Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 4
The Big House, Lower Fort Garry
by George Ingram
The Bishop of Rupert's Land
In 1849, the Big House was made ready for the
occupancy of the Reverend David Anderson, consecrated bishop of the
newly established diocese of Rupert's Land, 29 May 1849. Simpson gave
explicit instructions to Chief Factor John Ballenden, pointing out the
elaborate alterations necessary to make the house suitable for his
occupancy. The wing (annex) was retained for the use of the Company,
being then occupied by John Black, the clerk in charge of the fort. The
rest of the house, blocked off from the wing, would be divided into two
sections for the use of the bishop and his chaplain.
You will make over to the Bishop, the principal
house at the Lower Fort, with the exception of the wing which it is
advisable to retain for our own accommodation, it being in the meantime
occupied by Mr. Black. The communication between the wing and the main
house must be walled up, thereby making two entirely distinct houses,
with separate entrances. The mess room you will please divide into two,
and in appropriating the accommodation, the Bishop should be put in
possession of all that part formerly occupied during the Sitting of the
Councils with the front entrance, Consisting of 6 rooms together with
Kitchen, Servants rooms, cellars &c. his Lordship's Chaplain can
occupy that portion of the House formerly inhabited by Mr. Thom, with a
separate entrance, consisting of four rooms besides Kitchen, Servants
rooms and cellars. The requisite alterations and repairs should be
entered upon without delay and the residence put in order for the
reception of the Bishop and his suite immediately on arrival at the
Simpson's orders were carried out immediately and by
July, the house, with the exception of the furnishings, was ready for
the occupancy of the bishop.
Agreeably to Your instructions when here, the
large dwelling house at this place, has been completely arranged, for
the accommodation of Bishop Anderson and his Chaplain, but the furniture
of the several rooms, is far from what they have been accustomed to, the
deficiency may however, be afterwards prepared and completed under their
own direction.2
Bishop Anderson, a widower, and his three sons under
the care of the bishop's unmarried sister, sailed from England on the
Hudson's Bay Company supply ship, Prince Rupert. They were
accompanied by the bishop's chaplain, Mr. Chapman and his wife, and the
Reverend R. Hunt, a Church Missionary Society missionary and his wife.
The party arrived at York Factory on 16 August.3 Ten days
later it set off for Red River, reaching there on 3 October. The bishop
immediately moved into the Big House with which he was quite
Since I last wrote you matters in the Colony have
gone on very quietly. The Bishop and party arrived on the 3rd of October
& immediately took possession of and seemed to be well pleased with
their residence at the lower Fort. He had with him one clergyman and a
reader both with wives, and I was therefore under the necessity of
allowing one of them to take possession of the little house occupied by
Mr. Christie last year.4
The bishop's stay in the Big House was very short.
Just as he was "entering the river in October, Mr. (John) Macallum, the
master of the boys' school in the Red River Settlement, died, leaving
the school without management. The bishop agreed to purchase the school
and moved there sometime in December.5 Mr. Chapman, who was
appointed to the Middle Church in December, probably moved out of the
Big House at the same time.6 Mr. and Mrs. Hunt remained at
the lower fort during the winter and spring until 6 June, when Hunt left
for his new charge in the English River district.7
After the bishop moved from the house, "no further
occupant" was to be allowed to take up quarters there until Simpson
specified. Black, of course, continued to occupy the annex or some other
portion of the house.