Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 23
Blockhouses in Canada, 1749-1841: A Comparative Report and Catalogue
by Richard J. Young
This report is based on 15 months of archival research undertaken for
the National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Department
of Indian and Northern Affairs. The nature of the subject matter being
so vast and consequently the prospects for further research seemingly
endless, it was agreed that a preliminary report should be prepared from
existing research notes. It must be emphasized that the blockhouses
described in the first part and listed in the second part of the report
are not all the blockhouses built in Canada. This paper is intended to
provide an outline or approach to the study of blockhouses in Canada for
the period 1749-1841.
Dealing with the research notes on over 100 blockhouses constructed
during a century presented two serious problems. First, despite the
common subject matter, the material was not sufficiently homogeneous for
a tightly analytical treatment. Second, the blockhouses were so
numerous, so separated in time and place, that a controlled narrative
was equally unrealistic. Compromise on both sides seemed to be the only
alternative. The result was an attempt to compare, organize and
catalogue the blockhouses.
The first chapter, "Origins," briefly describes the use of the
blockhouse as a defensive structure in the early North American
colonies. The second chapter compares the structural elements of seven
representative blockhouses. These seven span the whole era of blockhouse
construction in British North America. They differ sufficiently in
shape, size, disposition and construction methods that the survey ought
to identify the main physical types. In the remainder of the first part
of the report, blockhouses have been loosely organized into their
varying functional defensive roles. These are arbitrary classifications,
but ones which the research seemed to suggest; hopefully they will
provide a useful second means of comparative study.
The second part of the report is an alphabetical catalogue of
blockhouses in Canada, each accompanied by relevant documentation.