Banff National Park
Parc national Banff

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Parks Canada photo

Rocky Mountain peaks, turquoise glacial lakes, and adventure come together in Banff National Park - Canada’s first national park and the flagship of the nation’s park system. Banff is part of the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Les pics montagneux des Rocheuses, les lacs glaciaires turquoise, une ville et un village de montagne dignes d'une carte postale, une abondante faune sauvage et des paysages à couper le souffle font du premier parc national du Canada, le parc national Banff, le fleuron de tous les parcs du pays. Plus de trois millions de visiteurs s'y rendent chaque année. Certains choisissent la randonnée ou le cyclisme, d’autres le ski ou le camping. Ce ne sont pas les activités qui manquent dans cet endroit qui est reconnu comme l'un des plus beaux décors de montagne au monde. Banff fait d'ailleurs partie des parcs des montagnes Rocheuses canadiennes collectivement inscrits au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 1885

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Management Documents

200-Block Banff Avenue Redevelopment Project Overview / Réaménagement du pâté de maisons 200 de l'avenue Banff aperçu du projet (Parks Canada, October 2022)

Annual Planning Forum: 199819992000 / Forum de planification annuel: 199819992000 (Parks Canada)

Banff Highway Project (East Gate to km 13): Report of the Environmental Assessment Panel / Projet routier à Banff (de l'entrée est au km 13) : Rapport de la Commission d'évaluation environnementale (Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office, October 1979)

Banff Highway Project (km 13 to km 27): Report of the Environmental Assessment Panel / Projet routier à Banff, km 13 au km 27 : Rapport de la Commission d'évaluation environnementale (Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office, April 1982)

Lake Louise Area Strategy (Draft) / Stratégie pour le secteur de Lake Louise (Ébauche) (Parks Canada, March 2021)

Management Plan (1988, 2022, Draft 2021, June 2010, July 2007 Amendment, May 2004 Amendment) / Plan Directeur (2022, Ébauche 2021, Juin 2010, Juillet 2007 modifié, Mai 2004 modifié, Avril 1997, Avril 1997 résumé) (Parks Canada)

Multi-species Action Plan for Banff National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Banff Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)

State of the Park Report / Rapport sur l'état du parc (Parks Canada, May 2008)

State of the Park Assessment / Évaluation de l'état du parc (2018)

Site Guidelines for Development and Use, Sunshine Village Ski Resort / Lignes directrices particulières pour l'aménagement et l'utilisation du territoire de la station de ski Sunshine Village (Parks Canada, December 14, 2018)

Summary of the 2017 Annual Planning Forum, Banff National Park / Résumé du forum de planification annuel de 2017, Parc national Banff (L.A. Taylor Consulting, 2017)

Summary of the 2019 Annual Planning Forum, Banff National Park / Résumé du forum de planification annuel de 2019, Parc national Banff (Patricia McIsaac, 2019)

Terms of Reference: Banff Bow Valley Sustainable People-Moving Framework Expert Advisory Panel (Draft) / Mandat: Cadre de transport des personnes pour le parc national Banff et la vallée de la Bow (Ébauche) (Parks Canada, 2021)

Town of Banff: 2019-2022 Strategic Plan (Town of Banff, December 7, 2020)

What We Heard (Banff National Park) / Ce que nous avons entendu (Parc national Banff) (Parks Canada, August 2019)

What We Heard — Mountain National Parks (Executive Summary) / Ce que nous avons entendu — Parcs nationaux des montagnes (Résumé) (Parks Canada, August 2019)

What We Heard: Summary of Public and Indigenous Comments on Site Guidelines for Development and Use, Sunshine Village Ski Resort / Ce que nous avons entendu: Résumé des commentaires du public et des Autochtones sur les Lignes directrices particulières pour l'aménagement et l'utilisation du territoire de la station de ski Sunshine Village (Parks Canada, December 14, 2018)

Historical Documents

1996 Interpretation Survey, Mountain District (Parks Canada, 1996)

1998 Day-use Area Survey: Lake Louise and Yoho & Kootenay National Parks (Parks Canada, 1998)

2003 Survey of Visitors to Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks of Canada (Parks Canada, 2004)

2005 Campground Satisfaction Assessment Program: Lake Louise, Yoho, Kootenay Field Unit (Parks Canada, 2006)

2006 Campground Satisfaction: Lake Louise, Yoho, Kootenay Field Unit (Parks Canada, 2007)

2008 Campground Survey: Lake Louise, Yoho, and Kootenay Field Unit (Parks Canada, December 2008)

2008 Wildlife Diseases Manual for Lake Louise, Yoho, and kootenay National Parks (Sarah Boyle, Parks Canada, 2008)

2009 Campground Survey: Lake Louise, Yoho, and Kootenay Field Unit (Jennifer Aragon, January 2010)

2010 LLYK Field Unit Campground Survey (Jennifer Aragon, January 2011)

50 Switzerlands in one, Banff the beautiful: Canada's national park, where to go and what to see in and around Banff (H. C. Stovel, Banff: Banff Board of Trade, c1915)

A list of pathogens on Pinus, Populus, and Quercus in Alberta, the Rocky Mountains National Parks, and the Northwest Territories (R.J. Bouchier, Canadian Forest Service, January 1961)

"A Report on Observations on the Biology of Certain Amphipods (Class Crustacea) in Banff, Jasper, Yoho & Kootenay National Parks and Environs in Alberta-British Columbia, Canada" to the Director, National Parks Branch, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources (Persis C. Coleman and Richard W. Coleman, 1964)

A Review of the Science Programs in the Banff and Lake Louise-Kootenay-Yoho Field Units (Stephen Woodley and Gilles Seutin, Parks Canada, June 2001)

A Review of Weather Station Networks in the Mountain Parks Draft (William Thompson for Parks Canada, November 23, 2005)

Alternatives for bison management in Banff National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 1989)

Amphibian Surveys in Banff National Park and adjacent areas 1992-1998 (Diane & Mike McIvor, Bow Valley Naturalists, January 1999)

Amphibian Surveys in Banff National Park and adjacent areas 1998 (Diane & Mike McIvor, Bow Valley Naturalists, January 1999)

Amphibian Surveys in Banff National Park and adjacent areas 1999 (Diane & Mike McIvor, Bow Valley Naturalists, November 1999)

Amphibian Surveys in Banff National Park and adjacent areas 2000 (Diane & Mike McIvor, Bow Valley Naturalists, February 2001)

Amphibian Surveys in Banff National Park and adjacent areas 2001 (Diane & Mike McIvor, Bow Valley Naturalists, February 2002)

Amphibian Surveys in Banff National Park and adjacent areas 2004 (Diane & Mike McIvor, Bow Valley Naturalists, February 2005)

Amphibian Surveys in the Bow Valley (including some reptile observations) and some additional observations in Banff National Park 1992, 1993, 1994 Seasons (Diane McIvor, Bow Valley Naturalists, c1995)

Amphibian Surveys in the Bow Valley, Banff National Park 1995 (Diane & Mike McIvor, Bow Valley Naturalists, February 1996)

Amphibian Surveys in the Bow Valley, Banff National Park 1996 (Diane & Mike McIvor, Bow Valley Naturalists, November 1996)

An Analysis of Climate and Runoff Events for Peyto Glacier, Alberta Scientific Series No. 21 (Barry Goodison, Environment Canada, 1972)

An Overview of Butterflies and Skippers in the Mountain, Parkland and Boreal National Parks of Alberta and British Columbia (Norbert G. Kondia for Parks Canada, March 2004)

Annotated Wildlife Reference for Banff and Jasper National Parks (Keith A. McDougall, Joe R. McGillis and Geoffrey L. Holroyd, Canadian Wildlife Service for Parks Canada, March 1985)

Aspen, elk and fire in the Rocky Mountain National Parks of North America (Clifford A. White, Charles Ee. Olmsted and Charles E. Kay, extract from Wildlife Society Bulletin, Vol. 26 No. 3, Fall 1998)

Aspen forests of Jasper and Banff National Parks (University of Alberta Libraries, 1976)

Avalanche Terrain Ratings for Backcountry Touring in the Mountain National Parks / Côtes des terrains avalancheux pour les randonnées hivernales dans l'arrière-pays des parcs nationaux des montagnes (Parks Canada, 2005)

Backcountry Visitors' Guide / Guide du visiteur de l'arrière-pays (Parks Canada, 2001)

Banff: A Cultural Historical Study of Land Use and Management in a National Park Community to 1945 Studies in Land Use History and Landscape Change, National Park Series No. 2 (R.C. Scace, University of Calgary, 1968)

Banff — A Town in a Park in the Canadian Rockies (Robert C. Scace, undated)

Banff, Canada's First National Park : a history and a memory of Rocky Mountains park (Eleanor Georgina Luxton, Banff, Alberta: Summerthought, 1975)

Banff Is ... Hell? The Struggle of Being Canada’s First, Most Famous, and Most Visited National Park (Alan MacEachern, excerpt from Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia, no. 10, Summer 2016)

Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks: Outlying Historic Buildings Data Base Microfiche Report Series No. 235 (Richard Friesen and Associates, Parks Canada, 1985)

Banff-Bow Valley: At the Crossroads (Summary Report) (The Banff-Bow Valley Task Force:, October 1996)

Banff, Kootenay & Yoho National Parks - "The Three-Park Unit" (Parks Canada, 1929)

Banff National Park, 1792-1965 : a history Microfiche Report Series 196. (Great Plains Research Consultants, 1984)

Banff National Park: An Inventory of Historical Sources to 1965 Microfiche Report Series No. 43 (Great Plains Research Consultants, Parks Canada, 1982)

Banff National Park: How nature carves its splendour Miscellaneous Report 13 (David M. Baird, Geological Survey of Canada, 1968)

Banff National Park: How Nature Carves Its Splendour (David M. Baird, Geological Survey of Canada, 1977)

Banff National Park Pika Monitoring 2013 Summary Report (Julie Timmins, Anne Forshner and Jesse Whittington, Parks Canada, December 2013)

Banff National Park State of the Park Report — Resource Conservation Technical Summaries 2008 to 2017 (W.A. Hunt, ed., Parks Canada, 2019)

Banff Wildlife Crossings Project: Integrating Science and Education in Restoring Population Connectivity Across Transportation Corridors (Anthony P. Clevenger, Adam T. ford and Michael A. Sawaya, for Parks Canada, June 11, 2009)

Bankhead: The Twenty Year Town (Ben Gadd, Calgary, Alberta: Coal Association of Canada, in cooperation with Canadian Parks Service, 1989)

Bear Management Plans in Canadian National Parks: Fifteen Essential Elements Thesis (©John Stuart Taylor, University of Calgary, May 1984)

Beautiful Banff (Ken McGoogan, extract from Canada's History, Vol. 90 No. 5, October-November 2010)

Benthic Responses to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Deposition on Alpine Ponds in Banff National Park: A Replicated Whole-Ecosystem Experiment (University of Alberta Libraries, 2012)

Bighorn Sheep Aerial Survey, Banff National Park: Winter 2020 (Saundi Stevens, November 2020)

Biology, demography, ecology and management of grizzly bears in and around Banff National Park and Kananaskis Country: The final report of the Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project (Stephen Herrero, ed., ©Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project, 2005)

Biophysical land classification of Banff and Jasper National Parks (W.D. Holland, extract from Proceedings of the first meeting of the Canadian Committee on Ecological (Bio-physical) Land Classification, 1976)

BNP Bear Activity Manual, Exploratory Research Report POR-427-06 (InQuest Consumer Insights & Planning, Ltd. for Parks Canada, March 29, 2007)

Botanical Excursion to Jasper and Banff National Parks, Alberta: alpine and subalpine flora (National Museum of Canada, 1959)

Bow Valley Parkway Visitor Survey: Summer 2020 Final Report (CPAWS Southern Alberta, 2020)

Camping in the Mountain National Parks, 2009/10 Online Panel Members Final Report (Ipsos Reid for Parks Canada, April 2010)

Canada Place Fact Sheet, Banff National Park (Parks Canada, c2001)

Canadian National Park (Rocky Mountains), Banff, Alberta (Parks Canada, c1903)

Canadian Rockies Carnivore Monitoring Project: Examining Trends in Carnivore Populations and their Prey Using Remote Cameras. Year 1 Progress Report, 2011-2012 (Robin Steenweg, Jesse Whittington and Mark Hebblewhite, August 2012)

Canadian Rockies Remote Camera Multi-Species Occupancy Project: Examining trends in carnivore populations and their prey using remote cameras in Banff, Jasper, Kootenay, Yoho and Waterton Lakes National Park. Final Report (Robin Steenweg, Jesse Whittington and Mark Hebblewhite, March 31, 2015)

Carnivore Monitoring Project: Banff, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks, Winter 2008-2009 (Cam McTavish, 2009)

Carnivore Monitoring: Banff, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks, Summer - 2009 (Cam McTavish, 2009)

Castleguard Cave

Castleguard / Castleguard (Dalton Muir and Derek Ford, Parks Canada, 1985)

Castleguard Cave, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada Field Maps (Dan Green and Greg Horne, 2006)

Castleguard Cave 2005: First ascent of the 200-foot aven (©Marek Vokáč, October 27, 2006)

Castleguard Cave and Karst, Columbia Icefield, Alberta and British Columbia (D.C. Ford and C.C. Smart, extract from Landscapes and Landforms of Western Canada, 2017; ©Springer International Publishing)

Castleguard Cave and Karst, Columbia Icefields Area, Rocky Mountains of Canada: A Symposium

     Preface, Castleguard Cave and Karst, Columbia Icefields Area, Rocky Mountains of Canada: A Symposium (D.C. Ford, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983, ©Regents of the University of Colorado)

     The Physiography of the Castleguard Karst and Columbia Icefields Area, Alberta, Canada (D.C. Ford, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983, ©Regents of the University of Colorado)

     The Physiography and Speleogenesis of Castleguard Cave, Columbia Icefields, Alberta, Canada (D.C. Ford, P.L. Smart and R.O. Ewers, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983, ©Regents of the University of Colorado)

     Clastic Sediments in Castleguard Cave, Columbia Icefields, Alberta, Canada (J. Schroeder and D.C. Ford, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983, ©Regents of the University of Colorado)

     The Antiquity of Castleguard Cave, Columbia Icefields, Alberta, Canada (M. Gascoyne, A.G. Latham, R.S. Harmon and D.C. Ford, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983, ©Regents of the University of Colorado)

     The Hydrology of the Castleguard Karst, Columbia Icefields, Alberta, Canada (C.C. Smart, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983, ©Regents of the University of Colorado)

     Climate and Natural Radon Levels in Castleguard Cave, Columbia Icefields, Alberta, Canada (T.C. Atkinson, P.L. Smart and T.M.L. Wigley, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983, ©Regents of the University of Colorado)

     The Mineralogy of Castleguard Cave, Columbia Icefields, Alberta, Canada (R.S. Harmon, T.C. Atkinson and J. L. Atkinson, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983, ©Regents of the University of Colorado)

     The Occurrence of an Unusual Type of Pisolite: The Cubic Cave Pearls of Castleguard Cave, Columbia Icefields, Alberta, Canada (Jean Roberge and Daniel Caron, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983, ©Regents of the University of Colorado)

     Growth Mechanisms of Speleothems in Castleguard Cave, Columbia Icefields, Alberta, Canada (T.C. Atkinson, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983, ©Regents of the University of Colorado)

     Growth Mechanisms of Recent Speleothems from Castleguard Cave, Columbia Icefields, Alberta, Canada, Inferred from a Comparison of Uranium-series and Carbon-14 Age Data (M. Gascoyne and D.E. Nelson, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983, ©Regents of the University of Colorado)

     The Subterranean Crustacean Fauna of Castleguard Cave, Columbia Icefields, Alberta, Canada, and its Zoogeographic Significance (John R. Holsinger, John S. Mort and Anneliese D. Recklies, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983, ©Regents of the University of Colorado)

     Concluding Discussion, Castleguard Cave and Karst, Columbia Icefields Area, Rocky Mountains of Canada: A Symposium (D.C. Ford, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983, ©Regents of the University of Colorado)

Castleguard Cave, Canada (Derke Ford, extract from Encyclopedia of Cave, 2012; ©Elsevier Inc.)

Castleguard Cave — Challenge Under the Glacier (Video: 49:21, 1973)

Castleguard Cave Diving Expedition 2009, Official Report (Martin Groves, 2009)

Cave Management Guidelines for Western Mountain National Parks of Canada (Greg Horne, extract from 2005 National Cave and Karst Management Symposium, September 2005)

Caving six miles under and Alberta glacier (Derek C. Ford, extract from Canadian Geographic Journal, Vol. 91 No. 4, October 1975, ©The Royal Canadian Geographical Society)

Clastic Sediments in Castleguard Cave, Columbia Icefield, Alberta, Canada (J. Schroeder and D.C. Ford, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15 No. 4, 1983)

Derek Ford Oral History Interview (Philip Van Beynen, January 24, 2008, ©University of South Florida)

Geo-Hydrologic and Thermometric Observations in the Vicinity of the Columbia Icefield, Alberta and British Columbia, Canada (D.C. Ford, R.S. Harmon, H.P. Schwarcz, T.M.L. Wigley and P. Thompson, extract from Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 16 No. 74, 1976)

New discoveries in our greatest cave (Derek C. Ford, extract from Canadian Geographic, Vol. 100 No. 4, August/September 1980, ©The Royal Canadian Geographical Society)

Subterranean trailblazers (Bruce Kirby, extract from Canadian Geographic, July 1, 2012)

The Castleguard Karst, Main Ranges, Canadian Rocky Mountains (C.C. Smart and D.C. Ford, extract from Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 61, 1983; ©Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company)

Chateau Lake Louise Menu (Lakeview Room) (August 21, 1951)

Checklist of the Birds of Banff National Park of Canada (Jason Rogers, October 31, 2011)

Climate Change Adaptation Workshop: Lake Louise, Yoho, Kootenay National Parks, Lake Louise, Alta. / Série de rapports d'ateliers sur l'adaptation aux changements climatiques : Lake Louise et parc nationaux Yoho et Kootenay, Lake Louise, Alb. (Parks Canada, January 2018)

Climate change & Banff National Park : implications for tourism and recreation (Daniel Scott and Brenda Jones, University of Waterloo, 2005)

Climate in Relation to Winter Mortality of the Lodgepole Needle Miner, Recurvaria Starki Free., in Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (R.W. Stark, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 37, 1959)

Climbs at Banff and vicinity (A. O. Wheeler, Canadian Pacific Railway Lines, 1930)

Columbia Icefield: Ice Apex of the Canadian Rockies (Eric Bailey and Kevin Van Tighem, Parks Canada, 1987)

Comprehensive Study Report for the Decommissioning of the Airstrip in Banff National Park Final Draft (Highwood Environmental Management Ltd. for Parks Canada, March 2002)

Conservation Strategy for Southern Mountain Caribou in Canada's National Parks / Stratégie de conservation du caribou des montagnes du Sud dans les parcs nationaux du Canada (Parks Canada, 2011)

Demographic fragmentation of a protected wolverine population bisected by a major transportation corridor (Michael A. Sawaya, Anthony P. Clevenger and Michael K. Schwartz, extract from Biological Conservation, Vol. 236, 2019)

Dendrochronological Investigations of Historic Cabins in Jasper and Banff National Parks: A Report Based on Field Surveys in August, 1999 (Dan Smith, for Parks Canada, c2000)

Dendroglaciological Investigations at Saskatchewan Glacier, Banff National Park: A Preliminary Report Based on Field Investigations in September, 1999 (Dan Smith, University of Victoria for Parks Canada, 2000)

Ecological (Biophysical) Land Classification Of Banff and Jasper National Parks, Vol. I: Summary (W. D. Holland and G. M. Coen, eds., Environment Canada-Alberta Institute of Pedology, 1983)

Ecological (Biophysical) Land Classification Of Banff and Jasper National Parks, Vol. II: Soil and Vegetation Resources (W. D. Holland and G. M. Coen, eds., Environment Canada-Alberta Institute of Pedology, 1982)

Ecological land classification in Banff and Jasper National Parks (W.D. Holland, Canadian Forest Service, 1984)

Economic Impact Analysis of Visitors to Banff National Park in 1991 (Alberta Economic Development and Tourism, March 1994)

Effects of habitat promotion on small mammal movement in Banff National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 2002)

Environmental Guidelines for Development Projects, Banff National Park BNP-93/17 (Parks Canada, 17-Mar-1988, amended 03-Jun-1998)

Evaluating terrestrial-aquatic linkages in the Canadian Rocky Mountains: Eiffel Lake and Sentinel Lake, Banff National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 2011)

Evaluation of the Twinning of the Trans-Canada Highway in Banff National Park / Évaluation de l'élargissement à quatre voies de l'autoroute transcanadienne dans le parc national de Banff Final (Office of Internal Audit and Evaluation, Parks Canada, July 2015)

Excavation of Red Squirrel, (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) Middens by Bears, (Ursus spp.) in Limber Pine, (Pinus flexilis) Habitat in Banff National Park, Alberta (David Hamer, extract from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 130 No. 4, 2016, ©The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club)

Exotic Plants and Cultivated Landscapes in the Mountain National Parks: A Growing Concern (Parks Canada, 2001)

Expert Advisory Panel on Moving People Sustainably in the Banff Bow Valley / Groupe consultatif d'experts sur le transport durable des personnes dans la vallée de la Bow (Parks Canada, August 2022)

Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Wildlife Underpasses in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada (Anthony P. Clevenger and Nigel Waltho, extract from Conservation Biology, Vol. 14 No. 1, February 2000)

Fire & Vegetation Management Newsletter (Parks Canada, 2011)

Fire Management Plan 2020: Banff, Yoho, and Kootenay National Parks (April 2020)

Forest fungi collected in Banff National Park, Alberta Information Report NOR-X-22 (J.J. Lawrence and Y. Hiratsuka, Canadian Forest Service, March 1972)

Forest Health Update for the National Mountain Parks 2009 (Natural Resources Canada, 2009)

Forest insect and disease conditions in the Rocky Mountain National Parks Pest Report (Jack S. Monts, Canadian Forest Service, March 2, 1973)

Forest insect and disease conditions in the Rocky Mountain National Parks, 1973 Pest Report (Jack Monts, Canadian Forest Service, February 28, 1974)

Forest insect ranger report for Rocky Mountain National Parks (A.E. Anderson and E.F. Thornton, Canadian Forest Service, 1949)

Forest insects and diseases in eight of the western Canadian national parks, 1971 Information Report NOR-X-12 (W.G.H. Ives, Canadian Forest Service, January 1972)

Forest insects and diseases in eight western Canadian national parks, 1973 Information Report NOR-X-90 (F.J. Emond, J. Petty, G.J. Smith and V.B. Patterson, Canadian Forest Service, May 1974)

Forest insects and diseases in nine of the western Canadian national parks, 1972 Information Report NOR-X-62 (V.B. Patterson, E.J. Gautreau, G.J. Smith, R.M. Caltrell and J.P. Susut, Canadian Forest Service, April 1973)

Forest insects collected in Banff National Park, 1948-1971 Information Report NOR-X-104 (G.N. Still, V.B. Patterson and J.C.E. Melvin, Canadian Forest Service, July 1974)

From barnacle to Banff 2nd ed. (Harriet Hartley Thomas, Western Printing, c1945)

Fuel reduction in lodgepole pine stands in Banff National Park (Kelvin Hirsch and Ian Pengelly, extract from The Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop, 2000)

General notes on the occurrence and damage of cone and seed insects in Alberta and the Rocky Mountain National Parks: interim report 1958-9 (R.W. Reid, Canadian Forest Service, January 1958)

Genetic connectivity for two bear species at wildlife crossing structures in Banff National Park (Michael A. Sawaya, Steven T. Kalinowski and Anthony P. Clevenger, extract from Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Vol. 281, 2014, ©The Authors)

Geology of the National Parks of Canada in the Rockies and Selkirks (B.R. MacKay, Parks Canada, 1952)

Glacier change of the Columbia Icefield, Canadian Rocky Mountains, 1919-2009 (Christina Tennant and Brian Menounos, extract from Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 59 No. 216, 2013)

Glaciers in the Canadian Columbia Basin: Technical Report (Brian Menonos and Ben Pelto, Canadian Columbia Basin Glacier and Snow Research Network, February 2020)

Glaciers of the Rockies and Selkirks (A.P. Coleman, Parks Canada, 1921)

Grizzly Bear Habitat Effectiveness Model for Banff, Yoho, and Kootenay National Parks, Canada (Michael L. Gibeau, extract from Ursus, Vol. 10, 1998)

Grouseberry, (Vaccinium scoparium Leiberg ex Coville) fruit production in forest openings in Banff National Park, Alberta (Ian Pengelly and David Hamer, extract from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 128 No. 4, 2014, ©The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club)

Guardians of the Rockies (PearlAnn Reichwein, extract from The Beaver, Outfit 74:4, August-September 1994)

Guide to the Geology of the Canadian National Parks on the Canadian Pacific Railway between Calgary and Revelstoke (Charles Camsell, Parks Canada, 1914)

Helping Fish Cross Roads (Parks Canada, 2011)

Herbivory interactions between beaver (Castor canadensis) and elk (Cervus elaphus) on willow (Salix spp.) in Banff National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 2001)

Heritage Character Statements / Énoncés de valeur patrimoniale, Banff National Park

Administration Building / Bâtiment administratif (FHBRO No. 86-06, September 23, 1986, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Bryant Creek Warden Cabin / Chalet des gardes de parc de Bryant Creek (FHBRO No. 93-107, January 8, 1996, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Cambrian Pavilion / Kiosque cambrien (FHBRO No. 97-011, March 15, 2000, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Clearwater Lakes Warden Cabin / Chalet des gardes Clearwater Lakes (FHBRO No. 93-107, June 4, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Cuthead Warden Cabin / Chalet des gardes de Cuthead (FHBRO No. 96-25, June 11, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Devonian Pavilion / Kiosque dévonien (FHBRO No. 97-011, March 15, 2000, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Divide Warden Cabin / Chalet des gardes Divide (FHBRO No. 93-107, June 4, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

East Gate Registration Buildings / Bâtiments d'enregistrement de l'entrée est (FHBRO No. 85-02, July 25, 1985, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Egypt Lake Warden Cabin / Chalet des gardes Egypt Lake (FHBRO No. 93-107, January 8, 1996, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Fortune Warden Cabin / Chalet des gardes Fortune (FHBRO No. 93-107, March 15, 1996, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Halfway Hut / Refuge central (FHBRO No. 99-138, July 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Information Building (former Auditorium Building/School) / Pavillon d'information (antérieurement auditorium/école) (FHBRO No. 91-106, January 13, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Rustic Lookout Pavilion / Kiosque/belvédère rustique (FHBRO No. 97-011, March 15, 2000, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Sandhills Warden Cabin / Chalet des gardes de Sandhills (FHBRO No. 96-25, June 10, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Scotch Camp Warden Cabin / Chalet des gardes du campement Scotch (FHBRO No. 97-69, July 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Saskatchewan Crossing Wardens Residence No. 1 / Résidence du garde no 1 de Saskatchewan Crossing (FHBRO No. 92-07, May 14, 1996, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Sulphur Mountain Observatory / Observatoire du mont Sulphur (FHBRO No. 86-40, March 27, 1987, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Superintendent's Residence / Résidence du surintendant (FHBRO No. 92-09, December 2, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Upper Hot Springs Bath House / Pavillon de bain d'Upper Hot Springs (FHBRO No. 84-54, June 25, 1996, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Upper Hot Springs Caretaker's Cottage / Chalet du concierge d'Upper Hot Springs (FHBRO No. 92-08, January 8, 1996, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Windy Lodge Warden Cabin / Chalet des gardes Windy Lodge (FHBRO No. 93-107, March 15, 1996, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Herpwatch (Parks Canada, 2009)

Highway Research, Monitoring and Adaptive Mitigation Study — Banff, Yoho and Kootenay National Parks, Annual Report July 2003 - March 2004 (Anthony P. Clevenger and Kari Gunson, March 31, 2004)

Highway Research, Monitoring, and Adaptive Mitigation Study — Banff, Yoho and Kootenay National Parks Final Report (Anthony P. Clevenger, March 31, 2003)

Highway Wildlife Mitigation Opportunities for The Trans-Canada Highway in the Bow River Valley Final Report (Tracy Lee, Anthony Clevenger and Robert Ament, for Alberta Ecotrust Foundation, August 2012)

Historic Influence of the Mountain Pine Beetle on Stand Dynamics in Canada’s Rocky Mountain Parks (Pamela R. Dykstra and Tom F. Braumandl, Natural Resources Canada, 2006)

Historical Analysis of Parks Canada and Banff National Park, 1968-1995 (Walter Hildebrandt, Banff, Alberta: Banff-Bow Valley Study, 1995)

Human Activity Differentially Redistributes Large Mammals in the Canadian Rockies National Parks (James Kimo Rogala, Mark Hebblewhite, Jesse Whittington, Cliff A. White, Jenny Coleshill and Marco Musiani, extract from Ecology and Society, Vol. 16 No. 3, 2011)

Ian McTaggart-Cowan in Banff & Jasper: Bringing Wildlife Science to the National Parks (Alan MacEachern, NICHE, 29 April 2016)

Illicit Encampments, 'Hippie Architecture,' and Banff's High Tourist Season (Ben Bradley, NiCHE, May 25, 2018)

Illuminations: human/nature - nature/humaine — Banff Notes (Sarah Fuller, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, October 2017)

Impact of the Giant Liver Fluke (Fascioloides magna) on Elk and Other Ungulates in Banff and Kootenay National Parks Draft #2 (E. Butterworth and M.J. Pybus for Parks Canada, June 30, 1992)

Impact study and management recommendations for primitive campgrounds in the Sunshine-Egypt Lake area, Banff National Park Information Report NOR-X-132 (G.L. Lesko and E.B. Robson, Canadian Forest Service, March 1975)

Incidence and abundance of certain parasites in wapiti in the national parks of the Canadian Rockies (D.R. Flook and J.E. Stenton, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 47, 1969)

Lake Louise Community Plan, Banff National Park of Canada (Parks Canada, June 2001)

Lake Louise: sharing the land with grizzly bears (JMK, July 2002)

Lake Louise Ski Area Approved Long-Range Plan (Parks Canada, September 6, 2019)

Lake Louise Ski Area Long-Range Plan Engagement Report: Summary (Parks Canada, July 2019)

Lake Louise Ski Area Site Guidelines for Development and Use / Lignes directrices pour l'aménagement et l'utilisation du territoire de la station de ski Lake Louise (Parks Canada, July 2015)

Lake Louise Ski Area Site Guidelines for Development and Use: Strategic Environmental Assessment / Lignes directrices pour l'aménagement et l'utilisation du territoire de la station de ski Lake Louise: Évaluation environnementale stratégique (Parks Canada, July 2015)

Land classification of the Lake Louise study area, Banff National Park Information Report NOR-X-160 (B.D. Walker, S. Kojima, W.D. Holland and G.M. Coen, Canadian Forest Service, 1978)

Landsat imagery for Banff and Jasper National Parks: inventory and management (C.L. Kirby, D. Goodenough, D. Day and P. Van Eck, Canadian Forest Service, September 1975)

Leapfrog to First: Banff National Park Net Zero 2035 (Liricon Capital, November 2020)

Limnological Survey of some small Lakes in the Vicinity of the Cascade Trail, Banff National Park (R.S. Anderson and D.B. Donald, Canadian Wildlife Service for Parks Canada, 1978)

Limnological Survey of the Lake Louise Area, Banff National Park: Part 2 — The Lakes (D.W. Mayhood and R.S. Anderson, Canadian Wildlife Service for Parks Canada, 1976)

Long-term ecosystem states and processes in Banff National Park and the Central Canadian Rockies Occasional Paper No. 9 (Charles E. Kay, Cliff A. White, Ian R. Pengelly and Brian Patton, Parks Canada, 1999)

Mammals of Banff National Park (National Museum of Canada, 1958)

Managing fire for woodland caribou in Jasper and Banff National Parks (University of Alberta Libraries, 2007)

Man and Landscape Change in the Banff National Park Area Before 1911 Studies in Land Use History and Landscape Change, National Park Series No. 1 (original Masters thesis) (A.R. Byrne, University of Calgary, 1968)

Model Class Screening Report for Aquatic-based Commercial Guiding Activities in the Mountain National Parks of Canada (Parks Canada, January 2005, renewed April 2008)

Model Class Screening Report for Land-based Commercial Guiding Activities in the Mountain National Parks of Canada (N. Gilson, September 2004)

Mosses and Incidental Lichens in Siliceous Areas of the Sunshine Meadows-Egypt Lake Area of Banff National Park (Ryan James for Parks Canada, November 2019)

Mountain Biking and Cycling Guide / Guide du cycliste (Parks Canada, 2005)

Mountain Parks Visitor Reception Centre Study: Data Analysis Report, October 2005 (Guidelines Ltd., 2005)

Mountain Studies (University of Calgary)

Multi-Species Occupancy Monitoring using Snow Surveys in Banff National Park (Jesse Whittington and Karsten Heuer, Parks Canada, June 2012)

Multispecies Snowtracking Surveys (Jesse Whittington, 2012)

Notes on the Parasite Complex of Evagora (Recurvaria) Starki Freeman in Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (R.W. Stark, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 39, 1961)

Perceptions of Ecological Risk Associated with Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) Infestations in Banff and Kootenay National Parks of Canada (Bonita L. McFarlane and David O.T. Witson, extract from Risk Analysis, Vol. 28 No. 1, 2008)

Physical and Chemical Limnology of Two Mountain Lakes in Banff National Park, Alberta (R. Stewart Anderson, extract from Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Vol. 27, 1970)

Pika Populations, Banff and Kootenay National Parks (Julie Timmins, 2014)

Plains Bison Reintroduction in Banff National Park

Bison Belong in Banff National Park (Eleanor Luxton Historical Foundation)

Bison Restoration in Banff National Park — FAQ (Parks Canada, Date Unknown)

Plains Bison Reintroduction in Banff National Park Pilot Project 2017-2022: 2018 Progress Report (Karsten Heuer, April 18, 2019)

Plains Bison Reintroduction in Banff National Park Pilot Project 2017-2022: 2019 Progress Report (Karsten Heuer, May 19, 2020)

Plains Bison Restoration in the Canadian Rocky Mountains: Ecological and Management Considerations (Clifford A. White, E. Gwyn Langemann, C. Cormack Gates, Charles E. Kay, Todd Shury and Thomas E. Hurd, extract from Crossing Boundaries in Park Management: Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Research and Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands, ©The George Wright Society, 2001)

Plan for Reintroduction of Plains Bison in Banff National Park / Plan de réintroduction : Le bison des plaines dans le parc national Banff (Parks Canada, August 2013)

Reintroduction Plan: Plains Bison in Banff National Park / Plan de réintroduction : Le bison de plaines dans le parc national Banff (Parks Canada, March 2015)

Report on the Plains Bison Reintroduction Pilot 2017-2022 / Rapport sur le projet pilote de réintroduction du bison des plaines (2017-2022) (Parks Canada, November 2022)

Planktonic and Epipelic Algal Communities and their Relationship to Physical and Chemical Variables in Alpine Ponds in Banff National Park, Canada (University of Alberta Libraries, 2005)

Population Dynamics of the Lodgepole Needle Miner, Recurvaría starki Freeman, in Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (R.W. Stark, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 37, 1959)

Predation on Two Mule Deer, Odocoileus hemionus, by a Canada Lynx, Lynx canadensis, in the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains (Dörte Poszig, Clayton D. Apps and Alan Dibb, extract from Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 118 No. 2, 2004)

Predator-Prey Management in the National Park Context: Lessons from a Transboundary Wolf, Elk, Moose and Caribou System (Mark Hebblewhite, extract from Transactions of the 72nd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, ©Wildlife Management Institute, 2009)

Railway mortality for several mammal species increases with train speed, proximity to water, and track curvature (Colleen Cassady St. Clair, Jesse Whittington, Anne Forshner, Aditya Gangadharan and David N. Laskin, extract from Scientific Reports, 10, November 24, 2020)

Range studies in Banff National Park, 1953 (Robert Webb, Canadian Wildlife Service, 1957, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment)

Recommended Plant Species for Landscaping in Banff National Park (Biosphere Institute for the Bow Valley, 2011)

Reducing Energy Consumption - Helping the Environment / Réduire la consommation d'énergie - aider l'environnement (Parks Canada, 2008)

Repeat Photography of Montane Trembling Aspen in the Canadian Rocky Mountains (Clifford A. White and Michael C. Feller, from Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference Proceeding, Vol. 22, 2004)

Report of Geo. A. Stewart, Superintendent of Rocky Mountains Park, Department of the Interior for the Year 1888 (George A. Stewart, extract from Annual Report of the Department of the Interior for the Year 1888, 1889)

Report of the Superintendent of Rocky Mountains Park, Department of the Interior for the Year 1887 (George A. Stewart, Department of the Interior, 1888)

Report on Bow River Power and Storage Investigations, Seasons 1911-12-13 Water Resources Paper No. 2 (M.C. Hendry, Water Power Branch, 1914)

Research Database (Friends of Kootenay)

Research Update: 2010/2011, 2009/2010 (Parks Canada)

Resource Conservation, Banff Field Unit: Report from the Field — 2011 / Conservation des ressouces, Unité de gestion de Banff: Rapport des activités sur le terrain — 2011 (Parks Canada, 2012)

Seasonal and individual variation in the use of rail-associated food attractants by grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in a national park (Maureen H. Murray, Sarah Fassina, John B. Hopkins III, Jesse Whittington and Colleen C. St. Clair, extract from PLoS ONE, 12(5), May 24, 2017)

Seasonal Distribution of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in Canadian National Parks, 1966-1972 (John G. Stelfox, Canadian Wildlife Service for Parks Canada, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1978)

Songbird Communities in Burned and Logged Stands with Variable Tree Retention in the Canadian Rocky Mountains (©A. Kari Stuart-Smith, December 4, 2001)

Species At Risk in Banff National Park / Les espèces en péril du parc national Banff (Parks Canada, 2020)

Stand stability in selected high-use campgrounds in Rocky Mountain national parks File Report NOR-Y-41 (W.G.H. Ives, V.B. Patterson and J. Petty, Canadian Forest Service, 1972)

Status of Bats (Chiroptera) in 2013, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada (Greg Horne, Parks Canada, March 31, 2013)

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Fire and Fuel Management Program in the Contiguous Mountain National Parks: Final Report (Rhonda DeLong, Julie Budgen, Carla Stevens and Bruce Gleig, for Brian Low (Parks Canada), March 2008)

Strategic highway improvements to minimize environmental impacts within the Canadian Rocky Mountain National Parks (T.M. McGuire and J.F. Morrall, extract from Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 27, 2000, ©NRC Press)

Summary of Songbird Trends in Banff National Park: 2007 to 2011 (Jesse Whittington and Anne Forshner, Parks Canada, January 2014)

Supplemental Climate Information: Lake Louise (Banff), Yoho and Kootenay National Parks (Scott Parker, Parks Canada, January 31, 2018)

The Alpine Architectural Heritage of the Four Mountain Parks: An Historical Review and Assessment Microfiche Report Series No. 523 (Graham A. Macdonald, Parks Canada, 1994)

The Banff-Bow Valley Study: A Retrospective Review / L'étude de la vallée de la Bow: une rétrospective National Parks Occasional Paper No. 10 (Parks Canada,

The Banff East Gate: Park Pass Purchase and Pass-Through Lane Usage Study Final Report (IPSOS REID for Parks Canada, May 2008)

The Banff-Jasper Highway (M.B. Williams, Saskatoon: H.R. Larson Pub., 1948)

The Banff-Jasper Highway (M.B. Williams, Saskatoon: H.R. Larson Pub., 1948, rev. 1963)

The Banff-Windermere Highway (M.B. Williams, Dominion Parks Branch, 1924)

The Banff Winter Olympics: Sport, tourism, and Banff National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 2011)

The Bighorn Sheep of Banff National Park (Hubert U. Green, Parks Canada, 1949)

The Challenge of National Park Management: A comparison of Management Plans of the Blue Mountains and Banff National Parks in accordance with Ecological Sustainable Development (©Nathaly Hanke, Master's Thesis, June 2004)

The Climate of the Contiguous Mountain Parks: Banff, Jasper, Kootenay, Yoho Project Report No. 30 (B. Janz and D. Storr, ©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of the Environment Canada, 1977)

The Columbia Glacier, Canada: A New View (P.R. Baumann, extract from Middle States Geographer, Vol. 50, 2017)

The distribution of four Chaoborus species (Diptera: Chaoboridae) along an elevation gradient in Canadian Rocky Mountain lakes (S. Lamontagne, D.B. Donald and D.W. Schindler, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 72, 1994)

The Evolution of 'Riskscapes': 100 years of climate change and mountaineering activity in the Lake Louise area of the Canadian Rockies (Katherine Hanly and Graham McDowell, preprint from Climate Change, Vol. 177 Art. 49, February 28, 2024)

The Fishes and Their Distribution in the Mountain National Parks of Canada (J.C. Ward, Canadian Wildlife Service for Parks Canada, January 1974)

The Fishes of the Central Canadian Rockies Ecosystem Report No. 950408 (David M. Mayhood, Freshwater Research Limited, April 1995)

The Kicking Horse Trail (M.B. Williams, Department of the Interior, 1927)

The Kicking Horse Trail (M.B. Williams, Department of the Interior, 1930)

The Natural and Human History of Banff National Park (Parks Canada, 1978, rev. 1980)

The Prince of Playgrounds (Parks Canada, 1909)

The Story of the Mountains in Banff National Park Miscellaneous Report 1 (Helen R. Belyea, Geological Survey of Canada, 1960)

Towns and Trails Drive Carnivore Connectivity using a Step Selection Approach (Jesse Whittington, Robin Barton, Mark Hebblewhite, Adam T. Ford and John Paczkowski, bioRxiv, February 25, 2021)

Trans-Canada Highway Wildlife Monitoring and Research, Final Report. Part B: Research Conservation Science for the Management of Transportation Systems and Fragmentation-sensitive species in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (A.P. Clevenger and M. Barrueto, eds., for Parks Canada, July 2014)

Use of Whitebark Pine, (Pinus albicaulis) seeds by GPS-collared Grizzly Bears, (Ursus arctos) in Banff National Park, Alberta (David Hamer, extract from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 135 No. 1, 2021, ©The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club)

User Perceptions of the Bow River: A Resource for Developing a Watershed Protection/Interpretation System in Alberta (Alan D. Capelle, extract from Association of Interpretive Naturalists / Western Interpreters Association National Workshop, 1981)

Using ecological resource inventory: applications of landform, soils, vegetation, and wildlife data in Banff and Jasper National Parks (W.D. Holland, Canadian Forest Service, 1984)

Using Topography to Model and Monitor Fire Cycles in Banff National Park (Marie-Pierre Rogeau, Ian Pengelly and Marie-Josée Fortin, from Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference Proceeding, Vol. 22, 2004)

Vascular plants of Banff, Jasper, Kootenay, Mount Revelstoke - Glacier, and Yoho National Parks of Canada (Peter L. Achuff, Parks Canada, 2006)

Vegetation Management Plan: Lake Louise and Yoho and Kootenay National Parks Field Unit (Robert C. Walker, Parks Canada, January 1998)

Vermilion Lakes, Banff National Park: an introductory study (©Bow Valley Naturalists, 1978, all rights reserved)

Waterfall Ice Climbing and Avalanches in Canada's Mountain National Parks / Escalade de cascades de glace et avalanches dans les parcs nationaux des montagnes du Canada (Parks Canada, 2005)

Weights, Measurements and Tooth Replacement of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in Canadian National Parks, 1967-1971 (John G. Stelfox and David M. Poll, Canadian Wildlife Service for Parks Canada, 1978)

West Sulphur Wildfire Risk Reduction Plan (Executive Summary) / Plan de réduction des risques de feu de forêt sur le versant ouest du mont Sulphur (Sommaire) (Parks Canada, May 4, 2018)

West Sulphur Wildfire Risk Reduction Plan (Frequently Asked Questions) / Plan de réduction des risques de feu de forêt sur le versant ouest du mont Sulphur (Foire aux questions) (Parks Canada, May 4, 2018)

Western National Parks' Fish Planting - 1969 Season (Parks Canada, 1969)

Western National Parks' Fish Planting - 1971 Season (Parks Canada, 1971)

Wetlands (Parks Canada, 2002)

Whitebark Pine Conservation for the Canadian Rocky Mountain National Parks (Brendan C. Wilson and G. Jon Stuart-Smith for Parks Canada, December 1, 2002)

Whitebark Pine, (Pinus albicaulis) seeds as food for bears, (Ursus spp.) in Banff National Park, Alberta (David Hamer and Ian Pengelly, extract from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 129 No. 1, 2015, ©The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club)

Wild Flowers: Banff—Jasper—Kootenay—Yoho National Parks (R.G.H. Cormack, Parks Canada, 1972)

Wildland Fires in Banff National Park 1880-1980 Occasional Paper No. 3 (Cliff White, Parks Canada, 1985)

Winter Recreation in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks: Pilot Study (Jovan Simic, Parks Canada, 2007)

Woodland Caribou - Mountain National Parks / Caribou des bois - Parcs nationaux des montagnes (Parks Canada, November 2011)

Woodland Caribou - Mountain National Parks / Caribou des bois - Parcs nationaux des montagnes (Parks Canada, Spring 2012)

Volume loss from lower Peyto Glacier, Alberta, Canada, between 1966 and 2010 (Laura M. Kerhl, Robert L. Hawley, Erich C. Osterberg, Dominic A. Winski and Alexander P. Lee, extract from Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 60 No. 219, 2014)

Xplorers (1) • Xplorers (2) / Xplorateurs (Parks Canada)

Ya Ha Tinda Long-Term Elk Monitoring Project (University of Montana and University of Alberta)

Annual Reports: 1 April - 15 Oct. 20142015-20162016-20172018-2019 (University of Montana and University of Alberta for Parks Canada)

Fescue Grassland Response to Seasonal Grazing Regimes, Ya Ha Tinda Ranch, Central East Slopes Alberta (Leslie Erica McInenly for Parks Canada, University of Alberta, May 1, 2002)

Effects of Post-fire Logging on Elk Habitat During the First 3 Years Post-Fire: A Case Study of the Dogrib Creek Fire in the Eastern Slopes of Alberta (Mark Hebblewhite, Robin Munro and Evelyn Merrill for Foothills Model Forest, c2006)

Is the Migratory Behavior of Montane Elk Herds in Peril? The Case of Alberta's Ya Ha Tinda Elk Herd (Mark Hebblewhite, Evelyn H. Merrill, Luigi E. Morgantini, Clifford A. White, James R. Allen, Eldon Bruns, Linda Thurston and Tomas E. Hurd, extract from Wildlife Society Bulletin, 34(5), December 2006)

Linking Predation Risk and Forage to Ungulate Population Dynamics (©Mark Hebblewhite, University of Alberta, Spring 2006)

Long Term Population Dynamics and the Effects of Prescribed Fire on the Winter Range of the Ya Ha Tinda Elk Herd (Scott Eggeman, Mark Hebblewhite, Lindsay Glines and Evelyn Merrill, Summer 2010)

Ya Ha Tinda Elk Aversive Conditioning Project, Summer Elk Range Surveys 27, 28, 29 July 2007 (Holger Spaedtke, c2007)

Ya Ha Tinda Elk Herd and Red Deer River Valley Ecotone Study: Final Report (Lindsay Glines, Antje Bohm, Holger Spaedtke, Evelyn Merrill, Scott Eggeman, Alexander Deedy and Mark Hebblewhite, University of Alberta, November 1, 2011)

Ya Ha Tinda Elk Project: Long-term monitoring of the partially migratory Ya Ha Tinda elk population, predators, and foraging resources Final Report May 2017-May 2021 (Mark Hebblewhite, Hans Martin, Sara Williams, Gabrielle Coulombe, Mateen Hessami, Birch Gano, Evelyn Merrill, Madeline Trottier, Jacalyn Normandeau, Michell Flowers, Kara MacAuley and Peter Smolko, June 2021)

Ya Ha Tinda Exclosure Study: Plant Composition & Fescue Growth (Evelyn Merrill, Heather McPhee and Barry Robinson, University of Alberta, November 2007)


G-Bear and B-Bear — Banff National Park 4:17 (Parks Canada, 2011)

GOat Sheep GOat — Banff National Park 5:29 (Parks Canada, 2012)

Steam, Schemes and National Dreams 28:00 (National Film Board of Canada, 1984)

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Last Updated: 07-Oct-2024