Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 23
Blockhouses in Canada, 1749-1841: A Comparative Report and Catalogue
by Richard J. Young
Part I: A Comparative Study
Most of the blockhouses built in Canada were designed and erected
only as temporary fortifications. In most cases, the blockhouses
answered the need for inexpensive and easily constructed defences which
individual crises demanded. The blockhouse was a defence which could be
built quickly, using local materials, without any large expenditure of
labour or money. It was therefore adapted to a wide variety of
situations, and was used as an isolated post, as a keep for a battery,
inside a stockaded fieldwork, or as part of a more elaborate system of
permanent works. In each case the blockhouse provided essentially a
barracks which could be defended against musketry. The size, shape and
construction details varied with function and with the skill and
idiosyncracies of individual builders.
Although the two-storeyed horizontal log design prevailed it was not
a rigid type of construction. Somewhere, amid the variations in design
and function, a woolly definition of the blockhouse type might be found:
it was a single defensible structure, usually composed of thick
horizontal logs, machicolated, two-storeyed, loopholed for muskets and
portholed for ordnance, and was normally a barracks for a small
detachment of men. But the best definition possible, if definitions are
necessary, is that of example; one may take a blockhouse like that at
Madawaska, which was complete in every respect, and use it as a standard
for comparison, although ultimately each blockhouse must be studied as
an individual structure.
Two closely related factors were responsible for the extensive use of
blockhouses as fortifications in British North America. First, the
enormous territory to be defended, both on the Atlantic coast and along
the interior frontier waterways, demanded numerous small posts to
provide local defences, and often to maintain and protect an extended
line of communication. Second, parliament was unwilling to spend the
enormous amounts of money which would have been necessary to systematize
and fortify permanently the important Atlantic harbours or the strong
points along the interior frontier. Most blockhouses were temporary
answers to the basic dilemma of money and security.
In the British conquest of Acadia, the first war waged by the English
against the Indians in Canada, the blockhouses were closest to the
earlier American origins. They were built as temporary defences against
muskets and arrows, in situations where there was little chance of
artillery being used against them. Blockhouses were built in the
important smaller Atlantic coastal communities during the War of 1812 to
provide temporary defences against American privateers. In these
situations, the blockhouses assumed a secondary defensive role after the
harbour batteries, and served mainly as keeps and barracks for the
artillerymen. Along the inland frontier waterways of Canada,
blockhouses, either by themselves or in support of batteries, served as
advanced or intermediate posts between the more regularly fortified
strong points. These blockhouses provided a local defence, housed small
detachments of troops and helped protect the various lines of
communication and supply. They were also useful in providing rallying
points for local militia. In regular fortifications of important harbour
defences and interior strong points, blockhouses were invariably used as
temporary expedients to strengthen these positions in times of crisis,
while the intended permanent systems awaited the outcome of crises and
the decisions of Whitehall.