Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 4
The Big House, Lower Fort Garry
by George Ingram
Eden Colvile
During the following year, Simpson completed
negotiations for the appointment of Eden Colvile1 as the
associate governor in Rupert's Land. Simpson planned to travel less
frequently and, if possible, to move to England. Colvile would be
stationed in the Red River district, a trouble spot in the Company's
operations; would preside over meetings of the Northern Council, and
would be responsible for the administration of the Northern Department.
Colvile arrived in the settlement with his wife in
August, 1850, and settled in the Big House at the lower fort. He shared
the main house with Augustus Edward Pelly, the accountant, and his wife,
and probably with W. D. Lane, a postmaster (later clerk). George Davis
(listed as an interpreter for outfit 1855) may have lived in the house
or possibly in one of the other buildings at the fort. Soon after he
arrived, Colvile decided "to send Pelly to the Upper Fort to take charge
of the accounts and retain young Lane, who seems a swaggering sort of
chap, here."2 In the following week, John Ballenden moved
into Pelly's quarters with his wife.3
Mrs. Ballenden had recently been the central figure
in a libel suit against the Pellys. Captain Christopher Foss, an
officer with the Chelsea Pensioners stationed in the settlement, had been
seen frequently with her and this had started tongues wagging.
Eventually the gentlemen of the Company's establishment in the Red
River district and their ladies were taking sides on the issue of Mrs.
Ballenden's virtue. In May, the Pellys and others withdrew from the
Company mess over which Mrs. Ballenden presided, and in June, Foss
posted notice of his intention to take Pelly to court, accusing him of
defamation. The case was tried in July, and after the intervention of
Adam Thom, the court found against the Pellys who were ordered to pay
Foss £200. In August, with the scandal still very much an issue,
Mrs. Ballenden was whisked away to the lower fort by her husband. Chief
Factor Ballenden departed almost immediately for England.
In the Big House, Mrs. Ballenden renewed her affair
with Foss. Her indiscretion revealed her guilt in the first instance
beyond a doubt. Colvile immediately related the latest gossip of the
scandal to Simpson.
Mrs. Ballenden having at last beyond the
possibility of doubt shewn herself in her true colours; Pelly has made
up his mind to despatch an express to St. Peters on his own account to
let all the world know it, and I will take the opportunity of writing
you a few lines. Just as the regular winter packet was departing, about
a month ago, Adam Thom with much caution placed in my hands a copy of a
letter written by Mrs. Ballenden, to Foss commencing, "My own darling
Christopher", and requesting him, as I was to be absent at the Court, to
come down and pay her a visit; he was to leave after dark, & she
would have a hot supper awaiting him which she hoped he would enjoy,
& so forth. The original having been delivered, the said darling
Christopher came down & remained closeted in her rooms for two days
and nights, but they managed matters so well, that to this hour, though
it was of course known that Foss was absent from his own quarters, no
one but Thom, myself, and the deliverer of the letter, whose name I
cannot even tell you, have been able to prove that he was here. This put
me in rather an unpleasant position, as of course I had to
put a stop to all association with her, and at the same time was
precluded from giving my reason for so doing. However she very soon
extricated me from this dilemma, by one fine afternoon driving up to
Foss's quarters, and, I believe, passing the night there. This was, with
the usual rapidity of scandal at Red River, forthwith made public. She
is still residing here, but is, I understand, going to take her
departure immediately, at which I shall be very
As expected, Mrs. Ballenden soon departed. "Mrs.
Ballenden left the Fort, of her own accord, on the 11th January,"
Colvile reported to Simpson, "and is living at the house of one
Cunninghame about a couple of miles from Foss'
The remainder of Colvile's stay was rather less
eventful. Colvile lived in the house with his servants, Mr. and Mrs.
Deans, and perhaps with W. D. Lane of whom he had a very good
I have been very much pleased with the conduct of
young Lane this winter. He is very active, zealous and obliging, popular
with the customers at the shop & gets on well with the men. He is
very steady in his conduct, and correct in his accounts, and I hope you
will not think me wrong in recommending to the Council that at the
expiration of his present contract, he be placed on the footing of a
clerk on his third contract. He writes a very good hand & copies
correctly though rather slowly. His fault is, perhaps, having a little
too good an opinion of himself, though it is a failing more amusing

3 The interior of a room, possibly of the Big House, as sketched
by George Finlay in 1847. (Glenbow Foundation.)
Quite probably Colvile entertained frequently,
providing a social centre for the settlement, and during his sojourn,
the house and grounds took on a gracious air. Bishop Anderson on one of
his visits to the fort noted in his diary, "Here we found a changed
scene. The Fort has been improved with much taste by Governor and Mrs.
Colvile and it began to wear much more of an English aspect; the annuals
were above ground, and the lawns smooth and green."7 The
veranda appears to have been added at this time and probably many other
fine features shown in the Hime photograph of 1858 could be attributed
to Mrs. Colvile's fine taste and her husband's high position in the
In May, 1852, a short time before his departure from
the settlement, Colvile played host to refugees from the upper
settlement. A flood, mere inches short of the record of 1826, inundated
the entire area of the forks. The family of Major Caldwell (in command
of the Chelsea Pensioners) and Mrs. Mills, the matron of the local
girls' school, were invited by Colvile to wait out the high waters in
the Big House.
The old Major [Caldwell], as usual, has
done nothing. He sent all his family and servants down here; they are
lodged at the lower end of this house, living of course at their own
expense, but he said, he would not desert his post, & has remained
all along in the big house up above, where he has, of course, had
nothing to do. I have invited Mrs. Mills and her daughter to stay with us,
till she is able to return to her establishment, and the girls at her
school, are dispersed through the settlement.8
By the end of the month of May, the
waters were falling and his guests were able to
Following the meeting of the Northern Council at
Norway House, the Colviles left the Red River Settlement for England. W.
D. Lane remained in charge of the lower fort and apparently was the sole
permanent occupant of the Big House. He had a number of visitors, and at
least one large dinner party in 1854 which he reported in detail to his
mother. Like most parents, Lane's mother chided him repeatedly for not
writing home frequently. Lane finally sat down in August, 1854, to give
a full account of his daily activities.
Well to begin I get up every morning about five
o'clock when the Fort Bell rings the men to work, from that time till
breakfast (which is at half past seven) is generally occupied in
pointing out to the men their various duties for the day/after this is
settled I frequently take my gun and wander out in the vast plains to
shoot pheasants, pigeons and ducks. . . When breakfast is over I
go into my office where I find ample to keep me employed throughout the
day paying out & receiving money, cashing bills and orders,
receiving furs from Indians and paying them for the same
&c&c&c. We also have a large sale shop here which gives me a
good deal of employment, our prompt sales . . .amount to never
less, than £400 a month and sometimes a great deal more. . .
. On Sundays of course I attend church very regularly. . . .
When the labours of the week days are over I frequently go and take
tea at the parsonage at St. Andrews. . . . I am here all alone,
I mean to say I have no mess mates residing with me and am therefore
obliged to take my meals by myself which is very
solitary work but I frequently have visiters. . .only think I had
a very large party but a few days ago. we sat down to dinner about
twenty in number. . . . I am sure you will feel somewat at a loss
to know how a bachelor in my circumstances could set up a dinner for
such a lot of big wigs, the fact is they got it in a plain homely way/
first of all there was a substantial roast of beef, a regular cut, &
come again affair, a boiled leg of mutton smothered in caper sauce,
boiled fowls and ham, potatoes, pease, broad beans & all the
luxuries my garden could produce/ second course, plum pudding, rhubarb,
strawberry and raspberry tarts to the mast head, then came the cheese,
but when it came to desert I was what you may call fairly fixed, having
nothing but melons to give them so by way of a joke I got a large dish
of thundering big raw turnips and had them placed at the other end of
the table I of course attributed this misdeameanor to the
ignorance of my storekeeper I have got an old Indian for
a cook and a capital cook the fellow is. His name is Egga-na-a-pa-tum but
finding it much easier to pronounce I always call him "catch him and eat
Lane may have shared the house with George Davis who
remained at the lower fort after Colvile's departure. And in December,
1854, John Ballenden (now separated from his wife) made plans to move
down with his family for a stay in the house, perhaps over the Christmas
season. He sent down his harp and piano in advance.
Under charge of Bon homme Mr. Ballenden now sends
down the Harp & piano &c. as he intends to reside some time at
the Lower Fort. Will you please be so kind as to see that they are not
hurt in any way, and stand them in the little parlour, with open fire
place. Please send me a note by bearer saying how they got down. Mr. B-
would be glad if you could succeed in getting Sinclair to tune the piano
this week. He has requested me to inform you that he will be down on
Monday or Tuesday next with the two Miss's Ballenden & your humble
servant kitt & all. You will have quite an Establishment when we
are there & I expect to have a jolly time of it.10
By February, the Ballendens had returned to the forks
and the chief factor was making plans to have his maid servant Catharine
Birston married to George Davis at the lower fort. He left the
"arranging of the affair" entirely to Lane.
Catharine is to be married on thursday next the 15
current & I have decided on making a wedding for her at the Lower
Fort. I must therefore again trouble you to get a dinner & supper
prepared for them, also a good supply of grog. They have both been good
servants of the Company. It will be rather expensive but we must give
the party both meat & drink & take care we give sufficient. My
daughter will bring down cakes for the party. We will attempt nothing
fine, only let there be plenty to eat & drink, you may expect about
a hundred people of all sizes, so you may calculate upon that number at
the lowest. I trust the arranging of the affair entirely to
yourself. . . . Annie & Eliza talk of going down & they
will be accompanied by the Misses Ross also Messrs. Logan,
Taylor & Fortescue Retain my room & the bed room
alongside for the ladies & the gentlemen will pack any
Like an old mother hen, Ballenden kept close daily
tabs on Lane's handling of the affair. It appears that Lane planned to
accommodate the young married couple in the Big House after their
wedding, at least until spring.
I received yesterday your note of the previous
day George Davis came up & I believe has settled all,
his young bride goes down today. Your plan of lodging them is the best
& we shall require no alteration in the establishment before early
in the spring. Let nothing be neglected on our part to make them
comfortable & happy, and see that everything goes on orderly &
quietly I don't wish my daughters to remain too late nor
yet to leave too early. If you wish to give them a hint when to leave,
speak to Margaret. Messrs. Logan, Taylor & Fortescue will come down
on Thursday.12
The night before the wedding, Ballenden sent down a
few more "articles" requested by Lane.
I duly received your letters of the 12th instant
& I lose not time in forwarding the articles you requested, for the
Lower Fort. there are some you ask, of which we have no supply
I forward this evening 3 table cloths which I hope you will
return as soon as convenient.,. . I trust to hear that tomorrow
will be a pleasant evening & for my sake I hope there will be no
With a great sigh of relief Ballenden received Lane's
message that everything had gone "smoothly." Remembering his own
experience he had been afraid of something "occurring."
Your note of yesterday relieved me of
much anxiety. I felt when my daughters went down that
I was running great risk for fear of anything occurring while they were
at the Lower Fort, but I am glad to learn that all went on smoothly. In
other respects, I felt no anxiety as I was confident, that they were
safe when under the special protection of the gentlemen of the fort.
All is over now & I am glad the young people made themselves happy
in their own fashion.14
With the exception of Lane's dinner parties and
Catharine Birston's wedding, the lower fort appears to have been a
quiet place. And there was a considerable amount of room unused in the
house which was kept open for the occasional visitor or
occupant.15 In June, Simpson suggested that Ballenden, who
had been replaced in the Red River district by Chief Factor Swanston,
should move down to the lower fort until he left for his new posting in
the Columbia district.16
At the end of June, Simpson replaced
W. D. Lane at the lower fort with Dr.
Cowan.17 The actual change took place early in July with
Lane moving to the post at the White Horse Plain where he remained for a
number of years. Dr. Cowan and his family moved into the house at the
lower fort.

4 Pictured in its setting by J. Fleming in 1857, the Big House emitted
a gracious air. (John Ross Robertson Collection, Metropolitan Toronto
Central Library.)