Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 23
Blockhouses in Canada, 1749-1841: A Comparative Report and Catalogue
by Richard J. Young
Part I: A Comparative Study
The origins of the blockhouse are obscure. The English word
"blockhouse" probably derives from the German Blochaus which
means "a house which blocks a pass." Whether the Blochaus in any
way resembled what, in North American terms, the blockhouse became, is
uncertain. Northern Europeans were familiar with horizontal log
construction from ancient times, and undoubtedly used it in defensive
works. It is unclear how the knowledge of such construction came to the
American continent.
Harold Shurtleff, in his book The Log Cabin Myth (originally
published in 1822), dispelled forever the popular American legend that
the original English settlers used horizontal log construction for their
houses. The first pioneers built what they had traditionally known in
England the frame house. Shurtleff declared that "all housing
data for the Bay Colony that we have found points to the same sequence:
temporary shelters such as dugouts, huts, wigwams, cabins, or cottages,
followed by framed houses."1 Log cabins were introduced to
the North American continent by the Swedes and Finns who settled in
Delaware in 1638. Pennsylvania became the centre from which the log
cabin technique spread after the Germans began settling there in the
18th century.
The blockhouse form, according to Shurtleff, was the one instance of
horizontal log construction with which the English were familiar. The
Plymouth Pilgrims apparently had a blockhouse in their fort. John Pory,
a former secretary of Virginia, described the fort in a letter to the
Earl of Southampton in 1622.
And their industrie as well appeareth by their building, as by a
substantial pallisado about their [settlement?] of 2700 foote in
compasse stronger than I haue seene anie in Virginia, and last-lie by a
blockhouse which they haue erected in the highest place of the towne to
mount their ordinance upon, from whence they may commaund all the
Issack de Rasieres, Secretary of New Netherland, described the
Plymouth blockhouse in more detail.
Upon the hill they have a large square house, with a flat roof,
built of thick sawn planks stayed with oak beams, upon the top of which
they have 6 cannon, which shoot iron balls of 4 and 5 pounds, and
command the surrounding country. The lower part they use for their
Shurtleff cautions against attaching any constructional significance
to John Pory's word "blockhouse," claiming that Pory was referring to
the purpose, not the type, of the building, and that it in fact "must
have been framed with oak timber and walled with planking heavy enough
to stop arrows."4
Shurtleff states that blockhouses were a "traditional type in English
military engineering, and part of the general European technique of
fortification,"5 but he gives no evidence to support this
statement. English treatises on fortification of the early 18th century,
when such treatises first began to appear, make no mention of
blockhouses, although by that time the blockhouse was certainly in
widespread use throughout the American colonies. These treatises were
intended primarily to train engineers in the principles of extensive
permanent fortification based on Vauban's system, an outgrowth of the
continued development of the design and use of artillery. The English
either were unaware of the blockhouse as a defensive structure, or
considered it so rudimentary that it needed no description on the
printed page. Also, until the middle of the 18th century, Britain had
committed very few troops to the struggling American settlements and
consequently had no experience constructing fortified outposts in the
James Stanten, a doctoral candidate at the University of Wisconsin,
has been engaged in research on the architecture of the very early
American colonies. His general thesis, which revises Shurtleff's
conclusions somewhat, is that horizontal log construction, in the form
of blockhouses and garrison houses, was developed in New England,
independently of the Swedes in Delaware or the Germans in Pennsylvania.
Stanten contends that the blockhouse and garrison house were indigenous
responses to the wilderness conditions and defensive problems faced by
the New England pioneers. This thesis may shed some interesting light on
the evolution of the blockhouse form in the northern New England
colonies. Unfortunately it was not available from the University of
Wisconsin at the time of writing.
Though blockhouses were built in most of the American colonies in
the 17th century, Shurtleff is probably correct when he states that
"until the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century the word
blockhouse connoted defense, and not a particular type of construction."6
In the long series of French and Indian wars which were waged
along the New England frontiers from 1670 to 1760, the familiar
blockhouse form, as it was introduced to Canada, took shape. The
frontiers were so vast and the methods of French and Indian guerrilla
warfare so subtle that each exposed settlement needed one or more
fortified posts or houses into which the inhabitants could retreat in
case of sudden attack. In addition to blockhouses these fortified
retreats often took the form of large horizontal log houses with
overhanging upper storeys and loopholes. One family lived regularly in
this garrison house, and in times of crisis the house was shared with
other members of the community. Building a small blockhouse or a large
garrison house involved no great expense of time, money or labour once
the techniques of cornering had been mastered. The French and Indians
usually avoided such posts and houses because they proved a formidable
defence against muskets and arrows.
Their ease of construction, their use of readily available
materials, their simplicity and their strength were responsible for the
spread of blockhouses through the American colonies and later through
Canada. Once they grasped the idea of the blockhouse, pioneers, British
engineers and other military men were quick to adapt it to their
After the fall of forts Beauséjour and Louisbourg and of Quebec, the
British military took over responsibility for fortifications in the
newly won territories. The single-family fortified garrison house did
not appear in Canada. Because blockhouses were built by the army for
purely military purposes, a certain standardization of form took place
in their design, despite the fact that they were used in a wide variety
of situations.