Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 23
Gaspé, 1760-1867
by David Lee
Part III: The People of Gaspé
The French
When James Wolfe left the Gaspé coast in September 1758 he took with
him most of the population of the fishing posts at Gaspé Bay, Pabos and
Grande-Rivière. Although these people were shipped to French ports in
Normandy the same year, a few of them, like François Ayotte and Olivier
Michel, were back in Gaspé by 1765.1 A number of the residents,
especially from Pabos and Grande-Rivière, hid in the woods and were left
behind by the British because they refused Wolfe's offer of safe
passage to France. Of these, some, like the seigneur Lefebvre de
Bellefeullle, made their way to Quebec. The others chose to remain on
Chaleur Bay where they waited out the war.2
For several years after the British conquest of Gaspé, life must have
been very hard for the original French settlers living there. For those
who decided to remain at Gaspé Bay, Pabos and Grande-Rivière, some
buildings and livestock no doubt survived the British attack and there
would still have been land cleared for gardening. They probably did
little fishing for cod for fear of being seen by British ships and, of
course, there would have been no goods brought in from the outside
Life must have been much worse for the large number of Acadians who
had fled northward to the bottom of Chaleur Bay. They were forced to
live like the Indians on fish, game, berries and roots although the
arrival of about 270 French soldiers and sailors in the spring of 1760
brought some relief. The small French force was defeated by the British
in the summer of 1760 and the British allowed the refugees to keep some
of the French military provisions from the captured supply ships;
nevertheless, Charles Robin recorded in his journal of 1768 that there
had been much starvation among the Acadians in 1759-60.3
The French force was repatriated to France in the autumn though a few
of the soldiers may have stayed to settle on the bay. One of the senior
French officers, M. Bazagier, reported to the king when he arrived in
France in December 1760 that 160 Acadian families totalling 1,003 people
were camped at the mouth of the Restigouche River.4 At about
the same time two of the British officers, Major Elliott and Captain
Macartney, reported to their superior officers at Quebec that the
Acadians and Indians at the Restigouche could be trusted to keep the
peace. Indeed, while the British had destroyed the French warships,
weapons and ammunition in the summer of 1760, they had sold "a small
schooner" to the Acadians and left them a quantity of
Bazagier also noted that besides the Acadian refugees there were "17
families normandes et metifs," totalling 100 people, scattered along the
coast of Gaspé. These were, of course, the original French inhabitants
of Gaspé who had declined Wolfe's offer of repatriation. In the summer
of 1761, a census by Pierre du Calvet of the population between Mal Bay
and Paspébiac shows 17 families such as the Grenier, David and
Langlois families all of whom appear to be the original French
settlers living at Mal Bay, Grande-Rivière, Pabos, Port-Daniel and
Paspébiac. At Bonaventure were another eight families, some of them
original settlers and some of them Acadians. At Cascapédia (New
Richmond) a further 13 families were all apparently Acadian. In all, du
Calvet counted 150 Europeans on the north shore of Chaleur Bay. There
were no Europeans at the Restigouche. Thus, by 1761 the Acadians had
left their refugee camp near the Restigouche Indian village and begun to
spread out along the bay.6
Those Acadians who had been camped along the Restigouche for two or
three years were anxious to settle new land and in early 1761 they had
asked Governor Murray of Quebec for permission to stay. Murray did not
give them a clear-cut answer, but he did not forbid them settling in
Gaspé.7 As a result the Acadians spread out along both shores
of Chaleur Bay where du Calvet found them in the summer of 1761;
however, few of the 1,000 refugees reported by Bazagier settled on the
north (Gaspé) shore of the bay.
The Acadian population on both shores was severely reduced later in
the year. Du Calvet says that after he completed his census, he took two
shiploads of Acadians back to Quebec with him. He reported to Governor
Murray that more Acadians wanted to leave for all they had to live on
was fish and roots.8 The additional population trying to live
at the head of Chaleur Bay taxed the local fish and game resources and
this, in turn, strained relations between Acadians and Indians. In
autumn 1761 Captain Mackenzie of Fort Cumberland, concerned about the
possibility of the Acadians rearming and engaging in piracy, hurriedly
led a force to Chaleur Bay. He had no time to visit the north shore, but
he rounded up 250 Acadians from the south shore and transported them
back to Nova Scotia.9
Mackenzie reported that he had left behind on the south shore a
further 373 Acadians. New villages were quickly established there as
most Acadians evidently found the Gaspé shore less attractive for
settlement.10 A census of Gaspé taken in 1765 shows only
about 160 French residents on the north shore of Chaleur Bay and another
80 around Gaspé Bay.11 There were no further deportations of
Acadians from Chaleur Bay after 1761 and that year can be taken as the
beginning of permanent Acadian settlement in Gaspé.
By 1777 there were reported to be 400-500 French residents in
Gaspé,12 including 81 Acadians whom Charles Robin brought out
on his ships from France (via Jersey) to Chaleur Bay in 1774.13 Even
after the settlers had been established in Gaspé for many years, poverty
was still prevalent. In 1786 the Loyalists were shocked by the
"extreme poverty and wretchedness" of those French who were employed in
the fishery and Charles Robin wrote of them living in "poor miserable
Huts, which would make you shudder did you but see them." Yet according
to Nicholas Cox, the Acadians were "a sober, industrious
Dependence on the fishery was usually recognized as the principal
cause of poverty among the French and the missionary Abbé Blais wanted
legislation enacted to shorten the fishing season and thereby force the
people to cultivate their lands.15 Felix O'Hara tried to
encourage the French to attend more to agriculture, noting that the
Loyalists would often ask for excessive tracts of land while an Acadian
family of ten would typically ask for only 150 acres. Around Tracadigash
(Carleton), at the bottom of Chaleur Bay where fishing was poor and the
season short, Abbé Ferland noted in 1836 that the Acadians, who
predominated there, were principally devoted to agriculture and were much
better off. Later, Abbé Gingras at Percé constantly urged his
parishioners to cultivate their lands, but he found them lazy,
spendthrifty and drunken, and felt that they would always be
A few individuals did better than others, one being Léon Roussy. Du
Calvet said Roussy had been
captain of a large merchant ship, and, after having been taken
prisoner by the English, and put on board an English vessel, had risen,
with the other French prisoners, upon the English crew, and, seizing the
vessel, had carried it to the Bay of Gaspey, and there lived in a
lawless manner among the Indians.17
In the census of 1765 he was listed as a resident at Paspébiac where
he was apparently the wealthiest landholder. He owned at that time one
ox there were only five on the bay two cows, three bulls
and one horse. In August 1766 he was granted title to 200 acres at
Paspébiac.18 Henry Mounier, a French Protestant who had been
a merchant at Quebec during the French régime, was given a mandamus for
10,000 acres on Chaleur Bay in 1764. There he operated a fishery for a
few years, but was forced out of business by American privateer attacks
in 1779 and 1781.19 Various Quebec merchants, like François
Buteau, traded in Gaspé and owned small fishing operations there. The
seigneur of Sainte-Anne-des-Monts was Louis Lemieux and the seigneur of
Grand Etang was Michel Lesperance of the parish of
Saint-Thomas-de-Montmagny. Georges and Ferdinand Boissonault of Quebec
operated a fishing establishment at Bonaventure where they had 120 boats
in 1850.20
Acadians were regularly appointed judges in local Courts of Common
Pleas, but not in numbers proportionate to their population. In 1829
they claimed that although they accounted for eight-ninths of the
population on Chaleur Bay, only three of 24 justices of the peace were
French.21 In the 1850s the government allowed municipalities
to issue public documents in only one language as long as it was
"without detriment to any of the Inhabitants." In 1856 the entire
township of Carleton proclaimed the sole use of French.22
The French population of Gaspé increased with great rapidity, mostly
through natural reproduction, but there were a few additions from
outside the area. In the 1780s Charles Robin began the practise of
importing men from Quebec for summer work on the fisheries. Early in the
19th century some of these French Canadians began to settle around the
small coves of the north shore of the Gaspé coast Cap Chat,
Matane, Sainte-Anne-des-Monts and Rivière-au-Renard places they
passed every year travelling to their summer work. In 1860, 25 Acadian
families moved from Rustico, Prince Edward Island, to the Restigouche
and Matapedia rivers and more families may have followed in succeeding
Intermarriage with other groups also added to the French population.
Some of the French inhabitants married Roman Catholic Irish immigrants
and others married French-speaking Protestant Jerseymen. There were few
conversions to Protestantism and the children of these intergroup
marriages were generally French-speaking and Roman Catholic;
nevertheless, the priests tried to discourage mixed
marriages.24 There were also marriages to European sailors
who worked on the ships which plied between Gaspé and the fish markets
of the world; for example, the large Joseph family of Gaspé is descended
from a marriage in 1802 between a local girl and Benjamin Joseph Killer,
a sailor from Portugal.25 There was also a substantial
Basque-speaking population on Chaleur Bay: the Castilloux, Chapados,
Aspirot, Roussy, Delarosbille, Otsenat and Duguay families were all of
Basque origin and many had been in Gaspé prior to 1760. In 1792 Charles
Robin wrote a merchant in the Basque district of Spain that "our fish
ought to suit your market, it being cured partly by Basque People
settled here when the Country was under the Dominion of France &
retains to this day the Name of Morue Basque." The Basques readily
intermarried with the Acadians and became
Most intergroup marriages were between people who lived in the same
village. Although these marriages resulted in the integration of a
number of people of diverse national origins, many divisions remained.
The mixture of Irish and French at Percé posed problems for the Roman
Catholic missionaries there; the church tried both French and Irish
priests in that settlement.27 There were divisions among the
French as well. Abbé Ferland, writing in 1836, claimed that, "Quoique
voisins, les Acadiens de Bonaventure et les Paspébiacs ont peu de
rapports ensemble. De mémoire d'homme, l'on n'a point vu un garçon d'une
de ces missions épouser une fille appartenant à l'autre."28 In
1811 Monseigneur Plessis noted that many of the pre-Conquest
inhabitants of Gaspé had married Indian women. These were the people whom
Bazagier had called "metifs" in 1760. Plessis said that the mixed blood
of their descendants
met entr'eux et les autres habitants de la Baie des Chaleurs une
différence capitale. Ceux du bas de la paroisse de Caraquet partagent
cette ignominie; les étrangers, les Acadiens surtout, se croiraient
déshonorés en s'alliant à ces descendants de sauvages, et ne les
regardent qu'avec un certain mépris.29
Thus, the French population of Gaspé was not as well integrated
as the degree of intermarriage might lead one to believe.
The French population was attentively served by the Roman Catholic
Church. There was a missionary, Père Etienne, on Chaleur Bay as early as
1760; indeed, there scarcely seems to have been a year when there was no
missionary in Gaspé. The famous Mathurin Bourg, the first Acadian
priest, served on Chaleur Bay from 1773 to 1794; his family lived at
Tracadigash (Carleton).30 He was followed by a long series of
missionaries who ministered to the Roman Catholics of Gaspé
French, Irish and Micmac despite many hardships. By 1833 there
were three full-time priests on the Gaspé coast.31 Several
bishops paid pastoral visits to Gaspé Monseigneurs Hubert (1795),
Plessis (1811, 1812, 1821), and Turgeon (1836, 1841, 1852).32
The difficulties experienced by the Gaspé missionaries demonstrate
the lack of community feeling in the population. In their correspondence
with the bishop at Quebec, the missionaries often commented on their
parishioners' heavy drinking, lack of piety, and Sunday fishing, though
there were also compliments on their personal generosity and
hospitality.33 The priests also complained that the people
were unable to organise the parish, to build a chapel or a presbytery,
or to provide food, shelter and fuel for the priests on a full-time
basis. Plessis noted that it took 15 years for the residents of Percé to
build even "une misérable chapelle de bois, où il ne fait bon qu'autant
qu'il ne pleut pas dehors." Fifteen years after Plessis's visit, the
priest at Percé had to leave to avoid starvation.34 Parishioners were
supposed to pay tithes of a half-quintal of cod for each fishing barge
they owned, but they seldom did so.35
The missionaries seem to have had the least trouble in the more
homogeneously Acadian parishes of Carleton and Bonaventure though
there were problems of drunkenness there too.36 The priests
found the least cooperation in the more heterogeneous parishes of
Percé, Port-Daniel and Paspébiac. Even stern warnings from the bishop of
Quebec failed to prompt the residents of these parishes to provide for
their priests.