Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 23
Gaspé, 1760-1867
by David Lee
La Gaspésie n'est pas un comté,
c'est une province.
Rodolphe Lemieux
In the period between the Conquest and Confederation, Gaspé was never
truly a part of Quebec or Canada. Its rugged topography and remote
location resulted in obvious government neglect and its dependence on a
fishing economy produced a society quite different from that of the
rest of the province. Moreover, it was settled by people of diverse
origins who, because of poor communications, never created an integrated
community feeling in the area; not only did they feel little identity
with the people of the rest of the province, but they also felt little
common identity with their fellow residents in Gaspé.
Submitted for publication 1975, by David Lee, National Historic Parks
and Sites Branch, Ottawa.