Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 23
Blockhouses in Canada, 1749-1841: A Comparative Report and Catalogue
by Richard J. Young
Akins, Thomas Beamish
"History of Halifax City." Collections of the Nova Scotia
Historical Society, Vol. 8 (1892-94). Halifax. Reprint ed., The
Canadian House, Toronto, 1967.
Alexander, Sir James E.
L'Acadie; Or, Seven Years' Explorations in British America.
Henry Colburn, London, 1849. 2 vols.
Allen, Robert A.
"A History of Fort George." Manuscript on file, National Historic
Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1966. (Now available in
Canadian Historic Sites No. 11 [1974], Ottawa.)
Baker, Raymond
"The Early Citadel at Halifax: 1749-1815." Manuscript on file,
National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa,
Canada. Department of Indian and Northern Affairs. National
Historic Parks and Sites Branch.
"The Fort on Grassy Island." Manuscript on file, National Historic
Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1962.
"The Historic Assets of the Rideau Waterway." Manuscript on file,
National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa,
Canada. Public Archives. Manuscript Division.
MG11, CO188, New Brunswick A, 1784-1815
MG11, CO217, Nova Scotia A, 1749-63, 1774-83, 1792-1815
MG12, WO34, B67, Amherst Papers, Vols. 11-20
MG12, WO44, Ordnance In-letters
MG12, WO55, Ordnance Miscellany
MG18, F8, Private letterbook of Paul Mascarene, 1742-53
MG18, Fig, Nova Scotia, 1749-56
MG18, F27, Christian Lilly, report on Newfoundland, 1711
MG18, L4, Amherst Family Papers, packets 5, 11, 20, 36 and 38
MG21, Add. MSS, Nos. 21661-892, Haldimand Papers, especially Nos.
21814-6, correspondence with Ordnance and Royal Engineers officers
MG21, King's Maps, CXIX, fols. 101-6, J.H. Bastide, Report on the
fortifications in Newfoundland, 1750
MG23, A6, Germain Papers, 1775-79
MG23, B1, Carleton Papers, 12 vols
MG23, GII, 1, Murray Papers
MG23, GII, 17, Prescott Papers, 27 vols
MG23, H1, 1, Simcoe Papers
RG8, C Series, volumes cited in the endnotes and others,
especially Vols. 381-495 (Ordnance and Engineers) and Vols.
511-98 (Posts and Barracks); Series II, Vols. 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 31,
80-5 and 89
Diubaldo, Richard
"The Early History of St. Andrews, N.B." Manuscript on file, National
Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1966. (Now
printed in Manuscript Report Series No. 134, Parks Canada, Ottawa.)
Doughty, Arthur George
The Fortress of Quebec, 1608-1903. Dussault and Proulx,
Quebec, 1904.
Emerson, J.N., H.E. Devereux and M.F. Ashworth
"A Study of Fort St. Joseph." Manuscript on file, National Historic
Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1966.
Fortescue, John William
A History of the British Army. 2nd ed. Macmillan, London,
1899-1930. 13 vols. Vols. 2-3.
Ganong, William F.
"A Monograph of Historic Sites in the Province of New Brunswick."
Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Ser.
2, Vol. 5 (1899), pp. 213-59, Ottawa.
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons.
"Canada Water Communications." Accounts and Papers Relating to
Colonies; Canada; East Indies; New South Wales; Van Dieman's Land. Her
Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1830-31. Vol. 9. Report No.
Gulilet, Edwin Clarence
Toronto, from Trading Post to Great City. Ontario Publishing,
Toronto, 1934.
Hannay, James
History of New Brunswick. J.A. Bowes, Saint John, 1909. 2
Heriot, George
Travels through the Canadas, Containing a Description of the
Picturesque Scenery on some of the Rivers and Lakes, with an Account of
the Productions, Commerce, and Inhabitants of those Provinces.
Reprint of 1807 ed. C.E. Tuttle, Rutland, 1971.
Hitsman, John Mackay
The Incredible War of 1812; A Military History. Univ. of
Toronto Press, Toronto, 1965.
Hornby, Brook
"Fort Amherst, P.E.I." Manuscript on file, National Historic Parks
and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1965.
Horsman, Reginald
The War of 1812. Eyre and Spottiswoode, London, 1969.
Ingram, George
"A History of Coteau-du-Lac," Manuscript on file, National Historic
Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1965.
"Structural History of Coteau-du-Lac Manuscript on file, National
Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, n.d.
"Placentia, Castle Hill, Newfoundland," Manuscript on file, National
Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1964. (Now
printed in Manuscript Report Series No. 107.)
"A Structural History of the Fortifications and Military Buildings at
Signal Hill, Nfld." Manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and
Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1964.
"The West Blockhouse, St. Andrews; A Structural Report." Manuscript
on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa,
1965. (Now printed in Manuscript Report Series No. 134.)
Jeremy, David John, ed.
Henry Wamsey and his American Journal. American Philosophical
Society, Philadelphia, 1970.
Kendall, John C.
"William Twiss, Royal Engineer, 1745-1827." Manuscript on file,
National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1966.
(Now printed in Manuscript Report Series No. 132.)
Kidder, Frederic
Military Operations in Eastern Maine and Nova Scotia during the
Revolution, Chiefly Compiled from the Journals and Letters of Col. John
Allan, with Notes and a Memoir of Col. John Allan. J. Munsell,
Albany, 1867.
Laverty, Robert G.
"Report on the Narrows Blockhouse," Manuscript on file, National
Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1967.
Lee, David
"The Fort at St. Joseph Island." Manuscript on file, National
Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1966. (Now
printed in Manuscript Report Series No. 131.)
"Fort Malden, Preliminary Report." Manuscript on file, National
Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1964. (Now
printed in Manuscript Report Series/Travail Inédit No. 157, Parks
Canada, Ottawa.)
"Fort Wellington, A Structural Report." Manuscript on file, National
Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1966.
Ile-aux-Noix: 1759-1870. Manuscript Report Series No. 40,
Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1965.
Lossing, Benson John
The Pictorial Field-book of the War of 1812; Or, Illustrations, by
Pen and Pencil, of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics, and
Traditions of the Last War for American Independence. . . . Harper
and Brothers, New York, 1869.
McCarthey, M.J.
"A History of Placentia," Manuscript on file, National Historic Parks
and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, n.d.
McLennan, John Stewart
Louisbourg, from its Foundation to its Fall, 1713-1758.
Macmillan, London, 1918.
Miquelon, Dale
"Report on Fort Wellington." Manuscript on file, National Historic
Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1966. (Now printed in
Manuscript Report Series No. 130.)
Montreal. Chateau de Ramezay.
"Specifications for Building a Stone Blockhouse within Fort
Wellington . . . 13th August, 1838."
Morse, Robert
"Report on Nova Scotia by Col. Robert Morse, R.E., 1784," in Canada.
Public Archives, Report on Canadian Archives, 1884. King's
Printer, Ottawa, 1885.
Nova Scotia. Legislature. House of Assembly.
Journal and Proceedings of the House of Assembly of the Province
of Nova Scotia. 10th Assembly. King's Printer, Halifax, 1812.
Nova Scotia. Public Archives.
Royal Engineers Papers
RG1, Nova Scotia Records, 1624-1867
Parkman, Francis
A Half-Century of Conflict. George N. Morang, Toronto, 1899. 2
Piers, Harry
The Evolution of the Halifax Fortress; 1749-1928. Rev. ed.
Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax, 1947.
"The Old Peninsular Blockhouses and Road at Halifax, 1751; Their
History, Description, and Location." Collections of the Nova Scotia
Historical Society, Vol. 22 (1933), pp. 96-153. Halifax.
Poirier, Pascal
"Historic Sites of Acadia." Acadiensis, Vol. 2, No. 4 (Oct.
1902), p. 229. Saint John.
Preston, Richard Arthur
Kingston before the War of 1812; A Collection of Documents.
Champlain Society, Toronto, 1959.
Richardson, A.J.H.
"History of the Signal Hill Area, St. John's, Nfld." Manuscript on
file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa,
1962. (Now printed in Manuscript Report Series No. 107.)
Robinson, Charles Walker
Canada and Canadian Defence; the Defensive Policy of the Dominion
in Relation to the Character of her Frontier, the Events of the War of
1812-14, and her Position To-day. Hugh Rees, London, 1910.
Sandham, Alfred
Montreal and its Fortifications. D. Rose, Montreal, 1874.
Shurtleff, Harold R.
The Log Cabin Myth; A Study of the Early Dwellings of the English
Colonists in North America. Ed. and intro. by Samuel Eliot Morison.
Repr. ed., P. Smith, Gloucester, Mass., 1967.
Toy, Sidney
A History of Fortification from 3000 B.C. to A.D. 1700.
Heinemann, London, 1955.
Voorhis, Ernest
Historic Forts and Trading Posts of the French Regime and of the
English Fur Trading Posts. King's Printer, Ottawa, 1930.
Webster, John Clarence, ed.
The Building of Fort Lawrence in Chignecto; A Journal Recently
Found in the Gates Collection. New York Historical Society, Saint
John, 1941.
Weld, Isaac
Travels through the States of North America and the Provinces of
Upper and Lower Canada, during the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797. J.
Stockdale, London, 1800. 2 vols. Vol. 2.
Zaslow, Morris, ed.
The Defended Border; Upper Canada and the War of 1812; A
Collection of Writings giving a Comprehensive Picture of the War of 1812
in Upper Canada. Macmillan, Toronto, 1964.