Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 23
Gaspé, 1760-1867
by David Lee
Part III: The People of Gaspé
The People of Gaspé: Introduction
The Population consists of a mixture of the Descendants of the
Acadians of Nova Scotia, of English, Scotch & Irish Fishermen &
other settlers from the United Kingdom; there are even Individuals from
the Southern Countries of Europe to be found amongst them, who have
found their way thither in the course of the communication existing
between Gaspé & those countries in carrying on the Trade in salted
Fish, which is their principal occupation; this mixture in the
composition of the Population of the District of Gaspé implies a
difference in Religion, as well as in other particulars.
Lord Aylmer
Governor General Aylmer was writing to the Colonial Office explaining
how difficult it would be to get the people of Gaspé to formulate a
common opinion on whether to remain in the Province of Lower Canada or
join New Brunswick.1 There was little sense of community
feeling in Gaspé; the people had no sense of common identity. The
population consisted of an unintegrated collection of people of diverse
There were Indians on the Restigouche, Cascapédia and other rivers.
There were a few French families which had been in Gaspé before the
Conquest and stayed on under the new British regime. There were Acadians
who had fled to the Restigouche to escape deportation and who
subsequently settled along Chaleur Bay. There were Basques who were so
expert at curing fish. In the 19th century, French Canadians came down
the St. Lawrence River from the parishes near Quebec City to settle on
the north shore at Gaspé at such coves as Sainte Anne-des-Monts,
Rivière-la-Madeleine and Rivière-au-Renard. There were Guernseymen and
Jerseymen who were Protestant but spoke French and sometimes English.
Some English-speaking people immigrated directly from Britain while
others came from Upper and Lower Canada; some came from the thirteen
colonies before the Revolution and many more came as Loyalists after the
Revolution. There were also the Irish who settled around Percé,
Douglastown and Cap des Rosiers and the Scots who settled at Hopetown
and elsewhere. There were itinerant Jewish traders and a few scattered
Italians, Portuguese, Swedes, Norwegians, Dutch and Germans who found
their way to Gaspé.
This diverse population showed little enthusiasm to integrate. The
different groups seldom came to blows most of the complaints
about lawlessness in Gaspé involved sailors who came for the summer to
carouse, brawl and work on the fisheries. There was some intermarriage
between the groups and most of the population depended on the fisheries
and had similar needs and interests, but apathy and poor communications
deterred the creation of any integrated community feeling in Gaspé.