Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 19
Yukon Transportation: A History
by Gordon Bennett
The Yukon remains as dependent on transportation as it was 130 years ago
when Robert Campbell first established white presence in the territory.
This dependence, a consequence of the region's remoteness and its
climate, has outlasted what was once a total dependence on staple
exploitation, making transportation the most persistent theme in Yukon
history. Yukoners, unlike most other Canadians, have never been able to
take transportation for granted; their dependence has always been
conscious. Attempts to overcome the Yukon's environmental and locational
obstacles have invariably assumed the form of transportation. These
attempts have passed through three distinct stages of development during
the era of permanent white settlement. The first was marked by an
exclusive dependence on the sternwheeler and the Yukon River. Used in
concert, the sternwheeler and the river made possible the series of
events which culminated in the discovery of gold on Bonanza Creek and
the subsequent stampede to the Klondike. The gold rush, in turn, left
as its legacy an interlocking system based on the railroad and
sternwheeler which sustained the region for the following half century.
This phase lasted until 1950-55 when it was superseded by a
combination of the railway and the highway.
The termination of sternwheeler operations symbolized more than the
abandonment of a particular form of transport. It represented the
passing of a way of life. For four generations the Yukon River and its
navigable tributaries, the principal arteries of inland communication,
had determined the nature of territorial existence. The seasonal rhythm
that characterized every aspect of Yukon life before 1955 was a faithful
reflection of the seasonal nature of the inland waterways. For over 80
years the Yukon knew only two seasons and the advent of each was
signalled not by the calendar but by freeze-up and break-up.
The conversion to the use of highways changed this dependence. Seasonal
transportation was eliminated and vast, previously inaccessible areas
were opened to economic exploitation. A new pattern of settlement
evolved based on the post-1945 network of highways. Communities like
Fort Selkirk, left isolated after the termination of water transport,
were virtually abandoned. Others like Dawson and Mayo, which owed their
establishment to the exigencies of river transport, survived the loss
of their transportation function, but ceased to have anything but a
local importance. The process of urbanization was accelerated, thereby
reversing a trend first evident in Dawson after 1900 when roads had
facilitated population movement away from the city. Of even greater
significance was the transformation in the traditional role played by
transportation. Until 1955 transportation was the master of the
Yukon's economic destiny. River transport governed every aspect of
economic activity in the territory. Proximity to navigable water was the
primary consideration of all enterprise. Except for minor improvements
to navigation and a measure of sternwheeler refinement, this form of
transportation allowed very little in the way of flexibility. Rivers,
unlike roads, could not be built to serve an economic purpose; instead,
they defined the limits of all development. With the conversion to
overland forms of communication, transportation assumed a different
function; it became a servant rather than the master of the territory's
destiny. Although unheralded, this profound alteration constituted the
most important change in the history of the Yukon transportation
Old notions proved less susceptible to change than the transportation
system, however. Northern development schemes demonstrated just how
ingrained was the time-honoured equation that the absence of
transportation equalled remoteness and that the solution was to provide
more facilities. What was required instead was a wholesale
re-examination of the almost universally held assumption that
conventional transportation solutions that is, the provision of
physical links constituted the most effective answer to the
problem. The lesson of the silver-lead industry was that the
installation of a concentrator proved to be a far more effective answer
to the problem than transportation itself. Another question that merited
closer consideration was whether or not the provision of these physical
links fostered or inhibited development. Put another way, had the
emphasis on traditional transportation solutions obscured the fact that
a lack of markets and the absence of conditions making for "economies of
scale" were more significant, in certain instances at least, to the
Yukon's remoteness than a dearth of transportation facilities? A major
reason for the abandonment of the Canol pipeline, for example, was that
an ancillary system, the Skagway-Whitehorse pipeline, made it cheaper to
import California oil for local consumption despite the fact that in
purely spatial terms Norman Wells was much closer to Whitehorse. In
this particular instance, the provision of a physical link not only
inhibited development, but also underlined a lesson long appreciated by
students of transportation but seldom applied to the northern scene;
transportation frequently destroys local industry by making local
markets more accessible to a metropolitan centre. Seen from this
perspective, any attempt to make the Yukon less dependent economically
with the aid of transportation may well be self-defeating.
Until transportation ceases to be a scapegoat or panacea for all the
Yukon's problems, those problems which have traditionally beset the
territory will remain. It is too often ignored that transportation has
historically had to operate within the same limitations of
remoteness, small markets and climate as the primary producer. To assign
to transportation a role which should properly be performed by another
economic sector, as was the case with the Whitehorse copper industry
where transportation was called upon to compensate for a marginal
mineral deposit, or to expect transportation to function as a
substitute for the absence of "economies of scale," is to demand too
much from what is only one instrument, albeit a crucially important one,
in the exploitation of the region's resources.