Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 15
A History of Martello Towers in the Defence of British North America, 1796-1871
by Ivan J. Saunders
Appendix C. Duke of York's Tower, (York Redoubt Tower),
Built: 1798
Armed: before 1808
Disarmed: 1865-75
Demolished: top storey destroyed by fire, ca. 1890.
Basement level extant, 1972.
Facing material: rubble ironstone masonry
Diameter: 40 ft.
Height: 30 ft.
Wall thickness: 4 ft.
Parapet height: 4 ft. high in wood until after 1870.
Storeys: two
Purpose: in 1798, a keep and land defence for York Redoubt. After
1875, a caponiered flank defence for the line wall in the rear of the
rifled muzzle-loader redoubt.

21 The remaining portion of the York Redoubt tower, 1971. (Photograph
by author.)

22 Plan of York Redoubt and tower, n.d.
(Public Archives of

23 York Redoubt tower, platform and section of upper tower, 1849.