Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 4
The Big House, Lower Fort Garry
by George Ingram
Appendix D: Adam Thom
Adam Thom brought trouble wherever he appeared in
Canadian history. "A man of considerable legal learning and of an acute
intelligence, he was nevertheless vain, pompous and lacking in
judgement. Arrogant of mind and tactless of manner, Thom was endowed
with a knack for irritating turns of speech and with a restless tongue
and pen. He was moreover, a standing invitation to trouble in a colony
more than half French."1 He spent 14 years in the Red River
Settlement, arriving as the highest judicial agent in 1839 and leaving
in 1854 when the Métis forced the Company to remove him from his
official position in the courts. From 1839 to 1846, he lived in the Big
House at Lower Fort Garry, and before he left unceremoniously in 1854,
he stayed for a short time in the house while awaiting passage in the
Company boats to York Factory.
Thom was born 31 August 1802.2 He was educated at
King's College and graduated with an M.A. in 1824. After a short period
teaching school in Scotland,3 he came to Canada where he
edited first the Settler in 1833, and then the Montreal
Herald, chief mouthpiece of the British Party, between 1836 and
1838. At the same time he read law and was called to the bar in 1837.
His unsympathetic views of the French Canadians and their aspirations
were evident and he made no attempt to disguise them in the 1830s when
political, economic and social issues were fast bringing Lower Canada to
open rebellion; in fact, his "Anti-Gallic Letters," published in 1836
under a pseudonym, Camillus, added to the tendency to rebellion. In
them he denounced "the perfect novelty of the
absurdly exclusive doctrine of French nationality," and had warned that
"Lower Canada ought to be English, at the risk, if necessary, of not
being British."4
Following the rebellion, Thom continued to represent
the views of the "British Party" and criticized the commission of Lord
Durham sent to investigate the causes of rebellion and to recommend
solutions. Perhaps to quiet his criticisms, he was appointed an
"assistant Commissioner of Enquiry into the Municipal Institutions of
Lower Canada," one of the investigations being conducted for the
commission.5 And later as one of Durham's secretaries he
travelled to England where he remained in 1838-39 during the drafting of
the report of the Commission. The extent of his involvement in the
actual writing of the report is not known, although at least one
contemporary British newspaper attributed a great deal of the report to
his authorship.
In 1839, Thom was appointed Recorder of Rupert's
Land by George Simpson who probably knew of Thom's abilities and his
biases from his sojourn in Montreal. As recorder, he would become the
active head of legal affairs in the settlement, legal adviser to the
Company and the Governor of Assiniboia, and a member of the Council of
Assiniboia. Before leaving for his new post, Thom married Anne Blachford
and then came out from England by way of New York.
The Thoms resided in the Big House at the lower fort
for the first seven years that they were in the colony. They shared the
accommodation with John Black, the clerk in charge of the operation of the fort and also
occasionally with Simpson on his visits to Red River. Their son, Adam
Bisset Thom, was born 2 August 1843, probably in the Big House. In 1846
when Captain Moody of the Royal Engineers arrived to prepare the fort
for the Sixth Regiment which would occupy the fort between 1846 and
1848, he took over Adam Thom's rooms in the Big House. The Thoms had
moved to a house three or four miles south of the fort. In 1847, they
purchased the home of Chief Factor Charles (later Bishop's Court), and
resided there until they left the settlement in 1854.6
As recorder, Thom's duties were extensive. Simpson
often called upon him for legal advice concerning the Company's
operations not only in the settlement but throughout the country. He
also remained on very friendly terms with Simpson, sending him long
letters filled with Red River news and gossip, and this continued even
after he fell from favour.7 And he edited Simpson's account
of his Journey Round the World before it was published. But the
bulk of Thom's duties were taken up in the settlement and it was this
role which brought his downfall. Thom's stay in Red River was
predictably stormy. As the only person with a knowledge of law he was
often called upon to give advice, especially in the 1840s when the
Company was caught up in the lengthy struggle to put down the Métis'
free trading. His involvement did nothing to improve his relations with
the Métis, who were well aware of his Francophobic views.
The whole matter came to a head with the Sayer trial
in 1849 when John Ballenden, the chief factor of the Company in Red
River, foolishly decided to bring one of the free traders to
trial.8 On the day of the trial, an armed band of Métis
gathered outside the courtroom. With courage, Thom proceeded with the
trial, and even allowed Sayer to be represented by James Sinclair who
chose a jury not unfriendly to the defendant. In the ensuing trial,
Sayer was found guilty, but the Company applied no penalty, giving the
impression that the free traders had won. From that point, the trade was
in fact free and the Métis, encouraged, pressed other demands forward.
Following the trial, the Council of Assiniboia drew up what it thought
were the demands of the Métis. First among these was "the immediate
removal of Mr. Recorder Thom from the Settlement."9 Although
Thom stated his willingness to speak to the court in both languages in
cases involving Canadian or halfbreed interests, his concession was not
enough. When Simpson arrived in the settlement in June, he persuaded
Thom to abstain from the exercise of his office. He also made
arrangements for the inclusion of suitable Métis on the Council of
Assiniboia and apparently also for their appointment as local
Thom restrained himself until February, 1850, when
sued by a carpenter for payment for services, he entered the court and
insisted that he be tried by an English judge and jury.11
When the court refused his request he left in a rage. Arriving in the
settlement in June, Simpson was met with a delegation of the Métis
equally enraged by Thom's appearance in court. Thom's position in the
settlement became wholly untenable in July when he appeared in court in
the Foss/Pelly case.12 Captain C.V. Foss of the Sixth
Regiment had sued A.E. Pelly, the accountant at the upper fort, for
slander in connection with his relationship with Mrs. Ballenden, the
wife of John Ballenden, the man in charge of the Company's operations in
Red River. The scandal was a sordid affair which had the community in an
uproar and the Company's officers at loggerheads. Thom first advised
Foss and Mrs. Ballenden in the conduct of their case, and then, when the
court proceedings became complex, was asked by Governor Caldwell, the
presiding judge, to enter the court. He was allowed to do so only with
the sufferance of the Métis who were consulted before his appearance.
Once in the court, Thom dominated the proceedings and almost browbeat
the jury into a decision favourable to Foss by holding Mrs. Ballenden's
innocence as the main issue at stake. Thom's actions seemed even more
reprehensible when it was discovered that Mrs. Ballenden and Foss had
indeed committed an indiscretion; they continued their affair later in
the year following the trial.
Thom's action in the Foss/Pelly case drew him into
disfavour with the Governor and Committee. They had received reports of
Thom's inability to get along with the Métis but were reluctant to lose
face by removing him from office. With this new development a general
court of the Company was called in order to dismiss Thom from the office
of recorder; but to leave the council and courts with a legal adviser,
Thom was appointed Clerk of the Court and Council.13 Even
this minor position was unacceptable to the Métis who were insistent
that Thom not enter the courts in any capacity.
With reference to Thom's new position I am sorry
to say that, although he accepted the new appointment, contrary to the
expectation of all his friends, it has in no way conduced to the peace
of the settlement, or contributed to rendering him more popular. Before
the May Court I took the opportunity of seeing Rielle & others of
the Canadian agitators, and explained to them the change in Thom's
position, and that he was now the servant of the Court instead of Master
as heretofore. They replied that in their opinion the people would not
let him into court even in the capacity of constable. And this proved to
be the case, for I found the excitement so great among the French half
breeds, that I believe if Thom had made his appearance he would have
been maltreated. I thought it, therefore, better to take it upon myself
to desire him to abstain from coming to the Court at all, which he at
once consented to do.14
Thom was prevented from pursuing the duties of his
position but he still continued to draw his full pay of £700 per
annum. At the meeting of the Northern Council in July, 1852, the
officers of the Company objected to Thom's salary which came from the
fur trade and asked Colvile to make their concern known in London. By
the following spring the Governor and Committee had made an arrangement
with Thom whereby he would vacate his office.15 He left in
the fall of 1854 by the Prince of Wales from
It is difficult to assess the contribution of Thom to
the history of the Red River Settlement. He has been called the "father
of the bench and bar in western Canada" because he was the first
recorder in Rupert's Land and did much to organize the administration of
justice in the colony.17 Most of his influence was more
negative. His presence so stirred up the Métis that their demands for
recognition became insistent to the point where they could no longer be
ignored by the Company. Thom's removal from the courts and the council,
and his replacement by F. G. Johnson, a person much more acceptable to
the Métis and the increased representation of Métis sentiment on the
Council of Assiniboia were in part attributable to the animosity
inspired by Thom's presence and views.