Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 15
A History of Martello Towers in the Defence of British North America, 1796-1871
by Ivan J. Saunders
Appendix A. Prince of Wales Tower, Halifax
Built: 1796-8
Armed: by 1802
Disarmed: after 1875
Demolished: (extant, 1972)
Facing material: ironstone rubble masonry
Diameter: 72 ft.
Height: 26 ft.
Wall thickness: 8 ft.
Parapet height: 6 ft.
Storeys: two
Purpose: to defend the rear of the Point Pleasant batteries and
to prevent a landing from the Northwest Arm. After 1864. the tower was
used as a self-defensible depot magazine.

12 Prince of Wales Tower, 1971, showing entrance
doors and machiolation galleries.
(Photograph by author.)

13 Prince of Wales Tower, view, section and floor plans, 1812,
showing changes in struture and armament made by 1812.
(Public Archives of Canada.)

14 Prince of Wales Tower, view, section, barrack and
platform floor plans, 1849, showing plan for proposed
new roof.

15 Prince of Wales Tower, section and floor plans, 1880,
showing alterations made in the 1860s.
(Public Archives of Canada.)

16 Prince of Wales Tower, 1860, basement floor plan and
section showing proposed partial magazine conversion.
(Public Archives of Canada.)

17 Prince of Wales Tower, 1861, floor plans and section
showing proposed complete conversion of basement to
(Public Archives of Canada.)