Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 19
Cover: Driving the last spike, White Pass
and Yukon Route railway, Carcross, Yukon, 29 July 1900. back cover: The White Pass
and Yukon Route railway under construction on the Alaska side of the
international boundary.
(Details from mural by Roy M. Minter and
Charles Baker; courtesy Roy M. Minter and Charles Baker.)
Yukon Transportation: A History
by Gordon Bennett
Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 19
©Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1978.
A PDF version of this book is also available: Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 19.
En français ce numéro s'intitule Lieux historiques canadiens: Cathiers d' archéologie et d'histoire, n° 19.
National Historic Parks and Sites Branch
Parks Canada
Indian and Northern Affairs
Ottawa, 1978
Issued under the authority of the Honourable J. Hugh Faulkner,
Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs
Produced by the National Historic Parks and Sites Branch,
Parks Canada, and published by the Public Information Branch
Design Management: Eric Plummer
Design: Eiko Emori
Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional
Papers in Archaeology and History will be published as papers become
available. Manuscripts may be submitted to Chief, Research Division,
National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Indian and
Northern Affairs, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H4, Canada.
Articles appearing in this series are
abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and/or America:
History and Life.
Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1978.
Available by mail from Printing and Publishing, Supply and
Services Canada, Hull, Quebec K1A 0S9, or through your bookseller.
En français ce numéro s'intitule Lieux historiques canadiens:
Cahiers d'archéologie et d'histoire, n° 19 (n° de catalogue
R61-2/1-19F). En vente chez son libraire ou, par la poste, à: Imprimerie
et édition, Approvisionnements et services Canada, Hull, Quebec K1A
Catalogue No.: R61-2/1-19
ISBN: 0-660-01671-0
Library of Congress Catalogue Card No.: 70-103875
Price Canada: $6.50
Price other countries: $7.80
Price subject to change without notice.