Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 13
All that Glitters: A Memorial to Ottawa's Capitol Theatre and its Predecessors
by Hilary Russell
Appendix: Ottawa Openings up to 1920
In 1920, the year Loew's Ottawa theatre opened, thirteen Ottawa
theatres were advertising motion picture entertainment. These were: the
Dominion, the Russell, the Regent the Imperial, the Family, the Centre,
the Strand, the Français, the Nationale, the Casino, the Princess, the
Fern and the Rex. At the time, three of these, the Dominion, the Russell
and the Family, featured combined movies and vaudeville.
The Dominion, which opened as Bennett's vaudeville theatre in 1906,
has already been described (see Fig. 12). It was the only theatre
of the three that presented vaudeville for most of its life. It came to
a fiery end in 1921, and was not replaced.
The 1,733-seat Russell theatre had opened in October 1897, adjoining
the Russell Hotel at the corner of Queen and Elgin (Fig. 127). When it
opened, Ottawa already possessed a "legitimate" theatre, the Grand Opera
House, erected in 1874 at 134 Albert Street at a cost of $40,000. The
Russell replaced the Grand as the hub of Ottawa's cultural life, and
soon the latter was offering its red plush seats and royal box to
patrons of popular price melodramas.1 By 1909, the Grand had
turned to vaudeville and movies. It burned down, together with a
"nickel" theatre beside it in 1913.

127 View of proscenium, asbestos curtain, boxes
and orchestra pit of the Russell theatre, Ottawa.
(Public Archives of Canada.)
Then the Russell became the only large legitimate theatre in Ottawa.
Though it had burned in 1901, it was immediately rebuilt. This theatre
hosted classic stage presentations, road shows, concerts and soloists
(including a portion of the Tremblay Concert Series), vaudeville, and,
almost reluctantly, motion pictures. It closed in 1927 and was
demolished in 1928 to make way for Confederation Square.2
The 1,142-seat Family theatre was built as a vaudeville house in 1910
on Queen east of Bank Street (Fig. 128). It was a fine theatre by
contemporary standards: it offered a seven-piece orchestra, and its
interior was decorated in "marble and tile with old rose, old ivory and
Moorish tints." Its balcony was cantilevered: thus there were no
obstructing pillars in the auditorium. In about 1912 vaudeville lost its
pre-eminent place in the Family and, apparently, it was one of the first
Ottawa theatres in which long movies were screened. But the Family had a
checkered career, and at various stages of its existence offered plays
and burlesque and, in addition, revived vaudeville as its premier
attraction. It also acquired more names than any other Ottawa theatre,
subsequently being named the Franklin, the Capital, the Galvin, and the
Embassy before closing in 1932.3

128 Façade of the Finlay theatre, Queen Street, Ottawa.
(Public Archives of Canada.)
The 1,352-seat Français theatre, opened in June 1913 on Dalhousie
Street, was also built as a deluxe "combination" house, though it was
soon converted to an all-picture programme accompanied by a nine-piece
orchestra. It was built of reinforced concrete and was supposedly
fireproof. Its interior decorations were similar to those of the Family.
Both theatres were managed in 1914 by Kenneth Finlay and belonged to
United Motion Pictures Theatres Limited, a consolidation of the eastern
Canadian theatre interests of Mark-Brock Theatrical Enterprises, the
builders of New York's Mark Strand.4
The Casino, Ottawa's only burlesque theatre at the time, had opened
on Little Sussex Street (behind Union Station) in 1909. It mixed
vaudeville and pictures with its girlie shows, and was remembered by
Bill Gladish as an Ottawa "hot spot." The owner tried to change its name
to the Majestic in 1925, but its patrons refused to recognize this
innovation, and it reverted to the Casino. It was successfully renamed
the Capital in 1928 when it changed its policy to an all-picture show,
but (like many small theatres that did not earn large profits) it was
not converted for sound movies and closed in about 1929.5
The Nationale (previously the Monument Nationale) was another early
theatre that seems to have presented movies and stage shows. Near the
Français on the corner of George and Dalhousie, this theatre seated over
700, catered to French-Canadian audiences, and was operated under the
auspices of La Société du Monument Nationale. It occupied the second and
third floors of a building and was surmounted by a fourth-floor billiard
hall. The building was reported to have been in existence as early as
1904, but may not have contained a theatre at the time. According to
Eric Minton, the Monument Nationale opened in October 1906 with a
"Capitaloscope" (a fancy word for a projector) offering moving pictures
and illustrated songs.6
It seems that about 16 store theatres were opened in Ottawa between
1906 and 1912. Because many of these were short-lived enterprises, or
changed their names and ownership frequently, and often did not
advertise in the newspaper, it is difficult to discover exactly how many
of them were opened or their opening dates.
Similarly, it is difficult to pin down the first store theatre in
Ottawa. Moving Picture World in 1914 and 1915 gave Ken Finlay the
distinction of being Ottawa's pioneering exhibitor with his People's
Theatre on Rideau Street. The Canadian Moving Picture Digest
believed in 1919 that George C. Talbot had opened the city's first store
show in 1905, but neglected to give its name or address. Eric Minton
culled from the Ottawa Journal of September 1915 the following
description of what was believed to be Ottawa's first nickel
The Unique Theatre was on Rideau Street, in a store, with little
or no ventilation. It was furnished inside with wood. Its roof was all
wood. The seats and everything in fact was wooden. In front were a lot
of slot machines where pictures could be seen for a penny. In back the
pictures on the screen were the "wild-west" kind. The better class of
people would not go to a show.7
Among notable Ottawa store theatres were the Orpheum at Somerset and
Preston, formerly a skating rink which legend had it, could not be
operated in the spring because of interruptions from flood waters: the
Albert Street Nickel, whose owner (Ken Finlay) delivered sensational
"Daylight Pictures" by leaving some lights on during the show: and the
Star at Arthur and Somerset and St. George's on Bank between Somerset
and MacLaren, both second-floor establishments distinctly dangerous in
the event of panic or fire.8
Between 1913 and 1915, several theatres primarily dedicated to movies
were constructed in Ottawa. These were for the most part considerably
larger and more elaborate than their converted predecessors, and
included the Flower and Centre theatres on Sparks Street, the Princess
on Rideau, the Clarey and Imperial on Bank, and the Rex on Lorne Avenue.
They were supplemented in January 1916 by the Regent on the corner of
Bank and Sparks.
The Flower (later named the Strand) (Fig. 129) tried to maintain a
"garden atmosphere," and was
a narrow elongated picture house running between Sparks and Queen
[whose] walls and ceilings [were] constructed entirely of cement with a
moveable roof operated on a sliding scale to expose sections of the
auditorium to the sky during warm summer months.9

129 Entrance and lobby display of the Flower theatre, Sparks Street,
Ottawa, in April 1916.
(Public Archives of Canada.)
In June 1920, the theatre's summer atmosphere was reinforced by
"breezy chintzes" which decorated its interior, and the "Strand
Cascades," two "scenic waterfalls" in close proximity to the
The Flower was "next door" to the Centre theatre, latterly in
business as the Mall and demolished in 1974 to make way for a squash
club. The Centre accommodated a theatre organ and was built with
carpet-covered rampways leading to the balcony which were held to be
safer than steps.
The Princess and the Clarey were among the smallest houses of those
listed. Both are still operating: the former was enlarged and
substantially altered to become the Rideau theatre in 1931. The latter's
name was changed in 1919 to the Fern, and in 1931 to the Rialto.
The Imperial was built of steel and reinforced concrete and had a
cantilevered balcony. It tendered a women's lounge, mezzanine and
balcony boxes, the latter furnished with "artistic candelabra," and a
carpeted floor at the rear of the auditorium. A black-and-gold general
colour scheme harmonized with "polished gumwood" woodwork. Artistic
bas-relief panels decorated the side walls, and the stage area was
adorned with eight "Greek" columns and a royal purple curtain. The
plaster-decorated proscenium arch was topped by a Canadian coat-of-arms
surmounted by the royal crown.11
The Imperial, which was also controlled by United Motion Picture
Theatres Limited, subscribed for most of its life to a "straight
pictures" policy, and was customarily advertised in its youth as "the
house with the organ." (This was reportedly a "$20,000" instrument made
in Ottawa.) The theatre still stands, though substantially altered and
renovated (with the help of some of the old Capitol's equipment) and is
now a strip joint.
The Rex on Lorne Avenue seems to have lacked any distinction until
1927 when it was transformed into the "New Rex." The remodelled theatre
was meant to resemble a "Spanish bungalow," with "Spanish interior
decorations in the colour scheme and investiture." Its stage was
enlarged to accommodate vaudeville or plays, and its seating capacity
was increased to about 1,000.12
The 1,036-seat Regent was built by local businessmen, though it was
early acquired by the Allen chain. It was later sold to Famous Players
Canadian, and survived until 1972. The theatre had an organ, a large
orchestra, and a small stage, as it was primarily intended as a movie
house. Like the Imperial it boasted boxes, balcony (but one of the
steepest in Ottawa), fancy plaster decorations and a proscenium arch
(Figs. 130-131). Publicity before its opening judged that it was
"obvious" that "in drafting the plans...the style of the Strand theatre
in New York [had] been brought into many advantages."13

130, 131 Foyer and auditorium of the Regent
theatre, February 1918. (Public
Archives of Canada.) At this time, the
theatre was involved in the war effort, showing patriotic dramas and
displaying Allied flags. (Strangely, there does not seem to be a Union
Jack among them.)
All these theatres were eclipsed when Loew's Ottawa opened on 8
November 1920. unrivalled in its seating capacity, lavish decor,
chandeliered domes and its vistas of sweeping balcony, mezzanine and
marble staircase. The first week of its life was one of the most
exciting in the theatre's history. Plenty of advance publicity led to a
sensational splatter on opening day (Fig. 132). Thirteen pages of the
Ottawa Citizen were devoted to descriptions of the theatre and
the upcoming opening ceremonies, advertisements from contractors,
sub-contractors and hangers-on, together with articles relating to the
movies scheduled to run in the theatre and to Marcus Loew and his works.
Thomas Lamb (who was in Ottawa for the opening) notified the public in a
large advertisement that he had been afforded greater pleasure in
designing Loew's Theatre in Ottawa than many which had come under his
supervision in larger cities because of "the tremendous scope for
designing and engineering ability."

132 One of eighteen Citizen pages devoted to the opening.
(Citizen, Ottawa, 8 November 1920.)
To open "Canada's $1,000,000 theatre," Marcus Loew came by train from
New York with a "galaxy of movie stars." The list of stars changed with
virtually every advertisement and newspaper report, both before and
after their arrival, but seems to have comprised Will Morrissey, and
Grace Valentine, Betty Bond, Muriel Ostriche, Lillian Walker, Gladys
Leslie, "Texas" Guinan, Neysa McMein, Helen "Smiles" Davis, Maude and
Marguerite Marsh, Ruth Hargrave, Margaret Beecher and Winnifred
Westover. In heralding this group as "the greatest gathering of motion
picture stars ever assembled at one time on the North American
continent," Loew's publicity man, Terry Turner, admitted "we got away
with murder."14 Three of these stars were noteworthy chiefly
because they were related to someone more famous: Marguerite and Maude
Marsh were sisters of Mae Marsh (one of D. W. Griffith's leading
ladies), and Margaret Beecher was the granddaughter of Henry Ward
Beecher and the grandniece of Harriet Beecher Stowe.
The celebrities were met at Central Station by two Metro cameramen
who filmed the event, by delegations from the Rotary and Kiwanis clubs,
and by crowds so enthusiastic that police were needed to hold them in
check. Led by the Governor General's Foot Guards' Band and mounted
police, Marcus Loew and his movie stars rode in state to City Hall
where, evening newspapers of 8 November reported, they were welcomed by
three members of Board of Control, and the crush of spectators "exceeded
anything since the reception of the Prince of Wales." The procession
then travelled to the House of Commons and was greeted by Sir James
Lougheed, acting Prime Minister and owner of Calgary's Grand
Theatre.15 Eight years later, a Citizen reporter
remembered that "Texas" Guinan took the opportunity to "write a new
chapter in the history of Parliament Hill" by tossing pennies to
assembled youngsters,16 The Rotary Club hosted a luncheon for
the party at the Chateau Laurier, at which Marcus Loew was introduced as
representing an industry "with vast potentialities for good." The
cigarettes provided for the luncheon were instead donated to 80
convalescing soldiers in hospital in Ottawa.
Marcus Loew and his stars appeared on the theatre's stage at each
performance. They gave little speeches expressing pleasure at the
reception they had been given, sang songs and told stories and jokes.
Will Morrissey performed "stunts," Neysa McMein brought one of her
paintings to be auctioned for "a charity to be named," and "Texas"
Guinan led the stars in singing an adaptation of "Avalon," substituting
"Ottawa" where appropriate. Between each appearance by the celebrities,
the patrons were entertained by D. W. Griffith's movie "The Love
Flower," short subjects and a comedy picture, and five vaudeville acts:
Fox Benson, the McNaughtons, the Texas Comedy Four, Jimmy Rosen, and
Norton and Noble and a "Bevy of Girls." Even on this gala occasion, a
balcony seat for a matinee cost 15 cents, orchestra seats 25 cents, and
boxes and loges 35 cents. In the evenings boxes and loge seats cost 55
cents and all other seats were 40 cents.
In keeping with Mr. Loew's policy of "giving all a chance," no
reserved seats were offered, except for those provided for invited
guests. These included a party from Government House in which were Lady
Rachel Cavendish, Captain Lloyd and Lord Richard Neville. (The latter
had arranged for the Governor-General's Foot Guards' Band, and he was
especially accommodated by the temporary removal of the seat in front of
him, as he was suffering from a game leg.17)
Invitations had been also sent to the mayors of Ottawa and Hull, Sir
James Lougheed, and various government and service club officials.
Hundreds of people were turned away at the door as there were line-ups
at the theatre all day, which sometimes stretched as far as Kent Street
on Queen.
The next day, the stars made well-advertised visits to various
commercial establishments in Ottawa, made a tour of the city, and were
received by the mayor of Hull. Marcus Loew delivered a speech in
English, but noticed that the assembly did not laugh on cue. Later he
chided Terry Turner for not informing him that his audience would be
largely French-speaking.18
The celebrities returned to the theatre to appear on stage at each
performance, and on the tenth departed by train for Montreal. There they
did not open a theatre but were met by enthusiastic crowds, were given a
civic reception and the key to the city by Mayor Martin,19
attended a Kiwanis Club luncheon, and were led by Professor Goulet's
Famous Military Band in triumphal procession to Loew's Theatre, where
they again appeared on stage.
In Ottawa the opening of the theatre was continuing to make
headlines, as it had almost immediately become a subject of controversy.
On 9 November the Evening Journal wrote that Alderman McKinley
had introduced a motion of censure against Mayor Fisher and Board of
Control for greeting "the motion picture people" at City Hall. The
alderman was strongly supported by an anonymous Ottawan whose editorial
letter was featured on the Journal's front page.
Of course it was not really a civic reception, but it was meant
to, and did to some convey that impression. I hope that it is not true
that when these people went up to Parliament Hill they were "received"
by the acting Prime Minister, Sir James Lougheed, or any member of the
Dominion Government ...If it is true, is there any sufficient reason
why every circus which comes to the City of Ottawa should not be given a
similar reception? ...I would not be surprised if Mr. Marcus Loew and
his friends return to New York in the belief that they have visited the
"original boob town."
The editor's reply to this letter contradicted the previous
Journal report. According to his revision, Ottawa's official
reaction was far more restrained than that of Montreal.
Visiting celebrities were not welcomed officially or otherwise, by
any member of the Dominion Government when the parade found its way to
Parliament Hill on Monday. Autos formed up on the sidewalk, paraders
waited there for some few minutes, but no one appeared to receive them.
After the delay the visitors withdrew and proceeded to the Chateau
Laurier for lunch. The parade, incidentally, barely hesitated in front
of the City Hall for the so-called civic reception.
On November 10, the newspapers reported that, in response to Alderman
McKinley's pointed inquiries, Mayor Fisher informed the council that
Board of Control did not give Marcus Loew a civic reception, that he did
not know who paid for the band, and that no expenses were incurred by
the city. "A gentleman" who had approached the mayor on behalf of the
party had been told that the occasion did not call for a civic
reception. Marcus Loew had merely "called at the City Hall with some
other visitors" as anyone was at liberty to do.
A letter to the Citizen published on 11 November censured
Alderman McKinley for questioning so promptly and publicly the propriety
of "the reception," "a mere act of courtesy extended to strangers within
our city." The writer praised Marcus Loew who,
unlike some of our armchair celebrities, has earned his laurels as
a potent factor in bringing happiness to millions of commonplace
people, making low price entertainment practical across North
Apart from philanthropy, this man should always command commendation
for his commercial enterprises which not only instructs and educates but
affords employment to many thousands, by the erection and maintaining
of numerous theatres, when same abounds to the general welfare of the
Another writer whose letter was published the same day was enraged by
the misuse of the Governor-General's Foot Guards' Band, in that "the
uniform that Drake, Nelson and Wellington swore by, and the flag they
fought for [had been] used as a vaudeville advertisement!"
The theatre was the subject of two Journal editorials within a
week of its opening. The first on 9 November was restrained in its
approval of the theatre's existence.
Can anyone say that the city and its population are the worse for
it? This much is certain, that men who now go with their families to the
"show" several times a week are tremendously happier and better able to
attend to their work and meet the worries of every day life than they
and their families would be if they spent as much time and money in the
drinking bars as was spent in the old days.
And after all [the low-priced theatre] is an excellent substitute.
The surroundings are clean and artistic, the music is good and in some
cases ceates a taste for high class compositions and talent, much of the
entertainment is educative in one way or another, and there is
comparatively little of the objectionable because producers have found
that that sort of thing does not pay. People who deplore the frivolous
and urge that the time of men, women and children could be better
occupied than in attending theatres are apt to lose sight of the fact
that the theatres merely provide an opportunity for frivolity that would
exist anyway and, but for them without many of the meritorious and
orderly features which mark their entertainments. It is too early yet to
say whether the low priced theatre is a blessing or a curse: and
apparently it does not matter whether we pronounce the one [or] the
other for Ottawa people have evidently made up their minds to patronize
the theater whether it is a curse or a blessing.20
Possibly influenced by the near scandal surrounding the theatre's
opening, the second Journal editorial on 15 November questioned
the value of the theatre as well as the "public sense of values." The
people of Ottawa were willing eventually to pay up to $700,000 for a
"place of cheap amusement" they would never own, an extravagance that
Ottawa could get along without for a while," yet they were protesting
against investing $3 million in general hospital buildings that would
end up being owned outright by the city and would fill a need "far more
important to the well being of the community than a daily bill of
vaudeville and photoplay."
The editorial was more or less a variation on a letter the
Journal had published on 12 November,
What happened to the project for a Memorial Hall? Who is to blame
if Ottawa is without an auditorium where the best in music and drama
could and would be interpreted by real artists? Who, indeed, is to
blame, if we mistake straws for sunbeams? Could not the Ottawa money
invested in the new theatre have been invested in an auditorium with
more lasting results.
The opening ceremonies were again featured in both Ottawa newspapers
on 16 November, following "a lively exchange over movie actresses"
during a council meeting. To charges that "the motion picture places"
were responsible for much juvenile crime and the Board "fell for the
painted ladies and made Ottawa the laughing stock of North America," an
alderman countered that the theatre was "an admirable thing for Ottawa"
and provided entertainment for the poor. Mayor Fisher remarked, "If I
had seen the ladies and had known in advance what I have since heard I
might not have agreed to what I did." However, he still did not concede
that he had agreed to anything: he had merely informed Marcus Loew's
publicity agent that "anyone was privileged to come to the City
The debate seems to have withered away. But on 1 December the
Journal published Marcus Loew's letter thanking the "wonderful
gentlemen" of the Rotary and Kiwanis clubs for making the visit of the
party one they would never forget. This letter could hardly have served
to pour oil on troubled waters, but it did not reignite the controversy.
However, the service clubs remained sufficiently embarrassed to stage
their annual Christmas benefits for underprivileged children at the
Russell and Dominion theatres, though, no doubt, they had planned to use
the big new theatre.
According to the Canadian Moving Picture Digest reporter, all
the public comments and criticisms were too much for the newly appointed
manager, William H. Stanley, and he suffered a nervous
breakdown.22 He was replaced in December by J. D. Elms.
Nevertheless, perhaps all the fuss was worthwhile. On 9 November
1920, a Journal reporter commented, "the ceremonies in connection
with the dedication of the house were of a character that will long be
remembered by those who gained admission." Mrs. George Payne, 71 years
old, told a Citizen reporter in May 1970, "We thought it was
beautifulglittering sequins and everything. And Hollywood actors
and actresses were there for the opening."23