Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 9
The Canadian Lighthouse
by Edward F. Bush
The Pacific Coast
The colonization of the rugged and picturesque Pacific coast came
much later in time than that along our Atlantic shores. The celebrated
navigator Captain James Cook landed on Vancouver Island in 1778. It was
not, however, until the year 1850 that there was sufficient settlement
for the island to be proclaimed a crown colony. The Fraser River
gold-rush of 1858 brought in its train the first influx of white
settlement, much of it of a transient character, to the mainland. It is
hardly surprising, therefore, that lighthouse development, as with the
multiple other phases of colonization and settlement, followed at a much
later date than was the case along the Atlantic coast, the St. Lawrence
and the Great Lakes. At the time of her entry into Canadian federation
in 1871, British Columbia's mountainous coast boasted but two
lighthouses and one lightship, the latter at the mouth of the Fraser
River. The Race Rocks and Fisgard lighthouses, both of which entered
service in 1860, are still in use today although the latter is now
property of the crown.
Fisgard Island
The Fisgard Island lighthouse at the entrance to Esquimalt Harbour is
a circular brick tower 56 feet high with attached dwelling. It was
fitted with a dioptric apparatus of the 4th Order and a coal-oil
light.1 By 1872, the tower stood in need of extensive
repairs, the bricks used in construction having been of an inferior
quality. The solution found for this unsatisfactory condition was the
coating of the whole tower with a generous layer of Portland cement
followed by three coats of "best white paint." New windows were also
installed. The following season, 1873, these repairs which have stood
the structure in good stead for nearly a century were well

77 Fisgard Island lighthouse.
(Canada. Department of Transport.)
Race Rocks
For a number of years, indeed until the construction of the important
landfall light at Carmanah Point in 1891, the 102-foot Race Rocks
lighthouse commanding the Strait of Juan de Fuca from the southern tip
of Vancouver Island was considered the most important in the province.
The original light burned colza oil and subsequently (1898) dog fish
liver oil in conjunction with catoptric long focus apparatus
apparatus which according to the latest list of lights, is still in
service employing an electric light source. This rather old-fashioned
optic was not the original one used, however, for the revolving light of
the 2d Order was described as dioptric in the annual report for
1871-72.3 This presumably was replaced after the installation
of the Carmanah Point light at a later date.
Again, however, as with the case of the Fisgard structure, economies
in initial construction were paid for in subsequent maintenance. Built
of sandstone, the Race Rocks tower within 20 years gave serious cause
for concern. The sandstone had been quarried, at the least cost to the
contractor, from locations below high tide resulting in an inferior
quality of stone. One consultant in 1878 considered the whole tower
unsound and recommended that it should be demolished and
re-built.4 This expedient did not prove necessary; whatever
measures were taken with the Race Rocks tower were effective for the
structure stands today, more than a century later.

78 Race Rocks lighthouse, Strait of Juan de Fuca.
(Canada. Department of Transport.)
Point Atkinson
With only the two original lighthouses of pre-Confederation vintage
on its shores in 1872 and little taken in hand in the course of the
first year, the agent for British Columbia sourly concluded in his
report for that year that the policy of the Department of Marine,
insofar as the Pacific coast was concerned, must be one of frugal
economy.5 Although the Race Rocks light had won the
approbation of mariners, the same could not be said of its contemporary
on Fisgard Island.
In 1875, the third lighthouse on the Pacific coast was completed at
Point Atkinson at the northern entrance to Burrard Inlet on the outer
approaches to Vancouver Harbour. This structure was replaced in 1912 by
the present lighthouse. The contract was let to an Arthur Fenny for the
sum of $4,250. The 60-foot hexagonal tower with six exterior buttresses
exhibited from its circular lantern a powerful lenticular light of the
3rd Order, at an elevation of 108 feet above high water. Local authority
advises that the lighthouse is still very much in its original

79 Point Atkinson lighthouse.
(Canada. Department of Transport.)
Berens Island and Entrance Island
The following year, 1876, two more lighthouses went into Service:
Berens Island at the entrance to Victoria Harbour on 5 March and
Entrance Island in the vicinity of Nanaimo on 8 June. The Berens Island
lighthouse, a 30-foot, square wooden structure equipped with catoptric
apparatus, exhibited a fixed blue light; the total cost of this
installation, complete with dwelling, was $3,218.38.6 The
Berens Island lighthouse is no longer in existence having been replaced
by a pole light serving the same purpose. The Entrance Island
lighthouse, on the other hand, consisting of an eight-sided lantern
mounted on the roof of a square frame house,7 according to
current advice still stands and is, therefore, one of a trio of
lighthouses more than 90 years of age on this coast.
With the construction of the latter two, there were now, including
the Fraser River lightship, a total of seven lights on the Pacific
coast. With the exception of the Fisgard and Race Rocks installations,
kerosene was the favourite illuminant on this coast.

80 Entrance Island lighthouse.
(Canada. Department of Transport.)
Cape Beale
The outer coast of Vancouver Island fronting on the open Pacific had
not been neglected. On the eighth anniversary of Dominion Day, 1874, the
Cape Beale lighthouse went into service showing a revolving catoptric
light atop a square tower. The focal plane of this light was 160 feet
above the sea and it was visible at a range of 19 miles in good weather.
The first Cape Beale lightkeeper, Robert Westmoreland, received $700 per
annum.8 The department's engineers contended that the Cape
Beale light, about 100 miles north of Victoria, was superior to the
important American landfall light at Cape Flattery, installed in
18579 at the southern entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
The original Cape Beale lighthouse has been replaced with an open-work
steel tower.
The landing of materials, supplies and apparatus on the rugged outer
coast, often through pounding surf, posed a hazardous operation
frequently entrusted, as at Cape Beale, to the traditional skill of the
local Indians. These boatmen exacted a good price for their services,
and rightly so! The Victoria agent, in his report for 1874, reveals
both the high cost of construction and labour on the coast, but still
more his, and no doubt the current, attitude toward the Indians.
I apprehend that the custom of this country and the emoluments
paid to individuals for their services contrast more strangely with that
of similar services in the Eastern Provinces. Even the natives are
imbued with a notion of their own value, and as this paragraph more
particularly refers to Cape Beale . . . I must beg permission to relate
a circumstance that actually transpired in Barclay Sound in the month of
June, 1874. The landing at the lighthouse is nearly always bad, and
sometimes dangerous, but the sea-coast Indians are very expert in
handling their canoes, and it is considered safer to entrust property or
life to the care and management of the natives than to risk the same in
frequently very inferior boats. . . . The Indian trader being on board,
I requested him to find out what they expected for the service, and he
informed me that each man in either of the two canoes must be paid six
dollars, and three dollars for each canoe. This appeared to me simply
extortionate, and in an angry moment I threatened to take the schooner
through the surf and land it myself. This they knew to be almost a
physical impossibility, and quietly retorted that they thought I could
not do that but I might try if I liked. I remonstrated, and tried to
reason with them but all to no purpose; they knew that I was more or
less dependent on them, and were sharp enough to know how to make me pay
for it. . . . I also explained to them that the Government would be
writing angrily to me for paying such exorbitant sums. Well, they
replied, can't you write back and ask them how could you help it? I
ultimately agreed to pay them each $4.50 and $3.00 each for the two
canoes, and after some considerable time had passed they consented to my
Sand Heads
By 1879, the hull of the Fraser River lightship had been damaged
beyond repair by dry rot, whereupon the decision was taken to replace
the vessel with an offshore lighthouse set on an iron-screw pile
foundation. The tender was awarded to a Thomas McKay of New Westminster
for $9,500. Slow progress was made because of the difficulty in securing
a firm foundation. Begun in 1882, the project was finally completed and
the light in service by May 1884. The six-sided frame shingled tower 49
feet in height, was fitted with a dioptric light of the 3rd Order and a
fog alarm bell to be rung in thick weather.11 This curiously
shaped lighthouse, one of the earlier offshore installations and the
first on the Pacific coast, did not survive 1956. In that year a
rectangular aluminum building on a steel pile pier replaced the earlier
By the year 1890, 11 lighthouses had been installed on the Pacific
coast and steam fog alarms were supplied at Race Rocks, Discovery Island
and Point Atkinson.12
Carmanah Point
An important landfall light for vessels inbound from the Orient was
projected for Carmanah Point on the southwest coast of Vancouver Island,
to be completed under contract by December 1890. The 46-foot wooden or
frame tower with an attached dwelling built on a high headland first
showed a light on 15 September 1891, 173 feet above the sea. This light
station included a ship-to-shore wireless installation (commonly known
as a "coast station"), with telephone connection with Cape Beale further
up the coast. The total cost of the project came to
$15,220.89.13 The original lighthouse has been replaced.
At the turn of the century, with new installations at Pointer Island,
Fitz Hugh Sound and Dryad Point late in 1899, the Pacific coast
establishment numbered 26 lighthouses and six steam
fog-alarms.14 Wooden towers with attached dwellings were a
common type along the Pacific coast, no doubt because of the abundance
of lumber and the proliferation of sawmills along those heavily wooded
Brockton Point
The Brockton Point lighthouse in Vancouver Harbour, a 42-foot square
tower which was built in 1890, is of interest more from the personal
than the technical aspect. The first keeper, Captain W. D. Jones, was
faithful to his trust but still managed to conduct a considerable
business of his own on the property. This was quite permissible,
provided the keeper's tendance of his light was in no way affected.
Jones' successor, John H. Walsh, in an effort to have this humble
harbour light upgraded (and hence his pay increased), carried on a
protracted feud by post with his immediate superior in Victoria in which
the keeper did not scruple to go over the head of local authority. In a
letter addressed to the Civil Service Commission in 1926 appears a
detailed description of the enterprise displayed by his predecessor.
Capt. Jones was mostly concerned with his farm, a good parcel of
land in Stanley Park which was always a perquisite of his office. At one
time he kept horses, cattle and goats; at another he bred rabbits,
chickens, ducks, pheasants, pidgeons etc. In recent time he cultivated
roses and various kinds of flowers, and his income from this source was
up to $1500 a year. He also had trees, canes, bushes and brambles which
produced a great variety of fruit, including apples, pears, cherries,
plums and six different sorts of berries and currants.
For a long time the Vancouver Board of Park Commissioners coveted
this parcel of lighthouse groundthe perquisite of the lightkeeper
who was getting a small salary; and about 8 years ago the Government of
the day actually agreed to give it to the city, together with $15,000 to
pull down all the out-buildings and put the place in shape. However,
Capt. Jones protested so effectively that the transfer of the property
was cancelled and he continued in possession.15
Jones seems also to have been an amateur winemaker of note. Finally
Jones secured the office of park commissioner, and thereafter had the
benefit of the park horticulturist's service, not to mention an
increased variety of shrubs and plants. His successor concluded, "Capt.
Jones was an oldtimer, a very good sort, and he was able to take a great
many liberties which would not be tolerated in my
The first keeper of the Brockton Point light must not, however, be
taken as a mere colourful eccentric. By 1907 he was credited with having
saved the lives of no fewer than 16 persons, including the engineer of
the steamer Chehalis which collided with the CPR Princess
Victoria. On retirement, Captain Jones received the Imperial Service
Medal from the hands of the king in 1925.17 In his courage
and devotion to duty, Jones was typical of many lightkeepers.
Cape St. James
Early in 1913 the Department of Marine undertook a difficult project
at Cape St. James, at the southern extremity of the Queen Charlotte
Islands. As this was a remote location several hundred miles from
settlements, the department decided early in 1913 to undertake the
project itself rather than by contract. The cost was not to exceed
$26,500. In addition to the 44-foot octagonal reinforced concrete tower
at an elevation of 279 feet above high water, the station was to include
a wooden or frame dwelling with out-buildings, an oil storage shed and a
boathouse.18 The 3rd Order dioptric light of 100,000
candlepower had a range of 24 miles and was scheduled to go into service
on or about 15 February 1914.19
Triple Island
The Triple Island lighthouse (Fig. 81) in the vicinity of Prince
Rupert was surely the most hazardous construction site ever attempted in
Canada, rivaling in over-all difficulty that of Bird Rocks. The first
contractor, Snider Brothers and Brethour of Vancouver, gave up the
contract, convinced that the project was impractical. J. H. Hildritch of
Prince Rupert then submitted a tender for $33,500 in the summer of 1919,
which was accepted by the Department of Marine. On closer acquaintance
with the site the contractor charged the department with ignorance
concerning the perils attending a construction crew on this exposed and
tiny islet. Whenever a strong westerly wind coincided with spring and
fall flood tides, the sea inundated the rock, carrying all before it. In
the contractor's words, "the two westerly islands are so fiercely swept
that nothing of a temporary nature could stand against it."20
Continuing his letter to the department's marine agent at Victoria, he
Had the storms of 1919 been of the same nature and direction as
were the storms of November, 1920, seventeen men and myself would have
been swept off the rock without even a lighting chance for our lives.
Three times in October and November the seas broke in the end of the
cook house, once while we were eating breakfast; pouring in about
eighteen inches above the height of the table, sweeping everything
before it and drenching the men.21
The savage weather in October 1919 swept away 19,000 board feet of
lumber, and at the end of the month a scow loaded with provisions,
hardware and gravel was lost. In addition to the rising cost of labour,
endemic along the Pacific coast, the contractor understandably had
difficulty in keeping men at any price under such conditions. Many of
the men he employed at Triple Island were recently repatriated veterans
from the trenches of France, some of whom rated the Triple Island
project as the greater ordeal. Be that as it may, it is to the
contractor's lasting credit that he lost not a single life on the job,
begun on 4 August 1919 and completed two days before Christmas 1920. The
76-foot reinforced concrete tower, rising from a corner of the
rectangular building which housed the fog alarm and keeper's quarters,
exhibited a dioptric light of the 3rd Order. Rated at 400,000
candlepower, the beam of this powerful light swept the horizon 97 feet
above high water. The 55 millimeter oil vapour light was scheduled to be
lit for the first time on New Year's Day 1921.22

81 Triple Island lighthouse. a modern structure built in a most
difficult location.
(Canada, Department of Transport.)
Hildritch lost money on the contract, although he was partially
reimbursed at a later date. He had the satisfaction, however, of having
completed successfully a hazardous feat in which he felt justifiable
But what seemed at one time an almost impossible job is completed,
and from reports I have received from sea-going men who visited it the
work will compare favorably with any light station on the Pacific Ocean.
It is a structure worthy of your Department and a monument to myself and
In latitude 54° N., the Triple Island lighthouse is one of the
most northerly in Canada, other than open-work steel and aluminum towers
found in higher latitudes in Hudson Strait and along the Mackenzie River
system. These installations serve the same function, but are not
lighthouses in the true sense of the word.

82 Brockton Point lighthouse, Vancouver Harbour.
(Canada. Department of Transport.)