Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 15
A History of Martello Towers in the Defence of British North America, 1796-1871
by Ivan J. Saunders
Appendix D. Georges Island Tower, Halifax
Built: 1812
Armed: 1812
Disarmed: 1865-77
Demolished: ca. 1877
Facing material: stone (nature unknown)
Diameter: 43 ft.
Height: unknown
Wall thickness: 7 ft.
Parapet height: unknown
Storeys: two
Purpose: to serve as a keep to the Georges Island batteries;
to sweep the batteries and the periphery of the island in the event of
an assault landing.

24 Georges Island, plan of the island, fort and tower, 1869.
Archives of Canada.)

25 Georges Island tower, plan and section of basement, 1859.
Archives of Canada.)