Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 11
The Battle of Châteauguay
by Victor J. H. Suthren
Primary Sources
Primary material held in the Public Archives of Canada formed the
principal part of the sources for Canadian preliminary moves prior to
the battle, and with the exception of certain missing muster lists for
the period including the year 1813, break down as follows:
MG24, A9, Sir George Prevost; Memorial Book 1811-15; Military
Letterbook 1811-14.
MG24, L8, M-2 to M-9, Jacques Viger, "Ma Saberdache."
RG4, B29, Vols. 1-4, Militia Records 1774 to 1865.
RG8, A1, Vols. 700-13, Canadian Troops and Militia; Vols.
791-823, Volunteers; Vols. 1204-70, Letterbooks, English and
Canadian Correspondence 1798-1830.
RG8, 1, D2, Vols. 1167-1/2-1194R, 1194U-1195K, 1197-1201,
1203-1203-1/2S, 1458, Order Books 1764-1894.
RG8, 1, D3, Vol. 1202, List of Veterans of the War of 1812.
RG8, 1, D10, Vols. 1705-1712, Freer Papers 1766-1868.
RG8, 1, D13, Vol. 1717, Militia List 1812-15.
RG8, A3, Vols. 1-12, Ordres Generaux 1805-1846.
RG8, A7, Vols. 1-21, Lists of Pay, Engagement, Militia for 1812-15.
As well as published collections of documents which contain not only
the official reports of General Hampton and Colonel Purdy, but the
correspondence between Hampton, Armstrong and Wilkinson before and after
the battle, certain primary documents of key interest in
the study of Châteauguay exist in the United States National
Archives. These include; Walter Lowrie and Matthew St. Clair Clarke,
eds., American State Papers:
Military Affairs (Washington; n.p., 1832-61), Vol. 1:
Record Group 94; Returns for the War of 1812. The latter contains the
Morning Report for 25 October 1813 for Purdy's brigade, Purdy's brigade
for 4 November 1813, and Hampton's Force for 16 September 1813.
The National Archives of Quebec contains a broad selection of
secondary material, but holds in the map division an original
pen-sketched plan of the battle drawn by M. Hertel de Rouville, who was
present et Châteauguay.
The McGill University Lawrence Lands collection of Canadians provided
peripheral material, including a broad series of the Bouchette
maps which present in detail the terrain, forest cover and demographic
status of Lower Canada in 1813, a collection supported by
additional cartographic material held by the Chateau de Ramezay,
Montreal. Of specific interest in university holdings is the original
O'Sullivan — de Salaberry correspondence present in the Baby
Collection of the Universite de Montreal.
Official releases on the battle and later discussions of its
significance appeared in newspapers and periodicals both of the period
and later, of which the following are of greatest bearing on this study;
The Quebec Mercury, 1813: The Montreal Gazette, 1813;
The Canadian Gleaner, 1890-1900; and Nile's Weekly Register
(Baltimore, Maryland), 1813.
Of additional help in cartographic terms were the town files offices
and registries of Ormstown, Howick, and Sainte-Martine, Quebec,
wherein can be found land ownership registration, the cadestral
divisions, and land use listings. Key here is the plot plan held by the
Registry of Sainte-Martine of the "Map of the Seigneury of Beauharnois,
1875," by a J. Sullivan. The original, destroyed in a fire, was
copied in August of 1928.
Secondary Sources
Armstrong, John
Notices of the War of 1812, Wiley and Putnam, New York,
1840, 2 vols.
Auclair, Elie Joseph
Histoire de Châteauguay, 1735-1935. Librairie Beauchemin,
Montreal, 1935.
Baby, Louis Francois Georges
Châteauguay: Qui Ext "Témoin Oculaire," et sa description de la
bataille est-elle correcte? A.-R. Pelletier, Montreal, 1900.
Boissonnault, Charles Marie
Histoire Politico-Militaire des Canadiens Français,
1963-1967, Editions du Bien Public, Trois-Rivières,
Bouchette, Joseph
A Geographical Description of the Province of Lower Canada,
with Remarks upon Upper Canada, and on the Relative Connexion of
Both Provinces with the United States of America, W. Faden, London,
1815, The British Dominions in North America: or, A Topographical
and Statistical Description of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada,
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the islands of Newfoundland, Prince Edward,
and Cape Breton, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman,
London, 1832, 2 vols.
Brannan, John. comp.
Official Letters of the Military and Naval Officers of
the United States, During the War with Great Britain in the
Years 1812, 13, 14, and 15, With Some Additional
Letters and Documents Elucidating the History of that
Period, Way and Gideon, Washington, 1823,
Brant, Irving
James Madison: Commander-in-Chief, 1812-1836,
The Bobbs-Merrill Company, New York, 1961, Vol. 6.
Carmichael-Smyth, Sir James
Precis of the Wars in Canada, from 1755 to the Treaty of
Ghent in 1814, With Military and Political Reflections, C. Roworth,
London, 1826.
Chevalier, H.
L'Héroine de Châteauguay: Episode de la Guerre
de 1813, John Lovell, Montreal, 1858.
Christie, Robert
A Compendious History of the Late War: Containing an Account of
all the important Battles, and Many of the Smaller Actions Between the
American and the British Forces, and Indians in the Years 1811-1815,
J. W. Burditt, Boston, 1815.
Memoirs of the Administration of the Colonial Government of
Lower-Canada, by Sir James Henry Craig, and Sir George Prevost, From
the Year 1807 Until the Year 1815, Comprehending the Military and
Naval Operations in the Canadas, During the Late War with the
United States of America, n.p., Quebec, 1818.
Coffin, William F.
1812: The War, and its Moral: A Canadian
Chronicle, John Lovell, Montreal, 1864.
Coles, Harry L.
The War of 1812, Ed., Daniel J. Boorstin, University of
Chicago Press, Chicago, 1965.
Cruikshank, Ernest A.
"From Isle as Noix to Châteauguay, A study of
Military Operations on the Frontier of Lower Canada in 1812 and
1813," Royal Society of Canada, Proceedings and Transactions, 3rd
ser., Vol. 8, Sect. 1 (June 1914), pp. 25-102, Ottawa.
David, Laurent Olivier
Le Colonel C. M. De Salaberry," in Portraites Biographies,
George Desbarats, Montreal, 1872.
Davis, Paris M.
An Authentic History of the Late War Between the United States and
Great Britain . . . To which will be Added, the War with Algiers
and the Treaty of Peace, the Treaties of Peace with the various Tribes
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Establishment, E. F. Baker, New York, 1836.
de Salaberry, Therese
Regards Sur Le Famille D'Irumberry De Salaberry, n.p., Paris,
Desloges, Yvon
Le Combat de le Châteauguay: 26 Octobre 1813," Manuscript on file,
National Historic Sites Service, Ottawa.
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Fortescue, Sir John William
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The Historical Register of the United States, Ed., T. H.
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Hitsman, J. Mackay
The Incredible War of 1812: A Military History, University of
Toronto Press, Toronto, 1965.
Ingersoll, Charles Jared
Historical Sketch of the Second War Between the
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