Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 19
Yukon Transportation: A History
by Gordon Bennett
This paper examines the development of the Yukon transportation
system from the early 1840s to the 1960s within the context of
contemporary economic conditions. It describes the limitations imposed
by geography on the economic development of the Yukon as well as those
development problems peculiar to regions that are dependent on the
exploitation of nonrenewable resources, and explores the extent to which
transportation has provided solutions to these problems. It also
discusses the roles played by individuals, companies and governments in
the development of various forms of transportation and various traffic
Submitted for publication 1972, by Gordon Bennett, National Historic
Parks and Sites Branch, Ottawa.

Frontispiece: Spring break-up on the Yukon River.
(Frederick Whymper, Travel and Adventure in the Territory
of Alaska [London: John Murray, 1868], facing p. 197.)