Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 7
Archaeological Explorations at Signal Hill, Newfoundland, 1965-1966
by Edward B. Jelks
Archaeological investigations were carried out during 1965 and 1966
at three areas in Signal Hill National Historic Park, St. John's,
Newfoundland, to determine what remained of the military installations
that formerly occupied the hill. These areas included the Queen's
Battery, Lady's Lookout and the area where a new Interpretation Centre
was to be constructed. Significant finds were made primarily in the
first two areas.
Structural remains found were typical of buildings of the first half
of the 19th century, although these structures had had to be
accommodated to the topography of the hill. Artifacts included clay
pipes, buttons, bottle and ceramic fragments, and military insignia and
The structural and artifact data are presented descriptively as a
sample of British colonial materials dating from 1800 to 1860.