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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 19

Yukon Transportation: A History

by Gordon Bennett


Adney, E. Tappan

The Klondike Stampede of 1897-1898. Facs. reprint. Ye Galleon Press, Fairfield, Wash., 1968.

"The Sledge Dogs of the North." Outing, Vol. 39 (May 1901), pp. 129-37. Albany.

Alaska: Sundry Pamphlets

A compilation of various contemporary accounts in the library of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Parks Canada, Ottawa.

Allan, A.A.

Gold, Men and Dogs. Putnam, New York, 1931.

Arctic and Northern Development Digest

1962-72. Montreal.

Bankson, Russell A.

The Klondike Nugget. Claxton Printers, Caldwell, Idaho, 1935.

Barger, C.E.

"A Sturdy Little Line." Alaska Sportsman, Vol. 12 (Jan. 1946), pp. 10-11, 31-7. Ketchikan.

"It's a Long Road." Alaska Sportsman, Vol. 11 (Nov. 1945), pp. 12-13, 43-6. Ketchikan.

"Railroad in Miniature." Alaska Life, Vol. 8 (Aug. 1945), pp. 38-43. Seattle.

Berton, Laura Beatrice

I Married the Klondike. Little, Brown, Toronto, 1954.

Berton, Pierre

Klondike. The Life and Death of the Last Great Gold Rush. McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, 1958.

Bishop, F.C.

The Alaska Highway. Northwest Service Command, Washington, D.C. [1944].

Black, Martha Louise

My Seventy Years, by Mrs. George Black as Told to Elizabeth Bailey Price. Nelson, London, 1938.

Bond, Marshall

"To the Klondike, With a Big Dog Who Met Jack London." Ed. Marshall Bond, Jr. The American West, Vol. 6 (Jan. 1969), pp. 44-8. Palo Alto.

Booth, Edward S.

"Modern Bush Pilots Don't Fly by the Seat of Their Pants." Canadian Aviation, Vol. 11 (May 1940), pp. 13, 33. Toronto.

Bostock, H.

"A Sketch of Road Development in the Yukon Territory." Arctic Circular, Vol. 3 (Dec. 1950), pp. 63-70. Ottawa.

Bostock, H., comp.

Yukon Territory: Selected Field Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, 1898-1933. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1957. Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 284.

Bostock, H., ed.

"A History of Russell Creek, Yukon Territory." Manuscript (taken from diaries, books and writings of Lt. Col. N.A.D. Armstrong).

Bovey, John A.

"The Attitudes and Policies of the Federal Government Towards Canada's Northern Territories, 1870-1930." MA thesis, Univ. of British Columbia, 1967.

British Columbia (Province)

Statutes. Victoria, 1895-1910.

Bucksar, R.G.

Geography of Northwestern Anglo-America with Emphasis upon Arctic British Columbia, The Yukon Territory, and Southeastern Alaska; A Text for Geography 310 and 583. Publ. by the author, West Chester, Pa., 1965.

"The Frontiers Recede, a Brief History of Transportation in the Canadian Northwest." North, Vol. 8 (Nov.—Dec. 1961), pp. 16-23. Ottawa.

Burbridge, A.A.

"The Changing Role of Transportation in Simcoe County from 1800 to 1866." MA thesis, McMaster Univ., 1961.

Burpee, Lawrence J.

"A Road to Alaska." Canadian Geographical Journal, Vol. 21 (Nov. 1940), pp. 257-67. Ottawa.

"Bush Flying Still Vital Activity Changes Character in Northwest"

Canadian Aviation, Vol. 21 (Nov. 1948), pp. 36-7; 88. Toronto.

Canada. British Columbia-Yukon-Alaska Highway Commission.

Preliminary Report on Proposed Highway through British Columbia and the Yukon Territory to Alaska. Ottawa, 1940. 2 vols.

Report on Proposed Highway through British Columbia and the Yukon Territory to Alaska. Ottawa, 1941. 2 vols.

Canada. Bureau of Transportation Economics.

Economic Report on the Alaska Highway. Ottawa, 1948.

Canada. Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers.

Maintenance and Construction on the Alaska Highway: A History of the Northwest Highway Maintenance Establishment. Rev. ed. Northwest Highway System, n.p. [1964].

Canada. Department of Indian and Northern Affairs. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch.

Correspondence files

Canada. Department of Mines and Resources.

Annual Reports. Ottawa, 1937-49.

Canada. Department of Mines and Resources. Bureau of Northwest Territories and Yukon Affairs.

The Yukon Territory: A Brief Description of its Administration, Resources and Development. Ottawa, 1943.

The Yukon Territory: A Brief Description of its Administration, Resources and Development. Ottawa, 1944.

Yukon Territory: A Brief Description of its History, Administration, Resources and Development, by W.F. Lothian. Ottawa, 1947.

Canada. Department of Mines. Mines Branch.

Summary Reports. Ottawa, 1907-16.

Canada. Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources.

Annual Reports. Ottawa, 1954-66.

A Territorial Roads Policy for the Future. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1965.

Improvement Program for the Alaska Highway; An Analysis of Economic Benefits. Prepared by Stanford Research Institute for the Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1966.

Canada. Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources. Canadian Government Travel Bureau.

Alaska Highway, Canadian Section. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1955.

Alaska Highway: Road to Yukon Adventure. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1960.

Canada. Department of Public Works.

Engineering Study, Alaska Highway, Canadian Section. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1966.

Canada. Department of Resources and Development.

Annual Reports. Ottawa, 1950-53.

Canada. Department of Resources and Development. Northern Administration.

Yukon Territory; A Brief Description of its History, Administration, Resources and Development. Ottawa, 1950.

Canada. Department of the Interior.

Annual Reports. Ottawa, 1887, 1896-1936.

Canada. Department of the Interior. Mining Lands and Yukon Branch.

The Yukon Territory; Its History and Resources. Ottawa, 1916.

Canada. Department of the Interior. Northwest Territories and Yukon Branch.

The Yukon Territory: Its History and Resources. Government Printing Bureau, Ottawa, 1907.

The Yukon Territory: Its History and Resources. Government Printing Bureau, Ottawa, 1909.

The Yukon Territory, 1926. King's Printer, Ottawa, 1926.

Canada. Dominion Bureau of Statistics.

Canadian Mineral Statistics, 1886-1956; Mining Events, 1604-1956. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1957.

Chronological Record of Canadian Mining Events from 1604 to 1947 and Historical Tables of the Mineral Production of Canada. King's Printer, Ottawa, 1948.

Reports of Mineral Production of Canada. Ottawa, 1921-29.

The Canada Year Book . . . . Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1965.

Canada. Geological Survey of Canada.

Report on an Exploration in the Yukon District, N. W T. and Adjacent Portion of British Columbia, 1887, by George M. Dawson; With Extracts relating to the Yukon District from Report on an Exploration in the Yukon and Mackenzie Basins, 1887-88, by R.G. McConnell. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1898.

Canada. North Pacific Planning Project.

Canada's New Northwest, a Study of the Present and Future Development of Mackenzie District of the Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory, and the Northern Parts of Alberta and British Columbia. King's Printer, Ottawa, 1947.

Canada. Parliament.

Annual Reports of the Commissioner of the North-West [and Royal North West) Mounted Police. Ottawa, 1894-1906.

Sessional Papers. Ottawa, 1889.

Statutes. Ottawa, 1896-1945.

Canada. Parliament. House of Commons.

Debates. Ottawa, 1898-1953.

Canada. Public Archives.

MG22, Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, Papers. (This collection has been reorganized as RG91.)

MG30, H43, Martha Black Papers

RG15, Department of the Interior. Records.

RG85, Northern Administration Branch. Records.

Bill MacBride's Scrapbook. Microfilm, 1959-30.

Canada. Royal Commission on Transportation.

Report. Ottawa, 1961. Vol. 1.

Canadian Grocer

Vol. 18, No. 14 (April 1904), p. 42.

Carr, D.W. and Associates

The Yukon Economy; Its Potential for Growth and Continuity. A Report Prepared for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and the Government of the Yukon Territory. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1968. 8 vols.

Chicago Record

Klondike; The Chicago Record's Book for Gold Seekers. Chicago Record Co., Chicago, 1897.

Cody, H.A.

"The Gateway of the North." Canadian Magazine, Vol. 28 (Feb. 1907), pp. 337-42. Toronto.

Coe, Douglas

Road to Alaska: The Story of the Alaska Highway. Messner, New York, 1943.

Collins, A.

"High Flying Helicopters aid Mapping in Yukon." Canadian Aviation, Vol. 24 (Jan. 1951), pp. 16-6, 42, 44. Toronto.

Corp, E.J.

"The Trail of '98 and the Gravel River Route." Arctic Circular, Vol. 11 (March 1959), pp. 35-51. Ottawa.

Creighton, Donald Grant

"Presidential Address. "In Canadian Historical Association, Annual Report (1957), pp. 1-12. Toronto.

The Empire of the St. Lawrence. Macmillan, Toronto, 1956.

Cunynghame, Francis

Lost Trail, the Story of Klondike Gold and the Man who Fought for Control. Faber & Faber, London, 1953.

Curtin, Walter Russell

Yukon Voyage, Unofficial Log of the Steamer Yukoner. Claxton Printer, Caldwell, Idaho, 1938.

Daily Alaska Empire (Juneau)


Dall, W.H.

The Yukon Territory, the Narrative of W.H. Dall, Leader of the Expedition to Alaska in 1866-1868. Downey, London, 1898.

David, Max

"Railroad through a Snow-bound Hell." True Magazine (Jan. 1963), pp. 54-5, 100-09. Greenwich, Conn.

Dawson, C.A., ed.

The New North-West. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1947.

Dawson, C.A. and R.W. Murchie

The Settlement of the Peace River Country: A Study of a Pioneer Area. Macmillan, Toronto, 1934. Canadian Frontiers of Settlement, Vol. 6.

Dawson (City). Collector of Customs Records.

Register of Vessels entering Inward and Outward at the Port of Dawson, 1929-1955.

Dawson Daily News


Dawson Hardware Company

Miner's Price List. N.p. 1903. Copy in City Museum, Dawson.

Dorman, R.

A Statutory History of Steam and Electric Railways of Canada. King's Printer, Ottawa, 1941.

Easterbrook, W.T. and H.G.J. Aitken

Canadian Economic History. Macmillan, Toronto, 1956.

Easterbrook, W.T. and M.H. Watkins, eds.

Approaches to Canadian Economic History, a Selection of Essays. McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, 1967. Carleton Library, No. 31.

Eayrs, James

In Defence of Canada. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1964—. Vol. 2: Appeasement and Rearmament.

Ellis, F.H.

"Call it Reconquest." Canadian Aviation, Vol. 17 (May 1944), pp. 47-8, 94-6. Toronto.

Canada's Flying Heritage. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1954.

"The Flying Cruickshanks." Canadian Aviation, Vol. 27 (March 1954), pp. 26-7, 96-7. Toronto.

"They Flew an Airborne Viking Ship." Canadian Aviation, Vol. 26 (Aug. 1953), pp. 28-34. Toronto.

Ells, S.C.

"Alaska Highway." Canadian Geographical Journal, Vol. 28 (March 1944), pp. 104-19. Ottawa.

Encyclopedia Canadiana

Grolier, Toronto, 1967. 10 vols.

Faulkner, V.A.B. and A. Baird

"The Yukon." Manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, n.d.

Financial Post (Toronto)

1 Dec. 1951.

Finnie, Richard

"Flying beyond Sixty, Part III." Canadian Aviation, Vol. 12 (April 1939), pp. 24-5, 46. Toronto.

"Freighting in the Arctic"

Western Miner and Oil Review, Vol. 33 (April 1960), p. 110. Vancouver.

Gardner, G.

"Quelques aspects de la mise en valeur du Grand Nord. I: Le dévelopement des transports au Yukon." L 'Actualité Economique, Vol. 32 (Jan.-March 1957), pp. 581-603. Montreal.

Gillis, John

"White Pass History." Radio script.

Glazebrook, G.P. de T.

A History of Transportation in Canada. McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, 1964. 2 vols. Carleton Library, Nos. 11 and 12.

Goldstein, J.

"The Living Thread: A History of River Transportation in the Yukon Territory." Manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, n.d.

Grant, J.F.

"North to the Yukon by Air." Canadian Geographical Journal, Vol. 15 (Aug. 1937), pp. 74-87. Ottawa.

Graves, S.H.

On the "White Pass" Pay-roll. Privately printed, Chicago, 1908.

Grennan, W.C.

"The Highway to Alaska." RCMP Quarterly, Vol. 13 (April 1948), pp. 320-35. Ottawa.

Griffin, Harold

Alaska and the Canadian Northwest. Our Newest Frontier. Norton, New York, 1944.

Gritzuk, N.

"The Role of Transportation in the Development of the North." Western Miner and Oil Review, Vol. 32 (April 1959), pp. 28-42. Vancouver.

Harbottle, Jeanne

"Bush Flying in the Yukon Territory." Whitehorse Star, Tourist ed., Summer, 1970.

Hamilton, Waiter

The Yukon Story. A Sourdough's Record of Goldrush Days and Yukon Progress from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Mitchell Press, Vancouver, 1964.

Harrington, L.

"Yukon's Wilderness Roads." Canadian Geographical Journal, Vol. 65 (Aug. 1962), pp. 60-9. Ottawa.

Heilprin, Angelo

Alaska and the Klondike, a Journey to the New Eldorado with Hints to the Traveller. Pearson, London, 1899.

Herbert, C.H.

"The Development of Transportation in the Canadian North." Canadian Geographical Journal, Vol. 53 (Nov. 1956), pp. 188-95. Ottawa.

Herron, Edward A.

Alaska's Railroad Builder, Mike Heney. Messner, New York, 1960.

Hewetson, H.W.

"Transportation in the Canadian North." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, Vol. 11 (Aug. 1945), pp. 450-66. Toronto.

Hinton, A.C. and P.H. Godsell

The Yukon. Ryerson, Toronto, 1954.

Illingworth, Frank.

Highway to the North. Ernest Benn, London, 1955.

Ingersoll, Ernest

Gold Fields of the Klondike and the Wonders of Alaska.... Intro. Henry W. Elliott. Edgewood, n.p. [1897].

Innes-Taylor, Alan

"Information on Old Locomotives at Dawson City, Yukon Territory." Copy in Dawson Museum, n.d.

Innis, Harold Adams

Essays in Canadian Economic History. Comp. M.Q. Innis. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1956.

Settlement and the Mining Frontier. Macmillan, Toronto, 1936. Canadian Frontiers of Settlement, Vol. 9.

The Cod Fisheries; The History of an International Economy. Rev. ed. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1954.

The Fur Trade in Canada. An Introduction to Canadian Economic History. Rev. ed. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1967.

Innis, M.Q.

"The Industrial Development of Ontario 1783-1820." Ontario Historical Society, Proceedings, Vol. 32 (1937), pp. 104-13. Toronto.

Jackman, W.T.

Economics of Transportation. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1926.

Jeckell, G.A.

"Notes on History of Air Service in the Yukon Territory." Dawson Weekly News, 6 Dec. 1929.

Jennings, W.T.

Report of Mr. W T. Jennings, C. E, on Routes to the Yukon. Printed by Order to Parliament, Ottawa, 1898.

Kemp, Foster

"The White Pass & Yukon Route." Canadian Railroad Historical Association News Report, No. 81 (Sept. 1957), pp. 91-3. Montreal.

King, F.

"When Post-Dogs Brought the Mail." Canadian Mining Journal, Vol. 80 (Dec. 1959), pp. 57-8. Toronto.

Kirk, Robert C.

Twelve Months in Klondike. Heinemann, London, 1899.

Kitchener, L.D.

Flag over the North. Superior Publishing, Seattle, 1954.

Ladue, Joseph

Klondyke Facts, Being a Complete Guide Book to the Great Gold Regions of the Yukon and Klondyke and the North West Territories. Lovell, Montreal, 1897.

Landis, C.S.

"Blasting Deep Rock Cuts along the Alaska Highway." Explosives Engineer, Vol. 9 (March—April 1945), pp. 55-7, 76. Wilmington.

Lavallee, Omer

"The Road of Gold Some Historical Notes on the White Pass & Yukon Route." Canadian Railroad Historical Association News Report, No. 83 (Nov. 1957), pp. 105-13. Montreal.

Lawrence, Guy

40 Years on the Yukon Telegraph. Mitchell Press, Vancouver, 1965.

Leitch, A.

"Royal Road to the Yukon." The Beaver, Outfit 280 (June 1949), pp. 19-21. Winnipeg.

Longstreth, T. Morris

The Silent Force: Scenes from the Life of the Mounted Police of Canada. Century, New York, 1927.

Lotz, J.R.

"On the Trail of '98." Seattle Post Intelligencer, Pictorial Review, 31 May 1964, pp. 10-12. Seattle.

Northern Realities: The Future of Northern Development in Canada. New Press, Toronto, 1970.

The Dawson Area: A Regional Monograph. Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Ottawa, n.d. Yukon Research Project No. 2.

"The Yukon Pattern — Yesterday and Tomorrow." North, Vol. 13 (Jan.—Feb. 1966), pp. 20-3. Ottawa.

Love, H.W.

"The Northwest Highway System." Engineering Journal, Vol. 37 (June 1954), pp. 671-7. Montreal.

Lynch, Jeremiah

Three Years in the Klondike. Arnold, London, 1904.

MacBride, W.D.

"A Brief History of the White Pass and Yukon Route and the 'Trails of '98.'" Typescript, Indian and Northern Affairs Library, Whitehorse, 1945. Bound with "Yukon Stage — W.P. & Y.R., No. 5."

"Saga of Famed Packets and other Steamboats of Mighty Yukon River." Cariboo and Northwest Digest (Winter 1948—Spring 1949), pp. 97-114.

"Steamboat Round the Bend." Whitehorse Star, Tourist ed., June 1969.

"The Story of the Dalton Trail." Copy of original in the possession of A. Rettalick, Whitehorse.

"The Story of the White Pass and Yukon Route." Typescript, Indian and Northern Affairs Library, Ottawa, n.d.

"The White Pass Route." The Beaver, Outfit 285 (Autumn 1954), pp. 18-23. Winnipeg.

"Trail of '98." Cariboo and Northwest Digest (Summer 1948), pp. 100-21.

"Yukon Stage Line." The Beaver, Outfit 284 (June 1953), pp. 43-5. Winnipeg.

MacDonald, Norbert

"Seattle, Vancouver and the Klondike." Canadian Historical Review. Vol. 49 (Sept. 1968), pp. 234-46. Toronto.

MacGibbon, D.A.

Railway Rates and the Canadian Railway Commission. Houghton, Mifflin, Boston, 1917.

MacGregor, J.G.

The Klondike Gold Rush through Edmonton, 1897-1898. McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, 1970.

Mackintosh, W.A.

"Economic Factors in Canadian History." Canadian Historical Review, Vol. 4 (March 1923), pp. 12-25. Toronto.

Prairie Settlement: The Geographical Setting. Macmillan, Toronto, 1934. Canadian Frontiers of Settlement, Vol. 1.

Mathews, Richard

The Yukon. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1968.

Matloff, Maurice, ed.

American Military History. USGPO, Washington, D.C., 1969. Army Historical Series.

Mayo-Keno Bulletin


McCourt, Edward

The Yukon and Northwest Territories. Macmillan, Toronto, 1969.

McQuesten, Leroy N.

Recollections of Leroy N. (Jack) McQuesten of Life in the Yukon, 1871-1885. Copied from the original in the possession of the Yukon Order of Pioneers, June 1959.

"Modern Transportation System Serves Yukon"

Western Miner and Oil Review, Vol. 33 (Oct. 1960), p. 31. Vancouver.

Morrison, David Robert

"The Politics of the Yukon Territory: 1898-1908." MA thesis, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, 1964.

Murphy, Eugene

"Railway Building and Operation in Yukon." Dawson Daily News, 21 July 1909.

Murray, Alexander Hunter

Journal of the Yukon, 1847-48. Ed. L.J. Burpee. King's Printer, Ottawa, 1910. Publications of the Canadian Archives, No. 4.

Nelles, H. Vivian

"The Politics of Development: Forests, Mines and Hydro-electric Power in Ontario, 1890-1939." PhD diss., Univ. of Toronto, 1970.

Neuberger, Richard L.

"Railroad Saga of the North." Alaska Life, Vol. 7 (Feb. 1944), pp. 3-7. Seattle.

O'Brien, Charles F.

"Northwest Staging Route." Alberta Historical Review, Vol. 17 (Autumn 1969), pp. 14-22. Calgary.

Ogilvie, William

Early Days on the Yukon and the Story of its Gold Finds. Thorburn and Abbott, Ottawa, 1913.

The Klondike Official Guide. Canada's Great Gold Field, the Yukon District. Hunter, Rose, Toronto, 1898.

Parnell, C.

"Campbell of the Yukon — Pt. I." The Beaver, Outfit 273 (June 1942), pp. 4-6. Winnipeg.

"Campbell of the Yukon — Pt. II." The Beaver, Outfit 273 (Sept. 1942), pp. 16-18. Winnipeg.

Parnell, C. and J.P. Kirk

"Campbell of the Yukon — Pt. III." The Beaver, Outfit 273 (Dec. 1942), pp. 23-7. Winnipeg.

Phillips, R.A.J.

Canada's North. Macmillan, Toronto, 1967.

"The Klondike Legend." Canadian Geographical Journal, Vol. 64 (March 1962), pp. 76-85. Ottawa.

Pike, A.E.

Souvenir Brochure of the Yukon Territory. Mayo Branch, CIM and United Keno Hill Mines, n.p., 1957.

Place, Marion T.

The Yukon. Ives, Washburn, New York, 1967.

Price, C.S.

"Thunder in the Mountains." Alaska Sportsman, Vol. 24 (April 1958), pp. 22-5. Ketchikan.

Prouse, J.H.

"New Wings for the Yukon Mail." Canadian Geographical Journal, Vol. 19 (Dec. 1939), pp. 352-63. Ottawa.

Quong, J.Y.C.

"Alaska Highway: 1221-Mile Maintenance Problem." Public Works in Canada, Vol. 2 (July 1954), pp. 8-11, 36-8. Vancouver.

Rainey, F.C.

"Alaska Highway, an Engineering Epic." National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 83 (Feb. 1943), pp. 143-68. Washington, D.C.

Rea, Kenneth J.

The Political Economy of the Canadian North: An Interpretation of the Course of Development in the Northern Territories of Canada to the Early 1960s. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1968.

Richardson, H.W.

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"Alcan — America's Glory Road; Pt. III — Construction Tactics." Engineering News-Record (14 Jan. 1943), pp. 131-8. Chicago.

"Controversial Canol." Engineering News-Record (18 May 1944), pp. 78-84. Chicago.

"Finishing the Alaska Highway." Engineering News-Record (27 Jan. 1944), pp. 94-103. Chicago.

Rickard, T.A.

Through the Yukon and Alaska. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, 1908.

"Road Programme in Northern Canada"

Arctic Circular, Vol. 11 (March 1959), pp. 52-7. Ottawa.

"Roads in the Yukon"

Dawson Daily News, 21 July 1909.

Robertson, R.G.

"New Roads will Provide Access to Yukon Mineral Deposits." Western Miner and Oil Review, Vol. 32 (April 1959), pp. 136-8. Vancouver.

Robinson, J.L.

"Water Transportation in the Canadian Northwest." Canadian Geographical Journal, Vol. 31 (Nov. 1945), pp. 236-56. Ottawa.

Roozeboom, H.W.

"Wind River Trail" The Beaver, Outfit 291 (Winter 1960), pp. 18-21. Winnipeg.

Rowley, G.W.

"Settlement and Transportation in the Canadian North." Arctic, Vol. 7, Nos. 3 and 4 (1954), pp. 336-42. Montreal.

Roy, P.E.

"Railways, Politicians and the Development of the City of Vancouver as a Metropolitan Centre, 1886-1929." MA thesis, Univ. of Toronto, 1963.

Schwatka, Frederick

Along Alaska's Great River. A Popular Account of the Travels of the Alaska Exploring Expedition of 1883, Along the Great Yukon River, from its source to its Mouth, in the British North-West Territory, and in the Territory of Alaska.... Cassell & Company, New York, (1885).

Scott, Thomas S.

"Some Experiences on the Chilkoot Pass." Canadian Magazine, Vol. 10 (Feb. 1898), pp. 329-38. Toronto.

Secretan, J.H.E.

To Klondyke and Back, a Journey down the Yukon from its Source to its Mouth. Hurst and Blackett, London, 1898.

Sherwood, Morgan B., ed.

Alaska and its History. Univ. of Washington Press, Seattle, 1967.

Shiels, Archie

"A Short History of Transportation to and within the Territory of Alaska, 1867-1908." Copy of typescript in Public Archives of Canada, MG30, A19.

Shortt, A. and A.G. Doughty, eds.

Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions, by One Hundred Associates. Publishers Association of Canada, Toronto, 1914. 22 vols. Vol. 22.

Smiley, Donald V., ed.

Rowell-Sirois Commission Report. McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, 1963. Carleton Library, No. 5.

Smith, J. Gordon

"The Klondike." Canadian Magazine, Vol. 10 (Feb. 1898), pp. 322-8. Toronto.

Spragge, G.W.

"Colonization Roads in Canada West, 1850-1867." Ontario History, Vol. 49, No. 1 (1957), pp. 1-17. Toronto.

Steele, Samuel

Forty Years in Canada; Reminiscences of the Great North-West, with some Account of his Service in South Africa.... Ed. Mollie Glenn Niblett, intro. J.G. Colmer. McClelland Goodchild, Stewart, Toronto, 1918.

Studnicki-Gizbert, K.W.

"Transport." In J.M.S. Careless and R.C. Brown, eds., The Canadians: 1867-1967. Macmillan, Toronto, 1967.

Sturdevant, Clarence L.

"U.S. Army's First Official Story of the Alaska Highway." Roads and Bridges, Vol. 81 (March 1943), pp. 27-32, 62-8. Toronto.

Sutherland-Brown, M.C.

"Northwest Highway System." Canadian Army Journal, Vol. 10 (July 1956), pp. 119-29. Ottawa.

Taylor, W.

"Transportation in the Yukon." Dawson Daily News, 21 July 1909.

"The Yukon Territory [1928]"

Typescript prepared by various government departments.

"This Month in Northland History"

Alaska Sportsman, Vol. 34 (Oct. 1968), p. 16-7. Ketchikan.

Thompson, N. and J.H. Edgar

Canadian Railway Development. Macmillan, Toronto, 1933.

"Transportation Past and Present in Alaska"

Alaska Magazine and Canadian Yukoner, Vol. 1 (March 1900). Tacoma.

United States Army. Department of the Columbia.

Report of a Military Reconnaissance in Alaska, Made in 1883, by Frederick Schwatka.... USGPO, Washington, D.C., 1885.

United States. Department of The interior. National Park Service.

Proposed Klondike Gold Rush National Historic Park: Historic Resource Study, By Edwin C. Bearss. USGPO, Washington, D.C., 1970.

Wade, F.C.

"A Business Talk on the Yukon." Canadian Magazine, Vol. 19 (May 1902), pp. 25-31. Toronto.

Walden, Arthur Treadwell

A Dog-Puncher on the Yukon. Carrier, Montreal, 1928.

Walker, F.

"Overland Trail to the Klondike." Alberta Historical Review, Vol. 7 (Winter 1959), pp. 1-7. Calgary.

Weick, E.R.

"Yukon Transportation: Past, Present, Future." North, Vol. 14 (Sept.—Oct. 1967), pp. 24-9. Ottawa.

Weppler, James

The S.S. Klondike, the Last Stern-wheeler. Manuscript Report Series No. 91. Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1968.

Yukon, Early History; A Community of Men. Manuscript Report Series No. 9. Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1969.

Wernecke, Livingston

"Glaciation, Depth of Frost, and Ice Veins of Keno Hill and Vicinity, Yukon Territory." Engineering and Mining Journal, Vol. 133 (Jan. 1932), pp. 38-43. New York.

Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce and Yukon Chamber of Mines, co-sponsors. Yukon Northern Resource Conference, 1st.

Papers. Whitehorse, 1963.

Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce and Yukon Chamber of Mines, co-sponsors. Yukon Northern Resource Conference, 2nd.

Yukon's Resources: To-day and Tomorrow. Whitehorse, 1966.

Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce and Yukon Chamber of Mines, co-sponsors. Yukon Northern Resource Conference, 3rd.

The Developing North. Whitehorse, 1969.

Whitehorse. Yukon Archives.

British Yukon Navigation Company. Annual Reports of the Superintendent, 1902-1934.

British Yukon Navigation Company. Ships' Logs.

Collector of Customs Records. Register of Vessels entering Inward and Outward at the Port of Whitehorse, 1929-1955.

J.R.P. Gaudin's Notebook

Whitehorse Star

Various issues, 1901-72.

White Pass and Yukon Corporation

Various files. Vancouver.

White Pass Container Route News (Vancouver)


Whiting, F.B.

Grit, Grief and Gold. A True Narrative of an Alaska Pathfinder. Peacock, Seattle, 1933.

Whymper, Frederick

Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska, Formerly Russian America — Now Ceded to the United States — and in Various Other Parts of the North Pacific. John Murray, London, 1868.

Wickersham, James

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Williams, G.A.

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Wilson, J.A.

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Yukon Territory

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