Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 19
Yukon Transportation: A History
by Gordon Bennett
The Military Legacy
Unlike the First World War, the impact of which was virtually negative,
the post-Pearl Harbor phase of World War II engendered a massive
investment in northern transport facilities that was directly related
to the war effort. Of these most important, insofar as it related to the
territorial transportation system, was the construction of the Alcan
Military Highway.
Stripped of its strategic character, the Alcan Military Highway can be
seen as the last and only successful essay in a series of attempts that
spanned half a century to provide the Yukon with an overland link with
the outside. As early as 1897 Commissioner Herchmer of the North-West
Mounted Police, in anticipation of a deluge of Canadian gold seekers
over the so-called "Back Door Route" to the Klondike, had commissioned
Inspector J.D. Moodie "to collect exhaustive information on the best
road to take parties going into the Yukon via [the Edmonton-Pelly]
route." Moodie was instructed to identify those sections "where a wagon
trail can be made without expense," to report on water crossings that
would require bridges or ferries, to take note of the availability of
fuel, feed and hay, and to select sites that were suitable for the
construction of supply depots. With four fellow officers, an Indian
guide and a Métis, Moodie left Edmonton on 4 September 1897. His supply
kit was meagre, consisting solely of 100 pounds of pemmican. The
expedition was ordered to live off the land and to keep the pemmican
"until the last resource." Moodie was scheduled to reach the Yukon
that winter, at which time, Herchmer told him, the pemmican might be the
only "means of taking your party into the Klondyke."1
Both rations and schedule were soon to prove terribly unrealistic. The
expedition did not reach Fort St. John until 1 November and another
month elapsed before preparations for the next leg of the trip were in
order. Beyond Fort St. John, Moodie encountered a series of unexpected
obstacles. Winter travel made living off the land extremely difficult. A
succession of unreliable guides and terrain that was arduous and
largely unexplored slowed the party considerably. The trading posts upon
which Moodie was dependent for provisions were habitually undersupplied
with the result that the expedition was unable to replenish its stores.
Caches, which advance parties had established at designated points along
the route, were gone when the main party reached them, stolen by local
natives or stampeders en route to the Klondike.2

123 Routes of the Moodie and Constantine expeditions.
(Map by S. Epps.) (click on image for a PDF version)
Eleven months after setting out from Fort St. John, Moodie's spent
and haggard party reached Fort Selkirk. The great stampede was almost
over, leaving in its wake little need for an Edmonton-Pelly road to the
Yukon. In his final report to Herchmer, Moodie wrote that "with regard
to the usefulness of this route to the Yukon, I should say it would
never be used in the face of the quick one via Skagway and the White
Pass."3 It would take 50 years and the Alaska Highway itself
to vindicate Moodie's opinion.
Undeterred by Moodie's conclusions and a declining Yukon economy, a
second, more ambitious scheme was broached; to blaze a road between
Edmonton and the territory. Once more the task of construction fell to
the Mounted Police, and on 17 March 1905 Superintendent Charles
Constantine, whose association with the Yukon dated back to 1894 and the
halycon days of Forty Mile, set out from Fort Saskatchewan with a party
of 31 for the southeastern terminus of the proposed road, Fort St. John.
Constantine's instructions were to build a 750-mile-long, 8-foot-wide
wagon road, to corduroy those sections located in bog and marsh, to
install necessary bridging and to construct roadhouses at 30-mile
intervals. With only the most primitive of tools at its disposal, the
party completed 94 miles of road during its first season and added 134
more, bringing the road to a point 20 miles west of Fort Graham, by the
fall of 1906. In September 1907 the detachment reached cabin number 4 on
the British Columbia-Yukon telegraph line, 377 miles from the base camp
at Fort St. John. Work was not resumed in 1908 because negotiations with
the government of British Columbia over financing that province's
portion of the road broke down and as a consequence, the road, fittingly
described by later writers as the "Road to Nowhere," was
Twenty years were to elapse before another scheme to link the
northwest corner of the continent by road was to capture popular
attention. This time the initiative shifted from Canada to Alaska where
a territorial engineer from Fairbanks, Donald MacDonald, mounted a
vigorous campaign to unite Alaska with the mainland. Unlike previous
Canadian efforts to link the Yukon with the outside, which had generated
little if any public interest, MacDonald was able to enlist the support
of the International Highway Association and with the slogan "Seven
million dollars purchased Alaska for the United States, seven million
more will make Alaska one of the United States," win wide public
acceptance for the project in Alaska and Washington state and the
endorsement of a number of national associations in the United States.
Although the Yukon did not figure directly in the scheme, certain
residents in Dawson organized a chapter of the International Highway
Association as a demonstration of their own particular interest in the
road. As well, the province of British Columbia, through which the major
portion of the proposed road was to be located, showed a keen interest
in the scheme.5
The project gained momentum when in April 1929 the Alaska legislature
proposed that representatives from the United States and Canada be
convened to study the question. The American initiative continued into
1930 when Congress authorized the president to appoint three "special
commissioners to co-operate with representatives of the Dominion of
Canada in a study regarding the construction of a highway to connect the
northwestern part of the United States with British Columbia, Yukon
Territory and Alaska." A Canadian commission was appointed the following
year which included George Black, MP for the Yukon. In October the
American commission met with its Canadian counterpart in Victoria where
exploratory discussions on the technical and economic aspects of the
proposed highway took place. Two years later the United States
commission submitted its report to Congress. It concluded that the
"highway is a feasible project and can be built at reasonable cost" and
recommended that negotiations be undertaken to ascertain Canada's
interest in proceeding with the scheme.6
A lack of interest on the part of the Canadian government is
suggested by its failure to publish a separate report of the Canadian
commission's findings. For George Black the entire experience must have
been exasperating. His constituents spoke with practically one voice in
support of the highway, advocating its construction as a make-work
project. Except for the indomitable T. Dufferin Pattullo, who as premier
of British Columbia had a vested interest in seeing the discussions bear
fruit, Canadian support for the scheme was very limited.7
The general election of 1935 did not result in any immediate
modification of the Canadian position. Mackenzie King's economic
programme was, if anything, less ambitious than his predecessor's and
the relief aspects emphasized by the highway's proponents failed to
impress him. American pressure was not so easily thwarted, however, and
in March 1936 the United States raised the issue again. King did not
reply directly to the United States government, but submitted the
highway proposal to the Department of National Defence. The department
argued that the highway "would provide a strong military inducement to
the United States to ignore our neutral rights in the event of war
between that country and Japan" and strongly advised against Canada
participating in a joint highway venture.8
Armed with the opinion of his military advisers, King travelled to
Washington in March 1937 to discuss, among other things, the proposed
highway. Ironically, both in prospect and retrospect, Roosevelt
emphasized the highway's potential military value "in the event of
trouble with Japan." King conceded, somewhat misleadingly in view of
advice tendered by the Department of National Defence, that "that was a
matter which could be looked into," but refused to commit himself "as to
the possibility of any construction."
For the moment Canadian neutrality had been successfully defended,
but Roosevelt's persistence found an ally in Premier Pattullo who proved
far more responsive to the needs of West-Coast defence and the Alaska
highway than Ottawa. Pattullo's public pronouncements urging the
American government to exert strong pressure on Ottawa greatly chagrined
the prime minister who was extremely sensitive on the issue of Canadian
autonomy. According to James Eayrs, Pattulo's actions had the effect of
confirming the cabinet's determination "that nothing should be done." As
for suggestions that the United States take full responsibility for
funding the project, King replied that "grounds of public policy would
not permit using the funds of a foreign Government to construct public
works in Canada. It would be, as Lapointe phrased it, a matter of
financial invasion, or as I termed it, financial
In 1938 the United States chief of staff reported that "the military
value of the proposed highway is so slight as to be
negligible."10 Coincidentally, a Canadian interdepartmental
committee submitted a report to the government which outlined a number
of advantages to be gained from building the highway. These included
opening up new territory for settlement; resource, tourist and
recreational development; facilitation of air traffic, and unemployment
relief. In the meantime, President Roosevelt, at the behest of Congress,
had appointed a five-member commission to
cooperate and communicate directly with any any any similar agency
which may be appointed in the Dominion of Canada in a study for the
survey, location, and construction of a highway to connect the Pacific
Northwest part of continental United States with British Columbia and
the Yukon Territories [sic] in the Dominion of Canada and the
Territory of Alaska.
In a seeming reversal of its previous position, the Canadian
government passed an order in council on 22 December 1938 appointing a
five-member commission
to enquire into the engineering, economic, financial, and other
aspects of the proposal to construct the said highway to Alaska and to
meet for the purpose of discussion and exchange of information with the
United States Commission.
That the reversal was more apparent than real is suggested by the
preamble to the order in council which mentioned the repeated
representations from British Columbia and the United States and was
worded to suggest that the decision to appoint a Canadian commission was
a concession to these pressures. Nevertheless, it can be inferred that
the most obnoxious features of the highway proposal, that is, those
aspects which might compromise Canadian neutrality and autonomy, had
been removed. In the time-worn tradition of Canadian politics, a
tradition that was raised to the level of a high art by Mackenzie King,
the government appointed a commission, the sole purpose of which was to
study the problem.
The Canadian commission held a preliminary meeting at Victoria in
April 1939. This was followed by a series of public meetings, one of
which was held in Whitehorse. A number of local representatives were
heard, all but one registering support for the proposed highway. The
sole dissenting voice was that of W.D. MacBride who read a prepared
statement on behalf of Herbert Wheeler, the president of the White Pass
and Yukon Route. MacBride argued that the cost of the proposed highway
far exceeded any benefit that would accrue from its construction. He
declared that the road would be superfluous, that the "Yukon is amply
supplied with transportation facilities now." He suggested that the
airplane was and would continue to be a far more effective tool in
developing the territory than any highway.
While MacBride expressly disavowed any conflict of interest, it is
obvious that the White Pass and Yukon Route considered the proposed road
to be a serious threat to its own operation. Although the company was
undoubtedly sincere in questioning the validity of the scheme
there was barely enough traffic to keep its own operation going
the company's opposition must be viewed in the light of the potential
impact of another access route on its balance sheets. The real issue, as
identified by the inhabitants of the territory, was cheap transportation
and a suspicion prevailed, the apparent economic difficulties of the
White Pass and Yukon Route notwithstanding, that the company was taking
advantage of its monopoly and that an alternative form of transportation
would be cheaper than the service provided by the White Pass and Yukon
The commission's almost cursory forays into Whitehorse and Carcross
marked the first and last time that an opportunity was provided for the
territory to participate in the discussions. Thereafter, the commission
concerned itself with the accumulation of specific data relating to
possible routes, construction costs and financing. Paradoxically, in
view of the highway's ultimate location, the request for a hearing from
interests representing Edmonton was rejected on the grounds that the
order in council creating the commission had specifically confined its
consideration to routes through British Columbia. Throughout the 1930s,
routes through British Columbia were the only ones to receive serious
consideration in Canada and United States. The Edmonton route, which the
Canadian government had actively promoted at the turn of the century,
fell into disfavour, largely because the initiative for the highway
during this period came from the United States.
An aerial reconnaissance programme was undertaken in 1939 to
investigate the three British Columbia routes then under
discussion.11 Each of them originated at Prince George
although in the case of the "coastal" and "A" routes, Hazelton, 300
miles northwest of Prince George, was selected as the projected point
for new construction to take advantage of the existing highway between
them. The western or "coastal" route, as it was designated, ran through
Hazelton and followed the Skeena River west to Kitwanga. From Kitwanga
the route struck north, skirting the Nass, Bell-Irving and upper Iskut
rivers to Telegraph Creek. From Telegraph Creek the route followed the
telegraph line through Atlin, Tagish, Carcross and Whitehorse. At
Whitehorse the route followed a westerly course to Kluane Lake via
Champagne and Kluane, thence northwest to the headwaters of the Tanana
River, linking up with the Richardson Highway at Big Delta in
The "A" route, located east of the coastal route, followed the
telegraph line out of Hazelton to the Klappan River. From the Klappan it
ran north to the Stikine, followed the east bank of the Taya River to
Gun Lake, crossed the Nakina and linked up with the telegraph line to
Atlin. An alternate "A" route, running out of Fort St. James at Takla
Lake, converged on the main route west of the upper Skeena River.
The "B" or Rocky Mountain trench route originated at Prince George,
followed the Parsnip River to its confluence with the Finlay at Finlay
Forks, and continued along the Finlay to Sifton Pass. From Sifton Pass
it ran along the west bank of the Kachika, over the divide to the Liard
and Frances rivers, and down the Pelly to Pelly Crossing. From Pelly
Crossing it followed the Overland Trail to Dawson, linking up with the
Richardson Highway from Glacier Creek.
The coastal route was found to be impractical on the basis of aerial
reconnaissance. Although it furnished land access to towns along the
coast and surpassed the other routes in terms of scenery an
important factor in assessing tourist potential it failed to
satisfy the conditions established for engineering feasibility and cost.
River valleys were deep and passes through the mountains were
correspondingly high while heavy precipitation made year-round operation
questionable and portended excessive expenditures for
The commission recommended that field work be continued on route "A"
during 1940 in order to complement the information already obtained on
route "B."13 The commission submitted its final report in
1941. While the commission found that cost, engineering feasibility and
tourist potential were not decisive factors, mineral potential,
proximity to the Peace River agricultural belt and air routes favoured
the "B" or Rocky Mountain Trench route.14
The coastal route, which had long been favoured by the United States,
especially that portion following the air route into Alaska from
Whitehorse, was completely bypassed by the Canadian commission's
recommendations. Whitehorse, the transportation hub of the Yukon, lay
some 200 miles due west of the proposed road; 13 years of American
initiative had been crowned by a Canadian report which almost totally
ignored the wishes of the United States. Whether the American government
would have maintained its interest in the highway, given the Canadian
preference for a road through the Rocky Mountain Trench, must remain a
matter of conjecture for ultimately the fate of the highway proposal was
not to be settled by the United States or Canada, but by Japan.
On 7 December 1941 Europe's second war of the century exploded into a
global conflict. In what one American historian has described as an
almost perfect application of the laws of war, Japan's attack on Pearl
Harbor exposed the entire west coast of North America to enemy
attack.15 The proposed highway to Alaska, which had
languished through interminable bilateral discussions throughout the
1930s, assumed great urgency as Alaska's strategic importance, both for
North American defence and materiel support for Russia, became manifest.
The Alaska highway, which had failed of accomplishment in time of peace,
became a reality in time of war. "Fear," Edward McCourt has written, "is
a mighty stimulus to achievement."16
On 2 February 1942 the United States War Department ordered the
immediate preparation of a survey and construction plan for a military
road to Alaska. The Canadian government was informed of the plan on 13
February and approved it the same day, and on 14 February the United
States government issued a directive to proceed with the
project.17 A formal agreement was signed on 17 March 1942
outlining the respective obligations of the United States and Canada for
implementing the plan. Under its terms the United States undertook to
construct a military highway from Dawson Creek, British Columbia, to
Fairbanks, Alaska, via Big Delta on the Richardson Highway. The American
government agreed to maintain the highway for the duration of the war
and for a period of six months following the cessation of hostilities,
after which that portion of the highway situated in Canada was to
become the property of Canada. For its part, the Canadian government
agreed to furnish necessary rights of way and local construction
materials, and to waive import duties, licence fees and income tax on
American companies and citizens.18

124 Proposed routes for a highway to Alaska.
(Canadian Geographic Journal.) (click on image for a PDF version)

125 Alaska Highway.
(Canadian Geographic Journal.) (click on image for a PDF version)
The existence of a series of airfields between Edmonton and Whitehorse
proved to be a decisive factor in determining the location of the
proposed highway. Known as the Northwest Staging Route, this series of
airfields satisfied the strategic requirement for an inland route to
secure the highway from enemy attack and had the added advantage of
being tributary to Edmonton so that supplies for the highway could be
moved over existing land and air routes should the West Coast ever be
closed to shipping. It should not be assumed that the staging route was
assigned an entirely auxiliary role, however, for the highway was
intended not only to meet the "need for a year round truck route for the
movement of freight to Alaska," but also to provide ground access to
the staging route airports in order to facilitate the transport of
supplies to Russia.19
Conceived in 1939 as a means of facilitating civilian air travel between
Edmonton and Whitehorse, the Northwest Staging Route was the name given
to a series of airports built at Grande Prairie, Alberta, Forts St. John
and Nelson in British Columbia, and Watson Lake and Whitehorse in the
Yukon. A complementary feature of the Northwest Staging Route was the
construction of a number of emergency landing fields "in accordance with
standard airway practice" at intermediate points along the way.
Construction began in 1940 and by September 1941 the route was opened
to aircraft flying by visual flight rules. All-weather flying was begun
in December following the installation of radio ranges.20
While construction of the Northwest Staging Route occurred
coincidentally with the first two years of the war, it was not until the
United States became a belligerent that the air route's original
commercial character was altered. The American declaration of war and
the decision to proceed with the highway forced a reconsideration of
the non-military use for which the route had been designed. Beginning in
1942 the principal airfields were enlarged, navigation facilities were
augmented and hangars, workshops, refueling systems and airport lighting
were added. Living accommodation was expanded and power and water
services were increased. All this was done over a period of 18 months
and completed in July 1943.21
Locating the highway was no easy matter since virtually no one had any
firsthand knowledge of the terrain to be traversed.22 For
this reason much of the actual locating of the right of way was left to
the discretion of surveyors in the field.23 Where the
topography of a specific region suggested that a certain airfield could
best be reached by a branch road instead of the main highway, such a
deviation was permited. As one observer has aptly noted, the highway
"follows the line of least resistance." This was the result of a
construction plan that demanded "an alignment that would ensure
completion of the road as a practical military highway in the minimum
possible time employing the maximum forces and
Under a phased construction plan conceived by the War Department, the
Alcan Military Highway was to be built in two stages. The first stage
called for the construction of a pioneer or tote road to be built by the
United States Army Corps of Engineers, the second for a finished gravel
highway to be built by civilian contractors working under the authority
of the United States Public Roads Administration. Original
specifications called for a permanent highway with a 36-foot grade, the
middle 20 feet to be surfaced with crushed rock or gravel. This was
subsequently modified to a grade of 26 feet west of Fort St.
Construction began in March 1942. In all about eleven thousand military
personnel divided into seven regiments were assigned to the project. To
expedite construction, the proposed road was divided into six sectors;
Dawson Creek to Fort Nelson, Fort Nelson to Lower Post, Lower Post to
Teslin, Teslin to Whitehorse, Whitehorse to the international boundary
and the international boundary to Fairbanks. This enabled work to
proceed simultaneously on each sector. Within each sector six
construction crews were deployed, each crew building approximately 20
miles of road, then leapfrogging to the head of
Despite the variety of topographical features traversed by the highway,
a basic construction technique was developed that combined the virtues
of flexibility and common application. Each stage in the construction
process was designed so that it proceeded in descending priority in
order "to keep the lead tractors moving ahead as fast as possible." The
right of way was first marked by locating parties. Advance tractors then
moved in and cleared a swatch 50 to 100 feet wide. They were followed by
bulldozers that levelled the right of way and did rough grading. The
bulldozers were followed in turn by ditching and culvert crews and
finally by finished grading crews.27

126 A U.S. Army engineer reconnaissance party surveys the
ground for a suitable right of way for the Alaska Highway.
(Public Archives of Canada.)

127 A bulldozer clears the right of way.
(Public Archives of Canada.)
In its effort to maintain a rate of construction consistent with the
urgency attached to the project, the army was constantly thwarted by
river and creek crossings located on the right of way.
While many such breaks in the highway system could be forded, at least
for construction purposes, all required some form of bridging sooner or
later since the road functioned as its own supply line.
The slow pace of bridge building bridge crews generally trailed
far behind the other construction teams was partially offset by
the use of pontoons. Lashed together, floored with planking and
equipped with outboard motors, the pontoons could be converted into
serviceable ferries that permitted the transfer of men and equipment
from one side of a river or creek to the other. With the construction of
a landing slip, a portable bridge could be fashioned by connecting a
series of pontoons, covering the surface with timber and anchoring each
end to a deadman. The ferries could then be dismantled and sent ahead
to the next crossing.28
All traffic was moved over these pontoon bridges until bridge-building
teams replaced them with more permanent structures. Instead of adopting
the conventional but time-consuming practice of sinking piles for
supports, cribs were used. While not as permanent as the pile-type
support, cribs, which were open-topped log boxes filled with rocks,
could be quickly constructed. With a steel sheet cut from empty fuel
drums to protect them from ice damage, the cribs were permanent enough
to satisfy the highway's immediate military objective.29
Muskeg and permafrost also caused a number of delays, first because they
required special treatment and second because the army dealt with
permafrost during the initial stages of construction as though it were
the same phenomenon as muskeg.30 Whereas muskeg removal was a
necessary preliminary to the creation of a stable road surface,
stripping the surface material or muck that covered permafrost had the
opposite effect since it exposed a once stable subsurface to the melting
action of adjacent surface temperatures and the sun. It was only after
a period of trial and error and by discussing the problem with
experienced local road contractors that the army adopted a method that
was similar to that employed by territorial road builders during the
first decade of the century. This procedure involved a minimum
disturbance of permanently frozen ground, the recovering of stripped
sections to inhibit melting and the adding of brush to increase
The two-phase construction schedule established in Washington
quickly broke down under the massive and constant flow of men and
construction equipment over the completed portions of the pioneer road
with the result that the road rapidly deteriorated.32 In
retrospect it seems apparent that the planners failed to appreciate the
intensive use to which the road would be put during the early stages of
construction. As a consequence, the two-phase construction programme was
abandoned in early August 1942 and the Public Roads Administration,
which had been in Whitehorse since mid-May letting contracts to civilian
road builders for the final phase of the work, was called
Of the many problems associated with the building of the Alcan Military
Highway, none was greater nor more persistent than supply.34
Like the gold rush of 1897-98, the Alcan project placed an enormous
strain on the northern transportation system. Had conditions existed for
a substantial degree of local participation in the project, much of the
pressure that was brought to bear on the region's four supply routes
the Northern Alberta Railway, the White Pass and Yukon Route
railway, a road from the port of Valdez, Alaska, and the Alaska
Railroad would have been relieved.35 But local
participation was necessarily slight and the army and private
contractors were almost entirely dependent on outside sources for
manpower, material and equipment. When it is remembered that the prewar
impetus for the highway had sprung from a widely held notion that those
transportation facilities supplying the region were inadequate, it is
hardly surprising that these same facilities, none of which had been
designed for sustained, intensive use, proved to be deficient under
conditions of massive demand created by Alcan.
Geography and the logistics of transportation threw the principal
burden of supply onto the White Pass and Yukon Route railway. The
railway, with its terminus at Whitehorse, midway between Dawson Creek
and Fairbanks, gave access to the highway at four points instead of two
and greatly facilitated construction.36 As a consequence, the
White Pass and Yukon Route railway became the project's main supply
line and Whitehorse its principal distributing point.
Whitehorse's de facto emergence as the operational centre of the Alcan
project an emergence that was directly attributable to the White
Pass and Yukon Route railway was given formal recognition by the
establishment of the Northwest Service Command at Whitehorse on 4
September 1942. Created by general order of the United States War
Department, the Northwest Service Command became the co-ordinating
authority for all activities of the United States Army in Alberta,
British Columbia, the Northwest Territories, the Yukon and

128 A construction crew lays corduroy over muskeg.
(Public Archives of Canada.)

129 A river crossing effected by laying planks over the ice
on the Peace River.
(Public Archives of Canada.)

130 Sternwheelers transported supplies needed to build the
Alaska Highway and the Fairbanks pipeline. This barge at
Dawson is loaded with U.S. Army trucks.
(Yukon Archives.)
One of the first tasks undertaken by the Northwest Service Command
was to increase the supply capacity of the railway. Although the White
Pass and Yukon Route had made every effort to satisfy military
requirements, first by running one train a day, then by hauling five
hundred tons daily, the task had proved too large. When in August 1942
the army asked the company to handle two thousand tons a day, C.J.
Rodgers, the president of the White Pass and Yukon Route, realized that
wartime restrictions on labour and rolling stock made compliance
impossible and suggested that the army assume the operation of the
railway.38 This timely suggestion was accepted by the
Northwest Service Command and on 1 October 1942 the railway was leased
for $27,708.33 a month. The railway was subsequently assigned to the
770th Railway Operating Battalion and a large railhead was built at
MacCrea, eight miles outside of Whitehorse.39
The highway was not the only defence project in the Canadian North to
benefit from the increased supply capacity of the railroad. Cement for
airport runways and steel girders for hangers were shipped over the
railway for the Northwest Staging Route as were pipeline sections and
cracking retorts for the Canol project; a massive scheme designed to tap
the oil at Norman Wells in the Northwest Territories, pipe it to
Whitehorse and refine it there.40 The most ambitious, if not
the most expensive, of the three major defence projects undertaken in
the Canadian Northwest during World War II, the Canol project was
designed to supply the oil requirements of the armed forces in the
Canadian North and Alaska. Begun in June 1942 under the terms of an
agreement similar to the one dealing with the Alcan Military Highway and
completed two years later, the project involved the laying of a
four-inch crude oil pipeline between Norman Wells and Whitehorse, the
construction of two ancillary pipelines from Whitehorse to Skagway and
Fairbanks, the erection of an oil refinery at Whitehorse and the
construction of a road running parallel to the pipeline from Norman
Wells to mile 836 on the Alcan Military Highway.41
On 20 November 1942 the eastern and western sections of the Alcan
Military Highway were joined at Soldiers' Summit, 151 miles northwest
of Whitehorse. On 21 November the road was officially opened. Excepting
a 150-mile section between Kluane Lake and the Alaska boundary which was
only passable when the ground was frozen, the 1,523-mile pioneer road
was completed in just over eight months and opened to through military
Except for two troop companies that were not relieved until July 1943,
all military personnel directly involved in the construction of the
highway were withdrawn before the beginning of the 1943 construction
season. Completing the road to final specifications subsequently
proceeded under the direction of the Public Roads Administration which
employed some 81 private contractors and 14,000 civilians over the
following two years. At the request of the United States government, the
highway was renamed the Alaska Highway on 19 July 1943.43
The Public Roads Administration was left with a task that was almost as
large as the construction of the pioneer road itself. Built in haste,
much of the pioneer road was substandard. Drainage was generally
inadequate, many sections of the road having been poorly located or
built only slightly above ground-water level. Natural insulation
protecting permafrost had been disturbed. Excessive curvatures and
gradients were not uncommon. The southern end of the highway was located
through a noncohesive, unstable soil region known as the Bear Paw silts.
As a consequence, a substantial amount of relocation and reconstruction
was necessary. All the corduroy put down during 1942 was torn out and
replaced, and the highway was resurfaced in its entirety. The log
bridges constructed by the army were supplanted by steel structures. The
Kluane Lake-Alaska boundary section was rebuilt; freight for Fairbanks
being shipped downriver from Whitehorse to Circle, Alaska, for
transhipment over the Steese highway to Fairbanks in 1943.44 In
addition, a road was built from the all-weather port of Haines, Alaska,
to Johnsons Crossing, mile 1,016 on the main highway.
Maintaining the remote fifteen-hundred-mile highway was a major task.
Supplies and accommodation had to be provided for maintenance crews on
the more isolated sections of the road and spare parts for machinery and
equipment had to be stocked for any contingency. Summer maintenance was
relatively simple, consisting for the most part of grading and
sprinkling the gravel surface.45 Winter maintenance, on the
other hand, was more complex, especially on sections of the highway that
were poorly located and susceptible to winter icing. Permafrost springs
and glacial streams adjacent to the highway were particularly
troublesome in this regard; the former because they "bled" during the
coldest weather, forming massive ice deposits on the highway surface,
the latter because they froze in such a way as to sometimes alter course
and damage the highway, bridges and bridge approaches.46
Light precipitation cut snow removal to a minimum and the snow furnished
an excellent road surface, superior in fact to gravel itself, but
combined with extreme cold, the light precipitation permitted a high
degree of frost penetration and contributed to the high cost of spring
The building of the Alaska Highway was an anomaly in the history of
transportation development in the Yukon. Although more than one-third of
the highway was located within its boundaries, the Yukon played no part
in the decision to build the highway and only a negligible role in its
construction. To be sure, a highway to the outside had long been hoped
for, but the Alaska Highway can not in any way be described as the
fulfillment of that aspiration. The Alaska Highway was built to satisfy
a limited military objective; it was not a product of local economic
conditions nor was it built to provide the Yukon with an alternative
outside access route. The Yukon was incidental to its construction and
as a consequence little consideration was given to what immediate,
short-term impact the highway was to have on the territory. Nowhere was
this more clearly demonstrated than in the wartime operation of the
White Pass and Yukon Route railway.
For almost two generations the railway had been the Yukon's umbilical
cord; a life-sustaining artery that was as vital to the territory as
mineral production itself. For this reason the decision to build the
highway, while greeted with patriotic fervour by most of the local
residents, was accompanied by an apprehension that the movement of
territorial supplies over the railway might be adversely affected by
military requirements. Unfortunately, this early apprehension was not
misplaced. On 3 June 1942 George Black, MP for the Yukon, rose in the
House of Commons to protest American objections "to anything being
brought up by steamers on the west coast or by rail, mining machinery
and even food for the inhabitants of that part of the country." In an
attempt to resolve the problem, G.A. Jeckell, the territorial
controller, was appointed local agent to the wartime superintendent of
transportation, "with power to deal with that matter on the
While Jeckell's appointment afforded some measure of satisfaction, the
situation deteriorated after the army leased the railway in October
1942. According to Jeckell, the takeover resulted in an immediate decay
of local service. "Very little freight was handled" during the winter of
1942-43, Jeckell wrote, "and large quantities of perishable
freight [were] not moved and allowed to freeze at Skagway." In
response to local criticism, C.K. LeCapelain, a Canadian liaison
officer, denied that "the civilian population of the Yukon was [being]
discriminated against." While admitting that there was inexperience,
incompetence and irresponsibility in the military's operation of the
railway, LeCapelain wrote that
the trouble really starts back in Edmonton, Prince Rupert, Vancouver
and Seattle where various U.S. agencies, mostly under the control of the
Divisional Engineers. . . start to pour thousands of tons more
freight into Skagway than the port or railway can
The question of which should take precedence, military supply or
local supply, was never resolved to the complete satisfaction of the
inhabitants of the territory and perhaps it is not too trite to suggest
that it could not be. The supply question did not become a crisis,
however, because it was relatively short-lived. By late
1943 demand had levelled off and the army had become a great deal more
efficient in operating the railway.
If the building of the Alaska Highway were to be told from a Yukon
perspective instead of the conventional military perspective, a much
different picture would emerge. An influx of thousands of troops which
more than doubled the territory's population did not occur without
disruption. This theme and the corollary theme of friction between the
military and local residents have been all but obscured in the
literature on the highway. In its haste to complete the highway, the
United States Army took little heed of Yukon sensitivities and tended to
regard the feelings of many inhabitants as an obstacle to its main task.
Herbert Wheeler expressed the attitude of many Yukoners when he wrote
that the army "treated our people as if we were inferior beings and
generally made themselves obnoxious."50
Approximately 342 million dollars were spent on transportation and
related projects in the Canadian Northwest during World War II. Of this
total, a disproportionate share was spent in the Yukon, but this
expenditure, massive as it was, left little more than a dubious legacy.
The Canol complex, built at a cost of $133,111,000, was abandoned in
1945 although a portion of the road was later reopened. The Northwest
Staging Route, designed for prewar flying conditions, was rendered in
large part obsolete by the wartime advance in airplane and
communications technology.51 Even the Alaska Highway, the
most important of these three major projects, failed to generate the
benefits so long anticipated from an alternate access route to the
northwest part of the continent.
The highway's impact on traditional Yukon trading patterns could not be
tested during the war. Until June 1943 no commercial or civilian
traffic was allowed on the facility, after which all non-military
carriers were required to make application to the newly created Joint
Traffic Control Board for permission to use the road. The board screened
each application and issued permits only to those whom it deemed to
have "legitimate" business on the highway. All other types of traffic
were excluded so that military transport would not be disrupted and
because of the absence of travel facilities such as service stations,
restaurants and overnight accommodation. In November 1943 a scheduled
bus service was established between Dawson Creek and Whitehorse under
the supervision of the Joint Traffic Control Board. Until the White Pass
and Yukon Route organized a highway division in October 1945, no
commercial carriers operated on the Alaska Highway.52
On 1 April 1946 that portion of the Alaska Highway located on Canadian
soil was ceded to Canada by the United States government in accordance
with the joint agreement of 17 March 1942.53 Because of the highway's
remoteness and the demand for manpower and equipment in other economic
sectors during the immediate postwar period, the highway was not placed
under civilian control. Instead, responsibility for its administration,
improvement and maintenance was assigned to the Whitehorse based
Northwest Highway System of the Canadian army.54 With the
exception of pleasure travel which remained restricted until February
1948, the highway was then opened to all classes of
The opening of the Alaska Highway was viewed in Seattle and Vancouver as
a challenge to the traditional monopoly theretofore enjoyed by
West-Coast ports over Yukon trade and transportation.56 In
Edmonton, on the other hand, which for half a century had promoted
itself as a gateway to the Yukon, the opening of the highway was
greeted with great anticipation. This anticipation was short-lived.
Although the highway was instrumental in bringing to an end the
exclusive monopoly of Seattle, Vancouver and the White Pass and Yukon
Route railway, it never attracted enough traffic to threaten their
continued commercial supremacy.
Several factors operated against the Alaska Highway ever becoming a
major competitive force in Yukon transportation. Even as the highway was
being built, the United States Army prepared contingency plans for a
railroad through the Rocky Mountain Trench in recognition of the
highway's inappropriateness as a transportation facility. Because the
highway was conceived as a military supply route, no consideration was
given to its postwar commercial potential. The highway's peacetime
usefulness was also diminished because the Yukon's principal producing
regions, the Dawson and Mayo districts, were bypassed. This precluded
any significant degree of local traffic generation and underlined the
dilemma of transforming a military supply road into a useful commercial
highway. As a consultant firm concluded in 1968, "the Yukon obtained
[in the Alaska Highway] a road link earlier than would otherwise have
been the case but was left with . . . a tortuous road in the wrong
More particularly, the failure of the Alaska Highway to attract a
significant share of Yukon traffic and to mount an effective challenge
against the White Pass and Yukon Route railway was attributable to the
high cost of highway transport. At a minimum user-cost of ten cents per
ton-mile (1948), just barely enough to ensure an adequate return to
highway carriers, the Bureau of Transportation Economics reported that
the highway could not compete with the railway. This shifted the burden
of competition to commodity wholesale prices. Here again the highway was at a distinct
disadvantage. Although Edmonton wholesale prices were slightly lower
than Vancouver prices on class-rate freight shipped over the Canadian
Pacific Railway from points east of Sudbury, the small amount of traffic
moving on class rates "probably not more than 15%" was not
enough to offset the high cost of highway transport or Vancouver's
wholesale price advantage on other commodities.58
Like other frontier regions, the Yukon has traditionally been "next year
country." Excepting the Klondike gold rush, which literally transposed
"next year" into the present, the territory has always looked to the
future for better times as though there were some inexorable edict of
history that progress was related to the passage of time. So it was with
the Alaska Highway. Its competitive limitations and burdensome
maintenance and improvement costs were borne, partly because political
expediency precluded following the Canol precedent and abandoning the
highway, and partly because it was hoped that the highway would develop
into a successful commercial artery.59 But time has not
solved the problems of the Alaska Highway. Despite postwar economic
expansion and the construction of the Hart Highway by the province of
British Columbia, a feeder road which gives access to the Alaska Highway
from Prince George via Dawson Creek, the Alaska Highway's importance as
an alternative route to the Yukon has in fact diminished. A comparison
of 1947 and 1964 commodity flows into and out of the Yukon shows that
while total highway freight tonnage increased from 26,656 tons in 1947
to 38,932 tons in 1964, the highway's share of Yukon traffic declined
sharply over the same period, from 38.1 per cent in 1947 to 22 per cent
in 1964. At the same time, the White Pass and Yukon Route railway, the
highway's principal competitor, increased its share from 58.5 per cent
in 1947 to 76 per cent in 1964. According to the Stanford Research
Institute, which prepared a report on the Alaska Highway in 1964, these
figures reflect a long-term trend.60
Although the Alaska Highway has failed to meet the expectations that
were anticipated of an alternate access route to the Yukon, it has
played and continues to play an important role in the territorial
transportation system. This is especially true in the southeastern
section of the territory around Watson Lake where the highway provides a
vital link to the outside supply sources and markets. However, one area
of transportation where the highway has never made much of an impact
and shows little indication of doing so is in the export of minerals. It
is this failure which explains in large measure the significant
imbalance that exists between the highway and the railroad. The highway
has done much better in the movement of high-revenue commodities such as meat and
produce, electrical appliances, machine parts and furniture. Petroleum
constitutes another source of traffic, accounting for almost one-third
of the highway's Yukon freight although here again, little petroleum
moves west of Watson Lake.61
Except for local traffic use in the immediate vicinities of Whitehorse
and Watson Lake, the Alaska Highway has probably made its greatest
impact on tourism. Despite its gravel surface, an oppressive dust
problem and frequent stretches of monotonous terrain on the heavily
travelled eastern section, the highway provides a less costly form of
tourist travel than air transport or the West-Coast ferry system. As a
consequence, the highway is the main gateway for the thousands of
tourists who visit the territory annually. Since the tourist industry
is the second largest and one of the fastest growing revenue-producing
industries in the Yukon, it seems clear that both tourism and the
highway will play significant roles in the future.62
Full exploitation of the territory's tourist potential depends in large
part, however, on eliminating the highway dust problem which makes
travel not only unpleasant but potentially hazardous. A growing segment
of opinion in the Yukon, alarmed at the unfavourable impression created
by the highway, is agitating for an asphalt surface.63
Although a 20-mile section of the highway in the Whitehorse area has
been paved, there appears to be little likelihood that the road will be
paved in the forseeable future. The experience of the Alaska Road
Commission indicates that maintenance costs tend to rise for paved
roads instead of decreasing.64 At an estimated improvement
cost of $167,651,000, paving would far exceed any possible benefit and,
as the Stanford Research Institute suggested, it might well have an
adverse effect on the highway's freight-carrying function through the
imposition of load limits.65
For all of its shortcomings as a transportation facility, the Alaska
Highway has had a major influence in shaping the course of territorial
development since 1945. The rise of Whitehorse to intermediate
metropolitan status, the transfer of the territorial capital and an
extended economic frontier have stemmed largely from the existence of
the highway. In a more direct sense, the administration and maintenance
of the highway have constituted an important local industry, employing a
stable labour force and bringing a welcome payroll independent of
The stampede of 1897-98 and the construction of the Alaska Highway,
the two most significant events in the history of the territory, have
invited comparison as to which was the more important. In 1965 the
Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources expressed the
opinion that the Alaska Highway "has probably done more to advance the
development of the Yukon than any other single endeavour, including the
Gold Rush." To be sure, the Alaska Highway has been an important factor
in the postwar development of the territory. The publicity given the
highway in popular periodicals as well as business and professional
journals was instrumental in interesting many in the Yukon's resource
potential and the highway itself fostered prospecting and mineral
development in areas that were tributary to it. For example, the Cassiar
Asbestos mines in northern British Columbia, the production from which
is shipped to market through the Yukon, owe their discovery and
exploitation to the highway.67 In terms of transportation,
however, the White Pass and Yukon Route railway, a legacy of the
Klondike gold rush, has far outstripped in importance the Alaska Highway
and given the importance of transportation in territorial development,
it seems obvious that the gold rush has played a greater role in
advancing territorial development than the highway. The highway itself,
moreover, owes its existence in part to some long-range consequences of
the great stampede. The Northwest Staging Route, a decisive
consideration in the decision to build the highway, would never have
been conceived, let alone built, had it not been for the gold rush which
attracted hundreds of people who remained in the territory after