Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 13
All that Glitters: A Memorial to Ottawa's Capitol Theatre and its Predecessors
by Hilary Russell
The Circuits
In the same year as RCA Photophone was organized, the Radio
Corporation of America (RCA) bought the theatre chain interests of two
of the biggest vaudeville circuits, B. F. Keith and Orpheum, as well as
the film producing company FBO or Film Booking Office owned by Joseph P.
Kennedy. The deal was officially closed in February 1929. The new
company, Radio Keith-Orpheum (or RKO), was firmly established in the
industry both in exhibition and production. The amalgamated theatre
circuits provided outlets for "Radio Pictures," the sound movies of the
producing company.1
In Canada, the merger was compounded by an agreement reached in 1929
whereby RKO and Famous Players Canadian Corporation formed a new
company, Radio Keith Orpheum Canada Limited, to operate 12 first-run
houses. Ottawa's RKO Keith theatre was included in the deal.2
The theatre became the RKO Capitol in 1931: as Famous Players eventually
supplanted RKO, a few years later, the initials RKO were discarded.
It would be an oversight to write about the history of Canadian
exhibition without reference to the circuits that controlled most movie
palaces and other important houses. However, only those circuits that
owned the Ottawa Capitol will be examined in detail.
In the United States and Canada, circuit ownership had a fundamental
impact on the entertainment presented in a theatre, the decor and size
of the house, as well as on film production in Hollywood. Only large
corporations could afford the investment involved in building movie
palaces. They could retain expensive architects, and could indulge in
the rivalry with other giant corporations which resulted in
progressively more gaudy and outlandish developments in theatre
architecture, decoration, stage entertainment and special effects. With
affiliated exhibitors, large circuits virtually monopolized first-run
exhibition in large urban centres.3
Many circuits were also involved in film production and distribution.
Famous Players-Lasky Corporation, a huge New York-based company enmeshed
in all phases of the movie industry, began to acquire theatres in about
1919 to provide adequate and profitable playing time for the prime
interest, Paramount Pictures. Loew's, on the other hand, entered
production in 1919 to protect vast theatre holdings from Famous Players
films and profits. B. F. Keith's was not involved in film production
until the RKO merger.
The film-producing arms of the companies had guaranteed exhibition in
hundreds of first-run houses, and could finance productions with the
assured box office. The circuits were thus able to squeeze independent
exhibitors out of business or into affiliations. Independent producers
could be denied access to chain theatres, and an independent exhibitor
could be refused popular films or forced to rent a "block" of company
films in order to secure one of exceptional commercial
B. F. Keith's and other vaudeville circuits maintained booking
offices to provide contracts for vaudeville acts. "High class" acts at
competitive prices were booked mainly into chain theatres with large
seating capacities. The contracted performers, of course, toured the
Three vast continental circuits operated Ottawa's movie palace during
its lifetime. The Capitol became the object of interesting circuit
rivalries from the time it opened.
Loew's Ottawa was built as a link in the Eastern Canadian chain of
Loew's theatres which offered vaudeville and photoplays in luxurious
A subsidiary Canadian corporation supervised the venture, which was
at least partially financed through sale of stocks. Some of the
contractors had a vested interest in the theatre: at least one company
was paid in gold-based bonds issued on the first mortgage at 12 per cent
interest. These bonds were cashed at a handsome profit when the theatre
was sold in 1924.5
Loew's Ottawa was one of the last houses in the chain to be built in
Canada. An Ottawa newspaper announced in 1920 that Loew's planned five
theatres in western Canada, but the programme was never carried out. By
the end of 1920, a building boom that had swept Loew's was
The vaudeville acts Loew's Ottawa presented were arranged by Marcus
Loew Booking Agency in New York. The theatre showed many films made by
Metro Studios,7 Loew's producing company.
The same month as Loew's Ottawa opened, Famous Players Canadian
Corporation announced that the company would open within the next year a
theatre on Queen Street with a capacity of 2,600. The circuit was well
aware that Ottawa probably could not have supported two similar houses
with capacities over 2,500. In these days, it was common for a circuit
to challenge another's new theatre (or the promise of one) by
threatening to build a bigger, more expensive theatre within a few
blocks of the original. In a small town or city, the latter might be
ruined by such competition, and the challenger hoped that this awareness
would prompt the owner to lose his nerve and sell or would encourage a
would-be owner to give up his plans to build.8
Famous Players Canadian Corporation was a homegrown, aggressive
theatre circuit. It had acquired the name Famous Players Canadian and
the franchise for distributing Paramount productions in 1920. Initiated
in 1916 as The Regent Theatre Company and financed by a coterie of
Toronto businessmen, the company prospered, and by early 1919 it owned a
number of theatres in Ontario and had procured another name, Paramount
Theatres Limited, although the circuit as yet apparently had no
connection with Paramount films. These were distributed in Canada by The
Famous Players Film Service, an Allen concern. In June 1919, Select,
Triangle and Metro films were among the major releases handled
throughout Canada by Regal Films Limited, the distributing arm of
Paramount Theatres Limited. (Their officers were practically identical,
J. P. Bickell headed Regal, and its managing director was N. L.
That month, two rumours were published in Moving Picture
World: Famous Players-Lasky of New York would deprive the Allens'
Famous Players Film Service of the Canadian distributing rights for
Paramount pictures in September and would award the franchise to Regal
Films Limited: and the New York company had "acquired a substantial
interest in the theatres controlled by Paramount Theatres Limited." The
magazine's vigilant Toronto correspondent was substantially
Famous Players Canadian was incorporated in January 1920 with a
reported capital of $15 million and an 18-year Paramount franchise.
Adolph Zukor, head of Famous Players-Lasky (later Paramount Publix) was
the president of the new company and, it was later maintained, had
invested $100,000 in the venture. Contemporary news releases
acknowledged that Famous Players-Lasky had made "a large cash investment
in the new Canadian company," but that "the majority of directors" would
be Canadian and "the bulk of the securities and control of the
enterprise would be in Canadian hands."11 Nearly $12 million
in shares was offered to the public, $4 million in first preferred and
the rest in second preferred and common stocks.
Royal Securities Limited of Montreal underwrote the capitalization
for $4 million.12 This finance and bond-selling company had
been sold to W. Killam by Lord Beaverbrook in 1919. Contemporary and
certain secondary sources consulted made the assumption that in 1920
Beaverbrook's spectre was still with Royal Securities.13 The
link between Famous Players Canadian and Beaverbrook appeared the more
real as he had recently acquired "large motion picture interests" in
Great Britain. Moving Picture World recorded an announcement made
in Toronto in March 1920 which went so far as to "understand" that
Beaverbrook was a "heavy investor" in Famous Players Canadian. It
continued, "he was slated for a place on the company's board, but felt
that it would not be good policy to appear as a director."14
Possibly in this instance Beaverbrook's name was being exploited in the
hope of winning investors.
Famous Players Canadian took over the 20 theatres previously operated
by Paramount Theatres Limited, and set its sights on acquiring 20 more.
An extensive building programme was immediately launched, and theatres
were bought or built in Montreal, Peterborough, Toronto, Hamilton, Sault
Ste. Marie, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Vancouver and Victoria.
The building of a Famous Players" Ottawa theatre also got under way.
Its walls had attained a height of ten feet when construction ceased.
Ostensibly, the theatre was placed on the unfair list by the Building
Trades Council of Ontario for not abiding by approved wage
scales.15 Possibly Loew's had called an elaborate bluff.
The contest between Loew's and Famous Players was complicated by the
announcement in 1923 that B. F. Keith's planned to construct a
half-million dollar vaudeville theatre, possibly on Famous Players'
Queen Street site. On the heels of this publicity came the announcement
that Famous Players was going to buy Loew's Ottawa. It had just
purchased Loew's Montreal.
Negotiations ended when the B. F. Keith Company of Canada Limited,
newly incorporated with a reported capitalization of $5 million, took
over Loew's Ottawa in September 1924. The new company's headquarters
were in Montreal, and its president was Edward F. Albee of New York. The
corporation did its own financing, and no stock was to be issued to the
general public.
Five other theatres were purchased by the new company, the Princess
and Imperial in Montreal, Shea's Hippodrome in Toronto, the Lyric in
Hamilton, and the Majestic in London. An American source wrote that
these theatres previously constituted Canadian United Theatres, a chain
operated by Mike Shea and Joe Franklin. The Canadian Moving Picture
Digest merely reported "a number of Canadian interests are merged in
the new Keith undertaking."16
Though a new company had been formed, the Keith vaudeville circuit
was not a newcomer to Canada. In 1913 it had erected two deluxe
vaudeville theatres, the Imperial in Montreal and in Saint John, and
since at least 1906, Keith vaudeville acts had been booked into
affiliated Canadian houses by its subsidiary, United Booking Office.
Neither was Keith vaudeville new to Ottawa audiences in 1924. The
Franklin theatre, operated by J. M. Franklin, and Bennett's
(subsequently the Dominion) theatre had presented Keith acts. B. F.
Keith's was one of the oldest circuits, begun in 1893 when it opened one
of the first super deluxe vaudeville houses in Boston.
B. F. Keith initially provided the money and gave the circuit its
name. He died in 1914, long before the circuit had peaked. (In 1920 it
reportedly controlled more than 400 theatres.) Before and after Keith's
death, Edward F. Albee was the driving force of the circuit. It became
renowned for building palatial vaudeville theatres, for helping to
"clean up" vaudeville, and for instistituting the "continuous
Loew's Ottawa theatre was not in financial difficulty at the time of
the sale to Keith's. The fourth annual meeting of the board of directors
of the local holding company (Loew's Ottawa Theatres Limited) reported
that the theatre had earned $40,000 profit in 1923, compared to a small
deficit the year before.18 Following the sale, Loew's
holdings in Canada dwindled to two theatres in Toronto and one in
London. Famous Players Canadian Corporation had acquired Loew's theatres
in Hamilton and Windsor. Loew's disengagement was seemingly voluntary:
in April 1923 the company had proclaimed that it planned to dispose of
all its Canadian holdings in order to pursue expansion in the New
England states.19
Coincident with the B. F. Keith takeover in Ottawa came the
announcement from N. L. Nathanson that Famous Players was proceeding
with the construction of its Queen Street theatre. He added
significantly that Famous Players was the distributing arm of Paramount,
MGM, Pathe and other producing companies, and that his company was a
Canadian organization, 95 per cent of its stock being owned by 1,700
resident Canadians. The Canadian Moving Picture Digest retorted
in an article entitled "Famous Players Patriotic Line of Defense," "he
forgot to mention that Famous Players Canadian Corporation is a
subsidiary of the Famous Players Company."20
Famous Players Canadian had grown from strength to strength since its
incorporation. Sidney S. Cohen, chairman of the board of the Motion
Picture Theatre Owners of America, was so alarmed by the company's might
in 1924 that he felt constrained to issue
a needful warning to theatre owners to exercise eternal vigilance
against any such deplorable state of affairs as exists in our fair
neighbour to the north Canada. One man there controls the
distributing rights to the product of every so-called "big company" in
addition to theatres in any number of key spots. The predicament of the
independent producers and distributors is fraught with
Yet only five years before the Allens had owned the predominant
Canadian theatre chain (Fig. 119). Following the transfer of the
Paramount franchise, the Allens' fortunes had plummeted as those of
Famous Players Canadian soared. Only a year later, Jule Allen had to
deny a report that his circuit had capitulated. In 1922, the Allens were
in deep financial trouble. With an array of creditors at their heels,
they were forced into assignment. In February of that year an Allen
spokesman had confirmed that the sale of the circuit to Famous Players
Canadian had been approved by both boards of directors. The cost to
Famous Players of taking over about 50 Allen theatres was reputed to be
$5 million. Apparently the Famous Players Canadian offer was later
withdrawn "because of alleged changes in the Allen circuit." Further
extensive negotiations were embarked upon, during which First National
(an American concern) and "other interests" made offers for the
beleaguered circuit.22

119 Before the fall: Allen Theatre Enterprises.
(Mail and Empire,
Toronto, 28 August 1920.)
By 1923 the surrender was complete. At the annual general meeting of
Famous Players Canadian in December, N. L. Nathanson related that the
company had paid $392,073 in cash and stocks for the assets of Allen
Theatres Limited to the company's receiver, thus gaining control of
about 20 theatres, and bringing the total number of theatres operated by
Famous Players Canadian and affiliated companies to 64, a number without
precedent for a theatre chain in Canada. In less than a year their
holdings had increased to 82.23
But the company remained unsatisfied with its lack of the largest
theatre in Ottawa. One month after the B. F. Keith takeover, it was
rumoured that Keith and Famous Players Canadian were combining to
operate a few houses for mutual interest, foreshadowing the combine of
1929. Nothing immediately came of this, nor of Famous Players' offer to
sell its Queen Street site. In July 1925 it purchased a large adjoining
property in order to accommodate "a huge picture
New plans for this site were advertised every year until 1929. In
1926. it was to be occupied by a 12-storey building with a theatre "at
the rear." In 1927 the circuit was going to build a legitimate theatre
on the site, as Ottawa's only legitimate theatre, the Russell, had
closed. In 1928 Thomas Lamb was said to be in Ottawa planning a
$1,250,000 Capitol theatre. Many details were announced. It was to have
only one box a royal one reserved for visiting members of
the royal family and their Canadian representatives. Atlas construction
was building the theatre, which would be permanently equipped for sound
movies. Ray Tubman would manage it, and the opening was slated for
January 1929. The last theatre proposed (in March 1929) was going to
introduce to Ottawa an interior finished in "gorgeous Oriental style,"
it was to cost $750,000 and to accommodate 2,400 patrons.25
After the 1929 RKO-Famous Players agreement, the Queen street site was
finally sold. Famous Players Canadian had achieved its goal of owning
the biggest theatre in Ottawa.
About two months before on 7 March 1929, the public was informed that
control of Famous Players Canadian had passed into Canadian hands,
fulfilling N. L. Nathanson's longterm ambition. American shareholders
were bought out although the Paramount franchise was
retained.26 Adolph Zukor could not be counted out of the
company's dealings. Though he relinquished his position as president, to
"protect" the contract between Paramount and Famous Players, he became a
member of a newly formed three-man voting trust. He could be outvoted by
the other two members, N. L. Nathanson and I. W. Killam, the latter the
principal stockholder in Famous Players Canadian.27 Though
Zukor could have retaliated by withdrawing the lucrative Paramount
franchise from the Canadian company if he had been frequently outvoted,
it was also to his advantage to maintain the contract with a chain in
Canada which, in 1930, had a near monopoly on first-run exhibition, was
afforded a substantial proportion of all revenues from theatre
admissions and controlled 207 of 299 chain theatres.28
The corporation's publicity at the time of the voting trust agreement
stressed that the company had grown steadily more Canadian as it
expanded, so much so that a week before the agreement, "the only
Broadway factors left in this large, many-millioned growth of a few
years were two words of a name, the rentals paid for films, and the
dividends to a minority of shareholders."29 No records
listing the various shareholders in the company could be found for this
period. It is doubtful, however, that Zukor's hold on the company was as
tenuous as that described in the previous paragraph. Though Zukor
maintained effective voting control before 1929, apparently Nathanson
was allowed considerable latitude in directing company
In the fall of 1929, Nathanson was brought down by the marshalled
forces of Adolph Zukor, I. W. Killam and several of his fellow
directors. They rejected his plan for an alliance with the British
Gaumont company for the stated reason that it was controlled by the
American Fox concern. In all accounts, Killam took at this time an
especially firm and patriotic stand against the scheme. Outvoted by the
voting trust who refused to place the offer before the shareholders,
Nathanson resigned as managing director, his position being assumed by
Arthur Cohen.31
Less than a year later, in August 1930, the voting trust and a
majority of the company's directors and shareholders agreed to Paramount
Publix' offer to exchange five shares in the Canadian company for four
of its own. After the exchange, J. P. Bickell assured the shareholders
that the affairs of the company would be carried on "under the same
policy and the same progressive manner" as before, and the returns from
dividends would be higher because of "the underlying assets of the
larger company with its diversity of operation."32 Paramount
Publix assumed complete control, securing 93.786 per cent of the total
issued shares. In about 1953, Paramount trimmed its holdings to 51 per
cent. These shares were taken over in 1967 by Gulf and Western
Corporation. The Canadian Film and TV Weekly attested in 1969
that Canadian investors had lost two opportunities in the last decade
alone to gain control of Canada's biggest theatre-owning
company.33 Famous Players Limited now controls over 400
theatres, including the few remaining movie palaces.