Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 23
Gaspé, 1760-1867
by David Lee
Part I: Gaspé and the Government
The Needs of Gaspé
The governmental apparatus designed to administer the District of
Gaspé was obviously weak. The result of this shortcoming was that the
peculiar needs and problems of Gaspé were badly neglected.
Security of Land Title
Land ownership problems plagued Gaspé for more than a century and
many people claimed that the insecurity of title severely retarded the
economic development of the district. Several attempts were made to
resolve the problem but none was fully successful.
Most of the English immigrants of the 1760s settled around Gaspé Bay
while the Acadians quietly occupied land along Chaleur Bay, particularly
at the barachois of Tracadigash (later called Carleton) and at
the mouth of the Bonaventure River. Governor Murray apparently granted
them permission to settle on these lands.1 Government
surveyors like John Collins passed through Gaspé making quick sketches
of the region and subsequently he and other high government officials
were given grants to some of the land occupied by the
Acadians;2 however, the grantees made no attempt to develop
the land so the Acadians remained there undisturbed. Land ownership was
further complicated by the arrival of the Loyalists in 1784 for some of
them were given lands already granted to others. In one case, three
groups Loyalists, Acadians and Indians claimed possession
of some marshland at the mouth of the Restigouche River.3
Gaspé was no longer a vast empty district where a man could settle
anywhere he liked. Furthermore, the Loyalists were more insistent than
the Acadians in having secure and precise title to their lands; however,
to their dismay they were given only location tickets, some of them for
lands long occupied or claimed by the Acadians. In an attempt to resolve
the confusion, Governor Dorchester sent John Collins, now deputy
surveyor general, to Chaleur Bay to gather evidence on land claims from
all the residents. Collins toured the bay with Cox in the summer of
1786, taking oaths of allegiance and noting claims, but no "exact survey
of all their different settlements" was made as Dorchester had
directed,4 perhaps because this was a much more ambitious
task than Dorchester realized. In 1787 the governor-in-council ordered
"certificates prepared and signed by Mr. Collins . . . pledging the
faith of Government for the Lots they possess,"5 but this,
again, was not outright title to the land.
There were also troubles with seigneurial land tenure in Gaspé. For
example, three British merchants, Dutens, Anderson and Smith, had
obtained a mandamus in 1770 for 10,000 acres on Chaleur Bay where they
operated a small fishery for a few years. Dutens had died in 1774 and
another British merchant, John Shoolbred, had purchased the mandamus for
£3,000 and carried on the business until American privateers drove
him out in 1779. One cannot buy or transfer a mandamus, but still, after
the war, the government agreed to give him land on the bay at Pointe
Miguasha, granting it as a seigneury, with the understanding that he
allow fishermen to use the beaches and adjacent woodlots to cure their
fish. A few Loyalists who had already settled on the land were obliged
to leave. After all this trouble, Shoolbred did not develop the land
and, as late as 1815, Joseph Bouchette reported that not one newcomer
had settled there.6
Maurice Séguin maintains that the District of Gaspé was distinct from
the rest of Lower Canada because it was settled on the township system
of land division. Séguin claims that because Gaspé was not operated on
the seigneurial system, it was like a foreign country to French
Canadians and they were not attracted to settle there.7 In
the Shoolbred case, however, the seigneurial system was obviously an
obstacle to settlement. To complicate matters, several seigneuries in
Gaspé which had been granted by the French king continued to exist after
the Conquest. The seigneury of Grand Pabos, for example, was slow to
develop and was abandoned when the seigneurial dues collected there
caused most of its few inhabitants to leave and establish a new
settlement at nearby Newport.6 On the St. Lawrence shore,
such seigneuries as Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, Rivière-la-Madeleine, and
Grande-Vallée were mainly settled by French Canadians from farther up
the river, but grew slowly because fishing was not as good there and
agricultural land was scarce. Thus the Inferior District of Gaspé was,
like the rest of Lower Canada, a mixture of the seigneural and township
In 1787 two British merchants purchased the old French seigneuries
of Deneau (Port-Daniel) and Restigouche, but were unable to secure
ratification of the transfer of seigneurial proprietorship. The
government found that it had placed a large number of Loyalists on this
seigneurial land so Dorchester decided that the fiefs must be
expropriated. Ten years later the government succeeded in closing a
deal with the absentee owners. The land, redeemed from the seigneurial
system, could now be held in freehold.9 For the period
between 1784 and 1797, though, many Loyalists had been occupying land
owned by a second party. In 1797 the location tickets which they had held
on this land since 1784 became valid, but again this did not imply true
In 1789 the governor created the Gaspé Land Board in an attempt to
settle local land questions. The board consisted of Cox, Felix O'Hara
and Charles Robin, as well as a Loyalist and two French Canadians, but
not one Acadian.10 The Acadians had little success with the
board, but found that by continuing to petition the governor and council
at Quebec, their chances were enhanced. In 1796 Lieutenant Governor
LeMaistre arranged for John Collins and several other men to relinquish
the Acadian-occupied lands granted them in the 1760s.11 Few
people lost possession of any land they occupied, but everyone had to
live with the uncertainty of not having true title. The government
discussed the problem in 1805, but then put it aside hoping that the new
lieutenant governor, Alexander Forbes, would be able to resolve
it.12 He did nothing and the question lay dormant for a
In 1818, William Cockburn, member of the legislative assembly for
Gaspé, introduced a Bill to create a commission to investigate the land
question in Gaspé and to secure land titles for the inhabitants. The
Bill received royal assent in 1819.13 Appointed to head the commission
were Jean-Thomas Taschereau and L.-J. Duchesnay; also included were a
secretary, Robert Christie, and surveyors and notaries. (Shortly after
their appointment, Cockburn died and Taschereau took his place as the
representative of Gaspé in the legislative assembly; he served until
1827 when Christie was elected.)
The governor requested that while the commission was in Gaspé, it
should also report on the present state of the district and suggest how
it could be developed. Thus the commission's first report, dated 27
December 1820, included a census and detailed the geography of Gaspé,
its fisheries, agriculture, lumbering, judicial system, roads, schools,
health standards and mail service. Subsequent reports submitted to the
provincial legislature were dated 22 December 1821, 28 February 1823,
18 December 1823 and 23 April 1825.14 The task took nearly six years to
complete because of the remoteness of Gaspé and its poor communications,
its lack of resident surveyors and notaries, and because some claims
were contested and some decisions appealed.
In the summer of 1819 the commissioners visited Douglastown, Percé,
New Carlisle and Bonaventure. During 1820 their itinerary included
Grande-Grève, New Carlisle, Restigouche, Cascapédia (New Richmond),
Paspébiac and Percé. They returned again in the summer of 1823 to
complete their work at Grande-Grève, Gaspé Bay, Percé, Paspébiac, New Carlisle,
Bonaventure, New Richmond, Carleton and Restigouche.15
Over 600 claims were ruled on and by 1825 only a few had not been
decided "because the claimants have not prosecuted their claims." The
adjudications were published in the Quebec Gazette and deposited
in a central registry accompanied by all the evidence, contestations and
appeals. Generally, the adjudications were decided on the basis of
possession of the land for at least ten years with some kind of "written
instrument," or 20 years without.
Although the commissioners were evidently conscientious and thorough
in their work, shortly after their departure there were complaints about
abuses and shortcomings. Some people had difficulty in recovering
documents, but a more serious complaint was that many were charged by
the commission staff for notarial and surveying services. The
commission apparently had no power either to authorize or prohibit such
charges, but the commissioners claimed no one was refused service
because of inability to pay.16 Another problem was that
there was some doubt locally as to whether the adjudications were
legally sound with regard to land title because one was ruled
unacceptable in a Gaspé court. For this reason, the assembly passed an
Act in 1831 declaring the adjudications should "have the effect of
Grants from His Majesty" and proprietors were asked to deposit a copy of
their adjudications in the office of the Provincial Court in
Gaspé.17 Because few people deposited their adjudications
within the required three years, in 1836 the assembly passed an Act
stating that a copy of the entire register was to be deposited in the
Provincial Court in Gaspé and anyone who needed copies would have to
pay a fee. At the same time an Act was passed to remedy the lack of
notaries in Gaspé; it allowed documents to be notarized by a justice of
the peace or clergyman, plus two witnesses.18
After the land commissioners left, the government appointed James
Crawford as agent for the crown in Gaspé to allot unimproved land to
new settlers; by the 1830s newcomers were required to buy their land.
Many hoped by squatting to gain title to their land sometime in the
future, as the land commission had permitted for many residents;
however, the government confirmed its policy of selling crown land by
holding a large sale in July 1834 at which many of the squatters
purchased their land. In the end, those who continued squatting hoping
to get title to any lands they improved were not disappointed; the
assembly passed further legislation in 1847 allowing them title upon
payment of only a small fee.19 Many people took up the
government's offer,20 but for others the uncertainties
As late as 1891 a government official observed that in Gaspé "more
than half the people have no title, not even a location ticket for the
property they occupy."21
Protecting the Fisheries
The defence of Gaspé and its fisheries was not a subject of high
priority in government circles. Great Britain recognised the value of
the fisheries to the empire and claimed to be committed to their
preservation. The fisheries operating on the open sea were, of course,
vulnerable to intrusions by outsiders and difficult to protect;
however, Great Britain did not seem to try very hard and, indeed, when
it came to diplomatic bargaining, was ready to sacrifice the fisheries
for other benefits.
Between 1763 and 1775 there was no real trouble on the Gaspé
fisheries, but difficulties began with the American Revolution and for a
few years the fisheries were rendered inoperative by ravaging American
In June 1778 two privateers arrived at Paspébiac and immediately
seized and sent off one of Charles Robin's ships loaded with dried
codfish. While the Americans were loading a second vessel, two British
warships arrived and succeeded in recovering it. Because there were so
many American privateers in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, one of the
warships remained in Chaleur Bay for the summer.22 Four ships
belonging to Charles Robin and William Smith (John Shoolbred's agent at
Bonaventure) were seized on the way to their autumn markets in Europe by
the privateers shortly after they had ventured into the bay. As a
result, Charles Robin left the Gaspé fisheries in 1778 and did not
return until peace came in 1783.
By the time John Shoolbred sent his fish off to market in October
1778, the British patrol vessel had left and the Americans easily
captured his three ships. Shoolbred tried to carry on in 1779, but in
June of that year four American privateers raided his establishment at
Bonaventure and seized his money and stores.23 Shoolbred
abandoned the fisheries too and, although he acquired a seigneury on
Chaleur Bay after the war, he did not resume fishing.
After Shoolbred departed there was not much left in Gaspé to attract
privateers. The Royal Navy provided a warship to patrol the gulf, but
that was too great an area for one ship to cover although by chance the
warship was at Percé in June 1780 when four American privateers
appeared. Aided by two 12-pounder cannons operated from shore by the
local militia, the warship managed to chase the Americans away. Two
years later, when two more American privateers visited Percé, the patrol
vessel was busy elsewhere. The Americans burned all the sailing
craft at Percé, terrorized the inhabitants and threw the cannons over the
cliff. Then they moved on to Gaspé Bay where they took Judge O'Hara
prisoner for a time.24
Several times over the years Gaspésians petitioned unsuccessfully
for a small detachment of regular troops. After the American Revolution
Gaspé was never again threatened with attack from the outside (not even
during the War of 1812), but troops were often requested to bolster the
civil authority. The 1780 engagement was one of the few occasions the
militia was mustered in Gaspé. Although there were frequent reports on
the moribund state of the militia and repeated requests that it should
be revived, nothing was ever done.25
In the entire District of Gaspé there was only one defensive work,
the so-called "Fort Ramsay" at Pointe McConnell on Gaspé Bay. Although
the origin of this fortification is unclear, it has a long history. In
1757-58 Pierre Revol, hoping to discourage the British from
landing, tried to contrive something which would look like a substantial
fortification when seen from the water; this may have been the beginning
of Fort Ramsay. In 1765 John Collins set aside a military reserve on
Pointe McConnell, noting that a fortification on this elevated site
could command the entire harbour. In 1834 John D. McConnell,
grandson-in-law of Felix O'Hara, reported that "the remains, Glacis etc. of
old . . . Fort Ramsay" could still be seen.26 McConnell did
not mention the existence of any cannon, but by 1866 there were three on
the site of what was by then the residence of John LeBoutillier,
prominent local merchant and member of the legislative assembly for the
county of Gaspé. The name Ramsay may have been given to the
fortification after the visit of Governor General Lord Dalhousie
(George Ramsay) in 1826. The cannon may have been placed on the remains
of the work as a decoration by LeBoutillier.27
The Treaty of Paris (1783) gave the Americans the right to fish along
all "the coasts, Bays and Creeks" of British North America and to land
to cure fish on "any of the unsettled Bays, Harbours and Creeks of Nova
Scotia, Magdalen Islands and Labrador." Should these areas become
settled, the Americans could remain only with the settlers'
permission.28 Quebec obviously was not one of the colonies
where American ships could land to cure their fish and complaints arose
almost immediately after 1783 that the Americans were violating the
treaty in Gaspé, but neither the Royal Navy station at Halifax nor the
one at Quebec was well enough equipped to patrol the whole eastern
The Treaty of 1818 with the United States specified that only ships
operating under British navigation laws and manned by British subjects
could fish within three miles of the coast of British North America or
land there to cure fish; foreigners could land only for shelter, fuel,
water and repairs. This condition gave the Gaspé fisheries a little more
protection from American fishermen at a time when the latter were
becoming even more aggressive, but the problem of enforcement remained.
The Royal Navy did not have enough ships to control the hundreds of
American ships that came to the Gaspé fisheries every year.
In the 1820s John LeBoutillier, at this time the Charles Robin and
Company agent at Percé, took matters into his own hands when one
American ship came to fish just off shore. Waiting until the ship was
nearly loaded, he led a group of men aboard and threw all the fish
overboard. He claimed that the ship left immediately and no Americans
came to Percé for years afterward.
The problem with the treaties was one of interpretation: was the
three-mile limit to be measured from headland to headland or was it to
follow the convolutions of the shoreline? If the former, the Americans
could be excluded from Chaleur Bay and perhaps even the Gulf of St.
Lawrence. The matter of interpretation was very important for as early
as 1824, hundreds of American ships were reported on the Orphan Banks
and in Chaleur Bay, and their aggressive fishing for cod and mackerel
reduced the catch of local fishermen to almost nothing. Mackerel were
especially important as cod bait and when the government finally
succeeded in keeping the American fishermen out of the bay, the local
catch was much more abundant. The British government eventually decided
to measure the three miles from the headlands and, although this ruling
did not exclude the Americans from the Orphan Banks, it did keep them
out of Chaleur Bay. Nevertheless, it was many years before the Royal
Navy was able to enforce the decision; not until 1852 was a regular
patrol sent to the Gaspé area.30
The presence of these British naval patrols nearly resulted in armed
clashes with American fishermen and, among other reasons, it was to
avoid this that the United States and Great Britain were anxious to
sign the Reciprocity Treaty of 1854. This treaty allowed Americans to
fish in Gaspé coastal waters and to land to cure their fish. Gaspésians
were allowed access to American fisheries, but no Gaspé fisherman is
known to have ever taken advantage of this privilege. The treaty ended
in 1866, but by the Treaty of Washington (1871), rights to Canadian
fisheries were once more sold to the United States.31
Thus, Gaspé fishermen gained only two years' relief (1852-54) from
American competition.
Nevertheless, Canadian surveillance of the fisheries continued after
1854. Dr. Pierre Fortin was sent as a stipendiary magistrate to patrol
the waters of the gulf in 1852. In addition to dispensing justice from
his armed schooner La Canadienne, he checked on smuggling and
offences to the Fisheries Act, issued fishing licences, collected
statistics and gathered information on settlement and the fisheries for
the use of the assembly. In 1867 he was succeeded by his assistant,
Théophile Têtu.32
The United States also took steps to reduce the possibility of
friction between American fishermen and the people of Gaspé. William W.
Merriam of New York was appointed first American consul at Gaspé Bay in
1856 to represent United States interests there. A few years later the
United States erupted in civil war and relations between Britain and the
northern states became so strained that British troops were shipped to
Canada in 1861. To find out as much as possible about British shipping
and troop movements in Canada, the United States sent Thomas Fitnam to
Gaspé Bay in the middle of the winter of 1861-62. Officially known
as a consul, his mission was to carry out "confidential agencies";
however, the British were completely aware of Fitnam's objectives and
Governor General Monck felt that "a spy in an official position is much
more easily watched than one in a private capacity."33 In
1866 the United States chose a Canadian, Horatio LeBoutillier, son of
the Honourable John LeBoutillier, to be their consul at Gaspé Bay. A
later consul, George Holt, gathered information in 1877 for the Halifax
Commission regarding the impact of the earlier Reciprocity
Treaty.34 Besides treaty violations, another complaint
against the United States was that its fishermen would not obey Canadian
regulations against throwing fish offal into the water. The people of
Gaspé polluted the fisheries too, but since they fished just off shore
it was easier for the local fish companies to control this abuse. The
Americans, however, fished on the banks out in the bay or gulf where it
was impossible for the Royal Navy or Fortin's fishery patrol to
supervise them. The only effective way to control the Americans would
have been to keep them out of the fisheries, but to the British, peace
and other favours from the United States were more important than
preserving the Gaspé fisheries.
Social Assistance
Gaspé was a chronically poverty-stricken region unable to provide
such social services as welfare, health assistance and education on its
own. At the same time Gaspésians could never rely on government
assistance. Habitually the government either ignored requests for aid or
pleaded communication difficulties or lack of funds.
When the Gaspé economy was devastated by American privateers in the
revolutionary war, the only aid that Governor Haldimand sent was four
guineas and some flour to be distributed among the poor,35
but when the Loyalists came to settle in Gaspé a few years later,
Haldimand provided lavish assistance. Crop failures in the 19th century
brought varying responses. A shipment of flour was sent in
1816,36 but in 1848 when Robert Christie, member of the
assembly for Gaspé, reported a crop failure and a poor fishing season,
the government stalled by insisting on petitions direct from the
inhabitants. By the time such requests arrived, it was too late in the
season to send any aid. The following spring the government agreed to
send seed grain, but the cost had to be repaid over two
years.37 Similar petitions in 1852, 1855 and 1866, when
people were reported dying of starvation, brought no help at all, the
government claiming lack of funds.38
Ships in trouble, especially those on transatlantic voyages, were
accustomed to heading for Gaspé Bay. Often their trouble was infectious
diseases among the immigrants they were bringing to Canada. Canadian
quarantine regulations respecting disease-stricken ships for some reason
did not extend to Gaspé, which made the area even more attractive for
these ships and naturally endangered the health of the people of Gaspé.
As the land commissioners noted in 1820, this resulted in the "loss of
some respectable and valuable inhabitants." One official, Hugh O'Hara,
died after contracting a disease while tending the sick left by a ship
in 1818. In 1821 the government conducted a brief smallpox vaccination
programme in Gaspé.39 Nevertheless, the district was not
equipped to handle general outbreaks of smallpox, cholera, typhoid fever
or diphtheria. As late as 1833 there was only one doctor resident in the
district and he lived on Chaleur Bay. Occasionally, when a Royal Navy
ship visited Gaspé Bay, a naval surgeon helped out. A special session of
the peace in 1847 reported that the situation had become very serious
and pleaded for a government-established board of health to enable local
quarantine of the sick. Two years later the assembly passed such
legislation, but the Act gave the board little authority to control the
landing of passengers and crews from visiting ships. Furthermore, the
Act did not provide any funds to cover the board's expenses and for this
reason no board of health appears to have been created in
In 1859 there was fear of a smallpox epidemic and although the people
petitioned for free vaccination, the request was not acted on. Even
after 1860, when Gaspé Bay was made a free port and maritime traffic
consequently increased, the government refused to appoint a health
officer or to provide for any resultant outbreak of disease. A
diphtheria epidemic in 1862 caused the population to panic, but when the
local member of the legislative assembly asked for a doctor to be sent,
the request was simply shelved.41
No school is known to have operated in Gaspé prior to the arrival of
the Loyalists. In 1785 the government voted £25 for a
schoolmaster, Benjamin Hobson, at the Loyalist settlement of New
Carlisle. Hobson taught at New Carlisle until 1822, for the first 15
years in his own home because he was not provided with a schoolhouse
until 1801.42
Improvement in the educational facilities at New Carlisle may have
been due to the founding of the Royal Institution for the Advancement
of Learning in 1801, the first true school system to operate in Canada.
Through this institution the government financed and supervised
teachers, buildings and curricula. Education expanded in the District of
Gaspé, Douglastown acquiring a school sometime before 1818, and by 1830
schools had also been established at L'Anse-aux-Cousins, Cape Cove,
Gaspé Bay, Hopetown, Mal Bay and Paspébiac. An attractive curriculum,
often offered in both English and French, was provided at the Royal
Institution schools. The one at Douglastown, for example, gave courses
in such practical subjects as bookkeeping and navigation. New
legislation in 1829 and 1832 continued government financial support,
but put more organisational responsibility on the local people. In Gaspé
this was disastrous and most of the schools closed. Political stalemate
in the legislature prevented any further school legislation after the
Act of 1832 expired in 1836.43
Few people in Gaspé were enthusiastic about education for they needed
their children to work on the beaches curing fish from April to
November. Hence, giving local residents more control of their schools
only served to retard literacy in Gaspé. In 1811 Monseigneur Plessis had
written a Paspébiac missionary that he should "leur enseigner à lire
autant qu'il sera nécessaire pour les mettre en étât de chanter le
plein-chant." In 1836 Abbé Ferland claimed that at Paspébiac,
les écoles sont proscrites. 'Il n'y a pas besoin d'instruction
pour eux', écrivait M. Philippe Robin à ses commis; s'ils étaient
instruits, en seraient-ils plus habiles à la pêche?
It must be noted, however, that the source of Robin's alleged
statement is unknown. In any case, Paspébiac had a Royal Institution
school for a number of years. In 1824 J.F. Winter, senior clerk of
Charles Robin and Company, was the "visitor" (local superintendent) of
that school; he petitioned the institution for a bilingual teacher
because of the large number of francophones in the area. The Royal
Institution school was still functioning when Ferland visited Paspébiac
in 1836.44
Only a few schools survived into the 1840s. One was at New Carlisle,
which had a long tradition of education and indeed, in 1847, the town
petitioned for a secondary school, though unsuccessfully. New
legislation in 1845 authorised the creation of municipal school boards
with taxation powers. In Gaspé this law was initially met with
hostility, but by 1855 nearly half the school-age children in the two
counties were attending school for at least part of the year. The school
inspector's report for 1855 shows primary schools established
though not necessarily functioning in most areas. In Fox
Township the residents continued to refuse taxation, but in Mann
Township the inspector succeeded in persuading the people to organise a
school board.45
Economic Development
In the hope that through economic development Gaspé would be able to
afford better social services, it was often suggested that the
government help the district develop a diversified economy based on the
use of cash rather than on a barter system. Attempts were made to
encourage the development of the mineral, timber and agricultural
resources of the area so the fishing industry would not be the sole
basis of the Gaspé economy, but the changeover was very slow.
Meanwhile the fishing industry throve under the leadership of
innovative and energetic merchants who felt that the Canadian government
could assist the industry to become even stronger. The British
government often sacrificed the interests of the fisheries to gain
political and economic benefits in other spheres, as, for example, with
the Reciprocity Treaty (1854) and the Treaty of Washington (1871).
Nevertheless, the government tried to bring some order to the Gaspé
fisheries, its first ordinance being promulgated as early as 1764 and
followed by revisions and improvements in 1788, 1804, 1807, 1819, 1824,
1826, 1831, 1836, 1841, etc.; however, little was done to inform the
local fishermen of the application of these ordinances, and for a long
time many of the provisions were unenforceable. As early as 1788 there
were authorisations for the appointment of cullers and fish inspectors
to standardise the quality of fish exported, but it was not until the
next century that they were able to act. Since the Restigouche River and
Chaleur Bay fisheries were shared with New Brunswick, many regulations
could not be enforced without the cooperation of that colony. The Acts
of 1824 and 1826 provided for commissioners from Canada to meet with
representatives from New Brunswick to coordinate fisheries policy, but
this was never done.46
The fishing companies of Gaspé, although very influential within the
district, were surprisingly lacking in influence in government circles.
They asked for several concessions to help their industry and, although
these were not major requests, they had to wait many years before any
were granted, if at all. For example, as early as 1785 the companies
requested that a customs house be established at Percé, the centre of
the fisheries, so ships bringing men and supplies from Europe would not
have to go to Douglastown or New Carlisle to have their cargoes
cleared. This would save much valuable time, especially during spring,
the important fishing season, but not until 1835 was a customs house
established at Percé47
Duties on the importation of fishing equipment were also a sore
point. All imports into Canada were subject to a two and one-half per
cent advalorem duty until 1859 when the duty was increased, but in view
of the fishing industry's traditional importance as a nursery for seamen
in case of war, exemptions were asked for in certain cases. The capacity
of the Gaspé fishermen to compete in the world market had been seriously
curtailed because fishermen in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince
Edward Island had been granted exemptions and Gaspésians had not. The
only important exemption gained was the removal, in 1814, of the duty on
salt imported to cure fish. The duty on imported molasses was removed in
1835, which must have helped a little for it stimulated the market for a
commodity that Gaspé fishing vessels could carry when returning from the
West Indies.48 In 1860 several Gaspé ports were declared free
ports and the desires of the large fishing concerns were largely
Gaspé fishermen were accustomed to operating at a disadvantage
because most of their competitors were provided with bounties on fish
exports. Newfoundland and Labrador had long enjoyed a bounty on the fish
they produced for the British market and in the 19th century New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island also provided bounties
for their fishermen on exported fish. New Brunswick, for example, paid
50 cents per quintal of cod that sold for around five to six dollars in
the United States. Thus, fish caught in Chaleur Bay brought more profit
to a New Brunswick fisherman than to his Gaspé neighbours.
The government never relieved Gaspésians of this
The assistance requested for the fishing industry of Gaspé
principally benefitted the large merchants. As Pierre Fortin noted in
1865, the creation of free ports in Gaspé in 1860 did not much help the
fishermen themselves because control of the economy remained in the
hands of the big companies. The "Jersey Houses," he said, did not pass
on the savings to the local people who supplied them with fish and they
worked together to exclude new competition.50
Attempts were made to encourage the development of the mineral,
timber and agricultural resources of the area to offset dependence
solely on fishing. For many years there had been rumours of deposits of
coal, oil and other minerals in Gaspé. The first person with any
knowledge of geology whom we know to have investigated these rumours was
Sir Richard Bonnycastle, who confirmed the existence of petroleum when
he accompanied Lord Aylmer to the district in 1831. William Logan,
chief geologist for the government of Canada, who was sent to Gaspé in
1844, felt that petroleum deposits on the York and Saint-Jean rivers
might be commercially exploitable, and that same year the Gaspé Fishery
and Mining Company was incorporated with the hope of exploiting these
resources. In 1860 another company drilled several wells on the York
River and at Sandy Beach, actually producing a few barrels of oil. The
oil companies remained interested, but the capital for further
exploration in this rugged and remote area was hard to
Although mineral development was too expensive for the area, a lumber
industry could have provided winter employment for the fishing
communities. Unfortunately, this industry was very slow to develop in
the Gaspé although it boomed in the rest of the province during the 19th
century. This was mainly because the government had a commitment to
protect the river fisheries of Gaspé, especially the rich salmon
fisheries, from being disturbed by sawdust and the movement of logs.
For the same reason Father Painchaud, missionary to the Acadians and
Indians, campaigned against lumbering.52
Nevertheless, lumbering was done on a small scale. Charles Robin
witnessed two ships loading masts at the Bonaventure River in 1767 and
occasionally his company sent lumber to Jersey and the West Indies.53
The government apparently did not enforce Admiralty laws reserving all
white pines for ships' masts after it was recognised that Gaspé did not
produce trees suitable for this purpose.54 Because
government regulations with regard to lumbering were not extended to
Gaspé, trespassers from as far as the United States pirated Gaspé timber
and as early as 1820 there was concern that this uncontrolled lumbering
might result in over-cutting.55
Gradually local people got into the timber trade. Bouchette reported
that they began in 1815, that in 1818 four shiploads were exported, and
that by 1825 as many as 60 shiploads of lumber, mainly pine, were
exported.56 By 1843 there were sawmills on the Bonaventure,
Restigouche, Matapédia and Matane rivers,57 yet much timber
cut along the Bonaventure and most of that cut along the Restigouche was
milled in the New Brunsick towns of Dalhousie and
Campbellton.58 Not enough wood was cut in Gaspé to generate
employment sufficient to improve the local economic situation
Gaspé timber was very important for the local shipbuilding industry.
Small sailing sloops and schooners had long been constructed by the
French of Acadia and Gaspé, but Charles Robin initiated a Gaspé
tradition of building his own ocean-going vessels. In 1792 he launched
his first ship, the Fiott, a brig of about 250 tons which, on its
first voyage, carried fish oil, salmon and cod to Santander in Spain.
Robin was very fortunate in selecting an expert shipwright, James Day,
to supervise his shipyards and doubly fortunate that Day was willing to
remain in the relative isolation of Gaspé for many years. For a long
time Robin's company was able to turn out an average of one ship every
two years using the local timber supplies. Some fittings, naturally, had
to be imported, but nevertheless the company became somewhat independent
of the outside world for its fleet of ships to carry fish to distant
Gaspé became well-known for its shipbuilding capabilities, one
observer claiming they ranked "higher than any other colonial built
vessels." Although not numerous, the ships were famous for their
reliability and durability and within a few years they were being built
with a capacity of 4,000 to 5,000 quintals of cod. They were also famous
for speed; some were known to have taken two cargoes of dried cod to
Brazil in one season.59 In 1825 the customs collector at
Gaspé Bay wrote,
At New Richmond, Bonaventure and Paspibiac there is
considerable ship building carried on and with great success,
contracts are generally made for from 5 & 6 pounds per ton exclusive of
Rigging; the materials are Bottom plank and timbers black Birch, the
upper timbers Cedar and Juniper, the knees either spruced or junipered
(the latter is preferred) the trunnels are of Juniper and found to
answer much better than Oak, vessels of 3 to 400 tons are built here
[Gaspé Bay] and at the Bay of Chaleurs of those materials without iron
or copper fastenings and are found to answer a good purpose, they
generally run 10 and 12 years without repairs, in one instance the
Messrs. Robin built a Brig of these materials which has now seen 19 years and
nothing has been yet wanted to her woodwork, the trunnels are all driven
aslant which precludes the possibility of the plank starting, those
vessels are the handsome models and are in good repute; the forests
afford a convenient and ample supply for building, as also white and red
pine but at Gaspé [Bay] rather small dimensions, the builders lay down
their vessels a good way from the water and when they launch (even large
ships) they lower them on their bilge and start them broadside foremost
a most simple safe and easy method especially in scarce water; there is
no oak grows in this district.60
A third means of diversifying the Gaspé economy was to develop its
agricultural potential. The government often discussed encouraging the
people of Gaspé to become full-time agriculturalists, but it could not
force people onto the farms. One suggestion was to discourage fishing by
shortening the legal fishing season; another was to remove the
uncertainty of property title which had been a deterrent to farming for
so long. Occasionally the government sent seeds and seed grains to
Gaspé, and the district was included in a government programme during
the 1840s and 1850s to promote the organisation of local agricultural
The soil and climate, however, posed problems for the potential
farmer. Along the entire rocky coast from Cap-Chat to Percé, farming
consisted of little more than small gardens bordering the coves. South
of Percé on Chaleur Bay the terrain was less steep, the climate milder
and the soil richer. Travelling along the bay in 1836 Father Ferland
noted that the land around Tracadigash (Carleton), at the head of
Chaleur Bay where cod were fewer and the fishing season shorter than
elsewhere in the district, was very much like that near Quebec. La
pêche est d'une importance secondaire; l'agriculture forme leur
principale occupation. Des chemins bien entretenus permettent de
voyager en voiture . . .; aussi chaque cultivateur possède cheval
et charettes, tant pour les voyages et les promenades, que pour les
travaux de la terre.62
For many Gaspésians farming was out of the question because they
were indebted to the fishing companies and thus had to continue working
for them. Although Governor Haldimand had been aware of the pernicious
effect of fishing monopolies and the barter system, no effective action
was taken to break up the power of the big companies; however, as the
19th century progressed more people began to raise their own food,
especially as the second ranges of townships, away from the sea, were
settled. In Bonaventure County the number of families living entirely by
farming increased from 362 in 1819 to 459 in
1831. In the whole District of Gaspé in 1819 there were four
gristmills; by 1831, there were six. More striking is the increase in
horses, cows, sheep and hogs in the district: 11,294 in 1819; 21,477 in
1831.63 In 1830 a visitor was impressed with the quality of the
livestock and reported that much of it was sold to lumber
In the 18th century Gaspé probably had as much contact with Europe as
with Quebec; nevertheless, Gaspé depended on the rest of the province
for economic and social assistance, its judicial system, and trade and
defence. Within the district, communication was difficult because many
people were too poor to afford to travel from one settlement to another
except by boat and for a long time there were only a few short stretches
of road along Chaleur Bay. In the winter travellers crossed rivers and
bays on the ice, but every year someone broke through the ice and
drowned. Poor local communications caused great difficulties with
respect to holding court sessions, elections and religious services,
conducting trade and organising school boards.65
Around 1820 the government sent men to explore a route for a road to
connect the St. Lawrence River with Chaleur Bay. Work was begun in the
late 1820s on the "Kempt Road' (initiated by Sir James Kempt,
administrator of Lower Canada), which cut through nearly 100 miles of
forest along the valley of the Matapédia River; it ran from the
settlement of Métis (now Grand-Métis) to the mouth of the Restigouche
River. It was called a finished road, but only at its two ends were
there stretches where carriages could pass. Travellers could easily
cross into New Brunswick and continue on to Halifax for roads in the
maritime provinces were better than in Gaspé. The connection between
Quebec and Halifax was naturally considered very valuable by the British
authorities because mail and, in the event of war, soldiers could be
more reliably moved from one province to another;66 however,
in 1837 and 1861, troops travelling from New Brunswick to Canada took
the traditional route over the Témiscouata portage.
In the early 1840s the Kempt Road was improved and made "thoroughly
passable for wheel Carriages, and all the Rivers bridged in the most
substantial manner." Still, when the work was completed there were 78
miles in the interior where there were only two settlers and it was many
years before they came in any number.67 The Kempt Road only
connected one corner of the District of Gaspé to the rest of the
province and actually most of the road was not even in Gaspé but in
Cornwallis County (today Matapédia County). Most of the road went around
Gaspé and thus did nothing to stimulate settlement there.
But the people of Gaspé wanted roads that would link their
communities together, allow internal communication by land, and
facilitate settlement and commerce. Some local attempts had been made to
construct roads along the shore of Chaleur Bay, notably one 21 miles in
length between Percé and Grand-Rivière; but when the terrain was rough
and rivers had to be bridged, the cost and technology were beyond the
capacity of the local people. In the 1840s the government improved the
existing roads and cut new ones through the gaps between the existing
roads. One of the longest gaps was through the empty Shoolbred
seigneury. Sixty miles of new roads were constructed as well as several
bridges over 200 feet long including a 400-foot bridge over the Petit
Pabos River. A short road was also constructed to connect with a ferry
from Dalhousie, New Brunswick. By 1844 one could travel by carriage from
Quebec to Percé or Halifax.68
The new settlements of Cap-Chat, Sainte-Anne-des-Monts and
Grande-Vallée petitioned for an overland connection with the outside
world, their most cogent argument being that such a road would provide
for the more efficient rescue of passengers and crews of vessels
shipwrecked along the shore. In the following decades sporadic work was
done on a road along the north shore of Gaspé, but many years elapsed
before it was completed so communication by water continued to be
favoured. Thus, supplies brought from the outside were very expensive.
Goods were brought down from Quebec to Gaspé Bay before being sent back
up the St. Lawrence to the isolated, upriver communities. William Logan
observed in 1844 that supplies became more expensive as he went up the
river from Cap-des-Rosiers to Cap-Chat.69
Gradual improvement in overland communications permitted better
postal service. Normally mail was sent by boat from Quebec during the
navigation season, but the service to Gaspé was intermittent between
December and May. Charles Robin mentioned in 1798 that a mail courier
made only one or two trips every winter from Quebec. Robin paid the
courier as much as £1 for carrying his letters along a route
similar to that later used for the Kempt Road. In 1830 the courier was
still making only one or two trips per winter, carrying mail at the rate
of two or three shillings per letter; however, by 1839 the Post Office
Department reported that it "with difficulty maintains by a weekly foot
post a communication between the District of Gaspé and the rest of Lower
Canada via the Métis [Kempt Road] route."70
Marine communications were also uncertain due to the absence of good
navigational charts. The old North American Pilot, first
published in 1775 for the Lords of the Admiralty, included sailing
directions for the coasts of Gaspé based on the hasty surveys done by
James Cook, who was with Wolfe at Gaspé Bay in 1758, and by HMS
Norwich, which participated in the battle of the Restigouche in
1760.71 The first truly accurate nautical charts of the
coasts of Gaspé were made available in the 1830s when Captain (later
Admiral) Bayfield was sent by the government to chart these waters. Even
after Bayfield's charts became generally available, shipwrecks were
common occurrences, especially along the St. Lawrence shore. In 1847
there was, for example, the tragic wreck of the Carricks in which
about 175 people drowned off Cap des Rosiers. Not until 1858 did the
government erect a lighthouse at this strategic point (the first
lighthouse built in Gaspé) and no further ones were constructed until
the 1870s.72
Further improvements to communications in Gaspé were long to appear.
Although first requested in 1857, it was not until 1870 that the
government subsidized a steamship company to establish service between
Pointe au Père, Quebec, and the maritime provinces, which included
stops at Gaspé Bay, Percé and Chaleur Bay.73 In 1880
telegraph service, both land and submarine, connected several points in
the Gulf of St. Lawrence, including Gaspé.74 Although rail
service had first been requested in 1851, the Chaleur Bay Railway,
running from Matapédia to Gaspé Bay, was not begun until the 1890s and
not completed until 1912; it merged with the Canadian National Railway
in 1929.75