Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 9
The Canadian Lighthouse
by Edward F. Bush
From 1763 until 1805, boards of commissioners were appointed for
specific public works in Lower Canada. In that year, following the
British tradition, a corporate body to be known as the Quebec Trinity
House was created by statute, with
full power and authority, to make, ordain and constitute such and
so many Bye laws, Rules and Orders, not repugnant to the maritime laws
of Great Britain or to the laws of this Province. . . . for the more
convenient, safe and easy navigation of the River Saint Lawrence, from
the fifth rapid, above the city of Montreal, downwards, as well by the
laying down, as taking up of Buoys and Anchors, as by the erecting of
Lighthouses, Beacons or Land Marks, the clearing of sands or rocks or
otherwise howsoever.1
In addition to the master and his deputy, two wardens were appointed
in Quebec and three in Montreal, a subordinate branch of the parent
body. The same bill made provision for divers other officials as a
harbour master for Quebec, and at Montreal water bailiffs,
superintendent of pilots and a lighthouse keeper at Green Island "with a
farm belonging to the Corporation."2 A little over a
quarter-century later, a Montreal Trinity House was instituted, the
enabling statute receiving royal assent on 25 February 1832.3
These two authorities were not unworthy of their namesake in London,
co-operating fully with the Admiralty, the imperial boards of trade, and
the various boards of lighthouse commissioners in the Atlantic
provinces, to be succeeded only at Confederation by the newly created
Department of Marine and Fisheries.
By the year 1824, the colony of Nova Scotia was maintaining five
lighthouses along its shore solely financed by means of light dues.
Apparently the Nova Scotian authorities at this time felt that they were
contributing somewhat more than their share in relation to their
neighbours, for in the words of a despatch from Government House dated
14 September 1824, "It may not be improper for me to observe here, that
from the geographical position of Nova Scotia, the navigation to and
from the Provinces of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island derive very
considerable security from its Light Houses."4 From this
date, 1824, more than two decades were to pass before the first
lighthouse was built on the shores of Prince Edward Island; but whether
the Nova Scotia governor's implication with respect to the efforts of New
Brunswick's lighthouse commissioners was well taken is perhaps
In 1834, there were 11 lighthouses in Nova Scotia, the south coast,
fronting on the Atlantic and extending about 250 miles, having five by
this date. In addition there was the Halifax Harbour light and one under
construction at Cross Island in the vicinity of
By 1832, the New Brunswick lighthouse commissioners were well content
with the lighting of the Bay of Fundy; so much so that in their report
they contended that "an increase in lights would rather tend to perplex
and embarrass the mariner on his voyage from seaward."6 An
accurate hydrographic survey of the region, so subject to frequent and
dense fog and high tides, seemed more to the point than further
lighthouse construction. In 1832. New Brunswick was maintaining five
lighthouses on the Fundy shore Gannet Rock, Point Lepreau, Cape
Sable (not to be confused with Sable Island), Seal Island and Partridge
Island. In their report for 1840, the New Brunswick commissioners
contended, on the testimony of American naval and merchant service
authorities, that "The New Brunswick Lights are the best kept of any on
the American coast."7
The hydrographic survey was entrusted to Captain W. F. W. Owen, R.N.
He was commissioned in July 1843 to carry out the project in HMS
Columbia. By 1847 a good part of the Bay of Fundy had been
surveyed, greatly adding to the accuracy and detail on navigational
charts.8 Similar work had been carried out on the St.
Lawrence and the Great Lakes at an earlier date.
In common with the other colonies, New Brunswick levied a light duty
for the upkeep of her lighthouses at the rate of 2-7/10 pennies per ton
on all vessels other than coasters and fishing trawlers. The lighthouse
return for 1847 listed 10 establishments maintained by the province at
annual costs ranging from £99 to as high as £301 (Partridge
Island).9 In addition, New Brunswick contributed to the
upkeep of lighthouses at Cape Sable, Seal Island and Brier Island in the
neighbouring colony of Nova Scotia.10 The New Brunswick
commissioners, like their contemporaries in Nova Scotia, maintained that
their province had done more than its share toward the provision of
lighthouses in the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, for example, contributed
nothing toward the establishments at Machias Seal Island, Gannet Rock,
Head Harbour, Point Lepreau and Partridge Island, lights contributing as
much to the safety of Nova Scotian vessels as to those of New
A peculiarity until 1848 of New Brunswick lighthouse administration
was the existence of two boards of lighthouse commissioners, one of
which sat at Saint John and the other at St. Andrews. In 1842, on an
address from the House of Assembly, the Saint John board was constituted
the sole authority in the colony. This decision was resisted for a
season by the St. Andrews body, which refused to sit with its associate.
The Saint John board resolved on 27 April 1842, since separate
appropriations had been provided, to carry on under the old system for
another season while recommending the increased efficiency to be derived
from a single authority. By 1848 this policy had obviously been
implemented, for in the minutes of the executive council, reference is
made to one board of lighthouse commissioners.12 No doubt
this resulted in a saving to the colony.

15 Early diaphone fog alarm, 1904.
(Canada. Sessional Papers.)
As with the other colonies, in Newfoundland a board of lighthouse
commissioners was responsible for those
lighthouses which did not fall under the aegis of the Admiralty. By
legislation passed in 1855 the lighthouse commissioners' authority was
henceforth vested in the newly created Board of Works, made up of the
surveyor general as chairman, the attorney general, the colonial
secretary, the president of the legislative council, and three members
from the House of Assembly.13
By the late 1830s it was obvious that Upper Canada's lighthouse
service left much to be desired. In the words of Captain Sandom, master
of the Niagara, whose strictures reached the Colonial Office,
The total neglect of the local government with respect to the
Lighthouses, that a very important one (on Long Point) has literally
been allowed to fall to ruin, the oil being carefully stored in the
contractors' rooms; another (also important) upon Pelee Island, is
in spite of frequent remonstrances by my officers with the keeper and
contractor, kept in utter darkness. I am given to understand the
"Inspector of Lighthouses" is a sinecure office, at present held
by. . .in the City of Toronto.14
Notwithstanding Sandom's sharp criticism, the
inspector general on his 1839 tour of inspection found the Pelee Island
establishment, along with those at False Ducks Island and Nine Mile
Point on Lake Ontario, in reasonable order. He observed, however, that
the reflectors in most of the lights had been damaged by careless
The few good stations notwithstanding, it was nonetheless apparent by
1840 that a closer supervision of lightkeepers was required, and that
some attention should be given to apparatus designed to improve
circulation of air within the lantern. The purchase of supplies by
public contract became mandatory only in 1837. The inspector general
recommended that lightkeepers' salaries be paid only on certification
that the lights in question had been properly maintained either by
ship's captains or local customs collectors.15 Shortly after
the Act of Union, lighthouses in Upper Canada, or Canada West as it was
to be known until Confederation, passed under the jurisdiction of the
Board of Works. A uniform pay scale was introduced for lightkeepers:
£65 per annum on shore stations, £85 on island locations,
and a special stipend of £100 per annum for False Ducks
Island.16 A stricter and more stringent selection of
candidates for lightkeeping duties was instituted in March, 1844;
henceforth, mariners with lake experience would be given
preference.17 Clearly the lax ways of the pre-union period
were a thing of the past, including the mischievous practice of hiring
deputies (sub-contracting the duties to third parties) which so often
had contributed to carelessness and neglect.
But not all complaints could be traced to a negligent keeper.
Frequently the sperm oil lamps smoked, darkening the lantern glazing and
so diminishing the effectiveness of the light. In December 1844, J. S.
Mcintyre reported to the Board of Works that the trouble lay with poor
combustion due to inadequate ventilation. The solution
to this problem was a properly designed air vent in the roof of the
lantern. He also observed that many of the burners were not set at the
exact focal point of the reflectors, and to correct this fault he made
all of the reflectors adjustable.18 He also recommended the
standardization of all the lamps and reflectors in use on the lakes, and
this was later implemented. Other improvements were made in the lamps to
regulate the flow of oil to the wick and reduce oil
wastage.19 Of all the lights on the lower lakes, Mcintyre
found the worst attended was that at Port Burwell.
It is fortunate that this Light is not of much consequence for it
is certainly the worst attended to on the Lakes. The reflectors are of
very little use as the lamps are three inches outside of the focus, and
there is no way of altering them, without making an entire new
Mcintyre's modifications of apparatus and reforms respecting
personnel had their effect, for by 1845 he was able to report that all
the lights on Lake Erie were of a new and improved design, as were those
at False Ducks, Main Ducks and Point Petre on Lake
With the creation of the new Department of Marine, not many years
were to pass before it assumed responsibility for aids to navigation
from its colonial predecessors in the various provinces of British North
America. In 1870, the new federal parliament enacted legislation
transferring responsibility for all lighthouses and buoys between Quebec
and the Strait of Belle Isle from the Quebec Trinity House to the
Department of Marine. The Montreal Trinity House surrendered its
jurisdiction in like manner on 1 July 1873.22
In 1867 the total number of lighthouses established and in service
in the old Province of Canada (Quebec and Ontario) was tallied at
Strait of Belle Isle to Quebec | 24 |
Quebec to Montreal | 27 |
above Montreal | 69 |
above Montreal (privately run) | 11 |
Although this may have seemed at the time an impressive total, with
the rapid development of steam navigation the new department early in
its career recognized the urgency for both expansion and improvement in
quality. The minister, in his fifth annual report (1872) stated,
I was under the necessity of asking for moderate sums, and erecting a
cheap description of strong wooden-framed buildings, taking care,
however, to use nothing but high-class powerful lighting apparatus: . .
. this Department has succeeded in erecting ninety-three new lighthouses
and has established four new lightships, and ten new steam fog alarms on
the coasts of Canada, besides having under contract forty-three
lighthouses, eight steam fog alarms, and two new light ships, all of
which has been done within five or six years. The Canadian petroleum oil
used for these lights, being a powerful illuminant, and being procured
at a very small cost, has enabled this Department to maintain not only
brilliant and powerful lights, but to do so at, probably, a cheaper rate
than any other country in the world.24
In the summer of 1872, a visiting committee of the imperial Trinity
House toured both Canada and the United States in order to observe the
quality and efficiency of their respective lighthouse services. The
visitors found the Canadian lights superior to the American, although
the latter service comprised a greater number of solidly built masonry
and brick structures. The Canadian service, they pointed out, had to
operate on a much slimmer budget and so was one of simplicity and
economy, well-suited to the needs of a new country. Lightkeepers were
not highly trained as they were in England, nor were they well paid;
most Canadian keepers considered their lightkeeping wages subsidiary to
other sources of income. According to the visiting Brethren,
Their buildings appear to be easily and quickly erected at small
cost; the mineral oil is a powerful illuminant requiring little care
in management in catoptric lights, and is inexpensive;
moreover, as our experiments show, a higher ratio of illuminating
power is obtained from mineral oil in catoptric lights than in any other
arrangement. Such a system seems admirably adapted for a young
The Department of Marine handled lighthouse construction estimated at
under $10,000Bird Rocks, Cape Norman, Ferolle Point and Cape Ray.
Projects on a bigger scale fell to the Department of Public

16 Drawing of the Louisbourg lighthouse, the first built
in Canada.
(Public Archives of Canada.)
The Canadian lighthouse service, in these early post-Confederation
years, scarcely compared with that in the British Isles. In Britain, the
equivalent of $100,000 was not considered unusual for the construction
of an ordinary coastal lighthouse consisting of a stone or masonry tower
fitted with dioptric apparatus. A comparable lighthouse in Canada,
frequently of frame construction and fitted with catoptric apparatus,
could be had for only $8,000. The normal staff for a light station in
Britain consisted of three or four uniformed keepers, each of whom had
been thoroughly trained; in Canada, by contrast, frequently there was
but one keeper per light, assisted by his family. Lightkeeping was not
considered a skilled occupation in Canada, hence the preference for
simple apparatus in these early years. In the seventies and eighties,
the British lighthouse service still used whale oil, costing the
equivalent in Canadian currency of 80 or 90 cents per gallon, whereas in
Canada coal oil, a superior illuminant for use with catoptric lights,
cost but 19 cents per gallon.
In like manner the American system reflected a more costly service,
stone towers with several keepers being the rule rather than the
exception. Likewise, American lard oil was considerably more expensive
than Canadian coal oil. The one disadvantage of coal oil was its
inflammable nature. Apart from a score or so of superior lighthouses of
masonry construction fitted with lenticular apparatus, the usual
Canadian facility was of frame construction with simple reflector
apparatus.27 The very length of the Canadian shore line, both
tidewater and inland, particularly with the addition of
the Pacific coast on the entry of British Columbia into Confederation
in 1871, dictated a measure of economy.
By 1876, the Department of Marine had established six regional
agencies responsible for lighthouses, buoys and lightships within their
designated limits:
Prince Edward Island Division
Nova Scotia Division
New Brunswick Division
Quebec Division (St. Lawrence below Montreal and Gulf)
Ontario Division (above Montreal)
British Columbia Division28
Germane to these enterprising developments in lighting equipment was
the institution of the Dominion Lighthouse Depot in a former Prescott
starch factory in 1903. Still active in its original premises, the depot
by its inventive enterprise has largely rendered Canada independent of
overseas suppliers. It has carried out both experimental and
manufacturing processes with all types of burners, lanterns, illuminants
and lenses tested exhaustively to determine which combinations were best
suited to Canadian conditions.
In 1904, a twin development augured well for the future of the
Canadian lighthouse service. The Lighthouse Board of Canada, made up of
the deputy minister of Marine, the department's chief engineer, the
commissioner of lights, the president of the Pilots' Corporation, and a
representative of the shipping interests, was instituted by statute with
broad terms of reference
to inquire into and report to him [Minister of Marine and
Fisheries] from time to time, upon all questions relating to the
selection of lighthouse sites, the construction and maintenance of
lighthouses, fog alarms and all other matters assigned to the Minister
of Marine and Fisheries by Section 2 of Chapter 70 of the Revised
Statutes of Canada.29
In 1911, the Lighthouse Board was re-organized on a regional basis:
the Atlantic division comprising the east coast, Hudson Strait and as
far inland as the head of ocean navigation: the Eastern Inland division
embracing the region from Montreal to Port Arthur at the head of the
lakes, and the Pacific division, including all inland waterways west of
Port Arthur (now Thunder Bay) and the Pacific coast.30 The
Lighthouse Board was active until the creation of the Department of
Transport in 1936, and indeed has never been officially disbanded.
In 1908, the Department of Marine introduced an elaborate and
detailed classification of lighthouses and aids to navigation under no
fewer than 19 categories. Devices in the first six categories were
fitted with fog alarms and the first of these included a rescue service.
Categories 7 to 11 comprised lighthouses without fog alarms, and the
final 8 categories were classed as minor stations "where the exclusive
services of the keeper are not expected." Of these the last two (18 and
19) consisted of wharf lights and lights attended under
contract.31 Lights in the first category, complete with fog
alarms and a rescue service, were Pelee Passage (western end of Lake
Erie), Bird Rocks (Gulf of St. Lawrence northeast of the Magdalens),
Belle Isle (northeast and southwest ends) and Cape Race.32
The second category (main seacoast lights with fog
alarms) comprised another 14 lighthouses, including such well-known
establishments as Point Amour (Labrador coast, western end, Strait of
Belle Isle), Scatarie Island (eastern tip of Cape Breton Island), and
Machias Seal Island and Gannet Rock in the Bay of
At the outbreak of war in 1914, the total number of lights,
principally lighthouses, along the Canadian sea coast and inland
waterways (especially the Great Lakes), stood at 1,461 of which 105 were
equipped with fog alarms.34
By the spring of 1917, the proliferation of lights along our shores
led the department to discontinue a number of minor ones and to improve
others by means of superior illuminants and better optics. Based on a
1911 recommendation submitted by the Lighthouse Board, agency boundaries
were adjusted to conform more closely to geographical regions. For
example, the lighthouses at Belle Isle, Shippegan (northern New
Brunswick) and Bird Rocks were placed under the jurisdiction of the
Charlottetown agency, whereas Cape Race and Sable Island became the
responsibility of Halifax.35 It should be noted that the
principal lighthouses on Newfoundland's shores were a Canadian
responsibility, and in earlier times, British. The majority of
Newfoundland's lighthouses fell under the jurisdiction, as one would
expect, of that colony's Board of Works.
In November 1936, a new federal department fell heir to the
Department of Marine dating from Confederation, and to that of Railways
and Canals, established in 1879, so combining the function of both. The
new Department of Transport assumed responsibility for all marine aids
to navigation, embracing the functions of the former commissioner of
lights, the chief engineer, and the supervisor of harbour commissions,
hitherto within the purlieu of the old Department of Marine. The
Navigational Aids Branch terms of reference were broadly defined.
This branch has charge of the construction, repairs, and maintenance
of all lighthouses, fog alarms, and other aids to navigation such as
lightships, buoys and beacons, and the Sable Island Humane
Establishment; the surveying, for registration, and recording of all
lands acquired for lighthouse sites; the . . . publications of "List of
Lights", three volumes; the issuing of Notices to . . . and the
administration of all agency shops and the Dominion Lighthouse Depot at
Regional agencies, in general continuing the organization of the old
Department of Marine, were established at Halifax, Charlottetown, Saint
John, Quebec, Montreal, Prescott, Parry Sound, Victoria and Prince
Rupert, with subsidiaries at Port Arthur, Kenora and Amherstburg, each
of which operated its own supply depot.37 In his first annual
report, the minister stated that the Canadian Lighthouse Service
extended over 52.800 miles of coast line and inland waterways.
With the addition of Canada's tenth province to confederation in
1949, all the lighthouses along the
Newfoundland coast came under the jurisdiction of the Department of
Transport; hitherto, it will be recalled, only landfall and major
coastal lights had been under Canadian operation. Top priority was given
to the modernization of the Newfoundland facilities to bring them up to
the standard pertaining in the rest of the country. To this end, a
comprehensive survey of all Newfoundland's lights and fog alarms was at
once conducted by department engineers and technicians. St. John's
became the scene of a new regional agency serving the same function as
those in the rest of Canada.