 April 1886.
Appendix H. Descriptions of Langley Farm.
1 HBCA, B.113/z/2, pages unnumbered, Fort Langley, Miscellaneous
Papers, 1877-78.
2 HBCA, B.226/z/5, pp. 376-82.
Appendix I. Record of Land Sales of Fort and Farm Lots.
1 HBCA, H1/7, pages unnumbered.