Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 9
The Canadian Lighthouse
by Edward F. Bush
The murmur rose soft as I silently gazed
On the shadowy waves playful motion
From the dim distant land, till the lighthouse fire blazed
Like a star in the midst of the ocean.
Thomas Moore
(composed on leaving Halifax aboard a British frigate, October 1804)
The purpose of this study is to trace the evolution of the Canadian
lighthouse from its inception in the 18th century to the present time,
and to provide, it is hoped, a sound historical reference work on
Canadian lighthouses. In no sense, however, should it be considered an
architectural treatment, for which the writer is hardly qualified.
Architectural reports on specific lighthouses, where available, have
been quoted.
Trinity House
Warnings to mariners in the form of towers or other structures
bearing lights have been in use for centuries. The lighthouse system in
Canada, however, was based on the British "Trinity House," formed in the
early 1500s.
Lights in the form of beacon fires and pole lights were frequently
maintained by various monastic orders in England throughout the Middle
Ages. With the suppression of the monasteries in the reign of Henry
VIII, it became apparent to mariners and ship-owners alike that some
authority should be established to carry on the good offices of the
monks along Britain's storm-swept coasts. In 1514 the king granted a
charter in the name of the Holy Trinity as the Shipmen of Mariners of
England. Its present charter, granted by James II in 1685, describes it
under the impressively mediaeval title of "The Guild, Fraternity, or
Brotherhood of the Most Glorious and Undivided Trinity and of St.
Clement in the Parish of Deptford Stronde in the County of Kent." Its
first function, however, was merely the direction of the naval dockyard
at Deptford: only in 1573 did it undertake the erection of beacons and
sea marks.
In 1604 a board of directors composed of two naval officers, eleven
officers from the merchant service and several prominent figures from
civil life to be known as the Elder Brethren of Trinity House was
selected from the members of this association. In 1609, the Elder
Brethren assumed complete executive control, with the otherwise
designated Younger Brethren holding the franchise or the election of
members to the senior body. The Trinity House charter was suspended
during the republican interlude, but was renewed at the Restoration.
This internationally celebrated authority has functioned continually
from that day to this. Its contribution to lighthouse design and
technology can scarcely be overestimated.
In later years, the Scottish coast became the charge of the Northern
Lighthouse Board, and similarly the Irish coast of the Irish Lighthouse
Board, both of which were fully autonomous.1 Our own Quebec
Trinity House, established in 1804, owed both its inspiration and its
title (though not its authority) to the English parent body.