Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 14
The British Indian Department and the Frontier in North America, 1755-1830
by Robert S. Allen
Appendix C
Upper Canada; Lieut.-Governor
Sir John Colborne to R.W. Hay, York,
3 May 18291
Dear Sir,
Since the receipt of your letter of the 3rd of December, I have
collected such information respecting the Indian Department, as now
enables me to offer an opinion how far it may be expedient to carry
reduction, and what measures should be adopted to diminish gradually
the expense incurred in conveying the annual presents to the Indians
settled in Upper Canada, and to those who have been accustomed to
assemble at Drummond's Island, and Amherstburg, from the territory of
the United States.
It appears I think, that a considerable decrease in the expense of
the establishment of the Indian Department may be effected in a few
years, if the course which has been pursued with the Mossissagas
[Missisagas] of the Credit should be observed with the other tribes. You
will perceive by the annexed report, from the Revd. Mr. Magnath, that a
very extraordinary and beneficial change has taken place at that
Under the superintendence of attentive resident agents, civilization
maybe extended to the whole of the Indians of this Province, and fund
created for their future support by granting leases of their lands, and
selling part of them.
We have been involved, for many years, in a system which has
occasioned an enormous expense without conferring any benefit on the
Indians, on insuring their friendship. A great effort will now, I hope,
be made to ameliorate their condition and to place their children under
zealous instructors.
No alteration can yet take place with propriety, in the amount of the
presents issued to the Indians who resort annually to Amherstburg from
the United States, or to those who have been accustomed to visit
Drummond's Island; but some expense may be saved by fixing the periods
of issue at the former place . . . . [He recommends a number of staff
rearrangements in the Indian Department.]
These four Superintendents should be actively employed in collecting
the Indians in villages,2 and inducing them to cultivate
their lands, and divide them into lots. They should encourage them to
send their children to the schools which will be prepared for their
reception. They will be able probably to persuade the Chiefs to give
their consent, that the sums due to them for the lands sold to
Government shall be expended on their houses, and in furnishing them
with agricultural implements, cattle, etc. They can explain to them the
benefit the tribes will receive from their lands being leased, and in
certain cases, from their being sold, with the sanction of the Lt.
Governor and the usual Council . . .
It is, however, highly important to let the Indians feel that they
are indebted to our Government for the benefits which may be expected to
result from establishing schools, and appointing religious teachers, and
that all improvements proceed from us. The American Methodists are using
great exertions to maintain their influence. They have taken Indian
children into the States for the purpose of raising subscriptions, and
they have a few days since requested that they may be allowed to import
bibles, tracts, and clothing for the Indians on the Rice Lakes . . .
It will also be expedient to allow a charge of thirty on forty pounds
a year at each station for medical attendance. A special Order will be
required to authorize the Lt. Governor to consent to the Indian
Reserves being disposed of, if in certain cases it should be desirable
to alienate them. Several Chiefs have expressed their wish to have
schools established, and to bring their tribes together.
The Americans have lately adopted a plan for civilizing the Indians
in some parts of the United States; and have formed respectable
establishments of missionaries, school masters, farmers. and mechanics.
I think we should have similar establishments. The expense must be borne
in the first instance by Government, but I have no doubt that we may
depend on being able to make the Indians support themselves and all the
establishments recommended, at no distant period . . . .