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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 23

Gaspé, 1760-1867

by David Lee


Ainslie, Thomas
Canada Preserved; The Journal of Captain Thomas Ainslie. Ed. Sheldon S. Cohen. Copp, Clark, Toronto, 1968.

Allard, Lionel
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Blais, L.
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Bush, Edward F.
The Canadian Lighthouse. Manuscript Report Series No. 58. Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1970. (Now available in Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History, No. 9 [1974], pp. 5-107, Ottawa.)

Canada. Department of Indian Affairs.
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Report on the Affairs of the Indians in Canada, Laid before the Legislative Assembly, 20 March 1845. Queen's Printer, Kingston, 1845.

Canada (Province). Laws, Statutes, etc.
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Canada (Province). Legislative Assembly.
Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada. imprint varies, 1841-68.

Canada (Province). Legislative Assembly. Special Commission Appointed to investigate Indian Affairs In Canada.
Report of the Special Commissioners Appointed on the 8th of September 1856, to Investigate Indian Affairs in Canada. Queen's Printer, Toronto, 1858.

Canada. Public Archives.
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Canada. Public Archives. Manuscript Division.
MG1, C11A, Correspondance générale, Canada

MG6, C2, Port de Saint-Servan, 1758-1784

MG8, F25, Documents relatifs aux seigneuries et autres lieux — Gaspé

MG11, Colonial Office Q (Quebec) Series

MG11, CO42, Transcripts

MG11, CO188, New Brunswick, Original Correspondence (New Brunswick "A" Papers)

MG11, CO217, Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, Original Correspondence (Nova Scotia "A" Papers; Cape Breton "A" Papers)

MG11, CO387, Papers of Lord Aylmer

MG13, WO34, Papers of Jeffrey, Baron Amherst

MG18, M, Series 3, Northcliffe Collection, Vol. 24, No. 2, Journal of Capt. Thomas Bell, 1758

MG21, Add. MSS. 21661-21892, Papers of Governor Frederick Haldimand

MG23, A1, Papers of William Legge, Second Earl of Dartmouth

MG23, A2, Papers of William Pitt, First Earl of Chatham, 1741-1805

MG23, C6, Series 1, Papers of Charles Inglis

MG23, GII, 17, Papers of Robert Prescott

MG23, GIII, 15, Accounts of Francis and Philip Janvrin

MG23, GIII, 24, Journals of Charles Robin

MG23, GV, 7, Fonds du l'abbé Hospice-Anthelme-Jean-Baptiste Verreau

MG23, I, 11, Papers of William LeLacheur

MG24, A7, Papers of Sir Robert Shore Milnes

MG24, Al 2, Papers of George Ramsay, Ninth Earl of Dalhousie

MG24, A34, Papers of Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton, Fifth Duke of Newcastle

MG24, B4, Papers of John Young

MG24, B10, Papers of Thomas Dunn

MG24, D9, Papers of Carteret Priaulx and Company

MG24, F28, Papers of Henry Wolsey Bayfield

MG24, H44, Papers of Sir William Edmond Logan

MG28, III, 18, Paspébiac Letterbooks of the Charles Robin Company

RG1, L3L, Minutes of the Land Committee of the Executive Council

RG1, L7, Vols. 79-80, Proceedings of the Gaspé Land Commissioners, 1819-1823

RG4, A1, S Series, 1760-1840

RG4, 841, Bonds for Mediterranean passes, 1766-1806

RG4, B44, Miscellaneous Records relating to the Gaspé and Labrador Fisheries, 1787-1837, Vol. 1

RG4, 848, Exploration Journals, 1830, 1833, Hamel and Evrington Journals

RG4, B49, Returns, Land Surrenders and Petitions relating to Gaspé, 1831-1841

RG4, B58, Customs Records, Vols. 4-5, Returns, 1772-1796, 1842-1844

RG4, B72, Election Records, Lower Canada and Canada East, 1792-1866

RG4, C1, Provincial Secretary's Correspondence, Numbered Correspondence, 1839-1867

RG7, G1, Records of the Governor General's Office, Despatches from the Colonial Office, 1784-1909

RG8, C Series, British Military and Naval Records

RG10, Indian Affairs

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RG10, B3, Red (Eastern) Series

RG10, B8, General Headquarters Administration Records, Orders-in-council, 1793-1876, Vol. 119

Canada. Public Archives. Map Division.
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Caron, Ivanhoë
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"Inventaire de la correspondance de mgr Bernard-Claude Panet, archevêque de Québec." in Rapport de l'archiviste de la Province de Québec pour 1933-1934, Vol. 14, pp. 235-421; . . . pour 1934-1935, Vol. 15, pp. 321-420; . . . pour 1935-1936, Vol. 16, pp. 157-272. King's Printer, Quebec, 1934-36.

"Inventaire de la correspondance de mgr Joseph-Octave Plessis, archevêque de Québec." in Rapport de l'archiviste de la Province de Québec pour 1927-1928, Vol. 8, pp. 215-316; . . . pour 1928-1929, Vol. 9, pp. 89-208; . . . pour 1932-1933, Vol. 13, pp. 3-244. King's Printer, Quebec. 1928-29, 1933.

"Inventaire de la correspondance de mgr Joseph Signay, archevêque de Québec. "in Rapport de l'archiviste de la Province de Québec pour 1937-1938, Vol. 18, pp. 23-146; . . . pour 1938-1939, Vol. 19, pp. 180-357. King's Printer Quebec, 1938-39.

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LeMoignan, Michel
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Le Moine, James MacPherson
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Pothier, Bernard
The Battle of the Restigouche: 22 June - 8 July 1760. Manuscript Report Series No. 19. Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1971. (Now available, as Judith Beattie and Bernard Pothier, "The Battle of the Restigouche," in Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History, No. 16 [1977], pp. 5-34, Ottawa.)

Pye, Thomas
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Quebec (Province). Archives.
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Quebec (Province). Laws, Statutes, etc.
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Quebec (Province). Legislature. Legislative Assembly.
Journals of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada. Imprint varies, 1793-1836.

Roy, Carmen
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Roy, Pierre-Georges
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