Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 23
Blockhouses in Canada, 1749-1841: A Comparative Report and Catalogue
by Richard J. Young
Part I: A Comparative Study
Blockhouses and the Defence of River Communications
The whole period of blockhouse construction in Canada was one in
which travel, commerce, and military communications and campaigns
proceeded mainly along water routes. Exploration, the fur trade and
settlement followed these natural roads into the interior. Territorial
boundaries were, for the most part, defined by military control of the
waterways. Not unnaturally, the majority of the fortifications built by
the British in Canada defended water routes.
By the Treaty of Paris in 1763 England gained possession of the
French empire in North America above the Louisiana Territory. Military
occupation and control of this empire was accomplished simply by
garrisoning the old French forts and by pursuing a policy of alliances
with the Indians. The administration of this wilderness and the control
of the territory centred in Quebec. Until well into the 19th century,
British military strategists believed firmly that the security of
British North America rested on the retention of Quebec. Quebec's
security rested on the one hand upon maintaining British naval supremacy
and on the other upon a system of forts south and west of the St.
Blockhouses, either as isolated works or in support of river
batteries, were used extensively to fortify the routes of potential
invasion of Quebec. They served as small advance posts to major
fortifications, and as intermediate strategic defences between larger
works. The posts guarded narrow river channels, portages, small
harbours and canals. Small bodies of troops at these posts were intended
to harass an enemy as he approached and to spoil his timetable. They
could evacuate their own positions quickly if they had to. The posts
also helped to maintain long routes of communication, and provided arms
depots and rallying points for the local militia.
Four types will be used to illustrate the use of blockhouses:
first, the blockhouses built on the rivers south of Quebec and
Montreal during the American Revolution; second, the fortifications
built between Montreal and Kingston in the War of 1812; third,
blockhouses built on the Saint John River in the years 1812-14, and
fourth, the fortification of the Rideau Canal in the years
Lower Canada, 1778-83
The rapid advance of the Americans against Montreal and Quebec along
the Hudson River-Lake George-Lake Champlain route in 1775 jolted the
British into their first serious consideration of the inadequacies of
their frontier defences. With the arrival of reinforcements from England
in 1776, Carleton drove the depleted American forces into retreat, but
in the campaigns of 1776 and 1777 Carleton could do little more than
re-establish his control over the head of Lake Champlain. The myth of
the superiority of British forces had been shattered in those two years.
When Sir Frederick Haldimand replaced Carleton as commander-in-chief in
1778, he focused his attention on strengthening fortifications. The
major military activity in Lower Canada for the remainder of the war was
defensive the consolidation of routes of supply and
communication, the improvement of frontier forts and the beginning of a
temporary citadel at Quebec.
Immediately after he assumed command, Haldimand (with the energetic
co-operation of his chief engineer, Major William Twiss) undertook the
defensive measures he considered necessary for the security of the
province. A fort on Carleton Island, near the entrance to Lake Ontario,
was begun in the summer of 1778. Twiss also occupied himself with
rebuilding and reconsidering the fortifications at Ile-aux-Noix,
Saint-Jean and Chambly. A major stores depot and barracks was begun at
Sorel. In answer to Lord Germain's sanguine request that a citadel
should be built at Quebec, Haldimand wrote,
I shall not fail to take the proper steps for erecting a Citadel
at Quebec in such situation as Assisted by the Engineers I shall be able
to judge is most Advantageous.., but I think it, in the mean time,
necessary to inform your Lordship, that the indispensable works
carrying on for the Security of the Frontiers, which I conceive to be
the most immediately requisite furnish much more Employment than,
with the Troops under my Command, can possibly be executed this
This posture of defence continued throughout the war, the steady
improvement of the four forts on the Richelieu continuing until
Two blockhouses were built along the Richelieu route during
Haldimand's command. The first to be constructed was on the east side of
the river, opposite Fort Saint-Jean where rapids ended the boat
transport from Lake Champlain. The blockhouse was begun in the summer of
1778. In October of the same year, a parapet of earth was raised around
it and a deep ditch was dug around the whole. An abatis was thrown up on
the other side of the ditch and the woods were cleared for 200 yards
around the post.2 The blockhouse protected the east side of
the river, and the detachment posted there patrolled the paths and roads
behind it.

8 Plan and section of The Narrows blockhouse, Rideau Canal, 1825.
(Public Archives of Canada.)

9 Fort Wellington, 1891.
(Public Archives of Canada.)
During the winter of 1778-79, a sawmill was built on the
Lacolle River, about a mile from the Richelieu, to provide planks and
boards for the improvements being made to Ile-aux-Noix,
Saint-Jean and Chambly.3 It had been intended to build a
defence for the sawmill at the time it was built, but other pressing
matters delayed this until the autumn of 1781, when a blockhouse was
built to protect the sawmill and provide barracks for the workmen
employed there.4 A lighthouse was constructed at the same
time to relay messages between Pointe-aux-Fer and Ile-aux-Noix, both of
which could be seen from the eminence on which the blockhouse and
lighthouse stood.
Strengthening the posts on the Richelieu route was Haldimand's most
pressing care, but not his only one. In an attempt to keep American
agents from entering the villages on the south shore of the St. Lawrence
and stirring up dissent, Haldimand established a blockhouse on the
Yamaska River in 1778.5 It was located about six miles below the first
forks in the Yamaska, near the wide cart road leading to
Saint-Charles.6 Fourteen men were stationed at the post to
protect the communication and to observe the French and Indian
inhabitants. Twiss explained to Haldimand that "there are from 59 to 70
Inhabitants who are exceedingly well armed, and certainly were by no
means Friends to Government, as well as very disobedient to the Capt. of
In September 1779, Haldimand received information that the Americans
were cutting a road to Missisquoi Bay at the northern end of Lake
Champlain. The governor wrote Germain, informed him of these
developments, and stated that the rebels "will probably invade the
Province from above by Lake Champlain, by the Rivers Yamaska and St.
Francis, all these avenues and there are others into it, are well known
to them, and which ever Route they take, they are sure in finding a
number of Friends ready to assist them."8 A year later, Haldimand
decided that the solitary blockhouse on the Yamaska was not enough to
guard that approach. He ordered Captain Twiss to construct another
blockhouse farther up the river toward Missisquoi Bay.9 In an
earlier instruction to Twiss on the subject of the new blockhouse, the
governor stated that he wished "to preserve it a frontier Post,
therefore Permanent, which you will consider in the construction of
The situation chosen by Twiss for the new work was on the west side
of the river at the bottom of the rapids on the Yamaska, about 21 miles
up-river from the lower blockhouse. The new blockhouse was to stand on a
hill 30 feet high overlooking Ile-à-l'Ail. The forest was cleared 250
yards from its site, and the small island was cleared to provide a
garden for the troops.11 In December 1781, Twiss visited the
post and reported that "the Work is exceedingly well finished, and by
having a bomb-proof cellar, and being surrounded with a picketting and glacis,
may be considered a Post of considerable defense."12
Earlier in the war, Haldimand had expressed concern about the
unfortified Kennebec-Chaudière route to Quebec. He was determined to
prevent a repetition of Arnold's success in bringing troops to the
outskirts of Quebec by that route in 1775. To remedy the defenceless
state of the river, the governor ordered a picketed blockhouse to be
built at the upper part of the settlements. A detachment of Loyalists
and a company of the 34th Regiment were ordered to the area in October
1778 to build and garrison the work.13 No further information
has been discovered about the location or disposition of the
Haldimand was also extremely concerned about the speedy reinforcement
with both men and supplies of the western posts in the event of an
attack from Lake Ontario. In 1778 the governor ordered Twiss to
establish a post at Carleton Island to protect the communications and
speed supplies to the western forts. A year later Twiss was again sent
to the St. Lawrence west of Montreal, this time to supervise the
construction of a canal around the Coteau rapids.14 Twiss
planned improvements to the canal, and also built two blockhouses to
defend it. They stood on the land side of the canal and were two storeys
high, loopholed, machicolated and built in the form of a trapezoid. In
December 1779 Twiss reported that the post on the canal was "secure
against any Attack of Musquetry."15

10 Madawaska blockhouse.
(Public Archives of Canada.)

11 Madawaska blockhouse.
(Public Archives of Canada.)
The Kingston to Montreal Route, 1812-14
By the outbreak of the War of 1812, American expansion west of the
Alleghenies had proceeded to such an extent that an enemy invasion of
Canada from Lake Ontario was a very real possibility. Moreover, with
the Loyalist settlement of Upper Canada, the British were no longer
defending only the fur-trade posts west of Montreal. Complete neglect of
the defences of the frontier posts exposed the long line of
communication and supply to an easy interruption by American raiding
parties. The extensive road system built by the Americans in upper New
York meant that a large army on the Niagara River, Oswego and Sackets
Harbor could be easily supplied. The British, who had few troops to
spare from their European entanglements, wanted only an early end to the
war and from the beginning settled for a defensive strategy in Upper and
Lower Canada. Even this was difficult to implement in the western
territory; the neglect of the frontier forts was responsible.
In the course of the war, the British commander-in-chief, Sir George
Prevost, met this new threat on Lake Ontario with two measures. First,
he strengthened Kingston's garrison, beginning
a substantial fort there and establishing a very busy naval yard and
shipbuilding works to achieve naval superiority on the Great Lakes.
Second, he constructed a series of blockhouses and batteries along the
St. Lawrence at intermediate, critical points between Montreal and
Kingston. The line of defences along this stretch of the St. Lawrence
River was evolved for three reasons:
protection of the batteaux convoys by which all supplies to
the upper posts had to travel; protection of towns and villages against
American raiding parties, and harassment of a major American invasion
along this route, if the British lost control of Lake Ontario. In the
latter case, the British believed that if the Americans were delayed,
the invasion would fail. A large army could not be sustained by living
off the land and the American troops would gradually withdraw. This
assessment was borne out when Wilkinson's invasion failed in 1813.
The first and most important defensive position above Montreal was
the Coteau rapids. The canal and blockhouses built by Twiss in 1779 for
its defence still existed, but because of the increase in wartime
traffic through the canal and its greater importance as a defensive
situation, both the waterway and its defences were considerably
improved during the War of 1812. Lieutenant Colonel Bruyeres, the
Commanding Royal Engineer in Canada, recommended, after he inspected the
post in December 1812,"A Block House on the Point to contain 200 Men,
also to enclose, and entrench the position; to be armed with two 12
pounders."16 A large octagonal blockhouse was finished by 1
June 1814. A battery was constructed on the point of land toward the
river. The two blockhouses on the opposite side of the canal and the
other buildings erected there were entrenched with ditch, palisades and
Bruyeres had also recommended in his letter to Prevost that a
blockhouse to contain 40 men and a battery in front of it should be
constructed on Prison Island. This island was located on the opposite
bank of the Coteau rapids. A blockhouse and buildings for prisoners of
war had been built there during the American Revolution, but they were
in total decay.18 The works which Bruyeres recommended were
begun in the spring of 1813.19 The defences erected at the canal and on
Prison Island provided a considerable obstacle to an enemy passing up or
down the dangerous rapids.
Also at Bruyeres' suggestion, a blockhouse was constructed at the
mouth of the Raisin River in 1813. This was the next post up-river from
the Coteau rapids, at a point where the St. Lawrence broadens out. The
blockhouse was established to provide protection to batteaux
stopping there, and also to defend the shore road and bridge crossing
the Raisin River. Lieutenant
Colonel Nicolls recommended in 1814 that two 12-pounder carronades
be mounted on the blockhouse, which had no ordnance.20
Two miles above Cornwall, a little below French Point, the St.
Lawrence narrows considerably. Nicolls, in a report to Prevost after a
tour of inspection in December 1814, considered this spot (called the
Widow Barnhart's) a perfect place for preventing an enemy from passing
down-river. Nicolls wrote to Prevost
that ground rises gradually to about 250 from the River... A work
might be constructed for land defence, and I think to commence here by
a River Battery of 4 18 prs. and building Blockhouse Barracks for the
Troops, would be the best protection for Cornwall on this
A little farther up-river at Point Iroquois, Nicolls discovered an
other height of land which perfectly commanded the river passage. Since
the high ground was too extensive to be occupied by a single work, the
Commanding Royal Engineer recommended the construction of "two Redoubts
with a large Blockhouse within each and a River Battery."22 Nicolls
considered his suggestions for permanent works at the Widow Barnhart's
and Point Iroquois the most immediately necessary for defence which
could be taken between Montreal and Kingston. He communicated his
opinions to Lieutenant General Drummond at Kingston who agreed. Orders
were given immediately for the requisition of materials from the
commissariat for the three blockhouses.23 The works were
probably begun in the early spring of 1815, but by the time Nicolls had
finished his tour of inspection, the war had ended, and the works he had
recommended were never completed. These proposals illustrate how
blockhouses and batteries might have been used effectively for the
protection of river communications.
At Chimney Island, opposite the town of Johnston, a blockhouse was
built late in 1814. Earlier in the year, a parapet had been raised at
the lower end of the island. The current ran fast between the island and
the town, and Nicolls considered the position suitable for a blockhouse
and battery. During his tour in December 1814, he ordered Captain
Gaugreben to build a blockhouse immediately, to finish the parapet and
to construct ten platforms for artillery.24
The town of Prescott is situated at the end of the long series of
rapids which begin at Lake St. Francis. It was at Prescott that
provisions were transferred from small batteaux to larger ones
for the remainder of the journey to Kingston. Opposite Prescott stood
the large American town of Ogdensburg, New York. From this town American
raiding parties attacked settlements along the Canadian side of the
river throughout the war. Lieutenant
Colonel Bruyeres, in his report to Prevost in January 1813, opined
that Prescott was "the essential point to be first strengthened."25 A
battery had been erected on the shore near the town. Bruyeres informed
Prevost that he had instructed Captain Gaugreben "to erect without delay
a Block House on a small commanding spot in the rear of the present
Battery which it will completely protect."26 The blockhouse erected
there was a large, square one-storey structure. The roof was made
bombproof and may have mounted ordnance. The blockhouse stood in the centre
of a square earthen redoubt and served as barracks for a large
garrison.27 Lieutenant Colonel Nicolls visited the post
shortly after it was completed, and described the fort to Prevost as
a great mass of earth badly put together: a work here may be an
object as near the head of the Rapids and commencement of using small
Vessels; in other respects, the site is not judicious as concerns the
land and the breadth of the River is too great to prevent the passing of
The blockhouse and redoubt stood about where the present Fort
Wellington is located.
Bridge Island, at the eastern extremity of the Thousand Islands, was
fortified with a blockhouse in the spring of 1814. Lieutenant Colonel
Drummond ordered the blockhouse to be built in May 1814.29
The blockhouse was large enough to hold a company of soldiers, and
mounted a 12-pound carronade and a six-pound iron gun in the upper
storey. An 18-pounder on a traversing platform stood in advance of the
blockhouse. Thirty soldiers of the 57th Regiment were stationed there
with six artillerymen in 1814.30 When Nicolls visited the
post in December 1814, the fort had not been picketed in. He suggested
to the commander of the detachment that surprise of the post be
prevented by erecting an abatis around the perimeter of the island.
Bridge Island was a normal stopping place for batteaux moving up
and down the river.
Captain Forsyth's daring and destructive raid on Gananoque in
September 1812 amply demonstrated to the British command the
vulnerability of these frontier towns and of the communication by land
and water. In Forsyth's raid, the bridge over the Gananoque River had
been destroyed and the arms and munitions stored in the town were
seized. Construction of a blockhouse to protect the harbour and the new
bridge was begun in January 1813.31 A plan of Gananoque drawn
in 1815 shows the large blockhouse surrounded by an octagonal log
parapet and beyond it, square picketing. Nicolls, in his report to
Prevost, described the ordnance mounted in the blockhouse as "two 12-pr.
Carronades, 2-4 and 1-3 pr."32 Gananoque blockhouse was the
last fortified post on the St. Lawrence until Kingston.
The Saint John River, 1812-14
In 1812 there were only two major towns in New Brunswick:
Fredericton, the inland capital, and Saint John, the port at the
mouth of the Saint John River. The only defences in the province at the
beginning of the War of 1812 were at Saint John. They consisted of a few
small shore batteries and the dilapidated Fort Howe above the town.
Fredericton was considered indefensible. During the war, the existing
defences at Saint John were strengthened, and several new, temporary
works were erected. Because of the superiority of the British navy and
the relative strategic insignificance of Saint John, the defences
erected to protect the harbour and town were neither elaborate nor
strong: they merely provided security against small, predatory
There was a strategy already set out, should Saint John be attacked.
If the troops were forced to retreat, they were to embark on the Saint
John River in a flotilla of boats. They were to take up positions in
their retreat up-river to retard or prevent enemy pursuit.33
To facilitate this defence of the river and to protect the communication
between Saint John and Fredericton, two blockhouses and a battery were
established in 1813 along the river. Political motives influenced the
decision to construct these works. As Lieutenant Colonel Nicolls
explained to Governor Sherbrooke,
These Works, I recommend as much in a Political, as Military Point
of view they would become Rendezvous for the Militia, as well as
afford Lodgement for the small Detachments of the Regulars, at present
at those Places, and would have the Beneficial Effect of giving
confidence to the Natives, at a cheap rate, and show them that it is
intended to defend every Avenue to the Province as long as
Oromocto blockhouse was built, as Nicolls had recommended, in 1813.
The blockhouse was located 22 miles below Fredericton on the right bank
of the river. Here the Oromocto River joined the Saint John and a road
began which led to St. Andrews and Magaguadavic. The post was
established to protect both the river and the road.35
The second location which Nicolls chose for a post on the Saint John
River was Worden's Ferry. At this point, about 30 miles above Saint
John, the river narrowed to 400 yards.36 The blockhouse and
battery constructed here in 1813 effectively commanded the river and the
shore road on the opposite side. The road in question was the principal
land communication between Saint John and Fredericton. A semicircular earthwork battery
was constructed about 150 yards in the rear of the battery on a
commanding height. Two four-pounders were mounted in the upper storey of
the blockhouse.37

12 View of Fort Edward on the Piziquid River, Nova Scotia, 1753,
by Capt. John Hamilton.
(Public Archives of Canada.)
Rideau Canal Blockhouses, 1831-32
The Rideau Canal system was developed as an alternative to the St.
Lawrence for the transportation of military supplies between Montreal
and Kingston. The experience gained during the War of 1812 demonstrated
to the British authorities that, if the western posts and settlements
were to be maintained, a naval superiority on Lake Ontario was essential
to preserve the extended line of communication and supply. During the
war Kingston had been considerably strengthened with troops, and its
harbour had become the naval and shipbuilding base for the provincial
Kingston was the crucial link in the long line of communication
between Quebec and Lake Superior. The St. Lawrence route was so exposed
to the populated American border that an interruption of communications,
supplies and the movement of troops could be made at will almost
anywhere along the river. Consequently the British military had to find
an alternative route. The Ottawa-Rideau river connection, if the
necessary canals were built, perfectly suited the need. Between 1826 and
1832 the construction of the Rideau Canal went forward under the general
supervision of Lieutenant Colonel John By, R.E.
The canal system, when completed, was a 123.5-mile route including a
total of 47 locks. Its major strategic feature was that it ran
perpendicularly away from the American border. But the fortification of
such a large area proved as problematical as that of the St. Lawrence
route itself. Obviously the locks which created the artificial waterway
were the most vulnerable to destruction. Colonel Nicolls (he had been
promoted in 1825 and had become the Commanding Royal Engineer in Canada)
outlined the problem to Roger Byham, the Secretary to the Board of
To protect in all its parts, from an enterprising Enemy, about 30
miles distant, a Line of Water Communication 148 [sic] miles long
in which there are 47 Locks, and various long Dams, from 10 to 63 feet
high, and to which a small number of men, in a few hours, may do more
damage than could be made good again, during the summer season (little
can be done in this way in Winter) is a matter of no trifling
consideration, especially when endeavouring to prevent the expense of
protection exceeding what the object would justify.38
In 1828, a committee appointed to consider a variety of matters
relating to the works on the canal had recommended for defensive
purposes only
Lock Houses (which will serve as a rendezvous for Militia) as well
secure protection against small numbers, until the general settlement of
the Country will identify the preservation of the Navigation with the
property and interests of the neighbouring Inhabitants; will assist in
the general defense, and will point out clearly the expediency, nature,
and situation of more important Works.39
The committee instructed By to purchase the necessary land for these
houses. It had previously (in 1827) directed him to construct the "Lock
Masters Houses in such a manner, and in such a situation, that they may
become defensible Guard Houses, and a protection to the Locks and Dams
at the several Stations."40
Colonel By did not consider small lockmaster's houses sufficient
defence for the canal. In 1840 he wrote to Gother Mann, the Inspector
General of Fortifications, that he had postponed the erection of
defensible guardhouses until his own proposal for building blockhouses
at all the locks was considered. By recommended the construction of a
total of 22 large blockhouses, one to defend each of the strategic
points. The blockhouses could also serve as lockmasters' houses and
quarters for the labourers. He described the works he proposed.
The lower part of these blockhouses I propose building of stone,
there being a sufficient quantity remaining at each station from the
rock excavation to enable that part to be built of masonry, with walls
four feet thick, at the same price as timber. These walls would support
strong flooring beams, with a layer of masonry, to render the lower
stories fire-proof and nearly bomb-proof, as shown by the Section. The
roofs and timber work I propose covering with tin, which will render
these buildings very durable and difficult to destroy by fire, as tin
remains free from rust in this climate upwards of sixty years. I am
therefore most respectfully of opinion, that these blockhouses would
lend much to the general strength of that part of the country, and
recommend the forming a square redoubt round each, which would add much
to their formidable appearance, and serve as mustering for the militia
of the surrounding country. These block-houses are proposed on a large
scale, that they may serve as secure depots in time of war for
provisions, ammunition and small arms, for the militia, as large
villages are forming at every station where there are locks
By's proposal was rejected because of the exorbitant cost which would
have been necessary to complete the works. Despite the Board of
Ordnance's reluctance to vote funds for the defence of the canal, By
undertook on his own responsibility the erection of five blockhouses in
1831.42 The largest one, at Merrickville, measured 50 feet
square in the lower storey, and was intended to contain 36 men in barracks.
The walls of its lower storey were of stone, three feet thick. This
blockhouse was constructed on the principles, proportion and design
which By had suggested to Mann in 1830 as being the proper defence for
all the important positions along the canal. Four other blockhouses
were begun in 1832, one each at Kingston Mills, The Narrows, Burritts
Rapids and The Isthmus. They all resembled each other but the one at
Burritts Rapids was completed only to the first storey. They were built
on a smaller scale (28 feet square) than the one at Merrickville, but on
principles similar to those utilized in the large blockhouse. They were
intended as permanent works, and care was taken in their construction.
The lower storey of each, built of stone with three-foot-thick walls,
was used as a store for ordnance, arms and ammunition. The upper storeys
were built of hewn square timber, loopholed and machicolated. The upper
floors usually served as lodgings for the lockmaster and, occasionally,
for the labourers.
Many of the remaining strategic points along the canal route were
later fortified with the "defensible Lockmasters houses" as originally
planned. The buildings were one-storey loopholed stone or log