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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 4

A Brief History of Lower Fort Garry

by Dale Miquelon




A New Man and a New Idea

An Explorer and a Recorder

The Queen's Men in Rupert's Land

The Gentle Occupation

The Fort and the Transportation Revolution

Traders, Shippers, Builders and Farmers

A Role Against Riel

Government Activities at the Fort

The Mounties Learn to Ride

Countess of Dufferin and Descendants

A Half-Century of Gracious Living




1 Transportation routes of the fur trade, 1830-60

2 Transportation routes of the fur trade, 1860-80

3 Plan of 1874 showing Hudson's Bay Company reserve

4 Transportation routes of the fur trade, 1880-93

5 Transportation routes of the fur trade, 1894-1913

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Last Updated: 2006-10-24 To the top
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