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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 26

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Lake Bennett, British Columbia

by Margaret Carter

References Cited

As the background material found in this paper was compiled in the course of research on futher Yukon topics over a five-year period, the sources reflected are too numerous to mention; consequently only material directly referred to in the endnotes has been listed here.

Adney, Edwin Tappan

The Klondike Stampede of 1897-1898 Facs. reprint. Ye Galleon Press, Fairfield, Wash., 1968.

Bennett Sun (Bennett, B.C.)

31 May and 5 August 1899
(copies in possession of Mr. James Sinclair, Winnipeg).

Black, Martha Louise

My Seventy Years, by Mrs. George Black as Told to Elizabeth Bailey Price. Nelson, London, 1938.

Canada. Department of Indian and Northern Affairs. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch.

Dawson City Y.T. Conservation Study 4 vols. Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1974.

Canada. Parliament.

Annual Report of the Commissioner of the North-West Mounted Police, 1898. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1899.

Annual Report of the Commissioner of the North-West Mounted Police, 1900. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1901.

Canada. Parliament. Senate.

Report of Special Committee of the Senate upon Opening Up Direct Communication between the Railway System of Canada and the Navigable Waters of the Yukon. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1898.

Florin, Lambert

"Bennett City: Miners Church: 'Christianity's Onward March'." In Historic Western Churches, Superior Publishing Company, Seattle, 1969, pp. 185-86.

Gartrell, George Edward

"The Work ot the Churches in the Yukon during the Era of the Klondike Gold Rush." M.A. thesis, Univ. of Western Ontario, 1970.

Gloslie, Hazel Hartshorn

Hartshorn Papers, photographs and written material associated with life in Bennett and Pass area, 1897-1900.

Gosnell, R. Edward, comp.

Compiled from the Year Book of British Columbia and Manual of Provincial Information to Which Is Added a Chapter Containing Much Special Information Respecting the Canadian Yukon and Northern Territory Generally. R.E. Gosnell, Victoria, 1897.

Horback, Helen

"Old Church at Lake Bennett." Unpublished manuscript written as an appeal to the Government of British Columbia, 1962.

Humphreys, Barbara A. and Meredith Sykes

The Buildings of Canada: A Guide to Pre-20th-Century Styles in Houses, Churches and Other Structures Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1976.

Kirk, Robert C.

Twelve Months in Klondike Heinemann, London, 1899.

Loth, Calder

The Only Proper Style: Gothic Architecture in America Graphics, N.Y., 1975.

McBride, W.D.

"A Brief History of the White Pass and Yukon Route and the Trails of '98." Transcript, Indian and Northern Affairs Library, Whitehorse, 1945.

Minnesota Historical Society

A.B797. George Augustus Brackett Papers, Vols. 3, 7, 14.

Mizony, Paul T.

"Gold Rush: A Boy's Impression of the Stampede into the Klondike during the Days of 1898." Unpublished manuscript, Indian and Northern Affairs Library, n.d.

Morgan, Murray

One Man's Gold Rush: A Klondike Album Univ. of Wash. Press, Seattle, 1967.

Nolan, Paul J.

"Captain Jack Crawford: Gold Searcher turned Playmate." Alaska Review, Vol. 1, No.2 (1964), pp. 40-47. Anchorage.

Polk, R.L. and Company

Alaska-Yukon Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1903 R.L. Polk and Co., Seattle, 1903.

Presbyterian Record (Montreal)


Rickard, Thomas Arthur

Through the Yukon and Alaska, Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, 1909.

Sinclair, James M.

John A. Sinclair Papers, 1898-1901.

"St. Andrew's church, Lake Bennett." Alaska Journal, Vol. 4, No. 4 (Autumn 1974), pp. 242-50. Juneau.

The Westminster: A Paper for the Home (Toronto)


United Church of Canada Archives, Victoria College, Toronto

Robert McCahon Dickey, Yukon diary, 1897-99.

Rev. J. Robertson Papers, reel 43, February 1892-March 1902.

Washington State Historical Society, Olympia, Washington

E.A. Becker Papers.

White Pass and Yukon Company

White Pass and Yukon Route. A Handbook of Vacation Trips in Alaska and the Yukon on the White Pass and Yukon Route White Pass and Yukon Co., Vancouver, 1941.

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