Yoho National Park
Parc national Yoho

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On the western slopes of the Great Divide, glaciers and waterfalls cling to the towering peaks of Yoho National Park. Discover the secrets of ancient marine life in a land shaped by water and human ingenuity.

Sur les versants ouest de la ligne de partage des eaux, des glaciers et des cascades s'agrippent aux imposants pics du parc national Yoho. Percez les secrets d'une vie marine ancienne sur un territoire façonné par l'eau et l'ingéniosité humaine.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 1886

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British Columbia

Management Documents

A Yer in Review/Examen rétrospectif (Parks Canada, 2011)

Draft Management Plan, Yoho National Park / Plan directeur, Parc national Yoho (Parks Canada, 2021)

Management Plan, Yoho National Park of Canada / Plan directeur, Parc national du Canada Yoho (Parks Canada, 2022)

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2010)

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, May 2000)

Management Plan Implementation Report, 2012-2013 / Rapport sur la mise en œuvre du plan directeur, 2012-2013 (Parks Canada, 2013)

Management Plan Implementation Report, 2014 / Rapport sur la mise en œuvre du plan directeur, 2014 (Parks Canada, 2014)

Management Plan Implementation Report, 2015 / Rapport sur la mise en œuvre du plan directeur, 2015 (Parks Canada, 2015)

Multi-species Action Plan for Yoho National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Yoho Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)

State of the Park Report / Rapport sur l'état du parc (Parks Canada, 2008)

What We Heard (Yoho National Park) / Ce que nous avons entendu (Parc national Yoho) (Parks Canada, August 2019)

What We Heard — Mountain National Parks (Executive Summary) / Ce que nous avons entendu — Parcs nationaux des montagnes (Résumé) (Parks Canada, August 2019)

Historical Documents

1996 Interpretation Survey, Mountain District (Parks Canada, 1996)

1998 Day-use Area Survey: Lake Louise and Yoho & Kootenay National Parks (Parks Canada, 1998)

2003 Survey of Visitors to Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks of Canada (Parks Canada, 2004)

2005 Campground Satisfaction Assessment Program: Lake Louise, Yoho, Kootenay Field Unit (Parks Canada, 2006)

2006 Campground Satisfaction: Lake Louise, Yoho, Kootenay Field Unit (Parks Canada, 2007)

2008 Campground Survey: Lake Louise, Yoho, and Kootenay Field Unit (Parks Canada, December 2008)

2008 Wildlife Diseases Manual for Lake Louise, Yoho, and kootenay National Parks (Sarah Boyle, Parks Canada, 2008)

2009 Campground Survey: Lake Louise, Yoho, and Kootenay Field Unit (Jennifer Aragon, January 2010)

2010 LLYK Field Unit Campground Survey (Jennifer Aragon, January 2011)

A Biological Assessment of Five Streams in Glacier and Yoho National Parks, British Columbia, with Regards to Domestic Sewage Discharges Manuscript Report 76-1 (George Derksen and Bryan Kelso, Environment and Climate Change Canada, May 1976)

"A Report on Observations on the Biology of Certain Amphipods (Class Crustacea) in Banff, Jasper, Yoho & Kootenay National Parks and Environs in Alberta-British Columbia, Canada" to the Director, National Parks Branch, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources (Persis C. Coleman and Richard W. Coleman, 1964)

A Review of Weather Station Networks in the Mountain Parks Draft (William Thompson for Parks Canada, November 23, 2005)

An Overview of Butterflies and Skippers in the Mountain, Parkland and Boreal National Parks of Alberta and British Columbia (Norbert G. Kondia for Parks Canada, March 2004)

Archaeological Survey of Yoho National Park: 1971 Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 111 (Thomas H. Loy, Parks Canada, 1972)

Aspects of the geochemistry and mineralogy of the Ice River alkaline intrusive complex, Yoho National Park, British Columbia (University of Alberta Libraries, 1994)

Aspen, elk and fire in the Rocky Mountain National Parks of North America (Clifford A. White, Charles Ee. Olmsted and Charles E. Kay, extract from Wildlife Society Bulletin, Vol. 26 No. 3, Fall 1998)

Asphalt Overlay on the TransCanada Highway in Yoho National Park and use of Ottertail Pit for an Asphalt Plant: CEAA Environmental Screening Report (Rhonda De Long for Parks Canada, November 24, 2009)

Avalanche Terrain Ratings for Backcountry Touring in the Mountain National Parks / Côtes des terrains avalancheux pour les randonnées hivernales dans l'arrière-pays des parcs nationaux des montagnes (Parks Canada, 2005)

Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks: Outlying Historic Buildings Data Base Microfiche Report Series No. 235 (Richard Friesen and Associates, Parks Canada, 1985)

Banff, Kootenay & Yoho National Parks - "The Three-Park Unit" (Parks Canada, 1929)

Bear Management Plans in Canadian National Parks: Fifteen Essential Elements Thesis (©John Stuart Taylor, University of Calgary, May 1984)

Biology, demography, ecology and management of grizzly bears in and around Banff National Park and Kananaskis Country: The final report of the Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project (Stephen Herrero, ed., ©Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project, 2005)

Biophysical (Ecological) Inventory of Yoho National Park (Gerald M. Coen and Peter Kuchar, Agriculture Canada, 1982)

Camping in the Mountain National Parks, 2009/10 Online Panel Members Final Report (Ipsos Reid for Parks Canada, April 2010)

Canadian Rockies Carnivore Monitoring Project: Examining Trends in Carnivore Populations and their Prey Using Remote Cameras. Year 1 Progress Report, 2011-2012 (Robin Steenweg, Jesse Whittington and Mark Hebblewhite, August 2012)

Canadian Rockies Remote Camera Multi-Species Occupancy Project: Examining trends in carnivore populations and their prey using remote cameras in Banff, Jasper, Kootenay, Yoho and Waterton Lakes National Park. Final Report (Robin Steenweg, Jesse Whittington and Mark Hebblewhite, March 31, 2015)

Carnivore Monitoring Project: Banff, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks, Winter 2008-2009 (Cam McTavish, 2009)

Carnivore Monitoring: Banff, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks, Summer - 2009 (Cam McTavish, 2009)

Climate Change Adaptation Workshop: Lake Louise, Yoho, Kootenay National Parks, Lake Louise, Alta. / Série de rapports d'ateliers sur l'adaptation aux changements climatiques : Lake Louise et parc nationaux Yoho et Kootenay, Lake Louise, Alb. (Parks Canada, January 2018)

Climate in Relation to Winter Mortality of the Lodgepole Needle Miner, Recurvaria Starki Free., in Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (R.W. Stark, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 37, 1959)

Demographic fragmentation of a protected wolverine population bisected by a major transportation corridor (Michael A. Sawaya, Anthony P. Clevenger and Michael K. Schwartz, extract from Biological Conservation, Vol. 236, 2019)

Design Environmental Protection Plan: Yoho Trans-Canada Highway Twinning Km 82.5 to 88.3 (Golder Associates for Parks Canada, July 2016)

Detailed Impact Analysis: Trans-Canada Highway Twinning — Phase IVB, Yoho National Park: Executive Summary / Analyse d'impact détaillée: Élargissement à quatre voies de la Transcanadienne — Phase IVB, Parc national Yoho: Sommaire (Parks Canada, 2020)

Drawings: Trans-Canada Highway No. 1 km 82 to km 88 Twinning (Parks Canada, 2016)

Drawings: Trans-Canada Highway km 84.5 Wildlife Overpass Structure (Parks Canada, 2016)

Exceptional multifunctionality in the feeding apparatus of mid-Cambrian radiodont (Joseph Moysiuk and Jean-Bernard Caron, extract from Paleobiology, Vol. 47 No. 4, 2021)

Exotic Plants and Cultivated Landscapes in the Mountain National Parks: A Growing Concern (Parks Canada, 2001)

Fire & Vegetation Management Newsletter (Parks Canada, 2011)

Fire history of Yoho National Park, British Columbia and implications for fire management (University of Alberta Libraries, 1991)

Fire Management Plan 2020: Banff, Yoho, and Kootenay National Parks (April 2020)

Forest fungi collected in Yoho National Park, British Columbia Information Report NOR-X-27 (J.J. Lawrence and Y. Hiratsuka, Canadian Forest Service, March 1972)

Forest fungi collected in Yoho National Park, British Columbia Information Report NOR-X-20 (J.J. Lawrence and Y. Hiratsuka, Canadian Forest Service, May 1972)

Forest Health Update for the National Mountain Parks 2009 (Natural Resources Canada, 2009)

Forest insect and disease conditions in Yoho National Park. Special Report FIDS Pest Report 93-33 (L.S. Unger, Canadian Forest Service, December 1993)

Forest insect and disease conditions in Yoho National Park FIDS Pest Report 94-34 (L.S. Unger, Canadian Forest Service, December 1994)

Forest insect and disease conditions in Yoho National Park FIDS Pest Report 95-28 (L.S. Unger, Canadian Forest Service, December 1995)

Forest insects and diseases in eight of the western Canadian national parks, 1971 Information Report NOR-X-12 (W.G.H. Ives, Canadian Forest Service, January 1972)

Forest insects and diseases in eight western Canadian national parks, 1973 Information Report NOR-X-90 (F.J. Emond, J. Petty, G.J. Smith and V.B. Patterson, Canadian Forest Service, May 1974)

Forest insects and diseases in nine of the western Canadian national parks, 1972 Information Report NOR-X-62 (V.B. Patterson, E.J. Gautreau, G.J. Smith, R.M. Caltrell and J.P. Susut, Canadian Forest Service, April 1973)

Forest insects collected in Yoho National Park, 1948-1971 Information Report NOR-X-105 (G.J. Smith and J.C.E. Melvin, Canadian Forest Service, June 1974)

Fossils show large predator prowled Cambrian sediments (Joshua Sokol, extract from Science, Vol. 365 No. 6452, August 2, 2019)

From Suppression to Prescription: An Evaluation of the Fire Management Program in the Lake Louise, Yoho and Kootenay National Parks Field Unit (Amber Stewart, January 2005)

Geology of the National Parks of Canada in the Rockies and Selkirks (B.R. MacKay, Parks Canada, 1952)

Glacial geomorphology of the Cataract Brook Valley, Yoho National Park, British Columbia (University of Alberta Libraries, 1974)

Glaciers in the Canadian Columbia Basin: Technical Report (Brian Menonos and Ben Pelto, Canadian Columbia Basin Glacier and Snow Research Network, February 2020)

Glaciers of the Rockies and Selkirks (A.P. Coleman, Parks Canada, 1921)

Grizzly Bear Habitat Effectiveness Model for Banff, Yoho, and Kootenay National Parks, Canada (Michael L. Gibeau, extract from Ursus, Vol. 10, 1998)

Grizzly Bear Food Habits in Yoho and Kootenay National Parks (R.M. Raine Environmental Consulting Ltd. for Parks Canada, March 1989)

Grizzly Bear Research in Yoho and Kootenay National Parks: Year II Interim Report (R. Michael Raine, Richard N. Riddell and John L. Kansas for Parks Canada, March 1990)

Grizzly Bear Research in Yoho and Kootenay National Parks: 1988-1990 Final Report (R. Michael Raine and Richard N. Riddell for Parks Canada, October 1991)

Guide to the Geology of the Canadian National Parks on the Canadian Pacific Railway between Calgary and Revelstoke (Charles Camsell, Parks Canada, 1914)

Helping Fish Cross Roads (Parks Canada, 2011)

Heritage Character Statements / Énoncés de valeur patrimoniale, Yoho National Park

Cabin, Yoho Ranch / Chalet, Ranch Yoho (FHBRO No. 00-002, February 2003, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Deer Lodge Warden Cabin / Cabane des gardes-chasse de Deer Lodge (FHBRO No. 87-23, December 10, 1990, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Elizabeth Parker Hut / Cabane Elizabeth Parker (FHBRO No. 87-18, May 31, 1988, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Horse Barn, Yoho Ranch / Écurie, Ranch Yoho (FHBRO No. 00-002, February 2003, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Stanley Mitchell Alpine Hut / Refuge alpin Stanley Mitchell (FHBRO No. 98-74, March 12, 2001, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Superintendent's Residence / Résidence du surintendant (FHBRO No. 91-52, June 30, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Takakkaw Falls Warden Patrol Cabin / Chalet de patrouille des gardes des chutes Takakkaw (FHBRO No. 00-01, July 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Wiwaxy Lodge / Pavillon Wiwaxy (FHBRO No. 87-19, undated, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Highline (Parks Canada, 1989, 1990)

Highway Research, Monitoring and Adaptive Mitigation Study — Banff, Yoho and Kootenay National Parks, Annual Report July 2003 - March 2004 (Anthony P. Clevenger and Kari Gunson, March 31, 2004)

Highway Research, Monitoring, and Adaptive Mitigation Study — Banff, Yoho and Kootenay National Parks Final Report (Anthony P. Clevenger, March 31, 2003)

Historic Influence of the Mountain Pine Beetle on Stand Dynamics in Canada’s Rocky Mountain Parks (Pamela R. Dykstra and Tom F. Braumandl, Natural Resources Canada, 2006)

Human Activity Differentially Redistributes Large Mammals in the Canadian Rockies National Parks (James Kimo Rogala, Mark Hebblewhite, Jesse Whittington, Cliff A. White, Jenny Coleshill and Marco Musiani, extract from Ecology and Society, Vol. 16 No. 3, 2011)

Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Yoho National Park of Canada (2017-2022) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Yoho (2017-2022) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2022)

Incidence and abundance of certain parasites in wapiti in the national parks of the Canadian Rockies (D.R. Flook and J.E. Stenton, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 47, 1969)

Integrating human trail use in montane landscapes reveals larger zones of human influence for wary carnivores (Peter R. Thompson, John Paczkowski, Jesse Whittington and Colleen Cassady St. Clair, extract from Journal of Applied Ecology, 2025)

Model Class Screening Report for Aquatic-based Commercial Guiding Activities in the Mountain National Parks of Canada (Parks Canada, January 2005, renewed April 2008)

Model Class Screening Report for Land-based Commercial Guiding Activities in the Mountain National Parks of Canada (N. Gilson, September 2004)

Mountain Parks Visitor Reception Centre Study: Data Analysis Report, October 2005 (Guidelines Ltd., 2005)

Multi-species Action Plan for Yoho National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Yoho Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)

Notes on the Parasite Complex of Evagora (Recurvaria) Starki Freeman in Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (R.W. Stark, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 39, 1961)

Paleontologists classify mysterious ancient cone-shaped sea creatures (Phys.org, January 11, 2017)

Parks Companion (The Kootenay Advertiser, Summer 1990)

Perceptions of Ecological Risk Associated with Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) Infestations in Banff and Kootenay National Parks of Canada (Bonita L. McFarlane and David O.T. Witson, extract from Risk Analysis, Vol. 28 No. 1, 2008)

Population Dynamics of the Lodgepole Needle Miner, Recurvaría starki Freeman, in Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (R.W. Stark, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 37, 1959)

Predation on Two Mule Deer, Odocoileus hemionus, by a Canada Lynx, Lynx canadensis, in the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains (Dörte Poszig, Clayton D. Apps and Alan Dibb, extract from Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 118 No. 2, 2004)

Railway mortality for several mammal species increases with train speed, proximity to water, and track curvature (Colleen Cassady St. Clair, Jesse Whittington, Anne Forshner, Aditya Gangadharan and David N. Laskin, extract from Scientific Reports, 10, November 24, 2020)

Research Update: 2010/2011, 2009/2010 (Parks Canada)

Review of Park Herbaria and Files for Kootenay, Yoho, and Mount Revelstoke & Glacier National Parks (J. Williams Consulting, December 1995)

Seasonal and individual variation in the use of rail-associated food attractants by grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in a national park (Maureen H. Murray, Sarah Fassina, John B. Hopkins III, Jesse Whittington and Colleen C. St. Clair, extract from PLoS ONE, 12(5), May 24, 2017)

Science Program: Lake Louise, Yoho and Kootenay National Parks, 1998/99 (Parks Canada, 1998)

Soil Survey of Yoho National Park, Canada (Gerald M. Coen, Philip F. Epp, Josef Tajek and Leonard Knapik, Agriculture Canada, 1977)

Songbird Communities in Burned and Logged Stands with Variable Tree Retention in the Canadian Rocky Mountains (©A. Kari Stuart-Smith, December 4, 2001)

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Fire and Fuel Management Program in the Contiguous Mountain National Parks: Final Report (Rhonda DeLong, Julie Budgen, Carla Stevens and Bruce Gleig, for Brian Low (Parks Canada), March 2008)

Summary of the Kootenay and Yoho National Parks Science Workshop (Praxis, Inc. for Parks Canada, December 14, 1998)

Supplemental Climate Information: Lake Louise (Banff), Yoho and Kootenay National Parks (Scott Parker, Parks Canada, January 31, 2018)

The Alpine Architectural Heritage of the Four Mountain Parks: An Historical Review and Assessment Microfiche Report Series No. 523 (Graham A. Macdonald, Parks Canada, 1994)

The Climate of the Contiguous Mountain Parks: Banff, Jasper, Kootenay, Yoho Project Report No. 30 (B. Janz and D. Storr, ©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of the Environment Canada, 1977)

The Condition and Trend of aspen, Populus tremuloides, in Kootenay and Yoho National Parks: Implications for Ecological Integrity (Charles E. Kay, extract from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 111, 1997)

The distribution of four Chaoborus species (Diptera: Chaoboridae) along an elevation gradient in Canadian Rocky Mountain lakes (S. Lamontagne, D.B. Donald and D.W. Schindler, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 72, 1994)

The Fishes and Their Distribution in the Mountain National Parks of Canada (J.C. Ward, Canadian Wildlife Service for Parks Canada, January 1974)

The Fishes of the Central Canadian Rockies Ecosystem Report No. 950408 (David M. Mayhood, Freshwater Research Limited, April 1995)

The Kicking Horse Trail (M.B. Williams, Department of the Interior, 1927)

The Kicking Horse Trail (M.B. Williams, Department of the Interior, 1930)

The Prince of Playgrounds (Parks Canada, 1909)

Trans Canada Highway (TCH) KM 81+300 to 85+500 Animal Underpass Structures Geotechnical Services (EBA for Parks Canada, August 2011)

Trans-Canada Highway Yoho, National Park: Mitigation and Opportunities Assessment for Wildlife Final Report (Anthony P. Clevenger, Michael A. Sawaya and Erin L. Landguth, for McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd., January 2017)

Vascular plants of Banff, Jasper, Kootenay, Mount Revelstoke - Glacier, and Yoho National Parks of Canada (Peter L. Achuff, Parks Canada, 2006)

Vegetation Management Plan: Lake Louise and Yoho and Kootenay National Parks Field Unit (Robert C. Walker, Parks Canada, January 1998)

Waterfall Ice Climbing and Avalanches in Canada's Mountain National Parks / Escalade de cascades de glace et avalanches dans les parcs nationaux des montagnes du Canada (Parks Canada, 2005)

Weights, Measurements and Tooth Replacement of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in Canadian National Parks, 1967-1971 (John G. Stelfox and David M. Poll, Canadian Wildlife Service for Parks Canada, 1978)

Western National Parks' Fish Planting - 1969 Season (Parks Canada, 1969)

Western National Parks' Fish Planting - 1971 Season (Parks Canada, 1971)

Wetlands (Parks Canada, 2002)

What We Heard: A Summary of the Analysis of Public Comments on the Management Plan Concepts for Jasper, Kootenay, Waterton Lakes and Yoho National Parks (Parks Canada, 1999)

Whitebark Pine Conservation for the Canadian Rocky Mountain National Parks (Brendan C. Wilson and G. Jon Stuart-Smith for Parks Canada, December 1, 2002)

Wild Flowers: Banff—Jasper—Kootenay—Yoho National Parks (Parks Canada, 1972)

Winter Recreation in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks: Pilot Study (Jovan Simic, Parks Canada, 2007)

Yoho National Park, British Columbia: The mountains, the rocks, the scenery Miscellaneous Report 4 (David M. Baird, Geological Survey of Canada, 1962)

Yoho National Park, British Columbia: The mountains, the rocks, the scenery Miscellaneous Report 4 (David M. Baird, Geological Survey of Canada, 1968)

Last Updated: 14-Feb-2025