Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 16
The Cochrane Ranch
by William Naftel
1 Montreal Gazette, 18 Nov. 1881, p. 6, "A Journey over
the Plains, by D. McEachran, F.R.C.V.S."
2 Montreal Gazette, 29 Nov. 1881, p. 6, op. cit.
3 L. V. Kelly. The Range Men; The Story of the Ranchers and
Indians of Alberta (Toronto: William Briggs, 1913), pp. 112-14.
By this time ranching was an established industry in B.C. The Alkali
Lake ranch, established in 1861 (possibly 1859), was probably the first
and is still one of the largest in the province.
4 Canada. Department of the Interior, Report of the North-West
Mounted Police, 1882 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1883), Report of
Commissioner Irvine, p. 18.
5 Lewis G. Thomas, "The Ranching Period in Southern Alberta" (MA
thesis, Univ. of Alberta, 1935), p. 22.
6 Ibid., p. 21.
The Government Presence
1 Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc., Statutes, 1872 (Ottawa:
Queen's Printer, 1873) (hereafter cited as Canada, Statutes),
cap. 23, sect. 34.
2 Canada. Statutes, 1881, cap. 16. The cabinet took over the
power to revoke leases which had formerly been vested in the minister of
the Interior. Since 1876, leases had been granted on the recommendation
of the cabinet rather than the minister.
3 Canada. Public Archives (hereafter cited as PAC), RG, 1, Vol. 211,
PC 803(a) of 20 May 1881, sect. 1621; ibid., Vol. 220, PC 1710(a)
of 23 Dec. 1881, sect. 1617.
4 Canada. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the year
1885 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1886), "Report of G. D. Ryley, Clerk
of Timber, Mineral and Grazing Lands," p. 37. No order in council was
considered necessary for this amendment of the form of lease according
to Mr. Ryley's comments and as confirmed by later correspondence
(departmental letters of April 1888 in PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 170, file
5 PAC, RG, 1, Vol. 532, PC 2669(a), 12 Oct. 1892.
6 Ibid., Vol. 554, PC 1219, 22 April 1893.
7 John Blue, Alberta, Past and Present (Chicago: Pioneer
Historical Publishing Co., 1924), Vol. 1, p. 323.
8 PAC, RG, 1, Vol. 307, PC 612, 6 April 1885.
9 Ibid., Vol. 292, PC 1903 and PC 1904, both 6 Oct. 1884.
10 Ibid., Vol. 361, PC 634, 7 April 1887.
11 Canada. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Year
1886 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1887), p. xxxi.
12 PAC, MG26, Aid, Vol. 433, p. 213234, Moreton Frewen to Sir John A.
Macdonald, 5 Jan. 1886. Frewen was an Englishman of good family,
married to one of the Jerome sisters and hence uncle of Sir Winston
Churchill. He investigated many different careers in his lifetime
including, at this stage, ranching and was successful at none of them,
but thanks to a winning personality invariably landed on his feet.
13 Duncan McEachran, "A Brief Historical Sketch of the Early History
of Livestock Quarantine in Canada," The Agricultural Gazette of
Canada, Vol. 9, No. 5 (Sept.-Oct. 1922), Pt. 4, p. 416.
14 Canada. Statutes, 1879, cap. 23, sects. 22 and 23: also V.
C: Fowke, Canadian Agricultural Policy. The Historical Pattern
(Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1946), pp. 20506.
15 Canada, Report on Cattle Quarantine in Canada, 1897
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1898), p. 5.
16 Ibid., p. 6.
17 Ibid., 1901, pp. 45-46.
18 PAC, RG, 1, Vol. 289, PC 1763, 8 Sept. 1804, Preamble.
19 Ibid.
20 Ibid.
21 Alberta, University, Library, William Pearce Papers, file 1-B-6,
box 2, Pearce to the Hon. Thomas White, 8 March 1888; ibid., White to
Pearce, 16 March 1888.
The Capitalists
1 Canada. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Year
1881 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1882), Pt. 1, p. 66.
2 William Turrentine Jackson, The Enterprising Scot, Investors in
the American West after 1873 (Edinburgh: Univ. Press, 1968),
p. 73.
3 Sheilagh S. Jameson, "The Era of the Big Ranches," Alberta
Historical Review, Vol. 18, No. 1 (Winter 1970), p. 2.
4 John Macoun, Manitoba and the Great North-West (Guelph:
World Publishing Co., 1882), p. 227.
5 William Turrentine Jackson, op. cit., pp. 74-5.
6 Lewis G. Thomas, op. cit., p. 14.
7 The Canadian Biographical Dictionary (Chicago: American
Biographical Publishing Co., 1881), p. 281.
8 Ibid., p. 283; The Canadian Directory of Parliament (Ottawa:
Queen's Printer, 1968), p. 127; Lovell's Province of Quebec Directory
for 1871 (Montreal: J. Lovell & Son, 1872), p. 963; The
Canadian Parliamentary Guide, 1885, p. 55; ibid., 1901, p. 35.
9 The Canadian Biographical Dictionary (Chicago: American
Biographical Publishing Co., 1881), p. 281. To be specific, the
Illustrated Atlas of the Dominion of Canada, 1881 (Toronto: H.
Belden and Co., 1881), p. 12, describes the senator's property as
lots 10, 11, 13 and 15, concession 6, lots 10-11, concession 7,
lots 10, 11, 12, concession 8, the whole in Compton township, Compton
County, and totaling 1,100 acres.
10 Duncan Marshall, Shorthorn Cattle in Canada (Dominion
Shorthorn Breeders' Association, 1932), p. 116.
11 The Cultivator and Country Gentleman (Albany, N.Y.) of 12
Dec. 1872, quoted in The Canadian Biographical Dictionary, p.
12 Duncan Marshall, op. cit., pp. 118-9.
13 Ibid., p. 125.
14 The Canadian Biographical Dictionary, p. 282.
15 Duncan Marshall, op. cit., p. 121.
16 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1, M. H. Cochrane to
the minister of the Interior, 8 May 1883.
17 Hew Grant Cochrane, "Autobiography" (privately mimeographed for
family circulation, Ca. 1958), p. 1, H. G. Cochrane, now deceased, was
the senator's grandson.
18 Calgary Herald, 14 Sept. 188325 June 1884. The Mount
Royal Ranche Company took over the Ghost River operations begun by A. P.
Patrick in the spring of 1884 with the intention of going into horse
raising. The Calgary Herald of 18 June 1884 (p. 3) notes that Mr.
E. A. Baynes is on his way from the East and his arrival is expected
19 Montreal Gazette, 13 Aug. 1903, p. 1; ibid., p. 4,
20 Ibid., pp. 1, 2, 4: for James A. Cochrane, some of the detail also
comes from H. J. Morgan, The Canadian Men and Women of the Time
(Toronto: William Briggs, 1912), p. 244.
21 Canada. Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Companies
Branch, "Cochrane Ranche Company Limited" file, enclosure "C" with
"Petition for Supplementary Letters Patent," 28 Dec. 1885.
22 Biographical information on Duncan McEachran obtained from the
following sources: Charles A. Mitchell, "A Note on the Early History of
Veterinary Science in Canada," an offprint in the PAC Library from
Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine (1938-40), pp.
7-11, 30-33; Hazel Williamson, "Dr. Duncan McEachran,
F.H.C.V.S. (Edinburgh)," monograph prepared for internal circulation in
the University Archives, McGill University, and obtained through the
courtesy of John Andreasson, university archivist.
23 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, newspaper clipping file, "Mr. &
Mrs. James Walker"; Who's Who in Canada, 1927 (Toronto:
International Press) p. 380; ibid., 1936, p. 6.
24 Montreal Gazette, 18 April 1888, p. 3. "A Good
25 H. J. Morgan, op. cit., p.781; The Canadian Directory of
Parliament. pp. 448-9.
26 H. J. Morgan, op. cit., 1912 ed., p. 212.
27 Ibid., 1898 ed., p. 171; Lovell's Province of Quebec Directory
for 1877, p. 1069.
28 Lovell's Montreal Directory for 1887-82 (Montreal: J.
Lovell & Son. 1882), p. 374
29 Ibid., 1880-81, pp. 448, 530; ibid., p. 467.
30 Frank White, "Diary," Canadian Cattlemen, Vol. 9, No. 2
(Sept. 1948), p. 68, entry for 11 March 1884.
31 The Canadian Directory of Parliament, p. 74; The
Canadian Biographical Directory, pp. 289-90.
32 The Canadian Directory of Parliament, p. 358.
33 Lovell's Montreal Directory for 1879-80 (Montreal: J.
Lovell & Son. 1880), p. 360. Subsequent editions of the directory
confirm James Gibb's residence in Montreal up until 1885-86 except for a
residence in London, England, in 1881-82; ibid., 1881-82, p. 400.
Also, for J. R. Gibb, editions for 1880-81, 1881-82, 1882-83, 1883-84,
1884-85, 1885-86; The Canadian Directory of Parliament, p. 228;
PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 170, file 145330, Pt. 1, confidential memorandum
(printed), J. S. Dennis to the minister of the Interior, 9 May 1881
(with reference papers of April 1888).
34 The Canadian Directory of Parliament, p. 607: The
Canadian Parliamentary Companion and Annual Register, 1880 (Ottawa:
Queen's Printer, 1881), pp. 241-2; Ruth McKenzie, Leeds and
Grenville, Their First Two Hundred Years (Toronto: McClelland
and Stewart, 1967), p. 184
35 Encyclopaedia of Canadian Biography (Montreal: Canadian
Press Syndicate, 1904), p. 55.
36 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 170, file 145330, Pt. 1, confidential
memorandum, J. S. Dennis to the minister of the Interior, 9 May
37 H. J. Morgan, op. cit., p. 974; Macmillan Dictionary of
Canadian Biography (Toronto: Macmillan, 1965), p. 720.
38 PAC, MG26, Aid, Vol. 382, Pt 1, p. 178832, T. B. Strange to Sir
John A. Macdonald, 9 March 1882.
39 LoveIl's Montreal Directory for 1880-81, p. 85;
various city street maps in PAC, Map Division.
1 PAC, RG12, 1, Vol. 211, PC 635, 5 May 1881. The incorporation was
handled by Abbott, Tait, Witherspoon and Abbott, firm of (Sir), John
Abbott, then counsel to the CPR, mayor of Montreal, and later prime
2 Canada. Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Companies
Branch, Cochrane Ranche Company, Limited, file, "Draft of Charter of
3 PAC, MG26, A1b, Vol. 209, pp. 88917-18, J. S. Dennis to Sir
John A. Macdonald, 9 Feb. 1881.
4 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1, M. H. Cochrane to J.
S. Dennis, 26 Nov. 1880.
5 Ibid., M. H. Cochrane to Sir John A. Macdonald, 17 Dec. 1880.
6 Canada. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Year
1880 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1881), p. viii.
7 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1, draft lease
unsigned and undated, but submitted in the spring of 1881 and
probably in Cochrane's handwriting.
8 Ibid., D. McEachran to J. S. Dennis, 10 March 1881.
9 Ibid., draft of memorandum to the Privy Council, 21 Feb. 1881.
10 Ibid., copy of a note from Sir John A. Macdonald to Joseph Pope,
12 May 1881, enclosed in a letter of J. A. Gemmill, solicitor for the
Cochrane Ranche Company, to the minister of the Interior, 31 July 1882;
PAC, RG2, 1, Vol. 211, PC 803(a), 20 May 1881, p. 3, clause 20. The
printed figure of $2.00 is struck out and $1.25 inked in by hand.
11 PAC, RG2, 1, Vol. 220, PC 1710(a), 23 Dec. 1881, sect, 16d.
12 For example, a memo to file by G. U. Ryley, ca. June 1883, states
blandly that no action was taken on Cochrane's letters of 8 May and 7
June (PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1) bringing forth
Cochrane's complaint to Pope. "Mcpherson does not even answer my
letters. I simply want what was promised me, no more or less" (PAC,
MG26, Alb, Vol. 249, pp. 112553-54). This despite the fact that
Cochrane's Ottawa representative was John A. Gemmill of Gemmill and
May, one of the leading parliamentary solicitors, i.e., lobbyists, in
the capital. As a member of the Cochrane group, his qualifications were
impeccable: born in Ramsay, Lanark County, Ontario, of a good Scots
family, he was educated in Scotland and admitted to the Ontario bar in
1870. He was a promoter of the British Columbia Southern Railway, an
active director of several other railways, president of the Rideau Club,
president of the Saint Andrew's Society (Ottawa) and a staunch
Conservative. If further evidence of his fitness is required, his wife
was Senator Ogilvie's daughter (Ottawa Citizen, 8 Nov. 1905, p.
4, and Ottawa Evening Journal, 7 Nov. 1905, p. 9), and he himself
published a history of the Ogilvie family in 1904, The Ogilvies
of Montreal.
13 PAC, RG2, 1, Vol. 554, PC 1219, 22 April 1893.
14 PAC, MG26, Ale, Vol. 525, Pt. 1, pp. 144-5.
15 Ibid., A1a, Vol. 82, pp. 32024-26, Lorne to Macdonald, 23
April 1882; PAC, RG2, 1 Vol. 227, PC 841, 24 April 1882 forbidding sheep
grazing, but to this is attached a memo from the governor general's
office saying it is "to be kept back, though signed till further orders,"
PC 841 cancelled entirely by PC 890, 11 May 1882 (ibid., Vol. 228) and
replaced by PC 892, 11 May (ibid.) prohibiting grazing without
permission in writing from the minister of the Interior.
16 T. Bland Strange, Gunner Jingo's Jubilee (London: Remington
and Co., 1893), p. 381.
17 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1, M. H. Cochrane to the
deputy minister of the Interior, 31 May 1881.
18 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, file A/W181A, Col. James Walker, "The
Coming of the N.-W.M.P. (1874) and Reminiscences," p. 24. An address
given at the Alberta Military Institute, Calgary, Alberta, 11 March
1924; ibid., newspaper clipping file, "Mr. & Mrs. James Walker,"
undated, unidentifiable clipping.
19 For example, in October 1882, Frank White tried to hire some of
the Poindexter and Orr hands, Frank White, op. cit., Vol. 8, No. 4 (March
1846), p. 241, entries for 20-23 Oct. 1882.
20 Montreal Gazette, 4 Nov. 1881, p. 6, "No sooner did we enter
the Dominion than a most marked improvement was at once observable in
the soil and the pasture, an improvement which continued to increase
till we reached our destination at the Bow River."
21 Toronto Globe, 11 Dec. 1882, p. 3.
22 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, file A.H. 372, fol. 1, F.W.G. Haultain
to his mother, 8 June 1885.
23 Phil S. Long, The Great Canadian Range (Toronto: Ryerson
Press, 1963), pp. 40-41
24 Montreal Gazette, 12 April 1881, p. 8.
25 Ibid., 26 April 1881, p. 8, quoting The Colonies and India,
of 9 April.
26 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, file D971.2/M147 Liverpool Journal
of Commerce, 29 Oct. 1881, a clipping in the scrapbook "Lord
Lorne's Expedition to the North West."
27 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 170, file 145330, Pt. 1, confidential
memorandum, Dennis to minister, 9 May 1881 (with April 1888). The others
were J. P. Wiser, MP, the Hon. T. N. Gibbs, E. H. Stimson, Esq., D. Ford
Jones, MP, Capt. Milburn, Allan P. Patrick.
28 Montreal Gazette, 18 Nov. 1881, p. 6, "A Journey over the
Plains," by Dr. McEacran.
29 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1, memo to file
containing "Extract from letter of Sec'y of the Cochrane Co., dated 13
May 1881"; ibid., M. H. Cochrane to deputy minister, 31 May 1881.
30 Montreal Gazette, 27 April 1881, p. 1.
31 Canada Gazette, Vol. 16, p. 568, 7 Oct. 1882.
32 Ibid., p. 22, 8 July 1882.
33 Ibid., p. 569, 7 Oct. 1882.
34 Canada, Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Corporations
Branch, "Dominion Cattle Co." file, G. W. Burbidge, deputy minister of
Justice, to the secretary of state, 4 Aug. 1882. Also the names
of H. G. Wiser and W. P. Herring were left off, as J. P. Wiser had
signed their names without a power of attorney. As they were not
immediately available to sign in person, they had to be omitted.
35 T. B. Strange, op. cit., p. 381.
36 C. M. MacInnes, In the Shadow of the Rockies (London:
Rivingtons, 1930), pp. 176, 178.
37 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, newspaper clipping file, "Mr. &
Mrs. James Walker." At least three of the undated and unidentified
clippings in the file mention this fact.
38 Canada. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Year
1882 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1883), Pt. 3, "Annual Report of the
North-West Mounted Police, 1882," p. 16.
39 Montreal Gazette, 29 Nov. 1881, p. 6.
40 T. B. Strange, op. cit., p. 388.
41 Montreal Gazette, 29 Nov 1881, p. 6.
1 Montreal Gazette, 18 Nov. 1881, p. 6.
2 Ibid.
3 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, file D971.2/M147, letters of Rev.
James McGregor to the Edinburgh Courant, "Lord Lorne's Expedition
to the North West," letter of 29 Sept. 1881 from Helena, Montana
published in 21 Oct. issue (on p. 27 of scrapbook); ibid., A.K39, W. D.
Kerfoot's "General Notes" (unpaginated).
4 Chicago Times, quoted in the Montreal Gazette, 9 June
1881, p. 8, "The Western Cattle Trade."
5 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1, D. McEachran to Col.
J. S. Dennis, 10 March 1881.
6 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, clipping file. "Mr. & Mrs. James
7 Ibid., A.K39, W. D. Kerfoot's "General Notes."
8 L. V. Kelly, op. cit., pp. 147-8.
9 Canada, Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Year
1881 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1882). Pt. 1, "Extract from the
Report of Lachlan Kennedy, D.L.S., on the Survey of the Township
Outlines in the Bow River District," p. 65.
10 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, file D971.2/M147, letter of Rev.
James McGregor, 29 Sept. 1881 at Helena, Montana, and published 21 Oct.
in the Edinburgh Courant (p. 27 of scrapbook).
11 Ibid., letter dated 7 Oct. 1881 at Chicago and published 27
12 Canadian Illustrated News, 25 Nov. 1882, p. 339; Frank
White, op. cit., Vol. 8, No. 4 (March 1946), p. 245, entry for 24 Oct.
1882. Strange described it (T. R. Strange, op. cit., p. 393): "where
grown cattle have to be rebranded or vented, to save time and
labour, they are driven into a long shoot, at the end of which is a sort
of swing fence hinged with raw hide to a post fastened horizontally on
the ground and gradually drawn to the opposite side by a winch. It
secures the animal during branding. The iron is inserted between the
bars of the shoot."
13 Ibid., letter of 29 Sept. published 21 Oct. 1881; Canada,
Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Year 1881
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1882), Pt. 1, "Extract from the Report of
Lachlan Kennedy, D.L.S., on the Survey of the Township Outlines
in the Bow River District," p. 65.
14 Ibid., file A.K39, W. D. Kerfoot's "General Notes."
15 Sheilagh S. Jameson, op. cit., p. 4; W. D. Kerfoot's "General
Notes," reproducing Major Walker's estimate of stock as of 1 April
16 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1, C. C. Colby to the
minister of the Interior, 14 Feb. 1882; ibid., Vol. 2, file 1687,
Baynes, per J. Abbott, to the minister of the interior, 17 Feb. 1882;
ibid., Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1, Brooks to the minister of the
Interior, 21 Feb. 1882.
17 Ibid., M.H.C. to minister, 17 Feb. 1882.
18 PAC, RG2, 1, Vol. 226, PC 722, 11 April 1882, "Schedule of
proposed Grazing Leases accompanying Report of the Minister of the
Interior, to the Hon. the Privy Council dated March 1882."
19 Mitchell
was clearly one of the Eastern Townships-Montreal "set" with the right
background and all the required directorships, but for some reason
nothing ever came of his ranching lease, although it abutted those of
Colby and Brooks, it was cancelled in August 1886.
20 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1, C. C. Colby to a Mr.
Hamilton of the Department of the Interior, 27 March 1882.
21 Ibid., memo to file, G. U. Ryley, 21 Feb. 1883.
22 T. B. Strange, op. cit., p. 383; The Canadian Directory of
Parliament (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1968), p. 248.
23 L. V. Kelly, op. cit., pp. 149-50.
24 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, file A.K39, Kerfoot's "General
25 L. V. Kelly, op. cit., p. 152.
26 PAC, MG30, C1, Vol. 5, diary of Otto J. Klotz, p. 265, entry for
21 Sept. 1882. There is some evidence that Frank White was the brother
of Fred White, comptroller of the N-WMP, but it has not been possible
to confirm this.
27 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, file A.K39, W. D. Kerfoot's "General
28 Frank White, op. cit., Vol. 8, No. 4 (March 1946), pp. 189, 241,
entries from the end of September until mid-October; ibid., p. 189,
entries for 8 Oct. and 10 Oct. 1882.
29 Ibid., p. 245, entry for 1 Nov. 1882; Canada, Department of the
Interior, Annual Report for the Year 1884 (Ottawa: Queen's
Printer, 1885), Pt. 6, "Report of the Deputy Head upon his Visit to the
North-West," p. 12.
30 L. V. Kelly, op. cit., p. 152.
31 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1, M. H. Cochrane to the
minister of the interior, 8 May 1883.
32 Ibid., 7 June 1883.
33 As previously noted, he could scarcely persuade the department to
answer him, much less sell him land. The letter of 8 May was to remind
the department that they had not answered his of the previous
34 Frank White, op. cit., Vol. 9, No. 1, (June 1946), p. 165, entry
for 6 April 1883.
35 L. V. Kelly, op. cit., p. 158.
36 Frank White, op. cit., Vol. 9, No. 3, p. 165, entry for 24 March
37 Robert McDougall, "The Cochrane Ranch, 1881-1894, A
Local History" (monograph prepared for the Social Studies Council,
Alberta Teachers Association), p. 18.
38 Ibid.
39 Sheilagh S. Jameson, op. cit., p. 6. A possibly apocryphal but
nonetheless illustrative anecdote.
40 D. E. Brown. "A History of the Cochrane Area" (M.A. diss., Univ.
of Alberta, Edmonton, 1951), p. 64.
41 L. V. Kelly, op. cit., p. 151.
42 D. E. Brown, loc. cit.
43 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, file A.B878A, "I Remember,"
recollection of John George "Kootenai" Brown, related verbatim to W.
McD. Tait, p. 131.
44 Ibid., file D971.2/M147, letters of Rev. James McGregor, 9 Sept.
1881, published 21 Oct. 1881.
45 PAC, MG26, Ale, Vol. 525, Pt. 1, pp. 144-5, Macdonald to
Macpherson, 8 June 1883.
46 Ibid., Alb, Vol. 249, pp.112545-51, Macpherson to
47 Ibid., Vol. 443, pp. 213233-36, Frewen to Macdonald, 5, Jan.
1886. Frewen's qualifications to judge Senator Cochrane's ranching
abilities are of dubious merit. One of his schemes to get rich involved
a ranch in Wyoming, but it eventually did no more than cost his backers
a great deal of money.
48 Canada. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Year
1884 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1885), Pt. 6, "Report of the Deputy
Head upon his Visit to the North-West," p. 12.
Sales and Services
1 L. V. Kelly, op. cit., p. 51.
2 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, A.K39, W. D. Kerfoot's "General
3 Ibid.
4 John Blue, op. cit., Vol. 1, p. 331.
5 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, A.K39, W. D. Kerfoot's "General
6 L. V. Kelly, op. cit., p. 216.
7 Frank White, op. cit., Vol. 9, No. 1 (June 1946), p. 62, entries for
2 and 3 Dec. 1882; p. 61, entry for 24 Nov. 1882.
8 Ibid., p. 8.
9 Glenbow-Alberta Institute, file A.K39, W. D. Kerfoot's "General
10 Frank White, op. cit., Vol. 8, No. 4 (March 1946), p. 188, entry
for 27 Sept. 1882. How many shares Walker had in the venture at this
point is not known. When the company was formed he took up 100 with a
face value of $10,000.
The British American Ranche Company
1 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol 10, file 142709, Pt. 1, M. R. Cochrane to the
minister of the interior, 22 March 1883, enclosing the assignments.
2 Ibid., 7 June 1883.
3 PAC, MG26, Alb, Vol. 249, pp. 112553-54, M. R. Cochrane to
Joseph Pope, 18 June 1883.
4 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1, M. H. Cochrane (per
Mr. Gemmill) to the minister of the interior, 20 March 1883.
5 PAC, MG26, A1b, Vol. 249, pp 112346-47, C. C. Colby to D. L.
Macpherson, 21 March 1883, enclosed in a note from Macpherson to John A.
Macdonald, 22 March 1883, pp. 112348-49.
6 Ibid., pp. 112542-44, Macpherson to Macdonald, 7 June 1883;
and pp. 112545-51, 10 June 1883; ibid., Ale, Vol. 525, Pt. 1,
letter book 22, Pt. 1, pp. 144-5, Macdonald to Macpherson, 8 June
7 Ibid., Vol. 525, Pt. 1, letter book, Macdonald to Alexander
Campbell, on ranching proposal of his brother Charles, 23 June
8 Ibid., Vol. 249, pp. 112653-54, M. H. Cochrane to Pope, 18
June 1883.
9 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142708, Pt. 1, John R. Hall, acting
secretary, to J. A. Gemmill, 11 July 1883.
10 PAC, MG26, A1b, Vol. 249, pp. 112545-51, Macpherson to Macdonald,
10 June 1883.
11 PAC, RG2, 1, Vol. 292, PC 1903, 6 Oct. 1884.
12 Ibid., PC 1904, 6 Oct. 1884.
13 Frank White, op. cit., Vol. 11, No. 2 (Sept. 1948), p. 68,
entries for 1 Feb. 11 March 1884.
14 Ibid., p. 111, entry for 6 June 1884.
15 Ibid., Vol. 10, No. 4 (March 1949), p. 235, entry for 6 July 1884.
White set out to ranch on his own and took over lease No. 46 on
the western border of the Big Hill spread. In 1881 this had been granted
to R. Talbot Macdonell and Eneas R. Macdonell of Oban, Argyleshire,
Scotland (PAC, RG2, 1, Vol. 300, PC 176, 3 Feb. 1885), but at their
own request the lease was cancelled, White also received a slice
from the western edge of the Cochrane leases.
16 Frank White, op. cit., Vol. 11, No. 2 (29 Sept. 1948), p. 68,
entry for 19 Feb. 1884.
17 Canada, Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Companies
Branch, British American Ranche Company file.
18 Frank White, op. cit., Vol. 11, No. 2 (Sept. 1948), p. 68,
entry for 19 Feb. 1884.
19 PAC, RG2, 1 Vol. 226, PC 722, 11 April 1882, "Schedule of
Application." Possibly the British American Ranche Company also made
use of lease No. 45, originally granted to Allan Patrick, a well-known
Dominion lands surveyor. This lease, 12,000 acres on the northwest
corner of the main Cochrane lease, was assigned to E. A. Baynes in
June 1883. It is also quite possible that it represents an attempt by
Baynes to start his own venture.
20 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 2, file 1687, P. B. Douglas to the deputy
minister of Justice, 26 March 1885; deputy minister of Justice to
deputy minister of the Interior, 7 April 1885.
21 Robert McDougall, op. cit., p. 20.
22 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt. 1, William Pearce to
deputy minister of the interior, 28 March 1889. The Gang ranch was
established by the Harper brothers in the southern interior of British
Columbia about 1863, it was, and still is, one of the largest ranches in
that province (Thomas R. Weir, Ranching in the Southern interior
Plateau of British Columbia [Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1964], pp.
23 Stock figures in this paragraph obtained from PAC, RG15, B2a,
Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt. 1, stock returns, May 1885, 12 Sept.
1885, Nov. 1886, 12 Nov. 1887, Aug. 1888.
24 Ibid., "Extract from the Minutes of the British American Ranche
Co. Ltd., of date Twenty fifth June 1888."
25 John Blue, op. cit., Vol. 1, p. 345.
26 Calgary Herald, 16 Apr1l 1884, p. 2.
27 The newspaper reports (Calgary Herald, 17 Sept., 1884, p.
4) say 8,000 sheep: the customs declaration, submitted
29 Aug. 1884 (PAC, RG15, B2a, file 11007, customs entry No. 12, 29
Aug. 1884, "Statement Showing the number of Horses, Cattle and Sheep,
and the Name of Importer, entered in the District of Alberta, from the
1st June 1880") says 7,000 sheepand four horses.
28 Calgary Herald, 15 Oct. 1884, p. 1.
29 Ibid., 24 Sept, 1884, p. 1.
30 Canada, Department of the Interior, Annual Report of the Year
1884 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1885), Part 6, "Report of the Deputy
Head Upon his Visit to the North-West," p. 12.
31 Calgary Herald, 2 April 1885, p. 3; 16 April 1885, p. 1.
32 L. V. Kelly, op. cit., p. 178. Neither the freak accident nor the
high rate of loss during lambing are mentioned in the Calgary
Herald; the prairie fire story is corroborated by the Herald,
but the 400 sheep it mentions as killed become 1,000 in Kelly's
33 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt. 1, "Return of Stock . . .,"
Calgary, May 1885.
34 Ibid., stock returns dated May 1885, 12 Sept. 1885, Nov. 1886,
12 Nov. 1887 and Aug. 1888.
35 Calgary Herald, 5 Oct. 1883, p. 1. The mill was to be
erected on Fish Creek by Samuel William Shaw. It was a long time coming
to fruition due to quarrels with the Calgary municipality over tax
arrangements and was still being projected in 1889. In the
following year it was finally started, but this time the British
American Ranche Company had left the scene (Canada. Department of the
Interior, Annual Report for the Year 1889 [Ottawa: Queen's
Printer, 1890], "Report of William Pearce, Superintendent of Mines, to
the Commissioner of Dominion Lands," p. 22; also the same for 1890, p.
36 Calgary Herald, 15 (or 5) July 1885, p. 4. The issues of
the newspaper in this volume have either been misbound or misprinted as
the date lines vary within the issues.
37 Robert McDougall, op. cit., p. 21.
38 D. E. Brown, op. cit., pp. 63, 64, 117.
39 L. V. Kelly, op. cit., pp. 249-50.
40 Robert McDougall, loc. cit.
41 PAC, MG26, Alb, Vol. 270, pp. 123152-55, Stephen to
Macdonald, 23 Apri1 1886.
42 B. Fitzpatrick, The British Empire in Australia, quoted in
Robert McDougall, op. cit., p. 22, n. 84.
43 Canada. Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Year
1889 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1890), Pt. 3, "Report of William
Pearce, Superintendent of Mines, to the Commissioner of Dominion
Lands," p. 22.
44 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt. 1, memo to Mr. Ryley, 6
Sept. 1888. This total, which is not differentiated, must have included
railway, Hudson's Bay Company and school lands, etc., since if the
railway took every single odd-numbered section this would only total
94,500 acres out of the 189,000 total.
45 Ibid., Browning to the minister of the Interior, 2 Sept. 1885.
Browning feared it would "lead to the breaking up of our lease, and
consequent abandonment of Ranching operations in that section of the
country." No doubt there was also in the back of the corporate mind the
ever-present possibility that the government could always be persuaded
to retreat in a crisis through the use of pressures to which the CPR
was far less susceptible.
46 Toronto Globe, 11 Dec. 1882, p. 3.
47 The senator considered him a rather fly by-night type and to
ensure that he never got his hands on any Cochrane money, settled only
an income and no cash on his daughter Eleanor, Baynes's wife
(Interview with members of the Cochrane family, 9 April 1970).
48 Toronto Globe, loc. cit.
49 Montreal Gazette, 7 May 1884, p. 5.
50 Canada, Department of the Interior, Annual Report for the Year
1884 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1885). Pt. 6, "Report of the Deputy
Head upon his Visit to the North-West," p. 12.
51 PAC, MG26, Ale, Vol. 525. Pt. 2, letter book 22, Pt. 2, p. 392,
Macdonald to George R. Elliott of the Calgary Nor' Wester, 8 May
52 Frank White, op. cit., Vol. 9, No. 4 (March 1947), p. 244,
entries for 17, 19 and 20 May 1883.
53 Sheilagh S. Jameson, op. cit., p. 8.
54 C. M. MacInnes, op. cit., p. 243.
55 PAC, MG26, Ald, Vol. 414, p. 200495, Samuel Livingstone to Sir
John A. Macdonald, telegram, 6 April 1885.
56 David H. Breen, "Plain Talk from Plain Western Men," Alberta
Historical Review, Vol. 18, No. 3 (Summer 1970), p. 10.
57 PAC, MG26, Alb, Vol. 193, pp. 80356-58, George F. Clarke to
A. M. Burgess, B May 1885.
58 There was no order in council for this change in the lease, in
1888, when an effort was being made to trace the authority for this
change, Mr. Ryley, the chief clerk in the Timber and Grazing Branch,
reported. "The authority of Council was never asked . . . and there is
no written authority on file from the Minister authorizing such an
insertion, but I think he gave me instructions orally, in the presence
of the Deputy to see that such a clause was inserted in the lease"
(PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 170, file 145330, Pt. 1, memo, Ryley to Home, 17
May 1888).
59 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt, 1, William Pearce to the
Dominion lands commissioner, Winnipeg, 19 Dec. 1888, forwarded to the
Department of the Interior under cover of a letter from the Dominion
lands commissioner dated 27 Dec. 1888. Pearce stated that he did not
believe this assertion.
60 Ibid., Pearce to A. M. Burgess, deputy minister of the
Interior, 29 May 1886.
61 Ibid., 27 Oct. 1886. The senator, at a private meeting between
himself and White, agreed to give up all of Township 24 except sections
32 and 34 on which he planned to erect sheep sheds and use as
headquarters for part of the flock of sheep. He also agreed to surrender
the east half, Township 25, and the east half, Township 26, Range 5, so
that it might be leased by Frank White.
62 Calgary Tribune, 4 March 1887, clipping in PAC, RG15, B2a,
Vol. 5, file 137261.
63 Ibid.
64 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt. 1, Burgess to M. H.
Cochrane, 31 March 1887.
65 Ibid., Hon. Thomas White to J. M. Browning, 28 May
66 Ibid., J. M. Browning to Hon. Thomas White, 26 May 1887, quoting
letter of Ernest B. Cochrane to British American Ranche Company
directors, 14 May 1887.
67 Ibid., A. M. Burgess to Hon. Thomas White, 20 Aug. 1887.
68 Ibid.
69 Ibid., William Pearce to Dominion lands commissioner 19 Dec.
70 His letters and reports both in the Public Archives and the
University of Alberta library, are a joy to read, being full of
information well written and containing acute observations and
judgements of men, motives and events, yet always careful to present
both sides of a question. Surprisingly enough, his forthright opinions
do not seem to have offended officials of the Department of the Interior
who normally gave short shrift to any suggestions from the outside civil
service. Though, probably unfortunately, his advice was not always
followed, it was invariably sought and great reliance was placed on his
ability as a negotiator and conciliator.
71 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt. 1, Pearce to Dominion
lands commissioner, 19 Dec. 1888; ibid., petition dated 12 Jan. 1889
from the residents of Calgary district to the Hon. Edgar Dewdney,
forwarded by D. W. Davis, MP. Davis's role in this is somewhat
equivocal. At almost the same time as he was championing settlers
against the ranch leases, he was writing in concert with Cochrane to
Macdonald, complaining of the injury that would be done the ranching
industry of Alberta if the government awarded beef contracts to the Fort
Benton firm of T. C. Power and Bros. (PAC, MG26, Ald, Vol. 460, p.
229132, D. W. Davis and M. H. Cochrane to Macdonald, 9 June
1888). Davis was a Vermont Yankee who did not arrive in the Northwest,
or Canada, until 1870 (as a trader with I. G. Baker and Company),
but his rapid rise to prominence shows he possessed all the native
shrewdness attributed to that breed.
72 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt. 1, Pearce to Burgess, 22
Aug. 1887 and to Dominion lands commissioner, 19 Dec. 1888.
73 Ibid., Pt. 2, memorandum, Burgess to Dewdney, 10 April 1889.
74 Ibid., Pt. 1, Robertson, Fleet and Falconer, advocates, to the
minister of the Interior, 23 Aug. 1888.
75 PAC, RG2, 1, Vol. 411, PC 34, 14 Jan. 1889.
76 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt. 2, Burgess to Dewdney,
confidential memo dated 26 Jan. 1889.
77 Ibid., Burgess to M. H. Cochrane, 13 June 1889.
78 Alberta. Department of Natural Resources, Supervisor of
Homesteads and Leases, Edmonton.
79 Calgary Herald, 29 Aug. 1888, p. 8.
80 D. E. Brown, op. cit., p. 69.
81 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol 23, file 192192, Stock Return under cover of a
letter from Pearce to the secretary, Department of the Interior, 15
Jan. 1890.
82 Alberta, Land Titles Office, Calgary, Register K, No. 189.
83 John Blue, op. cit., Vol. 1, p. 345.
84 Ibid., p. 346, L. V. Kelly (op. cit., p. 227) also notes the
decline of sheep ranching dating from 1889 due to winter losses and the
continued low price of wool.
1 Montreal Gazette, 12 April 1888, p. 7, "Canadian Army
Horses," quoting "Alert" in the Live Stock Journal.
2 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt. 2, Pearce to Hon. E.
Dewdney, 28 March 1889.
3 Ibid., Charles Elliott, English manager, Bow River horse ranch,
to Hon. E. Dewdney, 14 Sept. 1889.
4 Ibid., Lynwode Pereira, secretary, Department of the Interior, to
Charles Elliott, 16, June 1890.
5 Ibid., note on letter, Gilbert Goddard to Hon. T. M. Daly, 2 March
6 Ibid., Department of the Interior to Goddard, 18 May 1893 and 23
May 1893.
7 D. E. Brown, op. cit., p. 35.
8 Canada, Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Companies
Branch, Cochrane Ranche Company Ltd. file; ibid., enclosure "C" with
"Petition for Supplementary Letters Patent," 28 Dec. 1885. At this
stage the other shareholders were J. M. Browning, 100 shares and
250 shares in trust; James Cochrane, 100 shares: Louis Huet Massue, 100
shares; Hon. G. A. Drummond, 100 shares; Dr. McEachran, 100 shares;
James Gibb, 100 shares; E. T. Brooks, 15 shares.
9 John Blue, op. cit., Vol. 1, p. 323; William Turrentine Jackson,
op. cit., p. 122.
10 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 23, file 192192, Stock Returns.
11 Canadian Cattlemen, Vol. 8, No. 2, (Sept. 1945), pp.
88-89; Glenbow-Alberta Institute, clipping file, "Cochrane Ranche
Co. (Ltd.)," article from Family Herald and Weekly Star, ca.
12 Canada, Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs,
Companies Branch, Cochrane Ranche Co. Ltd., file, "Draft of
Supplementary Letters Patent," 8 Dec. 1949.
13 Sheilagh S. Jameson, op. cit., p. 6.
1 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709 Pt. 1, M. H. Cochrane to
Macpherson, 7 June 1883.
Illustration Sources
10 PAC, RG2, 1, Vol. 226, with PC 722 of 11 April 1882.
11 PAC, RG5, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1.
13 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 10, file 142709, Pt. 1, between letters of
17 Feb. and 15 May 1882.
16 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt. 1, with memo of 5 April
25 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt. 2.
28 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt, 1, April 1887.
29 PAC, RG15, B2a, Vol. 5, file 137261, Pt. 1, with draft memo of 5
Jan. 1889.