Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 4
The Big House, Lower Fort Garry
by George Ingram
The Years at Mid-Century
In the late 1850s, the lower fort reached a high
point in its development. In 1858, the Hudson's Bay Company commenced
farming operations under the direction of A. R. Lillie and at the same
time extensive stables were added to house the oxen used in the cart
transportation of the Company. Later the steamboats of the Hudson's Bay
Company used the lower fort as a base of operations. A number of
activities associated with the supply and trade of the fur trade sprang
up in the area around the fort. In short, Lower Fort Garry began to show
the promise indicated by Simpson when he had established it in the
With the increased activity at the fort, the Big
House was used more as a residence for the fort staff and less as a
guest home for favoured itinerants. Of course room was found for the
occasional visitor but large blocks were not set aside for those not
directly involved in the day-to-day activity at the fort. The house
itself was beginning to suffer from the passage of time. In 1862, when
the new governor of the Company, A. G. Dallas, arrived in the
settlement, Chief Factor Mactavish suggested that he would be better
accommodated at the upper rather than the lower fort.
I think that more comfortable accommodation for
Governor Dallas & his family can be provided here than at the Lower
Fort, and I will therefore provide for him here but should he think
other ways after his arrival he can easily make the
Life at the lower fort, like that at other Hudson's
Bay Company establishments, was lively and boisterous. The employees of
the Company worked long and hard hours and played equally long and hard. The
Big House served as the centre for social activity. Roderick Campbell,
who arrived at the fort in 1859, a highly impressionable boy of
seventeen, left this account of the active social life:
The residents in the fort formed a very lively
community by themselves. They had regular hours for the dispatch of
business, and afterwards, to beguile the tedium of the long sub-Arctic
nights, they met together for a few hours' jollification, when old
Scottish songs were sung in voices cracked and sharpened by the cold
northern blasts. Materially assisted by French Cognac, Scotch whisky and
Old Jamaica, the fun was kept up merrily till some slipped down and
retired into a long and peaceful slumber. At these carousals a pint of
liquor per head was the allowance; and I, a boy of seventeen, was
included among the "heads." Many a prayer I uttered, fighting
against a temptation almost beyond human power to resist, so far from
home, so young, and so alone.2
In a few years, with the sale of the Company to the
International Financial Society, the years of the hard-bitten,
rollicking fur trader were over. Scenes such as those described by
Campbell at the lower fort became the exception.
Although beginning to show its age, the Big House
retained the gracious air which it had assumed during the stay of the
Colviles in the early 1850s. Samuel Scudder, who stayed in the house in
1860 on his way to observe the eclipse, was very much taken with the
house and grounds:
The buildings at the lower fort are somewhat older
[than those of the upper fort]; the
one we occupied during our stay there, the residence of the officials,
being a stately old mansion with wide verandas, lofty ceilings, heavy,
old fashioned furniture, with plenty of brass, even to swinging knobs
on the doors, plastered walls painted green, floors bare of every 'thing
but skins, and open fireplaces in every room. The stone wall of the fort
itself is about twenty years old, three or four feet thick, pierced for
small arms, and enclosing four or more acres.3
H.M. Robinson, more familiar with the building, could
speak of its almost incongruous beauty in a fur trading post.
Entering through the huge gateway pierced in the
centre of the east wall, facing the river, the first view is of the
residence of the chief trader in command, and also of the clerks and
upper class of employes under his charge. It is a long two-story stone
building, with a broad piazza encircling it on three sides. A square plot
of green sward surrounding it is fenced in with neat railing, and kept
in extremely good order. A broad gravel walk leads from the gateway to
the piazza. Huge shade trees border it, and beds of waving and fragrant
flowers load the business air with their perfume. In this building the
mess of the chief and his subordinates is held. Its hospitalities are
extended in good old English style. A room is set apart for the use of
the transient guest who is free to come and go as he lists.4